33 Richmond SL. “H. '1 tons for the Executvx's. In the umtter at the estate of Furbes Elliott. late of the van- ship of Markham, in the county of York, deceased. In pursuance. of the Statutes in that behalf. nuticc is hereby given that all pin-ties having Chlillls :igninst the es- I-‘ltt' of the szlill thes Elliott. who died rm m- ;leut the 27th da_vnf)l:trcl1 A.D.. 191-5. are required. un or before the 301i) day OfJ-JIIP, lillti. to send (u the undersigned solicitors fur the said es‘tute, ll statement of their claims. with their names and addresses. and the nature of the security, if any. held by them. And take further nutit'c that after the List HIPntiullHl date the executors will pi-ncet-d to distribute the assets of the estate among the patties entitled ihel'etn. having regard unly to the claims uf which they shall have then received notice. llltednt Toronto this 29th day of May, 1916. Acknowledgement Mrs. John Blanchard \vishPslln‘mugh The Liberal tovxprossherupplecintion for the kind Wurds and loving sym- pnthy from many flionds in the hour at“ her recent 50: WW and bereavement. Curse-t. covers. neatly designed. nf gord quality cambric, yokeofemhrnid- orvnrlnce, neck and arms ï¬nls‘hed with lace nx' edging of emlnnidery. each 4-50; women‘s night gmvnslsqunrr- yoke furnwd of iuse'rtinn and ï¬ne tucks. neck and long sleeve ï¬mshe-d with frill of embroidery, each $1.00: neat neuicout of ï¬ne cotton. with :1 deep flounce of embroidery and inserâ€" tion. each $1.00; cotton drawers. ï¬: 6 quallty, ï¬nished with cluster of tine tucks and frill of embroidery, 8101] 50c â€"-Atkinsnn & Switzer. coming year and other important busi- IwSS. All members and utlwrs inter- ested are invited to he present. Unme and oï¬â€™L-r suggestions for improving the Association. The \anen's Institute will meet at thehmne of His. \V. 11. Pugsley, on Thursday. June 15th. at 3 u‘clmtk. Mrs. \V. J. Hunter nf Brumptnn. who isa delegate from the Department, \Villilddl't‘s< the meeting an "Home- makers and Patriotism.†Snluhy Mm. Phipps. A cm-diul invitation is ex- tondcdtntlle lmlivs of the Village. Refreshmvnts will he sun-ml. The annual rnveting of York County Beekeepers’ Association will he holdut Lm'no Haâ€. Richmoan Hill. on Thursv any. June 22, 1916. M, 2 Inn, for the purpose of electing ofï¬cers for [11(- Rev. J. \V. Stewart. nwaen Sound, was chimed Prosidvnt of Tornntn Cum f-nonce. Among lhe Changth Rev. J. F. Hickson goes to Bedfm-d P‘u-k. Rm‘. R, B. Bevnnn to Thm-nhill, R w. J. H. ()ko to Morley Avorue, and Rev. \V. L. Trench t0 Hillsdule. Followers of Pastor Rnscoll gave lr-c tures and showed pictures dating! from t‘u- creation m the Masonic Hull fm 1- nights last week, clusing Sunday even- ing with Uwil- views on “Christ's Set:- und Owning." COMINGâ€"F. E. Luke. Opt. D.‘ Tur- (Illtu's able uptician. “33-167 Yonge St, can be consulted ulmur ymu- eyes for glussm~ :tt Sluan‘s Drug Store. Rich- mond Hill. Saturday afternoon. June 17th. fl‘UllI2.3(1t08‘30pJH. 50 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lowis Elliott. nnd Mrs. Chulmms. llu- MUN"?! mmlu-r. of Tux-- nntn. are spending this wm-k with Rev. and Mrs. Elliott. Mr. and Mus. John H. C. Durham and Miss Elizulwth Mitchell uf Bum] Luke nnd Mr. and MN. \Vm. G. Mitchell of annntn left an \Vedlwsduy for :1 ton day mntm-u-ip through \Vt-st-A urn Ontm in. RICHMOND IIILL. UN'T 5pm nexL 'I Mr. and Mrs. John McCairn-y. of Brnntfurd. announce lhn mnlringv nf thI-ir dnnghtm- anu tn Mr. Frederick Felling nn MW 1221!] anmm. The bride is a cansin of Mr. John \Vond. East Ym-k Reform hum Village Hutmdny Ihm' nnticv m-xt wka RM'. and Mrs. Elliott spent Ihe wank-9nd at, N('\\'ll|:ll'th, and MI. Elliott, [lll'l’ilClH‘d at. the Industrial Home rm Sunday. [ml l'll Lilm Me 213wer Mr‘mhms (-f 1119 Red Cross Auxiliary Ire roqnvï¬ted tn In ing in linishvd work. For shipping next Mnndny :If‘l'lHIHill, ".L fmlr n'clnrtk. tn the Public School. The \V, M. S‘ m" (‘entmminl ( ‘nl‘nntn, pivnu-knd :It Mix: D. 