We directed on)“ elephants'into‘thc patch of high grass in which the pan- ther was said to be. Presently, as we swisth through it, my animal paused and began to sniff with her trunk. Peering down into the grass, I saw a small patch of spotted fur. It looked like' the forefoot of a pan: ther. I took quick aim and ï¬red im- mediately behind it in order to hit the animal in the body. The small patch still twitched about, and then I saw that it was a wee panther cub just able to crawl. So I slid off my elephant and picked it up. The cub flourished and became a favorite with everyone, especially with my fox terrier. The two spent most of their time gamboling and roll- ing over together. After a time the kitten began to grow into a lumbering hobbledehoy, with great loose limbs and strong jaws. Then the games began to result in howls from the dog. The cub’s mouthing became pain- ful 'to him, as indeed it did to me; my hands were scarred and torn with the youngster’s endearments. He became increasingly playful. He would career round the garden and into the house, jump on the table in my sitting~room, and sweep every- thing off with a crash; then with a bound he would clear the sofa and dash out of the window into the veranda and on the breakfast table, where a smash of crockery would send him off in a pretended panic round the garden again. I could never feel angry with him; he made me laugh so. Panther Cnb' Which ‘Grew Up to be Altogether Too Funny. It was in» the course of a hunting trip ‘in the jungle that Sir Robert Baden-Powell achIiréd the unusual pet :whose story he tells in “Memories of India," his fascinating volume of reminiscences. One day, when out walking, I met some ladies whom I knew. I stood talking to them with the panther at heel. Presently the breeze caught the lace edging of a lady’s petticoat. Spots pricked his ears, and his head gradually went more and more side- “Snack†for luncheon or after-the-theatre, o r a n y old time when the appetite craves “something differ- ent†is TRISCUIT, the Shredded Whole Wheat toast. Heat it in the oven to restore its crispness, then serve with butter, soft cheese onmarmalades As a toast for chaï¬ng dish cookery it is 'a rare delight. It isqu of real nutriment. A_ Crï¬sp, Delicious but in building brain and body, often the daily diet lacks certain essential mineral elements. Well Built These necessary fact- ors are abundantly sup- plied by the ï¬eld grains. but. are lacking in many foodsâ€"especially white flour, from which they are thrown out in the milling process to. make the flour white. Grape-Nuts made of whole wheat and malted barley. supplies all the rich nutriment of the grains‘ including their vital mineral salts, those all-necessary build~ Made in Canada. ls Built To Win» I'C J 1‘ A LIVELY PET. M )uild right Jutsr bodi brains £38011 and at “My wife got the same good re- sults from them. It was after trying several doctors and a specialist from Sault Ste. Marie, who advised her to stay in bed a month, that she decided ltO try Dodd's Kidney Pills. She took |a dozen boxes in all with splendid reâ€" sults. We both praise Dodd's Kidney Pills. No one can speak too highly of bhem.†Dodd’a Kidney Pills have a record of over a quarter of a century in Can- ada, during which time they have earned undying praise in all parts of lthe Dominion. Ask your neighbors ! about them. He and His Wife, After Years of Doc- toring, Found Quick Relief and Per- . manent Cure in .Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Caporal Junction, Ont., April 2401:â€" (Special.)â€"B0rdering on the miracuâ€" lous is the cure of Mr. A. Sawyer, of this place. For ten years he was an invalid. Five doctors failed: to help him. When he was a complete wreck, and unable to walk across his room, he decided to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Six boxes of them made him like a new man. “Yes, I suffered for ten years," Mr. Sawyer said in speaking of his cure. “The doctors of whom I tried, ï¬ve al- together, couldn’t give me any per- manent relief. Some said I had rheu- matism, others called it Iumbago, but I got steadily worse. “I must say I was a complete wreck when I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. They made a new man of me. head. ' The bird turned Quickly, screaming “Hello! What do you want?" Pat shied off like a frighten- ed horse, lifting his hat and bowing politely as he stutteer out: “Ex-ex- cuse me, a-sir, I thought you was a burrd!