â€" i ‘ iiy/o H cute igrhrrul HILL. UVV'I'iLJK'LY Iii, 19th r Miss M. II. Ransom is \ isitinu friends in Buffalo. Mr. and hit“. .r\. .l. (‘alnbell leave to. motrow to spend a month in Moskr-ka. Muster Stanley A. Ransom is spend ing part of vacation with the Boy Scarrts at Island Grove The I). Y. l3. I'lttlr wish to thank liter businessmen rrercrnnomi Hill for get errors donations for their two last Sat. urday, not forgetting Mr. Uriolop fo the beautiful flowers. â€"â€"â€"â€".0’â€"â€"_â€" Final Days of the Trek Rev. \V. \V. .‘lr Ker and l'arnilv. of Syracuse: N. Y†are \isilint: will) tin-it parents, l'tev. and MIC. it. McKee. The Richmond Hill Hand took part in the l‘th of July Uranpe parade yo» teiday and marched from Queens I’alk to the Exhibition grounds. Mr. Harold Hagen man basic-tor lil'tl lr' » the Standard Bank ill'ler relirwitrg at My. um] Mâ€: \v'm' Inn,“ Hm] Mp Mi'l'l“ 1"" “V†““"l“" and Mrs. Harry innes anrl family harr- been enjoying their summer Intram- Miss Viola “lll'llilittn, of l'.\biirlgv. is at B-rlurrlzrle. Mriskrka. spending a few (I;I_\‘~ with Mrs. J. i 7 l"â€'““' The Village ( 'uttr‘a'il rrwt Friday m on- . i ' rin. 'i'ht' nevle r-lr'r'tvrl men llt'l\ look Miss ('m-kbrn-n and .‘ihs Alina (Ruck. L ‘ I H _ the d. t-Iaration lftlll.tllllr‘:llinli and of; born. of loronto, spent «nor bunday l . I u (, I. \ll rullir‘t'. 'rlrrladjr-rlt'tn-ri rmtil \\'edtn-sda_\' \\lll.|.~.1.‘.; elt. rv coin-g. :‘ll'. I‘: l“. Ii. Johnston. I\-.('.. “ï¬rsthp chief speaker at the annual picnic oi ‘ the liast Yor k livlor m Asstrr‘ialirrti held ttt Mal Khalil Village last Saturday. Mr. (ii::rtles (‘obln who \IV:’ll[ six months in [br- tri riches and Was \\ t-nnrlr d in the baek and hips. lt'r't’i\ ed his discharge and is now at home “till .bis parents south of the \ lilage. _ «g.-.â€" Mr. J. A. Hell. who taught, in the ‘ Niagara Falls High School for the past r t\\'o years, spent a H ttpie oi‘davs in ‘ the \ illagv. He has given up his“ posiâ€" tion and will enlist for ou-rscas sel- VIC“. Sunday Sch00l Extrusion 'I‘Jre Methodist Sunday School will hold lllr ir annual exrursion ll\l'l' the , Metropolitan. and pit nit: at Hearhoror \Vith the usual mercilesspunctuality the gun aroused the ulrnnbering,r tramp ‘ at Stoull'ville on the rum nine; oi Mon- dav. .lulv 3rd. Then the buglel‘s ttslt- err-d in 'a glorious summer dawn with the clear notes of the Ieveille. At 0.30 the toll was called. the men inspected, and physical drill carried on. Break- fast over. everyone set to work to get things in readiness fr r the “trek.†Drays and teams were driven up by the far-triers, who never failed llh' col- urnn at arty ot' the places oft-neamp merit. At the sound of the bugle tents were levelled tn the, ground and by t a.m. everyone and (Wei vrhrng waspre- pared for the start. \Vith the music of the brass and bugle bands the Col- umn passed through the streets, gain decked with liagsrmdpennants. Along with the parade on re gathered m-rny of the residents wit) had showered on the boys so many of their fitt‘t rs. to have one last loo't at; th- departrng heroes. Then the dusty ro .ds and the parchin: heat; left no doubt that sum mer had come at last, and