'nstmduy mm but] [on at tho Me hurch. NOTICE TO CREDI'IORS malt. inn-llizu-nt [ho plinting 'Nl ()f‘h'cv. in! Im-Hingnf the Fir? Brigade :Iesduy 9H4)ng at h' n‘ulm-k. “'inifrml Edmumlmn is visiting 3115. I’. BIL-U. COOK ting husim - native that after†WV V (.k-ment, date the exacutors 1-ihuto Lhe assets of :18 parties untitled, Av. ‘gurd nuly to the Cl‘â€:ll‘.('ll y shall have tbvn Apply H k G PntIr-nninl (‘rhlll'lfh the estate of (If the Tva)- the county of ILCHRIST. )l'unto, Snli( 'icnio at Mark )um- 24. Fm haw Ht"! In Slmm’s thudisl 1916 'l‘lu l0 ANTEDâ€"Pups of an; 5001] HS \\‘0:1l1k‘(l. Clement, phone 1060, Maple “faith ably u in)!“ lhle MITdH-n Apply L OK SALE CHEAP â€"~ 1 Junior Tnurist baby carriage; 1 quurtvr- ed nuk exLensim) dining table: 1 ulna-- imwt. good as new: 1 hahy walker; 1 baby high Chair: 1 Oxford (tum; stnvv, coal or wnod: l child‘s gn-cm-t. Apply Mrs. \V. 0. Gndwin. care of Amns. J. “'right, corner Yonge and Richumnd Streets. 5†‘1 I I drh ing 9011. Ruseriew mnnd Hill on Ynnge Street. The owner may have same by proving properly and paving expenses. Chris. Yichols, Buttom‘ille. 51 3 Hill. “ OLI D BRH‘K HOUSE FOR SALE \ (m Chm-ch St, Richmond Hill. E’octric light; hath mmn. 3 pieces; hut and cold water pressuu’l. good furnace", well, and large cistvrn. LUL 50x220 ft. Fur sale cheap. Good terms given. Neil McKenzie. 51 8 ‘OR SALEâ€"5‘) Bugs Seed Putntm“: $1.60 per bag. \V. I. anwncv Grm‘nhuuso. Richmond Hill. 5L1 COLLEY ~ Accidentally killed in T0- I‘nnlu on Friday. June 9. 1916, Al- bert, Henry Unllev, aged 21) years. Funeral from the residence (If his mntllm‘. Mus. Juhn Blanchard, Monday, June 12. to Rxchmnnd Hill Cemetery. OY “'AN'I‘ED«~Sm:u-L intelligent [my to learn llu- priming: busi- ness. Apply Lilwm'. Ofï¬ce. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Olivurwast suits. line-n punts. waist of ï¬ne stripe), cuffs piped with \Vth, Atkinson & Switzer. Buys’ khaki drill shirts. llmdu with shoulder opaulets :md puckt-ts. with hurmns to match, sizes 13. 13% and 1% cnllm; each 75c.; bloomers In mulch. 24 (n 32 waist measure, each 7.30.; lmys' print, shirt waists, light, ground will: limit» blue. black 01- mamvc Sll'lpl‘. ugvs 5. 6 and 7 years, each 556.: lmys‘ wash shirts, in navy and light blue stripe, ('Ullzu‘ trimmed with plain cnlor piped with red. each 75c.; children's Olivurwast suits, lint-u C(lhn' (lull cnllm; each 750.; 24 to 32 waist lmys' punt, shirt DOMERTYâ€"STOREYâ€"On Monday. Juno 12. 1916, at. St. Paul‘s Methndlgt Church, Tm-um‘u, by Rev. R. New. tun inell, Viulvt. daughter of Mr. :1an Mrs. \V. T. Stun-y, to AL fwd Jamcs Duhex-ty, :1“ nf TH- mnto. llt‘. I. S. G. Vanv“ ‘u'm, Richmond Hill. On Tue-sduy (, mmum'nuing "L pul lm- mvclmg snnugu, lllidt‘l l ‘0 RENTâ€"va hmme vn Rhsm'icw Avenue. .Apply \V. H. Gxulmm. A fall lidnv OR SA LI 0d Hulsl OL'SE TO LET RESH MILK (‘0\\/ FOR SALE DSTâ€"In the \‘irinity nu the 24th of May lthum watch. Finder ,' rmvurdcd. Frank. J. 0R SALE PA R '1‘)! EXT TO LET- ARM HAND \VAN'I‘ED by ye ul‘ month. C. M. Palmer. 