Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 May 1916, p. 1

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VOL. XXXVIII. ,: ), “ due @lhvml IS PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING S. SH EPH Ii RD PAINTER I’APIiRIIANGEIt (limlxmi. ETC. I AT ThE » .> . LIBERAL PRINI‘IN} 80 PUBLiszimz- Hovss “OX 23 - MAPLE. ONT. RIOHMONDHILL.ONT. PHONE 1831 It 13 i I . M 1‘. F. McMAHON. EDITOR & PUBLISHER Dr. C. La Verne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal College of 1)Plll.’tlSll!'gl'Ull\‘.Till'lllllll. will be at Richmond Hill every 'l‘uesday and Fridav. CRAHVNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build- ing. Office, hours 9.30:1.m. to 5 p.m. BUSI NESS CARDS. J. Ii. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge St. Colbornc Sts. ; '10 the Freeholdcrs oi the TORONTO & Naugbton Block, Aurora, Thursdays Barrism' 5 an" 5°”“"‘"'§' Telephonp , Residence Money to Loan on andsnuchattel mortgagesa Main 3176 Mall) «11.4 Auroraofficeâ€"Regzli':lrfdiine old post othc: _ one door anst of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmurket ofiiceeThroe doors south of he postorllce T HERBERTLENNOX Aurora » JOHN T. A DERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD Ave... \VES’I‘ TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE] A’l mail orders will receive prompt B attention. I “â€" .nR. W. R. PENTLAND l RICHMOND HILL ' RESIDENCE rum; house north of Atkinson & Switzer 5 store. Phone No. 2102. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE COMMISSIONER. CONVEYKN'ER. ETC. RIanle, ()nt. Real Estate and Insurance 9...... No. as. _ ' THORNHLLL' Ii EL ILASTLETI J. H. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER Ontario nnd North Toronto. Speciu attention given to sales of every description . Farm and ChurchSt, Richmond Hill (Rear Richmond Hill Hardware) G Y MORGAN R l WILLIAM COOK ARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Olfice, Richn 33 Richmond Street, \V Richmond Hill ffice (‘ Liberal‘ Officcl, every Tillll‘St ay forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbridze, Saturday forcnoon. Money to Loan at’ Current Rates M H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyancer. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Richmond. Hill x EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC loud Buildings, est. (arm stock sales n‘specialty. Farms bought and sold on couimisswn. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the ls‘est up-to-dste methods. Address: 415 Balliol St , North Town Phone in House. Belmont 1347 â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_.â€"_____ Saigoon J K McEwon Maple Weston Salgeon a: I'lcEwen. ulcensad Auctioneers for the County of York Salosstteuded to on shortest notice and st rea- sonabm rates Patronage solicited M F. C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARAXTEEB. LASKAY P. O. ONTARIO H++++++fi+$++flfifi~t+fi H4!- Pati-iotic stationei y at THE LIBERAL store 'I'+++++ ++++++'P+++ ++++++++++ ageâ€"â€" DO IT ELECTRICALLY , I.H.SANDERSON Electrician. Richmond Hill Hm"? D- Angl’l‘ MANY HAVE ENLISTED A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister,.Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO [DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST; Tel. )1. 3631' gain 5. @auidson PIANO TUNING Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert \Vork- Denton, Grover 8. Field Barristers, Solictoi‘s. &c] NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Frank Denton. K. C. John Irwin Grover Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appli- ances that; save time and work for the House Wife. ANY Vacsxcnss Mcs'r BE FILLED Right now the demand on I ELLIOTT l Yonge and (‘harles Sis, Toronto. is fully five times our supply. This. hardly seems possible. but it is llllt‘. Business men K.