the cold and min and mrrddy roads of the previous weeks, which were so trying at the time, were rendered more pleasant in memory than they were in reality. However. the nten pushed on in line style and witn nnflagging spirits. The eleven miles to Vr-ndoif were covered at the rate ot‘: miles per hour. Bv noon the camp was pitched and a Cold lunch served. As usual. in the after- noon, platoon and sound drill \vere car- ried on. At 5 pan. .1 hot meal was served. In the evening a monsteraud ience listened to the speeches of Major Pink. Captain Davis-and t/‘aptain Mills. The moving prctures were highly irp- predated. On Titesday morning this land of plenty, which the good people lavished on the men, was left at 5.30.1411. and the towh of Newmarket rvasreached at. 10.30 run. A parade was made through the main streets. after which camp was pitched in the Fair-Grounds. In the evening a largeclowd assembled to listen to the addresses of Lit-tit. Col. b‘. ll. Brown, I’. \V. l’earson. the Dep- uty Reeve, \v‘ho occupied the chair. LL.~U('I. Alex. Fraser. of the 12th Regi- ment, Captain ’1‘. G. Mctionigle. Chap- lain of the 127th Battalion, and Set" genut Gibbons. \Vednr-sday was a red-letter dav in the annals of the "trek." In the morn- ing a big parade took place thr-oorh the streets of the town, headed by it (3 hands of the 208th lr-isli~(‘:trradi.~rns. t o 137th “Yorks,†and the 2201b "‘t'orks,’ under command of Major \V. G. l’rnk. Lie.tt.-Uol. B. H. Brown took the salute at. the Kiln,r George Hotel, and with 'hilu Were his father, Lieut.-Uol. l". \V. Brown, and [neon-Col. James \Vay- ling. bothoï¬icersof the 12th Regiment.- York Rangers. and Lir-rrt.-Uol. A. G. Nichol. 0.0. of the erh. In the after" noon the Fair Ground was a magniï¬ cent, scene. displaying every summer tint imaginable, and dense crowds watched the various e\ cuts or found refuge in the cool recesses of the var-i- ous booths. where thirstouenchers of every description\vereobtainable. The picce-de-resistance among the unions events was a tugarfuvar between the team of the 127th and a Ford run or car, which wasn‘t in it for a single moment. The boxing matches in the Fair building were largely attended, ..nd the principal attraction was the bout between Longboat and t‘orkery. ' in which the. palm was awarded to the Indian. The threr-tnile race, was Won by Ted \Voods. of the Toronto 5p ll'lj- men's Battalion. The motor-cycle l'ilt'a’ of live miles was won by Knowles. oi“ Neu‘tltitlkul. who beat Moritz, (rf'l‘rr-i ronto, try a narrow margin. A sum ot over $2.50†Was raised for the ZZHIII ‘ B rttalion as a result of the var-ions at- Itilt'litllls. 'I‘llt‘ Imilitlirin “wt-5 u, (let-pr debt of gratitude to the ladies and all . , For t'urtlrrr rtrtie d. s; v " . . v . ' - 3".h-r lit-leer! to m-‘IkvthuolhefJulya‘pn- .ru». 1:. A. Vanrleibutuir.|ltiriiiâ€"‘ “mm “f huh “M†«Mr Battalion my In every WM L" l inontl nrrr. or in... .r. not, Kleinbrnz. the word. 1 out 334“ i 7_' ~_â€"f Un l'l'hrnsday morning,r the column W- '. , _. . . .,., , , . turner on to Aurora and camped on ' ‘l[HFSIII‘ZHMlCNmr\ "(and set-raid ' , . , , l ‘ .. ‘ \ r the ercket (reminds. In the evening; I hand \rr-tor eloreii‘ Illllil'l' for l A r n Inonstvl‘ pattrr.tic ttlt‘t‘liuq was held. \ sale cheap. t‘ash or terms. Haw Addresses were made by Rev. A. i new is H. I’. l’oi'Zable (lids A ' Logan Geggie, of 'l‘oro'nto: t‘aptain ‘ (irsolr-no Engine at snap for t t\il. l Arrl'rr-y Ilavrs. Lir-rrt. (iotdou, aurl ‘ Captain t“. 