†Cure Flummixe‘d. Pat; had buta limited knowie the bird kingdom. One day,"“ down the street, he noLic_ed a bird'ina c'age, talking and si Think’ng to pet it he strok A. SAWYER TELLS 0F WONDERâ€" FUL WORK OF DODD'S‘KLD- J; NEY PILLS. Stringent Rules Applying to Boys Un- der 17 Promulgated. The authorities in all parts of Ger- many have determined to take active and very drastic steps against) the various influences which are alleged to be at work in the deterioration of the young. Criminologists and statistici- ans by the score brought forward de- tails of dissoluteness which are almost incredible, and pointed out the rapidly increasing number of youthful delin- quents, and the increasing gravity of their offences. All of these authori- ties called on the Government to take steps to save the youth of the Father- land and to act the part of the na- tural parent, who was prevented by his military duties from bringing up his children as law-abiding citizens. Action is now being taken, the mili- tary authorities and the municipality competing with one another in the number and severity of the ordin- ances which are being issued. As a sample of these we may take the or- dinances issued by the commander of the ï¬rst Bavarian Army Corps. It is forbidden to give or to sell to youths under 17 cigars. cigarettes or tobacco for smoking, chewing or snuï¬â€˜ing. Youths under 17 are for- bidden to smoke on the streets or other public places. It is not permitted to youths under 17 to enter eatingr or drinking houses him,_but none permanent gift, him to Jamrach DISSOLUTE GERMAN YOUTHS. 181‘ on colla ept en [0 smoxe OH Lnt‘ Sll't‘ELS or: A r public places. is not permit‘ted to youths under, 7 . 0 enter eating or drinking houses: ' ‘ ' ‘ w x n" “P‘L‘Lg l l l ‘Kâ€"~ .v .. .1 l r 9 p.m.. even though accompanied ‘- You Wm ï¬nd die? in zam‘Bukl ,. f '4 BRANCHLQ m I . i , l Iu'n ICI's By their parents or guardians. At, 7 . . ; r times they will not be permitted '1 It 93595 the. buEmElg» St'ngmg lOUt the presence of parents or fl pain, stops [weeding and brings . vdians. pastors or teachers. Should ' 1:? ease. Perseverance, With Zam- e necessary, the local police may- ' Buk’meanscure. Why not prove 1 in earlier hour than 9 p.m. f “1' 41; D - _. . ‘ . I moan“ and Stores. ery stringent» rules apply to \‘isitsl ; 5? 5001)“ inemas. Children under 17, whe~l~1 acvompanied by guardians 01' ' le, will‘not be permitted to enter, apt to such pictures as have been 9 p.11 air time 1t t} tly 11‘ {0 pet it he str The bird turned Sanders an Miracuimns im th fascination on youths under nking houses accompanied Jardians. At be permitted parents or chers. Should IOU! 10 thong} eople trie him as tuaIIy so] charmi hc Ledge of Walking 3 green singing. would him by likc much the “8' specially sanctioned by the police as innocuous. Should children under 17 visit the sanctioned pictures, they must do so in batches, and be accomâ€" panied by responsible elders. A most important reform is the total abolition of the pictorial representations hung outside the cinema. It is the experi~ ence of the police that the majority of thse pictures exercise a potent in~ fluence for evil. . Booksellers are forbidden to sell books to youthful persons which may exercise a bad influence on them by vitiating the sound principles which they have acquired at school and in their homes. A list of 50 books, many of them with patriotic titles, is sup- plied to dealers, which on no account must be sold or lent to young people. OI tnem W112“ Pat/1‘10th titles, 15 sup- . ' ‘ , ‘ 1 te plied to dealers, which on no account no Other med‘cme They reg“ a . V ‘the stomach and bowels; drive out must be sold 01 lent to young people. constipation; expel worms and make W *h b teething easy. They are sold by medlâ€" “ '01†Your mOt er 6 mad Whon‘ cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a silie sees hov: ybu tore yï¬ufucfthesl '1†box from The Williams Medicine “ gueSS n97 so very. a ave ots Co" Brockville, m. of fun huntin’ up cloth to match and __ .x._, puttin’ in a patch so people can hard-’ um“. MAI-h“... Arr!