Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jun 1916, p. 2

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Same old Story from Cape Breton DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED WHEN DOCTOR'S FAILED. Mr. M. A. Morrison Suffered From Kidney Disease for Five Yearsâ€"- Dodd's Kidney [’ills Cured Him. Tarbot, Victoria Co., C.B.,- June 12th (Special.) â€" Cured 0f Kidney trouble of five years' standing and of which three doctors failed to cure him, Mr. M. A. Morrison, a well known resident of this place has no hesitation in stating that he owes his health to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “I was so weak I could not walk a quarter of a mile and to-(lay I am able to attend to my work as Well as I was twenty years ago," Mr. Morri- son says. “For five years I suffered from Kidney Disease. I was treat~ ed by three skilful doctors but got no benefit. “Then a friend advised me to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I went to the druggist and got five boxes. Before I had used four boxes I was comâ€" pletely cured. “I advise anyone suffering from kid- ney disease to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Anyone who wants to know more aboub my cure has only to write to me and I will tell them all about it.” Germans May Have Nothing to Wear Next Winter. Dodd's Kidney Pills are no experi- ment. They have been curing kidney disease in all parts of Canada for a quarter of a century. Ask your neighbors about them. The economic aspects of the world war were little understood in 1914', es- pecially on this side of the Atlantic. Indeed, many people made inquiry as to why financial publications should ‘ devote so much space to the war. Now that Germany in her economic isolation is calling loudly for peace. the interwoven relations of modern finance and commerce become steadâ€" ily more apparent, especially with rubber in Germany $3.00 per lb. and copper there 80c. bid, says the Wall Street Journal.’ To the question what Germany lacks, the answers have been various Some have said she could not fight‘ without copper. Others have declar- ed rubber a war necessity. All sorts of particularizations have been made as to Germany's lack in food, milky frying fats, beef, etc. If German babies have suffered for milk it is be- cause the Germans have slaughtered their own cattle for the trench deâ€" fenders. If there has been lack of fat for the frying pan. it is because the army has used the fats for glycerâ€" ine in explosives manufacture. As‘ to Germany’s defiicencies, the answer early in the war was that she was ‘ deficient in diplomacy. After the Lusitania and a year of letter-writâ€" ing, a bright lady remarks that the real deficiency of Germany appears to be common sense. Shrer financiers have been buying cotton, yet with some misgivings, fir millions of bales of cotton are going depends upon his power to produce what the world recognizes as of value. A Man’s And when you skirmish around you’ll find that this powerâ€"which is just power of mind and bodyâ€"depends to a remarkable degree on the food one eats. For highest accomplish- ment one must have the best values in foodâ€"food which builds well~balanced bodies and brains. Grape-Nuts has that kind of value. It contains all the nutrimen’c of whole wheat anfl barley, including the important mineral elements so often lacking in the usual dietary. Grape-Nuts comes ready to eat, is easy to digest, nourishing. economical. wondegfully delicious â€"- a help In building men of worth. ’ “There’s a Reason” nadian Postum Cereal Windsor. Ont. COTTON IS KING. Worth FOOD into explosives, and that demand must cease some day very suddenly. One of the shrewdest America-i fin- anciers privately remarks: “Germany may or may not be defeated on the food problem or by exhaustion of her ‘ fighting men, but so long as England holds the seas Germany is defeated, because soon she will ban nothing to wear. The great lack in Germany to-day is textiles. Again cotton is king. It was true in America before 1860, but the Civil War and the north- ern industrial expansion that followed overthrew its sovereignty, and later it was declared that pig iron was king industrially. up of his estate, and when matters were looked over and an inventory taken of what he was supposed to be possessed of, it was found that it would take almost every available cent to pay the outstanding obligaâ€" .tions which he had contracted, with a decide the fates against Germany should all other material factors fail to repress