51 {Biiï¬i Hm SRLFL â€" One 207 OUNDâ€"‘ 14‘ R. A. Vanda-burgh. Riclnnand 51-2 St UNDâ€"The undelsignod found :1 Sum of money south uf Rich- \‘L‘llll [d v nmlurd Bunk, liichmnnd conveniences. including llll ch, Toronto, hv Rev. R. New- vaell, Viulvt. daughter of ml Mrs. \V. T. Store-y, In AL Jamcs Duherty, :11] nf Tu- ‘atriotic Parlor Meeting LEâ€â€" Light spring wagnn. Suwllie. Thmnhill. ~19 3 had In II. Trench lusmntly Killed Mel Eng wlwn Jnhn Blu mslnntly rung mur was nu In in [m -.~\ numl n Bull C )R SALE _ One good mare. Apply D. “ML- Avonue, Richmond Hill. Plenty of water. ght. étc. Easy is nduH, Richmond MARRIED (tum:ch will) u VHILs‘. The rel! '1 his hmne nn Sm tunk place In the Mnnduy :Il'LIH'IHvUiI rvice, DIED 1H Clll'l‘t including hall! 49 I )lki' unchnrd killed. er at 1'9; \lves for prices 1': On Roseview . whu nuftln my bread as L Leonard 118. 43 G . It :1 vael will he suit- Kelly. 493 wilh u “‘irL‘ The remains - nn Sunday, A In the Vil- 1m uH‘ vae the (‘nllar and suit. 50c.â€" Head I} vi'd umpva win-u hlS eason- multa ~10 if nf lhis Tho un- ste Hill l’lllS. Hill HmU) 3U [HS :l 1‘ ’0 mg Acts. that, all persons having claims. as creditors or otherwise, against the estate of Lizzie Tonpin. late of Thornhill, Township of Mark- ham. who died on or about the 20th day of April. 1916, are required to send by post prepaid to Pem ee Robinson or \Vm. Cummer. of 'I‘hurnhill, executors of the said estate. nn ('1 before theZZUth day of June, 1910'. their names, ad- dresses. and descriptions. and it full statement of the pau‘ticulaus of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after the said date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or for any part thereof so distributed to any per- son or persons of whose claim or claims he shall not have had notice at; the time of the distribution thereof. Dated at, Thombill this 18th (1 May, A.D., 1916. Executors Notice to Creditors Toronto Splendid List: of New Specialties for Season 1916 - 1917 STONE &WELLIN G'I‘ON THE FON'I‘HILL NURSERIES (ESTABLISHED 1537) 501.) Pupils prepunzd fur examinations Studio. TorontoConservatory of Musw A Reliable Agent Wanted Picnic mange, cunsxstinz (If one crepe pupvl‘ tnlnle cloth 42x56 inches, 1‘2 sunitm y PHPCI' plates. and 12 fancy decumted ll:lpkill$~â€"il†fur 1.3 cuntsâ€"mt The Liberal Uflicu. The Nuwlon Bmuk nld limm-s mot met this your in tlw pavilinn in High Park. and among tho guests wore the descendants of the Nichols. Agurs. Mnnshaws, Lubimers, \Villmm James" John James’. Jns. Jame-5’. Risehruughs, Swings. Robinams. Trenchs. Bales. Gen. Lees, Leuwitts. Sheppurds. Gur- duns. Mrs. Pearyâ€. [he Missvs \Vulsun. Mr. Millikt-n. I.. J. Clark. Dr. Harold Chm-k. Miss McBride and Miss \Vhiu-. Mr. 1). Jnmvs was chairman and [old why this gatlwriug gave 50 much pls-nsm-e. Mr. L. J. Clark spoke on "\Vhy we prize uld friends." A letter was l'(-'«'l(l from J. E. )lidilh-tnn‘nn “Queux-things.“ the ioiiionilu'unce nut 11 Visit. to Newlun Hwqu at sewn years ofugc. Dr. Harold Clark gave "Reminisucncus of Newton Brook." He moved away from the village at 3 years Of age. Stephen Agar came from Detroit to moot old fiivnd<, Mr. Gev. Nicol from Brigden (mm Sarniu). :ird Mr. and Miss Tuvlnr [mm Purt Hope. They were introduced (a the company as special \isitms. As it was the liirthduy Hf (me of the nld (inn-1's. her biography was rend by MiSS Hopper. and hvrfzunily [H‘L’Sï¬'llletl her with z as Special \ isitnrs. birthday Hf one of the biography was read In and her family