\'t)\\' cur graduates are first-class. therefore they have the habit of applying to us when in need of reliable ot‘fice help. College open all year. Enter now. Catalogue free. WRIGHT BROS. Under-takers d: Embnlmcrs. RlCHMONDHlLL. THORNHILI. ' AND {UNIDNVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing 731 Yonge St. 7 Kept at the above places Yonge it Charles Sis- l l l l \V. J. Elliott Principal Village 0i Richmond Hill; l.\< k (il.\"l‘l.l€.\ll-fi.\‘, 7 Your; attention is kindly drawn to ll‘,(' l'ollouiupr facts and algumenls whythe By-law \\'llll'll is now before you ‘ slunld receive your favourable con- sidi-lation. Filis’l‘. 'l'bis \ illigc is quite ablv to have a home of its own, this one is within our means. of gm d value, and Slifiicicnt room to renlialixcand conâ€" solidali- our municipal institutions. vi/.: (‘ouni'il chamber. (‘lerk‘s oliicc. Public Library. l‘llectiical switches and liliit‘t'llil'k. slow-room. Arninmy. File Hall and Pumping Station. SECOND. Its location gives equal facilities to every ratcpayer who may have business with the (‘oum il or its officials. THIRD. As to cost. lln- ycai ly cost, will be: I)t'l)!‘lllllll'< $350.82. Lapseof present tach $52.98. Insurance $25.00. Total $437.80. To offset this “'0 “’ill have cessation of pl-rsent ii-nls. Fire Hall and (louncil ('lianilwi' $100.00. SLtll't‘lldllu $00.00. Library $1I1.(lll,taxcs (in present rentals $18 50. rent. of dwelling housi- $00 00. Total $305.50. ll‘:l\‘lllg an cxlia amount over lhc Pl'esttit. cost (155132.21. That means :-l rate of about 35 cents on an assessment of 1000 dollals. FOURTH. \\'e have no guarantee that, the rents will remain at. the present figures, but if this by-law is defeated. advantage is sure to be taken to raise them. FiI-"i‘ll. It is an ideal location for our Fire Hall. it gives an equal haul furour present, equipment, and mole particularly so if water is ever brought fiom the north via Yonge St. by gravitation. For water works it would be the place of all otheis for Letter from Reeve Pugs Re E‘llllvl' of 'l‘lic Lil-oral : lb'at‘ Sit-,ee .\Iy attention has bwn drawn [on t'llt'llldl' lrtrw giving: the- reamns why the I‘Vltâ€"‘t‘lllllllt‘lN of Rich- tnond llill should voti- for lhc bylaw to be submillrd on Monday next. May 8th, for their :lllllthlIl of [111' purchase of the property mentioned llll‘lf‘lll. \Vould you kindly allow na- spacc in your paper to give- tlic lati-â€"pa_\'cr~; of Richmond Hill a few 01' my reasons whvl think tlivy should oppose the by-law upon which we are to ville. (l) I do not think it Is an opportune time to go l'uilber into debt, for any- thing that is not absolute-1y necessary while We are fari- to face with the biltcrcst and most boirihle Will that has ever llH'll fought. in which (‘lll' liberty and freedom is at stake. It be- hooves us to be ready to make any sacrifices We may be called upi-n til make. (2) Much money has to be expended lll improving our road< and sidewalks. \\’lll<'ll in many and will lliiVI' [ll be attended to. lay Fy-Law (3) In my opinion it is :illilgeilicrun- necessary at the present time to buy any old buildng and endeavor to :lllt‘l it to besuitable for the many others llll'lllll‘lll'll in the cilrnlar, part of \Vlllt'll “19 already lnlusrd in our own buildings. \Vc reni our fire liall. built with tank at the lt'ill' for testing pur- poses and lower for diving lit-w. as Band Room. etc.. for $100,110 per year, which can be continued at the same rentalforthree. live or ten years at the pleasure of the. Council. \Ve :ilSH pay $25.00 '1. year for Public Libiai-y acconlmodation. $00.00 pt'l' year for our Pumping Station, the pt'eSSlll'O on oni mains and hydrants would be equal all over the village. also