Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Apr 1916, p. 8

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WALNUT GROVE STOCK mm; L a n g s t a f f ’} VILLAGE ’AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS ON HAND! REAL ESTATE ~ _ L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH RICHMOND HILL . SANDERSON. V. in Canada WALL PAPERS PRESENWE‘ING HOLSUHN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES vs are bréd to file present stock btfll Lyons Segis King. arfies wiH bexnetat Ilangstafi by appomtmenh Interested p Made ‘. R. James ’ire. EST'D 1813 RIQ'HMOND HILL HARl “WARE CO. â€"AGENCY- Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Life, Accident, Plate Giass and Automobile Insurance MANAGER \Ve carry in stock a' full line of Royal Purple and Dr. Hees’ Stock and Poultry Specifics, Disinfectants, etc. Royal Purple Calf Meal, 35 lb. bag for $1.10. Oyster Shell and Grit at $1.00 per 100 lbs. All the above sold‘ oat Fal‘l‘nrv D7;AA~ '. G. Savage & Son STANARD BANK OF' CANADA :HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO EVERY good Bank has a RESERVE FUND as a pro- vision for lean years and the inevitable rainy day. This Fund has been accumulated from Surplus Earnings and in a source of strength and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one is in a sale financial condition. Our Savingn Department offers an ideal opportunity for umbliohing YOUR RESERVE FUND. 209 HAVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no \vahlc. Wall, ceiling and borders all to matei. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . factory Prices. Phone Thornhill RESIDENCE. RICH HON D [11]. L Langstaff P Glazier. Grainer and Paper Hanger. HOUSE PAINTER . HEWISON THE Phone I8 Manager \Vlwrms it uill require the slim of $359.92 to be raised annually as nfure- said by :x special rate on the whole run-able pmpel-ly in the said Village for lllu p-Iying (If [he said debt and inten-st, \Vhereas the amount hf tho wbnlt- Nimble prmoity of the Villngv Hf lhchuwnd Hill, vlL'Ul l‘dil)" :0 {hi- lust, 5 y . . ... r , ‘ h 1 ,rovised AsseSsmom Roll of the Said V illzlge is $422,681.00. and \throns the General Debonlure debt (if the said Village is $45,649.510f which no part of the principal or interest, is in arr-ear, and whereas in order to provide for the said debt it is expedient, to issue debentures (if the said Village to the amount of Four thousand and three hundred dollars, bearing interest at, the ruin of 5.5 per cent per :mnum, and that such principal sum shall be Pepnyuble in yearly sums extending over :1. period uf Lw9nty years from the date 0f issur (if such debentures uf such amounts [but the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any your in respect of the principal shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is [Livable for principal and intvrest Liming: each of the uthrr years of such puriud, :md One thousand and Fiu- hlllldl‘t‘d (Ianl's In meet the coir, (If ('L'Ilnm alterations and repairs tu Said px-npel-ty. and \Vherms Fum‘ Hmnsand :md three hundred dollars is the ammmt'of numey required fur the purchase and alterations; aforesaid. and \Vhorens Four thnusnnrl and three hundred dnllzu-s is the amount, of the debt, intended :0 be created by this hy-lnw. and \th-vns it will require the sum of T\\'() thousand and Right hundred dollars fut the purchase uf the snid property, and “'hnx-eus the Richmond Hill Rate- payrr's Asmrinniuu has n-qucsted the Muniripul Cnuncil of the Village of Richumnd Hill [0 purchase tho "Crosby pi-(vpm-t‘y“ fur Municipal purposes. and lo pi-nvide funds for the said purchase and also for the cast, of necessary ultN-ulions and le-p-iirs to the said property. and \Vhelens it is expedient. and in the best interests (if the said Villugv [hut [he said request he granted. uml Co authorize the purchase or a certain property. in the Wlage 0! Richmond fill! and