prusi-n basket of flnu'crs. ESTELLE M. ORTON ofï¬ce cm the mail Mill‘s. hm [he blank (PL‘I’IL OF MISS U. ETHEL SHEPHERD) VOCAL INSTRUCTION Newhm Brm Lhis iHusmh Tico cnluv. Newton Brook Old Richmond Hill on Monday and Tun-ally of Each \Veck. Including Llw new evex'hezu'ing Raspberry. St. Regis‘. In every good Lawn and dis- trict in Ontario. where we are not [‘Gpl‘PSt‘IHE‘d. Territory rc- sm-vod fur the right man. Highest commissions paid. ALLA-active advertising matter ;. thure known letters v in the f‘ r {lit mu-sn'us chairman and [old 5 gathering; gave so much Mr. L. J. (Jim-k spoke on ‘9 prize uld friends." A leLLel' 1 from J. E. )liddlt-tun on J. EDWARD FRANCIS. envul then Ming on address. L'vuLs on s as uld frivnds.' A letter m .l. E. )1iddlvtm].nn ." the xmnomhmnce at swlun Rrouk at sewn D1'.H;11'0|d Clark gave us (.f Newton Brook." uy from the village at 3 ’k was the mun-2 given us place when the pact. I can rrnwmbvr whnn distributed from Ymk I 51: IL written a; nun 1 Timel 5' Picnic O ntario ‘xt nour- nsing and The name and the |()l‘ (vf [he nrhnlvnily Yungt‘ St. mighlml'ly : the hur- lid l‘!‘ whu‘n ll! Yul k 59d. It, H1 up. \‘[[ Yoxuu STREET W. R. Robinson REGHMUND HILL Harness & Saddles}: RUBINSON‘S and [my Harness HAND SE\VN, which will stand the Test of Time,:md give the best, of ~9.1tisfucti0n. Blankets. Robes, Mitts, and everything in the Snddlvry line. Our Prices me Cin Prices. Call and see us. . UUK your Harness over when hitching your horse and see if there are any broken parts. If su. do not endanger vnux' life driv- ing with Harness which needs re- pailing. In the next place ASK YOURSELF \VIIY do they nerd these repairs 3’ The qm-stiun is smm answeredâ€"in nine cases out uf ton they ate Factory and Machine Sewn. \V’hy not call at; And Agency for Men’s Summer Underwear Men’s Straw Hats Syrup Uncle Tom, New Orleans baking syrup, 2 lb. tin IOC. Overall apron, hair ling stripe, pink and new white ground with black spot, 60¢. For pie ï¬llingâ€"~mince meat, apricots, prunes canned pumpkin, pure Iarp and Easiï¬rst. Tea aprons, white lawn with {rill of Childrens rompers of w color, gingham Good Silk \Vindsor ties, colors navy, cadet, cardinal and white, each 25C. \Vhite and black silk gloves, I domes, pr Middy laces, silk, colors navy. cal and emerald, each 5 :ool washable goods for summer dresses batiste, ginghams, 15 to 35c pel adies’ middys of navv and SToRL Worman .7. glass fife ï¬fe/{mend 1711']! iurm'sï¬t'ng (Store s’ middys, made of white drill, collar and cuffs navy and cadet, front and side lacing, $1.00. in combination and two piece. Also suspenders, belts, garters, hose, etc. House of Hobberlin Clothing. in a nice ï¬ne straw, and the egg shape which fits the head nicely, at $2.00 and $2.50 ; also Men's Working Straws, in different kinds, at from 20c. to 500. Edwardsburg table syrup, 2 1b. tin 150 qua yr 6 P. n. MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS Atkinson & Switzer lily middy ties, nrwy only each 250. BQNGREIE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL (}1{()CE‘I{IICS ])l{\' (£()()I)S bite and dark blue and linen , white trimming, 50c.“ double tipped ï¬ngers, Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. is the ï¬rst essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. All work guaranteed. Iam prepared to supply Lhc above svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. The Pressure Water System cardinal, white, sky .‘I’roprt'eior embroidery, 25 ses, crepe, voile per yd. y and