1". Mills. On Friday morning the nine»urile inrreh was lllttde to Richmond Hill in a blazing surr. The tact that noone fell out speaks well tor the conditionI ' of the nir-n. The ladies of Richmond Hill supplied strawberru-sin profusion. \vlri3h were enjoyed and appreciated \‘et'_\‘ much. In the cveninga patriotic Inertiug was held. ‘1 On Saturday morning, July Sth. ' t long trek to the city 'l‘au sp rits of the highest all through the much. The column was met at llavisville hv the llearlqrtrr'ters L‘onrptny. who ari-nm- proietr them to llarrrsdeu Park. where the men of thr- trr-k weieinspi «'[ed at d dismissed bv l,t.-(‘c!. 11‘. H. Brown at 10.31) it.lll. started at 5 35. men were tf tire ,' r stt t‘t'i, 230 acres. . balance bush: ,‘ fr'ame houses, lots of good water; suit< ,ahle for proposes; this fall. ll. L‘. George, ll Tyndall Avenue, Ton SOLID Blilt'lx' HOUSE FOR SALE1 Ii't ctr ic light: bath room. 3 pieces' well. and large cistern. catnh \vas struck at ‘5 o‘clock and the l Imi- Sillp chmp‘ .‘ Neil McKenzie. K†I‘ I10l‘s‘i) m LET :on Beach to-niorrow tl“:ida\‘l. Cat‘s Will leave lhr- station at ilo‘r-lork, and re tnrninr: will leave the beach at 7.30 in tizt'r't'enlng. Tickets: Atlttil“.5llt‘t"lll<2 children not belongingr to tin-school. 23 cents: scholars of the Sjilmvl below th“ Bible classes, free. ‘v n c»...____ Miss lrenr- Mt-Mabr-n. who recently received a l’rovirn-ial Normal School Certificate. has been appointed t 1.: po- ~itiriu on the still“ of the l’wt‘t L'Ir'rlil Public School at an initial Salaryof stem), The Board of Education is advertiS- ‘ ing in the (ilrlu- and the Mail and‘ E npire foran a sitant teacher-tn tear-h Modems. and English intln- Richmond Hill High School. Applications re- ceived up to July [9. "Accrdental Death " 1 The jury that sat in the (‘ounril , (‘harnber 'l‘hnrsday evening to inquire l into the cause of the death of the late John (iornnrn. of Jefferson. on t' 0. night of the 27th of June brought in a l verdict of accidental death, the de ceased havingr been run down by an auto owned and (birch by Albert \V. Gordon, of Toronto. Ilr. “"esley, of Newmar ket, was (-or- oner, tho Crown was represented by F. H. Snyder, the deceased by \V. Larvr, and Mr. Gordon by Mr. Fergu- Still. Mr. Gordon testiï¬ed on his own be- half that his lights were in cor-d condi- tion on the night of the act-idem. that he was travelling lwtrveen l') and 20 miles an hour. that, he was looking straight ahead of his ear. and that he did not see deceased until br-was \\ ithiu three or fl-nr feet of him. He could give no explanation as to where I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Murphy and family spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lynett. They motored all the way from Colorado to Richmond Hill, then left. for Montreal and wil motor back home in a week or two Mr. Cottingham. Scoutmastei', with ‘ twelve young scouts from Richmond , Hill and vicinity, left Monday morn- ing to go into “Gonnanght Uamp“, \Vhitefish Bay, for two wet-ks. They will be quartered in three tents Presbyterian Church Sunday, July 16th, the minister will preach at both services. Last. Sunday morning we had the good fortune to have ReV. Dr. Patterson, oi Coole Cnurch, Toronto, present to preach to us. Dr. Patterson preached with all his .