NATIONAL TRUST (‘HAM BERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Tel. M‘ 3631 . ank Danton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Han-1y D. Angm‘ RICHMOND HILL, THORNHlLl AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept. at. the above places Dentgn, Grover & Field moansvd Auctioneers forthe Countyof York Salosnneuded Lo on shortest notice and acres.- aox-sbm rates Patronage solicited LASKAY P. U, PIANO TUNING hicensed Aucuoneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Nnuh Toronto. Specin “Caution niven to sales of every description Faun nu“. farm stock sales n’specialty. Farms bought. and sold on commission. All salsa amenhd to on shortest notice and conducted bv the “We: np-lo-dace methods. Address: 415 Balliol St ,No-tb 'I‘orou Phone in House. Belmont 1317 Calls by phnne or otherwise prompth resp'mded to JOHN #11 CAMPBELL, Phone N1) TWENTY-FIVE YEARS†EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTIN} .96 PUBLISHINE RICHMOND HILL.ONT. [331-2 Traders Bunk Bldg. Yonge & Colbm-ne SL3. TORONTO Nalughtml Bluck, Aurora. Thursdays Telmfllmw Residence Main 3176 Main 44.4 300 BERESFORD AVE Underlakers & IIInbnlmors 1‘. F. McMAHON. Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 ‘ THORNHILL - 999391;. .AMagNaughton D. H. PINKERTON‘ V.S. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc: 7 V OFFICE~SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. 18 KING BARRISTE Phone Junction “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL I“ C. E RESIDENCE First house. north of Atkinson & Switzel 5 store. IS PUBLISHED EVERY EIU RSDAY MORNING For the Cudhty of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEL (t Phnne No. 2402 VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. VOL. XXXVIII. {,1 per annum, in advanceJ goï¬n .7. f’?auidson JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER LICENSED AUCTION EER Smgoon Maple Omsns Repaired. Expnr: BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE I‘Iavlo, ()nt Barristers. Snlicturs. &c1 salgeon tt 5 cEwen. WRIGHT BROS EDITOR & PUBLISHER II. N’auqhton STREET WEST = H. Prentice Summnm NOTARY gï¬ihsml WEST TORONTO It Work J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO HO USE 734 Yong? St. Yonge ï¬x Ohm-193 Sts Patriotic statmnel y at THE LIBERAL store CCBIMVSSIONER. C()N"EYAN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance ++++++++H++++++++++++++++ Church St, Rich: (Rear Richmond Hill BARRISTER. SULICITOR, NOTARY Toronto Oflinp, Richnmnd Bnih 33 Richmond Strpet, \Vvst. “Bichmond Hill ()flice (‘Tli H+++++++++*+++%¥évi~§+ï¬ 4"} i‘ Bnl‘rlsml s and solicitors. Mouov to Loan on and enuchactel mongagesa Invest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren-oved to the old post ofï¬e; one door mat of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of he postoflice HEBBEBTLENNUX G v MnnnAN Money CRO\VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bunk Build‘ iug. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30n.m. to 5 p.17). LEflNNOX & MORGAN Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at. $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appli- ances thatsavetime and work for the House Wife. Dr. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. during July and August for school tenchorsflligh schuul studvnts and others cnntinues until Aug. 28th, when Full Term opens. invites you to use the hnlidnys In good advantage. It will pay. The demand for hnnkkm-pvrs. sten- ngmphers. typisls. unnmerciul lenchvrs. etc. has been during the last nine“ nmnlhs more than six times our supply. \Vritu for our Cutalugue. