Scarborough approached him and} the man, with the real politeness of; the Islanders, jumped to the ground? and took his hat ofl‘. ‘ “Bonas dias, senhorse,†he said. Scarborough returned his greeting,[ and asked whether he had heard any-‘ thing of a dead man having beeni found there this morning. ! “Sim, senhor,†was the answer. “It was I who found him." ‘ Then he went on to describe the; episode with voluble earnestness and‘ The man had slung his sack across the donkey's back, and seated himself on the top of it. His seat was a hot and wet one but he seemed to ï¬nd it comfortable. He relit his cigarette and urged his beast towards the nar- row entrance between the walls of pli‘mice. “Then he may have seen something of what; happened yesterday," sug- gested Varney. “Ask him. You speak Portuguese." “No, thanks. I'll take your word for it. That’s the cheapest kind of wholesale cooking I ever heard of.†' “Food needs to be cheap in a coun-’ try where Sixpence is a good day’s; wage,†said Scarborough. “Fortun-i ately,‘it is cheap. The lupin grows’ like a weed; steeping- in the sea pick-I les the beans; and the Caldeira cooks! them.‘ Our friend there probably' comes here every day. It’s his trade."} deira I" said Varney. “Is it hot en- ough for that." ‘ “A~few degrees below boiling point.l Put your hand in and see." I “Does this often happen 1’" “Yes, pretty often; but Ihaven‘t heard of any earthquake lately.†They were not the only visitors to the crater. A man was standing by the edge of the water, a blouse-clad Azorean peasant, with a wide hat on his head and a cigarette of maize-husk between his lips. A donkey quietly browzing on the herbage at the edge of the whitened circle was evidently his property. Presently the man bent down and lifted a dripping, steaming sack from the water. “What’s he doing ?†Varney asked. “Ckokiing,†said Scarborough. “That sack is full of red lupin beans. They are ‘a popular food here; you’ll see sacks of them in every provision shop in Ponta Deig‘ada." l “And they cook them in the Cal-l After about ï¬fty yards this gully . ended in the shallow cup of the crater. A ring‘ of jagged teeth of basalt made a complete circle, a quarter of a mile in diameter, broken only at the place where the two young men had entered“ Below this black rampart the slopes} were clothed with agreen mantle of‘ health and whortleberries; lower downl there was a thick carpet of stag-horn" moss; and lower still, burrenness, bare; earth _nnd tones, with a scurfy incrus-' tation of white upon them. The Calâ€" deira itself was hardly more than ten yards across it now, but the white‘ desolation round it marked the limitsi to which its waters sometimes rose.| The waters themselves were white,i like milk, and they were in constant curling, bubbling movement, like milk gently boiling. A cloud of steamrose from them in a dense column, evpand- 'ing into a canopy, and twisted in; ever thinning wreaths out over the' toothed edge of the crater. “It reminds me of the picture of the. genie in the Arabian Nights, rising in a cloud from the braden jar,†said Varney. “What's the smell ‘3†“Sulphur-etted hydrogen,†and Scar-: borough. "There generally is a little though the amount varies. The va~g pors are mostly carbon dioxide, I be- ‘ lieve; but after an earthquake any--' where in the island, the sulphur fumes j are in sufficient quantity to be dan- ‘ gerous.†53% THE CABLEMAN ‘HAPTER VIII.--(C AN EXCITING PRESENT-DAY ROMANCE BY green mantle of ties; Iuwer down pet of stag-horn barrenness, bare u scurfy incrus- ‘ont'd) ATH ERBY CHESNEV “Stay, though ! There- is another possibility,†said Varney. “Mrs. Car- rington’s name is Rachel. Perhaps it is not a C that has gone, but an R and an L. This stone may have carried a dying man’s last message to his wife. What next, I-lhrace?" I The man put his hand into his Ipocket. ‘ “Five,†he said insinuatingly. “Very well, ï¬ve.†The bean-seller produced the stow and gave it to Scarborough. It was 'as he said, a small flat stone, about ,three inches square. It was covered with the white incrustation caused by the Calderia water, and there were , marks on it where something had been {written in pencil. But half a day’s rubbing in the pocket of a peasant’s blouse had obilterated most of them, :and those that were still legible owed their preservation to the fact that they ‘ were in the hollows of the stone’s rsurface. ’ l “What is it?†said Varney. “It was a message, but this fool has ‘rubbed most of it out. Can you make sense of it ?" Varney examined the stone closely. i“ache . . blue . . . N. drip†was all that remained of the writing. “It isn’t much," he said. “But it may be the clue we want." “To the murderer?