(ild-titn.‘ vigor and fnr'cet'rtlness, making his points clear with abundant illustrations. Iningied with reverent “ , I v . I ‘ . . h ' but alrvays insrmpressihle lr-ishhurnor. F'†1". “If “"5 "I. U“ "f""]' “t. 1â€â€œ The strawberrv lawn social at “um an. m †“HMMIMU N'ml'llhn' “Craigmor-e," Mr. Durham‘s handsmne M,“ "‘“'k' "m'lhl" “"1" f'xpmt' “[5†residence at Bond Lake. proved most mâ€";'â€â€œ" ill." m." “ml “I†.‘imt the delightful andenioyable. Thegrounds “'2‘. ill-"km. “in. 1‘" I‘lmr (“mm "ll". lighted [w Piper“ ic bull's scmmle . in: rael Ryan. \\ h. rr'tieceaceda rsrted “"10â€? Ill-0 filling“. \vas a veritable "II the night ot tltcaecrdent said that fair'vlirnd of beauty. An unusually lw w†m the in,“ ‘it Sim-"S “ml .‘i‘ipni good programme added a spice offlavoi “xiii mid hmj “(hid Emmiâ€? h'imimg‘ to the feast of strawberries and ice “blur-V m m.‘lngflwlr‘milddmm!“ C“an 0†Mommy “Hm Wu“ “after :t‘l't‘ctrldllllt’lltlullllll that the lownslnpr meetingU was held rrtt Arlir.‘ Dunlop's (“"“m'd‘ I“ ""‘l""~“l“tl l" lv'tYr'Hl‘ltqvillki man came from. Mr. Kirby, who was riding on the hunt seat rvith Mr. Gor- don. ptat'lir'nlly t.'t lt'rler-l'ulltl the pre- vious speaker's statements. There \\ ere 9 people in the auto. including two or three children. Mr. (irnrpt-l' said he examined the Luv" U, ï¬nish the i†“0â€â€ “Nth on either side of Yoirgestreetforthr- was done rprite successfully. surety “f liedosnimns' *7â€"n‘«-»â€"â€"â€"â€" DIE!) HARRISleu 'I‘hursdav, July (i, 1916, at thr- tesirlence of Mary \\'. Harris. Thornhill, \\'illiam York llari is,:rged 84 vears. Funeral Saturday. July 8, to rota Cemetery Hnnouncement ll The undersigned wishes to thank his numerous. friends for their patronage during the past; twenty-live years and to announce that, A u- rréiwjnvirujsianrsms orfsr: 'I‘07141£T~(‘ornt'ortable six- roamed house. Yonge street. owing to the increasing pros- Apply Presbyterian Manse. 2-3 sure 01' other interests, he is compelled to discontinue his tailoring business in all its branches. This announce uran to take effect on and after August lst, next. 1 4 OST â€" A white mare 15% hands high, with brown spots and bob- tail. Please notify \V. J. Robinson, 102 Chester A venue, or Highland Creek P.O. R. \Valkington, Maple. 1-3 ‘OR SALE â€" Two pure-bred Tam- worth Sows about. one year old; l l l two Yorkshire Sows seven months old; one Yorkshire Sow with nine ‘ “ pigs: one pure-bred Berkshire Sow. H' J‘ 1mm L. Krona». (lot-ruler it. n. 2. ‘ IPhone Htorilla‘ille 4004. 1.3 UR S;\l.l“.;Ainirantity of brick. wheat. Miss A. Gibson. .33 l Faun FUR saw: 1N 'rrnvxsme of Vaughan. about twelve miles from Toronto. near Richmond Hill. he- ing west hall' of lots 53 and M Yonge 21.3 under cultivation. large barns, :wo good ESTELLE .