Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1916, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rogers, of Vancouver, had a narrow escape from death, when their automobile rolled over a steep embankment and turned turtle. In an attempt to save a little boy from being run over, Suma Inata, a Japanese girl of Vancouver, was crushed to death beneath a car. The Mission station and barn at Chilco, B.C., were totally destroyed by fire caused by a stranger throwing a burning match down in one of the hay mows. Residents of Chilliwack are relieved to find that the Fraser River has gone down six inches. They were in grave danger of floods. The collections in the Vancouver wgter rates department during the mo_nth pf June amounted to $19,243.66. Lieut. Howard Fuller, 9. bopfilar Vancouver man, was killed in action soon after being granted a commis- sicn. A writ has been issued against Patk. Welch, a Vancouver contractor, for hixing and bringing in an alien. Mining campâ€"s ait Atlin were al- most wiped out by the second fire of thg year.” Estimated loss is $75,000. A delegation of hotelkeepers at Revelstoke petitioned the council that hotel licenses be reduced. Frank Tremain, a Vancouvei‘ sol- dier, was run over by a C. P. R. en- gine and killed. Pte. G. E. Allen, of Nelson, B.C., in a fit of depression took his own life. Sir Mackenzie Bowel], former pre- mier of Canada, visited Nelson, BC. WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. Progress of the Great West Told in a Few Pointed Paragraphs. FROM SUNSET {MST sou) BY All. coon sue: 0:55:52} Dr. Wilson, the medical health ofi‘i- Grape=Nuts Gunman Postum Cereal Windsor. Ont. A daily ration of this splendid food yields a. marvelous return of health and comfort. the energy producing starches of the grain are made wonderfuly easy of digestion. Only selected grain is used in making Grape- Nuts and through skillful processing it comes from the package fresh, crisp, untouched by hand, and ready to eat. embodies the full, rich nutriment of whole wheat combined with malted bar- ley. This combination gives it a distinctive, de- licious flavour unknown to. foods made from wheat alone. Sold by Grocers everywhere “There's 11‘ for every SPORT and RECREATION Worn by @Jmafia- of the family Through long baking, W EAR. afi’ snags (Made in Canada) gears from now t 0 13158911 file will be iv n: good service. It is uilt of Be - acted timber, treated wit wood Preservativeg, thin prevcn decay. t has strong. rigid walls. mm tight doors. and hoops of heavy steel. 7 Therefore it lasts. gimp. 1y because it ca. 't very w 11 do anythinq‘ e no. 01ft to der ex Mus more run y *W'rite egt. U. 1'. 11.3155 gang, LTD. J,O_T""|5~‘-“ 20 filara. Ontsrid. al Co.. Ltd 6218011” The ofiicia instl acted to parents reg with foreign desirability name, and only names when the Even Christian Names of Allied Origin Must Go in Saxony. ‘ Saxony is one of the most patriotic States in Germany. Having removed foreign words from their hotels and eating houses, their barbers’ shops, theatres, and milliners’ establishments the Dresden authorities have turned their attention to Christian names, and he ve begun an agitation which is sure to spread to other cities. It has been noted with pain that a very large number of people have Christian names borrowed from other countries. In peace no reasonable ob- jection could be urged to this prac- tice, but at the present time for Ger- man women, men, and children to be obliged to go through life saddled with a name which is not German, and which is c105ely identified with a belligerent country, is intolerable. Awardingly, good Saxons have been notified that those persons with for- eign Christian names who desire to get rid of them, and adopt instead sound German names, may do so, the civil authorities giving them every legal facility, and removing all Oh- stacles from their path. Among the names considered undesirable are: Harry, James, John, Ivan, Rene, Jules, Gaston, Margot, Claire, Daisy, Olga, Vera, Renee, Gabrielle, Sylvia. The officials at registry offices are instiactcd to draw the attention of parents registering their children with foreign Christian names to the stacles from their pat] names considered un Harry, James, John, Jules, Gaston, Margot, Olga. Vera, Renee, Ga mar o wrnkles and makes the complexlo‘ cent, amaoth and faultless. It is no ec pear to use any other