to provide funds tor the purchase or the said property and also tor the cost oi certain alter= ations and repairs thereto. Bp=£aw R0. THE DEPA RTMEN W'hcreas it \yill vanillp [In “THE AGRICULTQJRAITPW‘ARfiBOOK FOR We must feed ourselves, feed our soldie 1916 than it was in 1915. The need is more urgent, (he c T0 CANADIAN FARMERS, WHAT l8 NEEDED? THE CALL OF EE’EHRE EM; \VHEAT, OATS, HAY, BEEF, PORK, BACON, CHEESE, EGGS. BUTTER, POULTRY CANADA from her abundance can help sup and this must be a comforting thought fo heavy burden of directing the Empire’s affairs no gain the course before the farmers of Canad last yearâ€"they must produce abundantly in orc that may be made. and I believe this to be esp: live stock, the world’s supply of'which must be this vast struggle. Stress and strain may yet before this tragic conflict is over, but not one and Canadians will do their duty in the high: word.”â€"H()i\'. 1/4/e’P/nr RP]?an r m. . . 1d1ans will do their duty in the HON. fiLilfTIJ‘.’ BI’RRELL, .II‘ uxucn or alrectmg the Empire’s affairs has the course before the farmers of Canada is -â€"they must produce abundantly in order t I be made. and I believe this to be esnm‘itd The Publicatiohé 31:11; THE GOVERNMENT F AGRICULTURE sum nf 1 19m. and sh of I MODERN war is made by resqurces, by money, b that he can, to work doubly hard while our soldiers are i in order that the resources of the country may not only be‘ increased, for the great struggle that lies before us. ' W is a good motto‘ for Warvtimc,”â€"SIR 7‘1"] 1 r A u m" our soldiers, and help feed the Allies. ’15. The difiiculties are greater, the em, the call‘ to patriotism is louderqr thrifty and produce to the limit. 1’02 9th. That on TUESDAY '1 DAY OF' MAY 1916(119 Clerk said Village shall attend at h] at £3“: lwuz‘ of ten o'clock foreman, lo sum up the of VOLPS given fur and ngal byâ€"lruv. ._ .w yum“ abundantly in orciér to meet the ave this to be e_specially true in -r 1 ‘4 , VVV‘, v . .m L; ln-nn\\l \“3 this hy-luw. and alarm of appointing one person to attend :it the pulling place on [nah-I” of the persons interest- ed in and desirous of promoting the passing of this hv-lzlw, and one person h) “((20an at; the polling place on be" half of the [7(31'SOUS interested in and (lesirmu nt’ rppnsing the pus:ng of this lny-luw. 8th. That on SATURDAY GTH‘ DAY OF MAY 1916', at, the hour 0f ten o’clock in the fm'enuon. the Reeve of Richmond Hill shall attend at the uf’fice 0f the. Village Clt‘lk fat“ the purpme nf nppninting in writing, signed by himself. two persons to attend at, the firm] summing up by the Village Clmk of the, votes; pulled an this hy-lnw. and alsn nf appointing (me person tn :lLU-‘nd at the pulling .e l. l' “ ' I, ll' i l l periud of [we-my ywus Ihvro shall hp mist-(l uml le'Vicd annually by a special late. in addition to all “(her rates. upnn llw \vlwle i-nlvahle pl'npe‘rty nf thi- sniul Villngv the yearly sum uf $339.83 fur the paying of the said dehL 71h. That the votes of the Electors of this Municipality who are entitled to vote or. this bylaw shall be taken on MONDAY THE 8TH DAY OF MAY 1916, Commenving zit Him: O‘clcr'k. in {he [not-Hing and timing at five o‘clock in the afternoon, in the Council Chamber in the said Village of Richmond Hill. soldiers, 19m. and shall ho sighed hy the, :md Trousurm- hf the said Um pnrutinn. and he sealed with the Corporate sent. (3th. This hy-Iuw shall come into animation and ho of full force and effect on “'EImEsnAY TUE SEVENTH 1).er OF JUNE NEXT. $339.82 fur l and interest dHHJJ'S pay;va Treasurer nf the 4th. That, w Hill ho. and he- is In hnruww Llw sum hf] three hundred dull-A the said ()m-pmzuio Hill hnrx at n (71‘8L hundH-(l d! 3H]. Th pmuliun n Hill ho. um hf lhl' Ilumlwl with H 5th. The said Dphenturos shun hmu' no, us of {he FIRST.DAY or AUGUST Council Hill vnu ituatu 2nd THE-SE, IN PARTICULAR \Im AiRYMEN, FRUIT GROWERS, GARDENERS < FOR 1916”,- De'p'artment of Ami -r Thirty Hn- lmil | by Hus ll) That (In. xl on the in the Sn 1h [sf be particularly affected in y yet be in store for us all st one of us doubts the issue, highest sense of that great [z'm'stcr of Agriculture. That uc‘ccssnly we mude to flu “'95 ipnl puri) thewfme _lh€ f [hr- Village 5 as fHHU\Vb.