\I ORTON (I‘l‘l‘ll, (ll‘~ Miss ll. li'l‘lll‘ll. SIII‘II’HEIHH VOCAL INSTRUCTION I’rtpils prep tl‘t'tl for examinations ‘ Studio, Toronto ('rnrsr-rvotrrryrrt‘Mtreie mixed farming tI‘ dairying good orchard: possession Richmond Hill on Monday and "‘l‘ 03 4, In every gm d town and dis- trict in Ontario, where we are not represented. Territor y re- (ll'\‘l': for sale r-r- to rent on l\'tI\(‘.l \ir-w Ave. Apply J. A. Monk- 9 » ~ . - . serVr-d for the li‘Vlll man 3 nan. lir‘lrnzoi l . .’ ~ - ." - ' ‘ ‘ Hi I)†, Highest commissions paid. l .ltttactiVe ittltt‘l tisrng matter. on t‘hnrr-h St, Richmond Hill. ‘ , llrll . ‘ ' ' nd cold water pressure. gr‘od furnace, l Splendid LISt Of Lia sou-go {L i New Specialties for (iood terms given. , Season 1916 ~ 1917 .31 S .. “ hâ€"W"â€œâ€˜ï¬ Inclrnlin" the new evcrbcaiin" ‘0 REX I'~.\'r-\v house r'n Hosevicw ~. . i . ‘7- ' r a. .~ h .‘ I Alum“ APill." \V. H. Graham. ILL P MU‘ hi. hail" Jr ‘STONE&WELLINGTON Iiose view Avenue. Plenty of water. "rrr'rl n .s ' ' r r r l cellar. electric light. etc. Easy Lexi-m5. IHE ilf‘):.\l.l£iLilEL .‘ELIEQLRIEPUI ,l Apply n. A. Tyndall, Richmond inn. ' " " "Ht ' " " . ‘l 421: Toronto - Ontario m R Harness & Saddlery; CONCRETE HOUSE These are the days when you are putting down fresh fruit, and may require more Rubbers, Jars, etc. \Vchave a full stockâ€"Imperial pint, w'ne and imperial quarts, wine and imperial half gallons at last season’s prices l Jarr rubbers {or both size jars. jelly tumblers with tin covers. m- Sugarâ€"We give yru the bestâ€"eithe‘ Refl- p:rtlz‘s or St. Lawrence granulated, and to: fresh fruit we have Fruit Sugar. Borden’s Condensed Milk, sweetenedain 17c. PeerlCSS Evaporated Milk, uasweetened, tin 12c ; convenient size for picnics. “\â€" ' Atkinson STonr: (musics '.\'r‘ 6 RM. lllHMllNil Hill ()(Hv' your Harness over when _4 hitching your horse and see if there are any broken parts. If so. do not endanger vour' life driv- ing,r with Harness which needs re- pairing. In the next. place ASK YOURSELF \VIIY do they need these repairs? The question is soon answeredâ€"in nine cases out of ten they are Factory and Machine Sewn. \"hy not call at ROBINSON‘S and buy lIar-rn-ss i HAND SE\\'N, which will stand the Test of 'l‘ime,and give the best of satisfaction. Blankets, Robes, Mills. and everything in the Saddlery iirre. Our Prices are ('ity Prices. (Jail and see us. W.‘ R. Robinson Yoxrrr; S'rrticre'r ltrenrroxo HILL Men’s Straw Hats in a nice fine straw, and the egg shape which fits the head nicely, at $2.00 Men’s Straws, in different kinds, at from 20c. and $2.50; also to 50c. Men’s Summer Underwear in. combination and two piece. suspenders, belts, garters, hose, etc. And Agency for House of Hobberlin MoNDAYS £758 .‘Bh’ï¬mond .7511 inrm's/z’z'ng <3Iore Switzer AND \Vrjoxrgsnavs . The Pressure Water System is the first essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. Iain prepared to supply the above svstcrn in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing done. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guar‘zrn tced. JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. .Working Also Clothing. Worman J. glass .Troprt'elor