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC chhmond Hill Oflice (‘ Libel-211' fï¬cm. every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday ufternnon. \erdbridae, Saturday fol-ennon. THORNHILL l. H. SANDERSON )Ummissioner, Conveyance Insurance. and Rent Est Issuer 01 Marriage Licen OCR SUMMER SESSION iohmonq Hill PHONE 1834 Box Electrician. Richmond Hill PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER rclgvs‘t., Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JILTE 15 DO IT ELECTRICALLY EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK S. SHEPHERD ELLIOTT to Lon n at PAINTER: PAPERHANG 'APERHANGER GIL-USER, ETC. La. Verne Pattison . LASHER Anr'n'a Richnmnd Buildings Irv MAPLE-ONT In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essmtials, Liberty; in ‘nnveyax1cex‘,etc G V MORGAN \V. .1. Elliott Principal ' forennon. ux-rent. Rn '1 Estate Jicenses. Hard wa re) Rates 41 12. ETC The Horticnllnrnl Society has been fnrtunate in hearing nmny interesting addresses. and lhut- gave by Mr. James on “Our Bird Fiiends" was both inter- esting and instructive. All those who were present. will hr- mm'e anxious to preserve the bird life of mu' neighbor- hood. us Mr. James shrmpd that, the biids are a great help tn the horticul- lui-ulist. 7. Dohson singers. t be present umcers Inl' Iunuwmg year: t‘rexi- denl. Mrs. Lungslaï¬: First Vice-Prth dent. Mrs. \Vilcnx; Second Vice P1 esi- dent. Mrs. Johns: French Comfort Gnmmillee. Mrs. Juhns and Mrs. Ar- kinson: Knitting ()nmmitle-o. :‘Iisï¬ Simpson and Miss C(mk; Sewing Com mittee. Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Riddle: Treasurer. Mrs. E, Fumcis; Secretary, Mrs. A. R. Hall. The annual Garden Party will I)» held mm the grounds of Mr. Russ Klinck next Sutludny. A ftwltlmll cuntt-st will commence at. 2.30. Music by Mnlvern and. Ten St'l‘vcd frum 4 In 8. Goud entexminment in lheevening. Special sermons on Sunduv. June 18. hv Rev. Secretary’s report : Sent to Red Cross headquarters and to Y..\I.G.A.â€" 298 surgical shirts. 165 suits pyjamas. 566 pair socks. 31‘). pillow cases, 2.31 sheets. 76 triangular bandages, 366 dozen 53-yard bandages. S featherpil- lows, 2 leather cushions. $50 but water bags, 37 wash rags. 56 handkeicliiefs. 24 bath towels. French shhts, candies, [OhflCCU, gum. candle-s. fruit and other cakes. etc. Besides the-so articlesthm-e is a large shipment to he sent. Ofï¬cers for following year: Presi- dent, Mrs. Langstaff: First Vice-Presi- The annual meeting of the I‘hornhiH Red Cross Auxiliary was held at Lhn home of Mrs. Lnngstafl’. "Thnlnhlll Springs." ml the evening nf June 6th. Splendid reports wexe rend by all the ofï¬cers. Treasurer's Stan-mm ceipts, $989.47; expend balance on hand. $21.78 The :mmml strawberry festival 01"th Methodist Sabbath Sclmul will he held \Vedndesdny. Jun: 28. Tea served from 6 to 8. fullnwml by :1 :1an enter- tainment. On Sunday. June 25, Rev. A. Addison, of vanmrket, will preach special sexnmnsat 11:1.m. and 7 p.111. On Sunday (Ir-tnchments fmm head- qualters nan the Slll‘luunding donuts purude tn the Egliut‘nu Presbyterian Church fur divine service. wherwm 9x- oellent smumn was preached by the Rev. Mr. Bach. About, 150 men of the Battalion were press-m. At headquarters Inna-Irantivity is he- ing Immit‘ested. Meetings are heing held every night at Rnnmien Pdlk or on the street: corners \vil h encouraging results. On Saturday evening :L recruilingz meeting was held .it Sr'hmnherg. Dr. Dillzme. president ()f the Schomhmg \Vnr Aux11im-L who “cu-d as chair- man. very kindly placed his lawn at. [he disposal of the Butlnlinn fox-the meeting. Captain Amhrev D.n-is was the ï¬rst speak“ and made :1 strong up- Dnul in the mm) 0f the Tuwnship uf King to take their