†“No, to the diamonds, ‘ache’ looks uncommonly like the end of the word cache, and the rest tells where the. cache is." “01‘ did tell, before this idiot's blouse rubbed it out.†He hesitated a moment, and thenlhe said cunning-1y: “I am a poor man, Senhor. A poor man cannot afford to keep his eyes so wide open as richer men may. I say that I saw nothing.†Scarborough put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a milreis note. I “Think again,†he said quietly. l I A gleam canie into the man‘s eye. “Were your eyes quite shut?†“No, Senhor, not quite," said the Azorean. “What did you see '2†, “I saw that the ï¬ngers of the dead iman’s right hand were tightly closed. iThei-e was something in the hand. I 1 opened the ï¬ngers gently. It was [only a flat stone with some scratches {on it.†“I will buy it from you,†said Scar- borough. “Two milreis.†“Have you got the stone?†“Sim, Senhor. It is a thing of no value. I keep it to remind me ofthe tragic affair in which I assisted this morning. A poor bean-seller’s life is uneventful, Senhor." i l “I was alone at ï¬rst, but I went tr. {the Casa Davis. which is near here {and summoned the Senhor Davis. We ‘ carried the dead man to Senhoi' Davis cart, which waited at the end of UK gorge, and Senhor Davis drove him h. the hoqse which is called As Chinelas I did ï¬ot go with him. I had done en- ough; for, Senhores, the Corregdim had not said that the body was to be moved.†«If “We’ll g6 and see Davis.†“I don’t suspect you.†said Scarbor- ough, rather impatiently. “I only want to know \what you saw. You say you saw nothing?†death “He is claiming to cause he dared to t( said Scarborough; and ded: “Was that all?†“What is he in English. alone 2est and nothing could be done till he came And this is not an isolated case But this Azorean peasant explained and took pride in explaining, that hc had risen superior to this fear. “I helped to carry him,†he said proudly. d Scarborough; and to the man ad- \: “Was that all?" What does the Senhor mean?" Did you see anything which sugâ€" ‘ted how the dead man met his +1.9" - 'ou helped CHAPTER IX ymg The) be a hero be- uch a corpse,†m'ne Beaugaud, one of Napoleon's gen- erals, once declared, “The English in- fantry is the best in the world; it is fortunate there is no more of it." Genâ€" eral Foy wrote after Waterloo that “nothing could shake the immovable British squares. One would have been tempted to believe that they had struck roots into the earth if the batâ€" talions had not swept majestically for- ward a few minutes after the going down of the sun and given to Welling- ton the most decisive victory of the age." The same general once also sighed : “Ah, the English soldier possesses the most precious of all qualities in warâ€" calmness in the midst of excitement." Napoleon once said that the. British troops “stood like stone walls," and he added: “England is the most constant, the m35t powerfful, the most generous of my enemies.†In the Peninsular War Marshal Soult once wrote to Napoleon: “Curse these English! They never knew when they are heat- en. For I pierced their center, I turned both flanks, I had them at my mercyâ€"and still they did not run!" The English Soldier Is Highly Praised by Them. There can be no fear that the French will underestimate the value of the British troops’ support in the present campaign, for their most fam- ous gnerals in the past have testiï¬ed to the ï¬ghting abilities of Tommy At- kins. )t He went on to explain that last night, when Muriel came in to say that she had met; Mr. Page, and that he seemed to have recovered from his gout, the news surprised. him; for he had called at the Chinelas a few hours before, and had been told that the gout was very bad. He went out“ therefore, to see the phenomenon for himself, and if possible to persuade Mr. Page to come back to supper. He did not succeed in giving this invitaâ€" tion, because, though he caught sight of Mr. Page in the distance, he could not get near to him. He shouted, and was heard, for he got a wave of the hand in reply; but that was all. (To be Continued). .3 FRENCH PRAISE FOR BRITAIN. English Soldier Is The Highlv. and print or pack. 1n printing, make lthe prints full weight, perfectly shap- led and wrap neatly with a good qual- ity of parchment, bearing your name and address, or farm name. Keep in a cool place until wanted for market- ing, then place in a clean box or bas- ‘ket, having a clean white cloth around and over the butter, and paper over ‘that and under the box lid. Never let cream or butter stand when there is an odor of any kind. When you go to market be sure your butter is good and say so. Have it looking neat and clean, yourself (or salesman) ditto, and you’ll have no trouble in making good sales. No, I didn’t forget the coloring. The above describes my way of mak- ing butter and I never use butter colâ€" oringâ€"Mrs. Alex. Agilary in Farm 'and Dairy. “You are quite right,†he said, an- swering Scarborough‘s glance. “Mur- iel, our levity is rebuked, and I think we deserve it. I say that there is a woman in this case, because I saw her.