her. In my judgment, Germany cannot go through the win- ter because she cannot get either wool or cotton to clothe herself. There is not time between this and the next snowflakes for German chemistry to overcome the simple problem of clothing by any known chemistry when cotton and wool are lacking." «To-day: however, cotton is king in European contest, and its scepter will a new sign: “Fresh Fish for Sale Here." “Why say ‘here’?" said the first customer. “It's unnecessary." r He painted “here” out. Said the second customer, “Why ’for sale’? Of course, they're for sale.” He painted out two words more. “Why ‘fresh’?” said athird cusâ€" omer. ,i “You wouldn’t sell them if they weren't fresh, would you?" At last the sign reafd just “Fish.” Along came a fourth customer. “What’s the use of having that sign," he asked, “when you can smell them a block away?” L‘U punuuul-un. The Canadian Branch of the Queen Mary’s Needlework Guild wish to dis- claim any connection with a chain- lettver which is being circulated in the name of the Guild by the New York Branch. Though responsibility in no way touches the Canadian Branch,the ladies here regret that such a method of obtaining money for the Queen’s Guild has been resorted to, and that it has got into this country, as the chain-letter system has long since been condemned and fallen into dis« favor. The mortgage was paid off, the fur- niture was safe and there was a con- siderable amount left over for present needs. This is an object lesson which should appeal to every one of us and one and Not long ago a gentleman who had been living fairly well and was thought well of, suddenly died. As was natural, one of the first: things after his death, was the straightening result that his family would be turned out: upon the street. It was heartrending to see them enâ€" deavoring to retain some articles of furniture most dear to them. It look- ed as though the house which they had been accustomed to live in would ’ have to go, but: in packing up and rummaging through some of the fur- niture what was their relief when they came across a policy for $5,000.00i which the late husband had been ' carrying unknown to his family in the 1 Crown Life Insurance Company of‘ Toronto. of the death was sent the Company and a cheque was promptly iSSued. éan make ihe same provision for the family by insuring in the Crown Life. Germans Have Been Pushed Off More Than 2,500 Square Miles. I wa Roughly measured, the territory re- ASthm' gained from the Germans in France exceeds 2,500 square miles. Its popu- Lot 5 lation before the war was in the _I wa neighborhood of half a. million. Rheum Within the redeemed area are some MENT of the most interesting places in Mah' France, notably Rheims, the place of I coronation for most of the kings of we France since the beginning of the 19g by Capetlan dynasty. The most famous ceremony of this character to take Brid place here was the annointing of Charles VIL. after Joan of Arc had driven the English from before the ‘clty walls. It was here, too, that[ ,. iClovis was baptized on Cbristmasl “‘f‘ ‘Day, in 496. Before the devastationlyour ’1 wrought by the present war the great‘ Hub theims Cathedral was considered by‘theâ€"h many critics of architecture the most} beautiful structure produced duringlmnufi .the Middle Ages ' I' Amiens, with a population of ninety] lthousand before the war. is next in iimportance among the salvaged citiesl The [Its cathedral. one of the most impos- in a 1i jing piles of Thirteenth Century archi- a)“: I tecture in Europe. was scarcely loss wbfld famous than the one at Rheims. . .- . cnmc ’ Arras, also reclaimed, was noted}. d} for its woollen manufactures before 1‘“ a stater ‘vthe war. Its medieval days in tapes-y |try hangings were so famous that them.Sked ‘name of the city was adopted as a‘of yo lcommon noun for draperies in EngAin-uth Hand. Robespierre, the revolutionist,‘p1v’ ‘ Ext-as born in Arras. as. t:- Sign of a Fish Market. The proprietor of a fish store had He wante be stinted‘ he invitet the WHAT FRENC A PATHETIC INCIDENT. e. sending arounc third time; “we're he pigs anyway." obey )ey was a hospitable soul no guest in his house tc “Have some. have some.’ cordially at the suppen ng around the platter f0! he; “we’re going to give it Persuasive H REGAINED. {A Blessed Boon to Busy Bridesâ€"easily and quickly preparedâ€"fun of _ strength-giving nutriment~ 5the cleanest. purest, cereal food in the world, Shredded Wheat with Strawberries. A combination that is a per- fect, complete meal. You don’t know the greatest of palate joys if you have not eaten it. For breakfast, luncheon or any meal. Cavalry Officer (riding into yard) â€"“Y0u guaranteed that this horse wouldn‘t shy before the discharge of cannon.’ Dealerâ€"“Look here, Major, you’ve got your money’s worth. He’s sound in wind and limb; that I’ll stake my name on. Ididn’t sell him to ‘you as a charger; he isn’t one. You asked me if he would shy before 'cannon-fire. As a. harmless jest I said ‘No,’ but I didn't say he wouldn’t shy after the gun was fired; I never tried him. You want too much Major; really you do.” ‘ Lot 5, P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of IREeumatism by MINARD’S LINI- Eleven, Sure Enough. The teacher asked the class to write down 11 Antarctic animals. Jim- my Jones quickly wrote down his ans- wer and took his slate to the teacher’s desk. This was what she read. “Six seals, four polar bears and one wal- rsu.” mum-6's Idnlment used by Physicians Fatherâ€"So you like school, do you, dear. And what have you learned to-day ? l/Iai‘jOI‘ie (aged sixâ€"I learned the names of all the little boys. I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD’S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. fimfle Eyes inflamed By ago; sure to Sun. Bus! and W ml uickly relieved by Murlno yegéye Remedy. No Smarting. just E 1: Comfort. At Your Druggict‘s 50¢ per oulc. Murine Eye Snlvcin’l‘ubeaZSC. ForBookollheEyeFreeask D ruggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. . Chicago I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Wife-â€"A1‘e my doughnuts Like those your mofher used to make? Hub (sampling them)â€"Wellâ€"-erâ€" theâ€"hules are just the same. wnud'a Liniment Lumbennan'l Friend Yet They Were Useful. The office boy had been detectqi in a lie. It was not one of the ordinâ€" ary prevarications of the everyday world and, moreover, to make the crime more grievous, he had persisted in adhering to his orginal mendacious statement. “Do 3'00 HOW. my lady" asked an elderly clerk, “what becomes of young lads who trifle with the ltmth?” “ch,” was the assured re- lp1y, “the boss often sends them out ‘33 travellers When they grow “P~" Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER Bridgewater Made in Canada. HE Wanted to Much. Important Knowledge. Innocent M erriment. No Connection Granulaied Eyelids. ‘12!“ ALL DEALERS &C.Briggs 5’. Suns HAMILTCN ‘r 533 Cifififi E10 STICKEHESS ‘h‘ffifi fitfilfi 'Post. “This war has shown us this England in size corresponds with the District of Columbia. It is only the seat of government for Great Britain, ‘in the same way that the District of Columbia is the central seat of gov- ernment for the United States. “Great Britain owns more than one-fourth of the land of the earth; she is by far the greatest ocean-car- rying nation in the world, and, there- fore, controls the seas;and al though she was caught totally unprepared for this great war, yet not asquare inch of her territory has been invaded by her enemies. She has captured the greater part of Germany's great colonies and has within sixteen months raised a volunteer army of more than 3,500,000 men, all of whom are well paid.” ’ Hopes Were Dashed. A young man employed a little col- ored boy to help about the house. The 1 little darky boasted one day that he‘ could read any book. Mr. Jones handed him a Latin reader. The lit- ‘ tle fellow studied the words for a long time, his expression growing more and more puzzled. Finally he tossed the book aside. “Dat teacher done tole me Ah could read!” he exclaimed in disgust. “Ah didn’t be’lieve it den, and now Ah knows ’tain’t so!” Owns one-four: Earth, Say “Untii my rc I do not think believe the maj‘ alize, the immt power of Grew Williams, of I the Royal Socie The man who doesn't mean more than half he says is mean, whether he says anything or not. wifi reduce inflamed. swoilen Joints. Sprains Bruises, Soft Bunches; He 8 80119. Poll Evil.Quittm-.Fistulaand infected sores quickly as it is a positive antiaepu‘c and permicide. Pleasant to nae: «fees not bllswr or “move .‘ . ,7 tbzc hzlr. And you can work the ham. g ; ' . 2:, 5 .00 par bank. delivered. I ' r" Book7 M free. ABSORBENE. JR.. the magma“: llnlmeu for mankind, reduccl Painful. Swallen Vdnl. Wcm. Sl‘m'ml. Bruises; atom pain and inflammllion‘ v Prltc 81.00 per home ll dellcrl n! dclivercd. WIH tell you more I! you wrhu. Liberal Trial Scale (01 19c in stamps. W. F. YUUNE, P: D_.‘F.. Lxmans Bhfg‘, Montreal, Can. ., ad..- Lap: v-v_.