part in the great Rucruiting fur the 22(th Yolk Rang- ers Overseas Battalion has hoe-n vm'y enmurnging during the past numth in two. On Monday night. June 5,:m 9n- [husmstic npen nir nweting was lhâ€"ld at Smrlut Plains, Nm'th Runneyme'de. Thelmge lu-nï¬rv that was lighted. to- gether With selecliuns Ivy the 220th band and the (timing pictmes that were shown attracted a large crowd. On Tuesday evening u meeting was held at Sllvvrthnrm- which brought several mew recruits tn the Buttnliun. The Battalion Band \vus again in :11- tendunce. Sen-mlgnndnddresses \vmo drlivered. ' On Thursday night tlw oflicersnfthe Battalion held their weekly meetingin St. Paul’s Hall. On Fi'ldny evening an (ms-n :iirnnh i- On Fi'idny evening an ops-n nirpatt i- otic meeting was held on. Lauder Avenue, Earlscourt. Mr. J. R. McNichul occupied the Chair. \V H l The 137th Ym k Rangm's gave a very gum] concert in the Masonic Ha“ Tues- day owning. Thu chair was taken by Lieut. Bock. who announced the variâ€" onsnumlmx-snn the progumzme. Yucal solos were given by Mr. \Vilsm). vucal selections by the Lymhnrm‘r trio. dia- logues by \Vise. the ventrilnqnist. and his clover Mockheads; intrrvsting inn pm-sonatinns by Mr. Stux'hridge. and piano selvctinns by Bandsman Stm'vy. An interesting feature was the dvnmn- stt-ntitm of the machine gun in action. and the exhibition of signalling was watcth very closely. The Pntvrtain- nwnt. both nm'nvd and closed with “God Save the King." (m Sunduv. June 18. by' Rev. I; sulus and dw-(s by Toronto Stuuflville orchestra. willalso Victoria Square sduy night (h? ofï¬cersnhhe held their weekly Iueetingin Hall. 220th Battalion Khaki Concert statement: Total r9- ; expenditure, $967.69; Thomhill Teston by the 220th pictmes that large crowd. :1 meeting was Sunday Schnnl anniversary son-vices will he held at ane Methodist Church next Sunday, June-13. in tln-nftermmn at 2. and in the evening at To'clock. Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Uniom’llle will pleach :IL lmth sm-vires. Music in the ach-umun will he furnished by the Sunday Schrml sclmlaxs. return lhITy will reside mm the Snmeb ville homestead, tnwnlinu. King'l‘uwn- ship. A \‘ei-v pretty wedding wns St’lL‘lll- nisz at three n’clnck on \Vednesduy. June 7th, at. the residence of Mr. and and Mrs. John Aiming. (If lheï¬t'th line King, when their eldest daughter. Ulll'iatlllzl, became the bride of Mr. Chas. Suiuerville, of the fourth line, King. The cerenmny was performed hy the Rev. J. \V. Fox, (If Kettleby, in the presence (If about ï¬fty guests. The bride was attired in :1 diess (If silk eni- hruidered net aver silk with traveling suit uf hlue serge, with hat tn match. Miss Lauim Aiming, sister of the hi Ide, acted as bridesmaid dressed in white enilm-iddrod ruile, and Mr. Maltin Shanks assisted the grown, while Miss Blanche Somervillr, ufSchumhei-g. pi 9- sided at, the organ. The groom’s gift In the bridn wnsn handsome ebony set. to the hridesn ‘lld u gnld bracelet, tn the gruunlsmnn :1 pair nl'gnld cutflinks. and to the organist a guild bracelet. Among other presents from friends were a handsome couch frnm theGlen- ville Swasteku Club. while the many LthPr presents were huth numerous and costly. After Ihe ceremony thehappy couple. with their many guests, sat duwn and purtnuk of it very sumptuous repast. :ut the close of which the toasts given by the Rev. Mr. Fox I.) the groom and nlher friends were huth numeran and pleasing. Amidst shmv- PI'S uf ennfetti and good wishes the ers of Cunfe-lti :u-d gnud wishes {he newly-weds left by unto tn Ihl‘ Aurora station, Ull‘llCE for u prnlnxaged honey. munn amongst. fliemls in East York, \Vnndln-idge and Klvian-g. On their Tuesday Jum- 20â€"Am:tmn plate threshing outï¬t. at. 3. Markham. the prnperl “1 Hunt. Sale'ut I NC] $l_97<l 34 The total shipments made to the Canadian Red Cwss are as follows : Surgical Supplies -â€" 810 hnndngw‘. (5358 small pads. '_._S‘U large pads. UH†ulysnrlwnt wipes. 