King (VH1 Suhr-mhm‘g dean-rd MW 1 hf hills and her of Wm juuru «1 In King (‘i v. The Bulhmvilln L giflng n Gm-tlvn l" BLll'K“s (m Smurd‘l)‘. he served frqu (5 It cu-zun Will he saw-'1'" A'lmissiun 2!) m-nls. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GcARAx'rEED Now open in Shaw's Business Business Schonls, 'l‘m-nnm, Ont., continues until Aug. 29th, when thllTerm begins. No vacations. Enter any timv. Flee catalogue. \inte \V. H. SHAW‘ Presidvnt. Summer Sessiun F, J. WUODWARD. $300110 Six mouwd cenwnt housv. cnmnmuly knnwn :15 thocl'ennwry pmperty. situat- ed (‘1! Arnnld St, Richmond Hm. Lot, 12') X 210. This plnpérty must he mu :m H)» OWIH‘l‘ has enlisted and dues llnLintexrl I-vt‘lnning tn (‘nn~ "(IL A rush (mymvnt of 33â€â€ will he :uxteplvd "Inn GENERAL BLACKSM 1TH, FOR SALE New Gormley A. GLASS (Hmmril nwt at Sntmn‘s Hmtvl. Prg. t-n thnduy. Jum- 24. 0r- hv paying-uh uf :1 hu'go numhm' uul :mcnums :uul pwsmln num- resulutiuus. 'l‘nr- Cnunnil :ld. tn mH-L at, Armstrong's Hotvl, y. un H'mn-dny. July 2!). . WDUDWARD "Room w YOUR CHuM’s TENT ‘FOR You vs:â€" WE HRE RLL CHUMS M QOME 'FmD 73E ONE OF us EBE'FGRE WE GET :N'ro SEMMSR fjï¬jwlr/GCPMP frqu (5108 l Bultonviile THERE WILL. Indies AM p-n'prm- Party at Mr. (Hin u Juiv l5, Tenru'ill m] hum . hum. :un .9 2M Ind Hutvl 1 \{OR Ks I‘m- Next Sitting 0f Divnsmn (hm: N0. 3, County 0! York. will hp lwlu in the Court Room. Tuesday, july Division Court RICHMOND HILL ('umnwnt‘lmz 'I‘. F. MOMAHDN. (“LHRK Price “Before the War $650 Price After a, Year 0f War $530 ___ON_ “ord Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Ford, Ont. 1t 9,1:I):1.xn Ford Runabout - Eord Touring - - Ford Coupelet - Ford Sedan - a - Ford Town Car - E. o. b. F 0rd. Ontario ‘ WWWâ€:mmmmummmmmmmlummmumu!IImmxmlummuummumuummummm‘mimsmetmmï¬ 1916 To understand this reason properly requires a knowledge of how prices of Ford cars are degided upon. On the very day that war was declared the pri_ce of .the_ Canadian Ford car was reï¬qced $60. VThese ï¬rices are based on the estimated pro- duction for the coming yearâ€"never on the .prgï¬tsearned the preeedirgg “yearz .4 -A-. . But don’t mistake the reason for this reduc- tion. It was made in spite of the warâ€"not because of it. ' For instance, some time. before August 1, 1914 the Ford Canadian executives decided that the demand for Ford cars for the ï¬scal year starting Aug. lst., would be about 30,000 cars. With this production it would be possible to reduce the price $60. It must be admitted that this was a remark- ab sincere and substantial expression of faith in t e prosperity of Canada and the Empire that prompted this Canadian ï¬rm to stake their entire business, on the continued prosperity of their country, _-_ r_‘, So an'ahhvduncement was made to the public at large that the prices of Ford cars would be $09 less by the _co_ming yearn _ Yet the Ford Canadian executives did not allow the war to interfere with their plans in the slightest degree. They considered the pros~ perity of Canada and the victory of the allied cause as assured. This wééwérflphasized a second time last August when the prices of Ford cars Were again reduced by $60. .. . .1 7-1 1m 1- Proï¬tany to manufacture the Ford Canadian car at this lowered price requires a production of 40,000 cars during the year ending Aug. 1, 1916. To quote from General Manager McGregor’s own statement: “If this company is able to manufacture and sell 40,000 cars between August 1, 1915 and August 1, 1916, we know that our buying capacity, the production efï¬ciency of our manu- facturing plant, and the distribution of over- head expense over a volume of this size will enable us to reduce our prices $00 per car and ealer for Markham‘ Scarboro and York Townships, inch Why Are We Proud To Advertise This? 1V1. DAVISON, Richmond Hill and Unionvflle from It season. Stu-h is in :ahmn‘l (-mn'im'v : \vhn huvn hm-II than» I Int tinâ€"v In [Mr "Heart nf llw Exnpinn ï¬ve-n \\ hcn Hmvs won m‘rmw Uu-uugnunl (‘nhrnh lnnrr‘nH-fl‘. It wu- u‘wnye mwvw-ny tn hring hum (wen iy-ï¬vv m \hirtv ‘hn'kulul hummus fnun Euslelu Points fur tho [Inn-3‘ A: voluntaryenlistnwnts h'iVP hswn very heavy. and inasmuch as :1 Hm- cessful ('10!) is [‘I'l'llil‘ll‘l] hv 1h» 0')- pen-tax gin-In: fnnl' i< luring f« h, .1). ng the L‘IIPS uf lhv (Tumdian Nuvl-ern Railway. (le :xm‘ulmt Hf Hm diï¬irnllv t-‘XDPl'it‘CB‘ in uhmining Lnlmr. whivh mum: sin-My Wm-K and guml wugvs Fur all whu visit in xlw (“xtli :{s SPXWULI This will lw "l“l‘(]¢‘l'$lll0ll Ymr" :Il llw Cnimdiun aniunul lixlvihilinn uml everything has inn-n plunm-d 1n sym- hulize lmpminl 1min and puns-er. llw New bonds of l‘lmpin- lunllwrlumd \Vl’lllPd in Hip muvihh- hf \\'ur m: «U4- tnnt. balm-fields, In kevplugz with the signiï¬cnnce nf the event pl:th have llt‘vl‘l laid fur u Spvutm'le (If im- usual beauty and brilliance. .1 superb, satisfying Slllllll' of Empine might and cohesion. ()wr 1.2â€â€ pt-rfui'nwrs will hr- wqulrml um: IIIr y \\||l im'lml" snldim‘s leprvsvn‘ing :Hl pulla hf Ilw British lllllllilllv‘ llH' \Vr-ilxl :nnmul. fumile luihv. 