the engineer or caretaker could live on the spot. and have immediate control of the whole plant. SIXTH. To the lady votersâ€"here is soiiietbing you have been asking for and insisting on for many years. It is this: The Polling booth will be on the ground floor in the Clerk‘s office. and there will b': no mole stairs to climb. Now is your chance to get, what you want, and it you put your X after the word FOR on the ballot paper. it will do the trick. Thanks to all to whom it is due. Yours truly. JOHN H. SANDERSHN. Apii127,1916 â€"â€"â€"Q. Village Directory Church of England â€"â€"Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Holy Communion on the 3rd Sunday in the month at 11 a.m. and the 4th Sunday at. 8.30 Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 o'clock. Presbyterian Church â€"â€" Services at 11 and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.4."). Prayer Meeting Thursday cve- ning. Roman Catholic Church â€" Services on alternate Sundays at 9 a.iil. and 10.30 Methodist Churchâ€"Seiwces at 11 and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30. General Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Mon- day at 8 pm. Presbytei ian Youbg People’s Societyâ€" Meets every Thursday at S p.m. Village Councilâ€"Meets lst Tuesday in the month Fire Brigade -â€" Meets lst Monday of each Month. Band Practiceâ€"Monday of each week at S p.m. Boy Scoutsâ€"meet every \Vednesday evening in Public School at 7 o'clock. E. E. (‘ottinghaiil, Scout Master. Public Library and Reading Room â€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- niiigs. Richmond Lodge. A.F.& A.M.â€"Meets Monday on ()1’ before full mum). Hill ('rest Lodge. I.().O.F.â€")Ieets 2nd ‘ and 4th Tuesday of cirrh month. Victmia I..O.L.. 2;)‘08â€"â€".\Ieets 4th \Ved- nesday of each month. I Cuuit Richmond. A.O.F. â€" Meets 4th I Friday. 1 LOPâ€"Meets 3id Thursday of every month. Camp Elgin. SOSâ€"Meets 2nd and, 4th \Vednesday. ' stol-eroom for iilles. war, making a total. for all municile purposes, of the sum of $183.00 per year. The interest on the invr-stmcnt. plus Iiie iiisuraiiCc. has of tam-s now paid by the present owner. and the iii-ces- sai'y expenditure for Wear and tare is approximately $200 00 per year more than we have, at present to pay in rents. There are many things wi- :lllln‘nl to need at present, more than we do a municipal building, and I lherrfort- think that the matter should be left over at present until we ale in a posi- tion to erect a building which. like our churches and schools, would be a credit to our Village. I am fully persuaded. ladies and gentlemen. that it will llt' for the bc~t interestsof the Village it' you mark your ballot X against the passing of the by-law. Thanking you, Mr. Editor. I remain Yoms truly, \V. II. PL'GSLICY. IIEICVE 00â€"“ Home Public Echo 01 Report for April: Sr. IV.-â€"Z\Iorjorie \Vatson 3400,1ri-ne \Vatsllii 3351. Keith Thomas 2051. Olivia McQuai-riatisllt), Ella Burns 2807. Ina \Veldl ick 2823. Jean Calm-run 2822, Alum McCluskey 2553. Sr Ill.«â€"Edilli Bowen 1216. Florence \Vatson 1109, Beatrice \Veslbl'nok 910. Jl‘. lll.â€"Hllll;l Cl'llllk 2005, .\I;ly Itc- land 1758. Ella Jones 807. Jr. III.â€"â€"0tter \Valker 1003. Fred Dibb 1080, Herbert P. Jones 627. Ji. II.â€"Hazel Jones 1041. Hattie \Valker 1207. \Villic \Valkcr 1213. Barr Graham 561. Sr. 1. -â€" ll‘lorenw )IvCluski-y 2250. .‘lary Hart 1533. \VllllP Camper 1717. Earle Jones 1353. Jr. I.-Eva chdry 1083. Hart 1060, Luclla Dibb 035. Sr. Pinâ€"Jean \Valson 1603, Joseph Jones 1522. Hazel Bmvl-n 512. Jr. l’i.