3450 gauze wipes, UU wash cloths, 1() surgical kits, 24 cum- presses. 80 ring Suppliesâ€"167 flannel shirts. 3725111'gical shirts. 255 sheets. U25 pil- Sales and Entertainmean Surgical supplies . , . . . Sewing snpplips . . ‘ . . A _ . . . Knitting supplies .. . . . .. Balance on hand . . . . 4 1(I\’\' The follmving ofï¬ce-rs were elected for the coming: year: President. Mrs. McMulmn. lst Vi(:9-Pres., Mrs. Campbell. 2nd Vice~P|-es.. Mrs. Tuck. Secretary, Dr. Lillian Lnngstnï¬". Treasurer. Mrs. Greene. The Treasurer‘s report is as follow: : RECEIPTS Sales and I‘Intortainumnts. . . 1136 75 Donations . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . 759 0!) Yarn and sewing . , . . . 4 . . 1 0†Members fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2T .3!) A, r 7.“.H- 3 [mt water Imp; covers. Knittingâ€"793 pairs of socks. In :udditinn 3'75. jars of fruit. jelly 1nd jam were givvn. Thn Rvd Cross Auxiliary of Rich- mond Hill. held thoil annual meeting on June 12th, and u very successful year's work was reviewed. Th9 SI)- ciely has nne hundred and ten mem- bers, and has held twvnty-ninp meet- ings. What the Red Cross Auxiliary Has Done in One Year 101' engine. at Dec. 1 : other ving Supplivsâ€"IGT flannel shirts urgical shirts. 255 sheets. 62.3 pi! “lses. 8 pillows. 3 pair wrisllsls }. Lymi, Auct all fizings, Charity.†Somerviile â€"Anmng Aucton Sales Hope Church XPENDITU RE utï¬t. at. 10t35. C-nn. property of James ut 1 o'clock. Terms half ChSh, balance )(15, credit till Dec. Sale nf lot 35, 191.6 lust 'twn of raising mva, that 974 260 559 460 cnm C-nn '3 We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR ‘ always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Good Bran and Shorts in stock. Elgin Mills, Ont. U ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Ii. :1. Nicholls Ia‘()R SIXIJE vulnge of chhlulflld Hill can be bought, now at a price that will pay to hold fm- SPECL’LATIVE PI'RPOSES. Solid brick house on Church Street south. Richmond Hill. Several $1,000 lots to loan on first mortgage. Mr. H. A. NIL-hell's, Real Es- tnte Agent. has several beauti- ful lots for sale on Richmond Street. a very short distance from Ynnge ; also some elegant 10:3 nn \Vright street. If you want :1 nice residential lot at. a. nominal price now is your chance. Several good farmsâ€"one in Vaughan, mun RichmondHill; :1 ï¬rst-class farm nt Victoria Squaw, n gnod fmm in Mank- hum. neur Yunge Street. A small farm adjoining the villngvofRichlmmd Hill can be bought now at a price that will pay to hold fm' SPECL’LATIVE A seven rnmm-d frame house \\'i.'h slnhle and nthr‘l', (mt- huildings (In Yonge Street. One lnlf an acre oflaud, hemat- iful front lawn with hedges on sides. Quick sale. Easy [ex-ms. Pmpei-iy knnwn as “Grand Central Block." First-class l0- mtion on Yunge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building lately occupied hy Standaid Bunk cnutnins ï¬rst-class vault. The building is three stories with Erlllll' basmuent. and suitable for any purpose. If required. gond-will of n. twenty-yea:- wvll paying: implement and re. pair business goes with prrperty. Pubiic Attention J. H. RAMER STATIONERY PRINTED at The Liberal Ufï¬ce strictly attended to; shoe- tion guaranteed All branches of the trade ing lame and interfering VIEG 101‘ses a specialty General Blacksmith Wesley Chatterley [Single copies, 3 cts (llll‘ gage cited and satisfac ‘atrou- No. 5r