“ 0110+01‘f‘ nine «:1. Minard‘s Linlment Lumberman'u Friend A few days after a farmer had sold a pig to aneighbor, he? chanced to paSS his place and saw his little' boy sitting on the,edge of the pen, watch- ing its new occupant. “How d’ye do, Johnny “How’s your pig to-day?†_“0, pretty well, thank you,†re- phed the boy. “How’s 31] your folks?†Minard’s Liniment Cor, Limited: Ilwas ver sick with Quinsy and thought I would strangle. I used MINARD’S LINIMENT, and it cured me at once. I am never_without it now. The \Vise F00]. “No man can serve two masters,†observed the Sage. "That’s right,†agrqed the Fool. “The law won’t let a man have more than one wife at a time.’ Sonâ€"1f it’s a secret dad, you shouldn't have told it. Fortunately. I’m too much of a gentleman to take advantage of information gained in that way. Fine Scruples. Fatherâ€"I want to tell you this, my son; the secret of success is hard work. Keep Minard'a Linlment in the house Nauwigewauk, Oct. let Fly Poison Kilis More Chflé Than All Other Poisc Combined F or Sal'ety’s Sake, Use‘ 15 there "within your 110 chi/1 com Yet fly poison still is lett un- guarded except‘in the homes where mothers have learned that the safe. Star, won-pm'xmwus, efï¬cient fly catcher and de- ifï¬Ã©Ã©mw f? Medical Society comments thus in a recent issue: “ “S'ympï¬oms‘ of arsenical potsaninz are very simllm‘ to those of-cholom infantum: undoubtedly a number of cases of cholera infantum wem~ rcnn cases of a'rSenlcal poisoning, but dealt . if occurring. was attribute'd'to cholera infantum‘. r "Wen-peat. arsenical fly destroying de- vice's are dangerous and should be qbol~ ï¬shed. Henlth ofï¬cials shoulg become: aroused to prevent, further loss of lifq from their source.‘ Our Mich! an Legis- lature, this last session. name a. law reg- ulating the sale of poisonous fly papers." The O. & W. Thum Co. Sonâ€"If The? nu 'f 11 Yours gratefully, Grand Rapids, Mich. re within mrnai of the Michigan State Society comments thus in a eetened poisoned \vic : 1915. 26 cases qt 1 were reported from I 1914, 46 cases from Fly poison kill: ,mt Mann/l other pain it’s a secret dad Associations MRS. C. D. PRINCE is left un- he homes ‘arned that pm'xouous, and de- ’o'xsons dren said he (73) all the voic Whore Lunatics Are Looked Upon as 'J‘his m'aldnes hir that, he when in legged to in ing 01 ten b0 hls cries as long as he IS 01 the notion to stay in their midst. ‘ At his death a huge monument has already been promised, on Which will be carv d the word “Ali,†so it will tell to generations to come the story of’the man who spent the best years of (his life and all of his waking hours shrieking the name of the deity he worshipped. .The best medicine for the baby is the One that never fails to cure and which, at the same time, the mother ï¬fay give with perfect "assurance that it is absolutely safe. Such a medi- cine is Baby’s Own Tablets. They are the only medicine absolutely guaran- teed entirely free from injurious drugs and what is more they never fail to free the baby from those minor ills of babyhood and childhood. Once a mother has used them she would use When making egg custard pies, al- ways heat. the milk to the' boiling point before mixing it with the eggs. If this rule is followed the undercrust will always be crisp. THE BEST MEDICINE ' FOR THE BABY High Finance. “Another new hat? You should really save your money with the price of everything gofng up.†“But why? The longer I save it, the less I can buy with it.