†“Have you any reason for thinking that there is a woman in this case?" said Scarborough. He knew the enn-Ii dency of all discussion at the Casa‘r Davis, and experience told him that, if: he was to get any useful information,’ both father and daughter would havei to be kept to the point. i “Yes,†said Mr. Davis. “Father means that he has the same reason that he usually has,†opined Muriel. “You know how prejudiced he is." i Scarborough made a slight move- ment of impatience, and Mr. Davis notggl it. He became grave at once. “And Muriel will agree with you, and think you are a very sensible fellow," said Mr. Davis, laughing. “But I meant there is a woman in every piece of mischief that is done, and always will beâ€"this side of the Golden River! And I won't say that the same state of things mayn’t ob- tain on the other side, too!†he added chuckling. Varney did not know that this ex» ercise was part of the dain routine at the pine-apple quinta, and was enjoyâ€" ed by both father and daughter; con- sequently he was inclined to be angry at that wink. For Muriel Davis was very pretty. “If you mean,†he said, “that there is a woman at the bottom of most of the good deeds that are done inthe world, I am ready to agree with you.†prom lanother side to the questi orite novels did not teacl one had ever made her se perfectly frank, no one 1121 ously tried. except her fat efforts were chiefly aimed her out. He opposed her of seeing- her eyes lose tl look in a flash of temm color rise with imlignatior he had enticed her into 5: thing sufficiently cutting folly and brutality of men the good deeds that are n wa troubled from the time she was fourteen ha been almost; convntual in its _simpl city; she had had no opportunity c verifying by the observation of 2H tualities the ODinions which she ho] me nest casgs an engagement ring andv‘of hope. - ’ " 1'i ght oneâ€"â€"in the seclusion apple quinta, was at mm, and made up by r views on the wrong 91‘ total lack of mm of her subject. He the time she was f‘ me oplmons ‘ gly; therefore with doubts. side to the qus vels did not be ever made her HS Ll not know that this ex- art of the daily routine at 1e quinta, and was enjoyâ€" 'ather and daughter; con- was inclined to be angry For Muriel Davis was antly cutting about the tality of men, he usually ds that are done in the He was almost absurdly fanatical little daughter. lose theil temper, :nation; a into sayir t, as yet, a very usion of a lonely 1p by th practical know» Her daily life 1:: fourteen had which she held she was never If there was stion, her fav- ach it, and no see it. To be had ever seri- ‘ather, and his ed at drawing 4L \ ' M. c-., saymg‘ 1 aggresslve for the a! of her 1nd 111 1d wh( [my 2. Seed pieces of this same size from small tubers or culls. 3. Small seed pieces from tubers of a given size. 4. Medium seed pieces from tubers of a given size. 5. Large seed pieces from tubers of a given size. These series of plots were carried out with two varieties of potatoes Early Ohio and Carman No. 3. Cutting Potato Seed. In a bulletin issued by the South :Dakota Agricultural College, it was shown the the yield of potatoes from pieces of large seed potatoes was 28 per cent. higher than from pieces of small seed potatoes. A more recent bulletin is now to hand from South Dakota, giving a series of experi- ments designed to determine the re- lative influence of the mere size of tuber and the strain of tuber in the increased yield obtained by planting pieces of larger tubers. Five series? were arranged as follows :â€" 1. Seed-pieces of a given size selected tubers. Remove the butter, (which should still be ingrains) to a vessel in which it can be weighed, I use a shallow candy pail, weigh, turn out on the but- ter worker, and apply salt, from one pound to one and oneâ€"half ounces to a pound of butter. You will have to re- gulate the amount to suit the taste ‘of your customers. Much