treat em ur ns t ’e day‘ Apfly USIT at n ht before retiring. and 1 will tone t1 9 a in and give that silk witness and g ow m: 11' sh eas that aqne indicates per ect skn enlth. {11! t ed: and nourishes the skin. ward See our exhibit at National Exhibi- tion. Toronto “81'! MPG. 00.. LTD.. TOBON‘I‘O, ONT. USIT ~13 put up in handsome opal bottles. It may be ascured through '1‘. Eaton Co.. Limited. Rom Simpeon (20.. giant? Torontg. and other high-class rut torea, or irect from us‘ Send 500. (2c, war tax) to-day for trial bottle sufficielfi for six weeks' use. How to Keep Yourself Looking Young. It has been proven ‘that the woman no totem her skin will keep herselfi reé rom Wrinkl‘ea gnd marks of age f longer than the woman who says “ b no. I never do anything fOr my com- plexlon." If your skin I: not na urally clear a d fresh. 9f 11’ it has an @766 from ina- tenuon-wworrywntclrmassâ€"nan or the ravages of wind sun and weather. th regu u and persistent use of UBIT wu soon restore to our complexion its natural color and reshnesa, Us T {I a valuable formula of an old and among beauty secret. ‘ That rubbish heap in the attic, storeroom or basement is a menace to your household, becausc there is al- ways a possibility of fire starting in it, and it may start when least ex- pected. Consider what might happen, and then, without delay, eliminate the menace of the rubbish heap. More fires originate in rubbish heaps than from any other source. To permit rubbish to remain in the build- ing not only invites a fire to visit your home or place of business, and render your family temporarily home- less, or cripple your business at a time when you can least afford it, but also endangers the lives of your fam- ily or employees. In addition to de- stroying an average of 23,000,000 in property value in Canada each year, fire caused the death of 141 persons last year. The home is built to protect our loved ones, and we want to do every- thing to insure absolute protection to those who live in it. When the 3-year-old son of Police- Sergt. Lyne, of Burnaby, was playing near a cow, the cow suddenly raised its head, driving the point of one of his horns through the child’s jaw to his mouth. Owing to the perambulator in which he was laced in some unexpected manner glling down the verandah steps, the eight-months’ old sdn of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Plumridge, of Vancouver, B.C., met his death. All the loggers on the coast of British Columbia may close down for thirty days on account of too many in business, also the scarcity of labor and high wages. Many Serious Fires Traceable to Such Accumulations. cer for V kiss the oath last week. He claimed it was unsanitary. With the enlistment of Private Lind- say Annandale with the 13lst Battal- ion, New Westminster, the third and last son of Captain Annandale is with the colors. an! He's only got pne arm. Mother Hush! He’ll hear you. Tommyâ€"~Why, doesn’t he know it? ‘ommy NO MORE FOREIGN NAMES. ’ancouvel‘ court Bil RUBBISH HEAI’S. Oh, mother That Child. ble when He claims osi..g‘ a to enter parents a l‘€ kat at first to taking his (1 it, was forelg solute! the man that In the Opposite Direction. Sir Douglas Haig has a keen sense of humor axrl a gift'of repartee. A big-,blustering sergeant was cursing two men for being careless with am- munition, and shouted. “You’ll send us all up to Heaven like arocket.” Sir Douglas chipped in, “Unless you improve your language, Sergeant, I‘m afraid you may go in an opposite direction.” I bought a horse with a supposedly incurable ringbone for 830.00. Cured him with $1.00 worth of MINARD’S LINIMENT and sold him for $85.00. Profit on Linlment, $54. Why He Preferred it. “How do you like my new gown '2" “Not nearly as well as your old one, my dear.” “What is there about the old gown you Like better than this?” “The old one is paid for, my dear." No Leisure. ‘ “Yes, we married in hast'e. I hope my husband doesn’t repent: at lei- sure.” “Demand pretty clothes and every- thing else you dam think of, girl. Keep his nose to the grindstone. Don’t let him have any leisure.” ‘What ruined your business?” “Advertising.” “How?” “I let it all be done by my competi- tors.” mnud's bitumen: used by Physicians Daughterâ€"I did, and he told me what beautiful teeth I had. Motherâ€"Why don’t you yawn when he stays too long? He’ll take the hint and go. German Butcher Fined $5,000. A Cologne butcher named Sommer has been sentenced to jail for two years and fined 20,000 marks ($5,000) for withholding from sale a large amount of meat and also for secret- ly selling moat assigned for sale in Cologne to Dresden dealers at a great profit. This is the heaviest sentence yet reported for violation of the food distribution laws. Manuel’s Linlment anbannan’s 2mm: 3 Eyes inflamed 1:)! expo: lure to Sun. finslamd Wind guickly relieved by Murine ya Remedy. No Smarting. ust Eye Comfort. A! gout Druggist's 0c per Battle. Murine Eye eivuinTubeeZSc. Fcrfiook cfiheEyeFrccask Drugg‘ists or Murine Eye Remedy Co. . Chicago §®?