â€"I) Crook 827. \Villie Gray 7812, Clarence Jones 400. â€"â€" â€"-40- STALLION REGISTER Dunuie Hallmaik. Imp. l‘lvdesdale, [15378] (172.30). cnrolmcnt No. 2014. the plopertyof Iiobt. (‘nx k Sons, Amber. ()nt. \Vill proceed from home stable to Dollar. Victoria Square. l'nionvillr. Don. \Villowdalv. Steele‘s (Miners, Yonge Stiert. . Terms 2515. Dawst n Baron Temple, Imp. (‘lvdesdalm ' [10342] 417753). enrolment NH. 3752, the property of '1‘. II. Legge. Tempé‘i-ancm ille. \Vill proceed from I home stable to I‘Ivl-lsley. King City, Maple. Elgin Mills. I’eti-livilln. Aurora and Oak Ridges. Terms $1.3. Nesbitt Macuiieen. Clydesdale stallion (14013). enrolment No. 752. the pioperty ot‘ \V.J. Hudgin, will stand at his own stable. lot 61. Yongc St. Bond Lake. Terms 311. Shipmale. Carriage stallion. (-nlr.ln.ent No. 10233, the piopei-ty of \V. J. Hud- . gin. will stand at his own stable. lr-t' 61. Yonge St.. Bond Lake. Terms: $11. (:isi-s is unavoidable-1 for thr- position. which is “('11 equipped ‘ well as Council ('liainbeigd‘ouit Room. : clc.. llllllllQ‘ tbr' . l No. 45 M liilltlvlli'v l'I‘Iyl” ~I Il ll l.l\. *‘Gt‘t‘ll‘lll‘tl. llll ll“. lilillll.’-~ l‘\;|]l‘l'|ll(‘ liillk. llll\\\"'i‘ll'l'tll III] II" lilllllll willid I,ii~in~, pk, li'l-, 5:1},11. lb. 101', Inger- ~l-ll l'll'.|lll lll!‘t"|'_ pk. 131'. Sweet ‘mixl-d pickles; b< ll'l‘ l.’<. 7» Alkinflrn .\' Switzei. PAN LOUGIN A (hey 'l”|loiouglibrld Stallion. 15 Abandsii, by l“:iiaday. dam Katy Did. 1 'l'liis' is a pailiiulailv \vrll balanced and l‘nlivpal-l ll"l\l'. Imnlit'ul should- ‘I‘IS, Ininx‘ and (Ill.llll‘l\‘»7 good boilo’. ‘S\\'t‘t‘l ili~pii~ilillii. kind and very ill- tl-lligi-nl. Typical kill» In pinilllr‘l- Rt‘lllnlllllfl, IIllllil'l<. Saddle and light (llivcis, as be has exceptionally good action. This horse will stand at lIazelbul'n Faim. Yonge Stir-rt. licai Anioi'a. Lot :75. \Vhitchulcb 7â€" York â€"â€" telephone Aemilius .I:il‘\i>‘. Km}.r line. Photo and I’Hligrrc on application. Fees ;$10.0“ l‘oi illillllfl't'tl lialf-bicds, $20.00 rl‘lll'l‘lrllglllllktl Mares. with relui n pi i\ llt’fll'S. quartered on l)lt'llll<l‘~'. A $10.00 play.» \\ ill be, (:ifervd at all \VlIiIl-huu-li, King. (iwilliiiibury Fairs flu'tlic best I).\.\' Il')I'GI.\' Colt. 1154-. ('ash on service Mares may be Wesley Chatterley General Blacksmith All branches of the trade strictly attended to; shoe- ing lame and interfering horses a specialty. Patron- age solicited and satisfac- €531 tion guaranteed. Wesley Chatterley Elgin Mills, Ont. FOI{ SAIJE Property known as "Grand Central Block." First-class loJ cation on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. 1":llt of building lately occupied by Standaid Bank contains first-class vault. The building is three stories with cellar basement, and suitable for any purpose. If iequired. guild-will of a twenty-year \vell paying: implement and re- pair business goes “1th I)“ perty. A seven roomed frame house with stable and other out- buildings on Yonge Stieet. Ont- half an acre ofland. beaut- iful flout. lawn with hedges on sides. Quick Sale. Easy lt-llllS. Mr. H. A. Nii:hol|‘.~. Real Es- tote Agent. has seveial beautiâ€" fill lots for sale on Richmond Street. a very short distance fl om Yonge : alsusopic elegant lots on \Vright short. It you want a nice residential lot at a. nominal price now your chance. Several gm-d farmsâ€"one in Vaughan near Richmond Hill. a. first-class faim at Victmia Square. a L’Hllll l'arn: iii Mark. ham near Yunge Street. A >lll:lll farm adjoining the villageof Richmond Hill can he bought now at a price that will pay to hold for SPECL‘LATIVE I‘l'ltl’USES. Solid l‘lll'k house on (‘hurch St. soutn. Richmond Hill. Several 31000 bits to lmlll on first mortgage. II. A. Nicliolls is ESTELLE M. ORTON lrcrii. or Miss Ii. I~:'i'iii:i. SHEPHERD) \'0(‘AL INSTRITCTION I’npils prepared for examinations .Studin. Torr-illot'onso rvatmyof Music Richmond Hill l~n .\lonil.~iv and Tuesday of Each \Veck.

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