of mine is ;sold unsalted. Work very gently, be- ing careful not to spoil the texture of the butter by unnecessary pressure. Let stand half an hour, work again, and print or pack. In printing, make ‘the prints full weight, perfectly Shep-1 ed and wrap neatly with a good qualâ€"i ity of parchment, bearing your name‘ and address, or farm name. Keep in: a cool place until wanted for marketâ€"l ing, then place in a clean box or bas- ket, having a clean white cloth around and over the butter, and paper over that and under the box lid. Never let cream or butter stand when there is} an odor of any kind. g ‘ Scald the churn and rinse with cold water before putting in the cream. The temperature should not be above 58 degrees in summer and 62 in winter and the butter should “come†in from 20 minutes to half an hour. Stop churning when, the butter is in gran- ules about the size of small wheat, draw off the butter-milk, and rinse with cold water until no trace of milk remains. Care in this matter has much to do with the keeping qualities of the butter. To Make First-Class Butter. Begin by having the milking done {in a cleanly way and in a clean stable. Keep the separator in con- dition by washing and scalding thor- oughly after each using. Cool the cream immediately to 50 degrees or lower, in a tub of ice and water and keep cool and sweet until the churn- ing is gathered. Keep the cream covered securly, but not airâ€"tight. Let the temperature rise to 60 degrees or therabouts, and add a good starter. There is nothing better for this pur- pose than well flavoured butter milk. Stir frequently until the cream is thick, sour and has a glossy appear- ance, when it is ready for the churn. Dailx=Eve§yWLeaf is Pure sad in Miliions of Tea Pots And all diseases at the horse affecting his throa: npeed- 11y cured; colts and horses in same stable kept tro' havin thorn by using Bpohn'u Distemper Compounz 8 to doses pflen cure; one bottle guaranteed to cure one case. Safe for brood mares, baby colts, smliion', all a es and conditions. Most skilrui scientiï¬c com; onn . Sold by the bottle up damn. ‘Any druggint o, elivered by manufacturers INFLUENZfl SE SPOIN MEDICAL 00.. Gouhen, Ind†13.6.4. from drier. Nailing a lie won’t always down. “Yes,†said the second In he can stay under longer." 7 “Yes,†said the third, “and “I tell you," said the ï¬rs astically, “Dr. Blank can dive deeper into the truth preacher I ever heard.†A Clerical Submarine. Church service was over, and t} prominent members of the eungre tion walked home together, discust the sermon. Bushels per Acre Per cent. Small seed pieces ..174."73 100 Medium seed pieces.271.71 155.5 Large seed pieces .298‘59 170.9 In order to determine the effect of strain of tuber on quality of crop, the crops of potatoes obtained in series 1 and 2 were weighed individually and from small seed 64.8 per cent. weigh- ed 2 ounces or more, whilst the perâ€" centage from large seed was 67.5 thus showing a slight superiority in the quality of the crop from selected tubers. With regard to the ï¬rst two series out of a total of nine pairs of rows, six gave difl’erences in favor of the selected tubers, though the seed pieces were equal in size ’in all cases. This superiority for the two varieties averaged 5.53 bushels per acre. In the series 3, 4 and 5111c site of the seed pieces was the only variable factor, each piece being reduced to one eye, only. In every instance there was a pronounced difference in favor of the large seed pieces and the inâ€" crease in production varied with the increase in size of the seed pic’ces. The average results of the two varie- ties (8 plots) were :1â€" A3 a digestive tonic and stomachip remedy, Mother Seigel’s Syrup is esteemed in tens of thousands of homes, wherever the Englishlangunge is spokem If you suffer much or little from disorders of the atomach, liver or bowels, try the effect of taking 15 to 30 drops of this famous remedy in water. after meals. for aka days and note its beneï¬cial eï¬ects. The ml‘oomc cont-1m {Ina 11m A: much as the trial nix sou atSOcver botUc. lndigesiionâ€"the complete or partial failure of the digestive processesâ€"fre- quently throws ml of gear the whole machinery of the body. You can’tenjoy the vigour and Vitality of good health unless your stomach, liver and bowels do their work regularly and efï¬ciently. ARE SHGNS 0F INDEGESTEGN. PAENS AFTER EAEEEG WIND IN THE STOMACH ~ACIDITY, HEADACHESâ€"CONSTIPATION ASSISTS ‘ DIGESTION SYRUP MQTHER Pink Eye, Smï¬iymg rover, Epizootlc Cat mhal rover fl’S , enthu eertair than 'a 4015