@ Eym; ‘ E El Ask for Minard‘n And take no on»: MOISE DEROSCE. Hotel Keeper, St. Philippe, Que. The Summer “ Life- Savers ” are fruit, cereals and green vegetables. Meat in Summer overtaxes the liver and kidneys, potatoes cause intestinal fermenta- tion. Get away from the heavy Winter diet; give Nature a chance. One or two Shredded Wheat Biscuits. served with milk or cream or fresh fruit, make a delici- ously nourishing, satisfying meal.. Such a diet means good digestion, good health and plenty of strength for the day’s Work. All the goodness of the wheat in a digestible form. For break‘f fast with milk or cream; for- luncheon with fresh fruits; Made in Canada A Persistent Flatterer. Ruinous. §ran_u[ated_ Eyelids. present ignorant, thc ability one factor is of the earth, which 5 rate determination. chronometer and wii have made seamen vi ent of lunar observe taining their position oceans. This daviation has lately been in~ creasing in a serious manner, the er- ror last year being more than 12 times as large as it was 20 years ago, the average annual increase amounting in the two decades to half a second of arc in longaude. The cause of the failure of astronomers to make the moon amenable to their exact mathe- matics, based’ on the dynamical laws of gravitation, is believed to be some attractive,force of w ich we are at This daviation has creasing in a serious ror last year being m« as large as it was 21 average annual increz Greenwich, England, observatory was foimded by Charles II. mainly for the purpose of investigating the move- ments of the moon in the interests of navigation, but though generations of astronomers have in the intervening two and a half centuries been working at the problem, the moon has not yet been amenable to their mathematics. The astronomer royal, in his report of the work at Greenwich during the last year, calls attention to the increasing- ly big deviation between the calculated position of the moon in the sky and itq renl position as shown by the Greenwich observations. This deviation has lately been in- Centuries of Study Yield Little ta Moon. By putting aside a small sum year- ly, as one’s means permit, the mo- ment the first payment is made on a life insurance policy an estate is created of the face value of the policy, and if a man would only continue to add to this, in the best years of his earning capacity, he would have some- thing when old age creeps upon him which would be security against many of the troubles he might have to meet, and if he has this sum at his disposal when he comes to advanced age he will have many people anxious to give him the comforts to which he is entitled. The building of an estate at the present time, or even at any time, is a tedious and long-drawn-out mat- ter. It is not generally known that fully 95 per cent. of the people who enter business fail during some time or other. Neither is it generally known that fully 97 per cent. of the public, when they attain advanced age, have little or nothing to live upon. If even a small fortune is to be accumu- lated it must be wisely and intelli- gently managed, and when people are so busy, as they are to~day, endeavor- lng' to make ends meet, they have not much time at their disposal to look into investments. In going over the daily press Week by week and year by year, we see the probath of wllls of many people, and we are often astounded by the small‘ ness of the estate, i! any, to take care of those left behind, and in many cases we find that the principal asset, when any, is usually a life insurance policy taken out by the breadwinner. Keep mnard’s Linimen: in the nous: It is a curious thing that no mat- ter how badly a man may need life insurance, he has a tendency to side- step it until he is finally