113;: uil'ic-d Sikh :Iml llw llig Th;- p:{gmml “in \n- m n-xm! |u («u-P u THU fc-nl rrpnnluuxinn pf Hu- liziHSh Hnnw‘ Hf Purliuuu-ul. (h1- \\'u|' ()ï¬â€˜it'v :xml \Vq-suunNH-r Ahlu-y‘ all mnmllm‘l- N1 \V'i‘h :\ \\'(‘-'lhll and Ilnlh 0f dwtinl Ind or write in R. L. Fairbuirn, (‘wmml Pnswnger Agent, (R King SHVH 16.. Toronto, 0qu. :2 z Th:l \ertt’l II n- 1'X[)l'lit'll('( Illll LIImI-m For further particulars app y In a“ \H lh‘.‘ ('. Smmm hlnuk '5‘ \“s 530 730 890 780 Farm Laborers Wanted Spectacle at C.N.E. h: Wm] H!) :II‘lllt- Khul'lngl- hf ms fur Spring: New]ng Wm k this VI'HI‘. uf Empinv might and 1.200 pvt-formers mu II:-)‘ “III illrllul" 'ing :H] pulla hf Ilw lln- \w-lhl :numul. g iil'iu-d Sikh and lhl' vl Hmnn‘iinml in “is lluigwd» ‘ 1' (hunk. \II‘ I'l “"Y‘ll. LI (‘HH’ H -t\i|~n hf l|w lili‘ish ‘¢' (\er‘ u'nlioll ‘vl’ll‘fl l Exhibitinn n plumH-d 1n Ly and pnwev Iph‘v hinuw ihlv of “Ru u .nm‘ii , HARDY. Stati n Age-hf. uf (Many IIHIU lu sym- wrr. 11w lhkrhuud LI' m: dix'v with HIV ms hiH'l‘ WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM Langstaff Soninr II. In Jllllin Chapman. Myrtle- I Tmnlinsnn. )[urk ()rl Junior 1H t Scull, {)muhy Hunk Promotion Exams at Lanzstaii School RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, lllH'S II] III EST'D 1373 C. R. James still make a reasonable proï¬t for the company on this volume.†“If we are only able to manufacture and sell 20,000 cars, the reduction of $00 per car would not be warranted and this company would be operating at a loss. It is the proï¬t on the additional 20,000 cars which makes the price reduction of $60 possiblel’: _ Although to build 40,000 cars means doub- ling last year’s business, the Ford executives ï¬rmly believe that prosperity in Canada will be of such proportions this year as to create a demand for fully this much increased business. And the sales to date and the prospects for the next few months prove that they are correct in their belief. Juuinr H Moreover, this action becomes increasingly Slgmï¬cant when the advanqe 1n_pr1ce _0f_raw materials is taken into consideration. At least one automobile manufacturer has been obliged to increase the price of his car on this account. And the Ford Company again have an added burden in the increased duty on the few raw materials that they are obliged to buy in the United States. But all of these increases have been absorbed into manufacturing costs by the Ford Company as part of its obligations and its duty in times such as these. It is another signiï¬cant fact that while prices on other products have so generally been increased, the prices of Ford cars have been decreased. “Vé‘ovgï¬Ã©uf’ord Company of Canada, is proud to advertise this reduction in Ford cars because it Is a substantial, material proof of Its faith in Canada. The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd, is a Canadian Company owned in great part by Canadians, and as such believes in Canada. It believes in her prosperity. It believes in her ï¬nal triumph and the triumph of the Empire in this tremendous struggle that is now demanding so much-from her manhood and from the faith and supportflof her people." I-. 'l 1-- PRESENT OFFERING HOLSTIEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows; are brcd to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at LQngstaH by appointment. ““Aï¬a’tï¬i's‘ 'CBEn’pansz is‘wiuing to back its belief to the last cent. In .Iuniur Ill Myrtlr Ream y Smum' 1†Banks. men-i1 DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Depo‘sits bear interest at highest current rates. m ltie Bull (h‘tllgi Hulu' Phone Thornhill hilt“: HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO mu OF CANADA Himugh 1m \V f {lw mule nf the gum] lunds system are lulld ill ,. 1m IlHl [he Yonge Street lh‘sidents. Langstaff PD. Aâ€er completelyequipped, including electric headlights. Equipment does not include :peedometer. THE md ['niom'ille tn the must |Il nnt lhvil f llllst :n ‘nlw inuludin mnphints ulmut thdUSL lhk‘ ruude nnl [wing oiled foil M In: In Manager up}? in the unmylng (HIE [‘94