-â€" within llw Rt’ Ie ViH-r TUESDAY THE 9TH CflNNED FRUITS SUGAR, HONEY,~ BEANS, PEAS, DF HH .nnml 1m and c-ig pl npt‘rl y '1 o‘clcwk in H16 up the number and against this 19 Clerk of the and at his office. I the nfmvmid us more shall hp I’I the: i] f1! c.”â€"SIR TIIOlmizIIs‘ Wiiifi. Agricultun F CA NA DA THE DEPARTMENT “fig AGMN IN 5916 shv prupm I y" Sidv nl‘ Ynngv ugh. \lt :e demands x regard to Lhdn Vi“ 18L Allies. The 11h pl Municipal Richmnml lh FITS, FRUIT JAMS, EY,- WOOL, FLAX FIBRE. , DRIED VEGETABLES hlnnnd es. The need is greatef in ‘he task is heavier, the 'â€"â€"therefore be in the press Ottawa. HS rpm-Ly lfll't'n 3y money, by sttfifis, as Vhile war is out! first busi- Iin Canada to produce all soldiers are in the trenches, Lefigdeis booming. The programs are he prl and interesting. CumpetL Hnn :o Lani. _.m-. w, 1 tion is brisk afterwards Mr. Léslie moved mto fnym h‘d’use. School in a spelling nmtc'h last I :Mtvrncon. The Mission Bzmd will give a. tertninment in the near future. Mr. \V. \Vilsun gave :1 symp Inst week at Markham on “The uf}lle_Asttles. financial gain. Nanithstunding great \Vlllinm believes in the C England‘s famous Admiral expects every man to do hi Public Hull. lust, F1 iduy evening. Twenty-{om :xLLendHl and the time passed pleasantly in gn mes of different kincls. All "rcsan enjnyrd themselves, Al'm- gang tn the trouble to wrin- such :L "spicy and clever composition" the uuthm' might have uppendf‘d the necPssulysigmxture As It. is tlw ur- (icle hu§ wasted its sweetness (P) (m the desert air of tho waste-paper basket. And see girls what you miss- ed .' what pen pox-traits are lost I not; to Snv anything about the probable fly“... I fl - The you Puhlic I; TWCHLy-ft passed ple kinds. All 1‘: l’Lt‘l‘ QC pny‘ all Munit'ipul taxes in respect, of the pruperty lunged (other glmn taxes assessed for lnml improvements). The names of LvaseholdeI-s failing (u make the wquirod declm;ntiun shall not he placed an (h? Voter's List. for voting on (his By-luw. anicu is limele given to LenmL liuldm-s within the Village-Hf Richnmml Hill llmt, they :uixquliirfll to file in the (xiii p of the Village Clerk, at, least; U-n (lays hefm-o the day of pulling. it statutory declar.~itiun as fullmvs.~â€" Thnt, the Lvusv extends for the pen-ind of time within which lhe‘ money is to lie xnisvd fur the payment 0f the (lvllt created by this Irv-law. 'l‘lmt. the [mupert-y leased is of sufficient; value In entitle the holder to \'ni.!- at the Municipal Eli-clinn and that he has cownnntod in the lease tn ' Munix-ipnl Richxmmd finally pm [ho (“MIL THURSDAY 1916,;md ML lixwd (ht-lei tho Elvclms lhl “(‘th month 'be'conserve'd', but} LVKkand Save? [Nike ‘0 CMSQDOMQI‘S ll) 31mg pupple held DAY TH}. km; of the usse-nl uhl'lim-d_ U101 from th- first ) [he Riclnndm lu be had from Victoria Square n Bzmd will give an onâ€" m the near future. 'ilsun gave :1 symposium .. .. ._. , _v man to do his duty?" 2 pupils defeated Mplville [yelling match last Friday Clerk's notice Grove of Minister FINANCE lnuphst I illtni M r. .‘uum Hi”. H lht chm \\ I|i( Hm! Hm open-y leased is of tn entitle the holder to nnicipnl Ell'clinn and nnntvd in the lease to nmu‘I Hill “II-ilmnl.‘ |i('h pnhlit-ntinn was 13TH 1).\\' «)1: APR” ln-m’l dny' nnd plum 1 hiking the volts 0] pulls will he lwld. lh mm L J. HUME. Ringwoad 1);; W. Boynton‘ u-ln, "nflvr (.m ll!“ ziliun [hero ; difficulties command (If allâ€":‘Engrlrnnd (ht- “hi nit] 1 social in thc I \\' Ili ll)». “I‘M! w h it ViHn h n LERK “ill be “HQ”. in Elector h:

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