caught, and, as has been aptly said, some men get life insurance toâ€"day much in the same manner as they get religion. His emotions must be appealed to, and he often takes the step in a moment of enthusiasm; generally he is plea3< ed with himself aiterwards, and if he is a right-thinking and a proper business man he seldom or never lapses his policy. Life insurance as developed to-day is of the greatest economic value. It is the bonding together of many men, and the paying in of certain sums by each, to minimize the financial loss experienced by other members of the company. As a means of preventing poverty and as a method by which families deprived by death of the providing member may not become objects 0f charity, there has never in the world been anything devised which equals the power for good as a well-manag~ ed life insurance company. The Way 8 Man May Have Something When Old Age Creeps Upon Him. NATURE GUARDS SECRETS. HOW TO CREATE AN ESTATE. force of w wrant, tho xeved to be some :hich we are at )ug'h in all prob- ; the true shape still awaits accu- Fortunately the :eless telegraph tions in ascer- in the trackless pend- thclack Engine, 150 H.P., 18 x42, with double main driving bdt 24 ins. {\‘Jidc, and Dynamo 39 KW. rbclt driven. Allin first iclass condition. Would be sord together or scparatc. rly; also 3 int or shafting at a very great bargain as room is rcquircd immch atcly. ‘3. Frank Wilson 8: Sons Reduces Strained. Puffy Ankles; Lymphangitis. Poll Evil. Fistula; Bails. Swellings; Stops Lamenesi and allays pain. Heals Sores.Cut8. Bruises. Boot Chafes. It is h SAFE AHTISEPTIG All!) GERMIGIDE Does not blister or rcmovc the hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. $2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for specile instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSORBINE. JR.. antiseptic llnimcnt lor mankind. No ducen erzlns. Painful. Knunnl. Swollen Vdnl. Coucem mated-mnly 1 kw Limp; rcquirul aun Implication. Prion ,1 W bottle at dealers or delivered. W F YOUNG, P. D F.. 516 Lymans Bldg, Montreal, Gan {Ibsorblnc and Absorbing. 3.. u: made In Canada“ RAW mm Reduces Strained. Puffy Ankles; Lymphangitis. Poll Evil. Fistula Boiis. Swellings; Stops Lamenesd and allays pain. Heals Sores,Cuts. Bruises. Boot Chafes. It is a $555 nnnssmc m GERHIGIDE We Want a. few good mechanics. Hav steady work and Rood wages for lath hands. fitters. handy men. also a fe wood-worklng machinists and handy men for wood shop wanted. Apply In person only. | Dodge Manufacturing Co. WEEGHMWS WfiNTED {OR SALE CHEAP, FOR BREEDING silver cross. and red cross toxeé and fisher. T. Chambers, Sioux Look4 out. Ont. Offices for sale in good Ontarit) towns, The most useful and lnterestin of all businesses. Full information 0 application to Wilson Publishing Corm- pany, 78 West Adelaide Street, Torontg. blers Deleware. Car-man. 0rde once. Buggy limited. Write for quo¢ 55597175., H. V . Dawson. Brampton. $12150 POTATOES. IRISH 00134 a PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JO Offices for sale in good Ontarf There’s no special virtue ing atemptation you can't indulge in. ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. mo... Internal and external. cured Wm:- out pain by our home treatmenL Wric s before too late. Dr. l::llman Med! v 0., Limited. Collingwood. Ont. “I always agree with my husband "Very sweet of you.” “Except, 4 course, when he is in the wrong.” Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show For further particulars write C. F. TOPPING. Secretary, Union Stock Yards. Toronto 30:20:; ainaglste'ed Nursa and receive pay while learnlng The Bath Iarael Hospital of New York City Founded 1890 Accredited by the Now York acme Ed uchnn Der!» Offer] a two-snd-onrbull yeur ooune L: nah-ivy or mum wmh allowance and maintenance. App'lcant: mun hue om yen: Mszh nahool hutmcnun nr its canon! nunl rquWnlrnL For p ruonlnra Andrus Beth tune! .mpitai, 88 Jeflermn L, New York will be held at Union Stock Yards. Toronto DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1916 73 Adelaide Street Wes Toronto. TORONTO SALT WORKS. 60-62 Jarvis 8L. Toronto. Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE H3323 MISCELLANEOUS SEED POTATOES West Toronto. FOR SALE. ISSUE 31â€"16. Rent (or Cattle. Write to: Prices. Lump Rock Salt in resisbA. afford to

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