__vâ€"vâ€". cheap m operate. can bo‘Eiiééhed to any bicycle. Ask your dealer: 1: he doesn't han 1e u, write us for Cataâ€" rlte [0-day for QXOIUBIVB loa‘ue . agency n: we are not re resented in your town. .10!!! '1‘. ON. LIMIT- ED. 89 Survi- Bt.. Toronto. Ask for mnnrd's and take no other m...- ...-. .. _ F. vouuu, P:[6.175167Lyman378ldg‘, Montreal, Can. Absorbine Ind Absorblnc. 1L. arc madc In and» wan ovonnuo'roa. reliable and .L...“ tn nnnrntn. can ho attached to Free Map Private wire connecting all markets. dumber S‘andard Stork Exchange) 4 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO BRITAIN A Includj. D I:th dun We: than! wings Mancu- muiom in Matilda; The Arm-Cournfimiibe 3.1km hy corre- spondence. but studemn desiring to gradu- file must aucnd one Sedan. SUMMER SCHOOL CEO. 1. cHawu JULY ANBAUGUST'i Rue:ng The Issue is Limited File Your Application at Once! A. Postcard Will Bring It. The maps of me Porcupine and Cobalt Camps. finished in colors. are now about ready for distribution to all who are inv terested. These will prove in- valuable to those anxious to obtain success In the mining market. ARTS EDECATION APPLIED...S JEN9§ ,- -..~. HAMILTON B. WILLS the majority of Americans re- ie immense size, wealth and )f Great Britain.” said Aliyn s, of London, president of a! Society of Miniature Paint- cording to the Washington ‘This war has shown us this 1 in size corresponds with the hid? Civu, Mechâ€" u Xfcmi Engineering. HOME 913m? NEWSWE- of the Land of the Allyn Williams. BIG I’LA( UNIVERSITY aimed. nor do of Americans 1': size, wealth an tain.” said Ally KINGSTON ONTARIO gland \J work and good wages Limited. 42 Duchess Street WV ‘ Hem] “To succeed we must deliver the goods, yet we mustn’t be caught with them. EED POTATOES. IRISH COB- blers‘ Delaware. Carman. Or- der at once. Supply limited. erte for quotations. H. XV. I .rsor. Brampton I) Floorman‘ Steady employment. Ap- ply Hendrle & Co.. Ltd. Hamilton wiork. App ment Street B“; Lhfilted. Havrfiiltoh XPERIENCED AND INEXPERI- enced Girls for Hosiery and Under wear Mill. Also a few Young Men. flighesfi gages paldl Mercury Mills. ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home. whole or spare time. good pay: work Sent any 615- tance. Charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturan Company. Montreal. 1V EN WANTED FOR ALL branches of Finishing trade, 1n< eluding Rubbing and Polishing. also Cabinet Makers and Trimmers. Steauy work and good wages for competent men. When applying state experience and Whether married or single. Apply The Geo. McLagan Furniture Co.. Limitâ€" ed. Stratford. Ont. Keen Minard'a Lintment in the house x fwwunconpwl . ‘I~.,,'_‘%Rouvo, 031,“ nl" . “'un " u ".>_«nyyuv' ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB OfflCes for sale in good Ontario towns; The most useful and lnterestlng or all busineBSes. Full information an application to Wilscn Publishing Com- pany. 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. ANGER, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC. internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writ. us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Colllngwood. Ont. ( LD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT IN any condition; hi nest cash rice: paid. Mail to Bealey ' Co‘. 1974 ueen East. Toronto. “Odd, isn’t it “What ?" ‘ A KE BAKERS 'VVANTED thclnck Engine, 150 H.P., 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wine, and Dynamo 30 K.W. bait driven. All in first class conditmn. Would be sold logcthcr or separate- ly; also a lot of snarling at a very great bargain as room is required immedi- ately. 3. Frank Wilson & Sons Egigchingry Far Saaa ndri Tinsmiths and Helpers wanted. Good wages and steady work. Apply to The Pedlu Peonle. Limited. Oshawa. Ont. JACKSMITH FINIS} Helpers. must be use 7 Apply Smith Bros TORONTO SALT WOEKB. 60-62 Jun!“ an. Toronto. Ont. lrie & c’o.. Lir'ni't‘ed Agents. Toronto. A\ (7 K S M I T H FIRFIMAN OR 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. employment HWBZDEES 203 SAX-3. SEED POTATOES AT ONCE! A Difficult Feat. HELP WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. Jront favorite yeast for Has been Canada} more than forty years Enough for 5c. lo produce 50 large loaves of fine. FINISH ET tori 'Catalozuo. wutl-ukr was. nu 179 1:39:41» no. Write (or SpCOl-l Offer! his Latost Mode! 3 n d C e m e n: MXXer DIP? for it elf in ays. M xerg in all me- ang a glass: Wylie ISSUE 25â€"416. 1'6ronvo. Numnnhu 'oronto. Wat-{U H DAY

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