“ ' Minard’s Llnhnont used by Physicians. win bag‘ whe he ua $1.0 unati Sam â€"J V u just E 6 Comfort. A! Your Drugg'ist's 50¢ per onlc. Murine Eye salveinTubcs 25c. Forflookoi lthyefrceask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co..Chicago 3“ Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun. Bus! and Wind quickly relieved by Murlne yg g Eye Remedy. N o S matting, just Eye Comfort. A! “'hy suffer with Rheumatism “ï¬verseas†Liniment Ali! Ali! Ali mentally me of t} OVERSEAS 810 Bathlust with him 3y Highest G anteed. Sen appea ryone venerates him. The rich- en in {the city have presented vith_ rare gifts. One of» them iim a horse and saddle, and with :ie gailops through the streets he is"not walking. He is privi- to Break up any kind of a méet- ' assambly, andrall stop and lis- his cries as long as he is of the : to stay in their midst. ‘ REVERED AS SAINTS M r 3f the shriel n W iv 02‘ 3% :al’l‘yâ€"dera 3911‘ .in the rticula 0111 Wonder I‘né lmpuinl Oil Limited ylng meal ck or pain of any kind " Lintment will cure you Grade Liniment made nd at once. Famin size Eranulaled Eyelids. CHEMICAL 00.. st" Toronto. Can. ngec tomporziry'form of 31' he has kept it up )r so. He started it ra young man, and r, is to venerate the 1‘101‘ inter crazy man, accord- the craziest man he 3 of, does nothing race up and down at the top of his name n0\VS 'mc me ‘ompsny th 'he LITIES was where , and kept world, but at superior tab. This that exists .4 of Persia. wh Orient 8T8 rful re- Uln- _ P'UPIL NURSES NEEDED MAY IST. 8‘ a. t Exceptional advantage-,5" -â€" Modern Nurses' Home; fully equipped Class Rooms; eight'hour schedule; allowance of $5.00 per month with uniforms and text books afterï¬bree months proba- tionary period; two years of high school required ,,for entrance. For full particulars address Miss Frederika K. Gaiser. Superintendent of Nurses, City Hospital. Cleveland, Ohio. waS‘pew-fectly 81‘ OVQT A Brave Man “Was you-r husband c burglar broke in the < asked Mrs. Jay. ' opernt shells. {erred mogslpmï¬ts )ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full Information on applicatjon to Wi1_so_q P’gblishing Com- ï¬Ã©ï¬y. '73 “'6th Aug;er CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. Internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. VVrita us before too late. , Dr. Bellman Medical 00., Limited. Cgllingwood. Ont. “' til? Euite 3. 6004; ï¬xation ‘NJNew York-ELY. experienced ( write. BVBe If you are losing tim e and money through sickness. write at once to F. Harvey R00! Co. for a .est 0 remedies for Neurasthenia. Asthma. Congestion o_ kidneys. Piles. Epilepsy or Falling Sickness. Nerwu Deblllty. Catarrh, Eczema. Rheumatism, Old Sore or Ulcers. and Indigestion. Tney hav: been perJ {acted by years of medical practice. It not sal'lsï¬ed wlth results after 30 days. they cost you nollxlnn. Send no money but return this ad lor postnld test- Staje (117?;an particulats; E, Haney Rocï¬ CoJ POE EVERY SPORE eorge, Ont America's Pioneer Dug Remedies SOLD BY ALL WORN KY mg: 5% 43:5. W SPECVIALLY MADE FARM FOOTWEAR and :1 dealer Here Is a comfortable suitable for men, trackr fame need lng. k Sickness gems ' Eneï¬ï¬mmy ACHINISTS NEWSJ’AE'ERS FOR SALE. JOEIS for Mini»; burn ï¬g 5 exp Phone AGENTS WANTED. HELP WANTED. said Mrs. Bee n-nsCCLLANEEUsi ing Bell Ont MACHINERY‘ PALMER itter erler FOR SALE hand DOG DISEASES Mailed (tee to any Address by the Author H. CLAY CLOVER, V. S. 118 West SlstSh'eet, New York H her 'd's a'n And How to Feed Moose head Brand" hélls‘ Phone, wire, or Son Company‘ Ltd. St. 1’8 ling special me Supply 1g]; sue}: ME: with 13. easy footwaar : make thempf ed Skowhegan wa that has made TIER .. tut...†ing she; specially rs woodsmen, mill- I‘H m YOU $325 ITTEI BOOK 0N )1 them 00.. Limited" Hr LIVERED or m: mum ISSUE 001 when the ‘ther night?" BOILERS Illeys, Grates req uirement: , Napame. “Why, he shivered all ication nptmy. ges no other H COB- xan. 01-- Write for u m pton. HANDLE HINISTS M )Deratora Kingsâ€" xchine. Ont. TOOL- and. to Remit XDI‘ESS 18â€"’16‘ at ronto‘ these also size for the ill