Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1916, p. 5

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Tillie“ flihrtul: RICHMOND HILL. our, .lr'rx '27. 1916 Th“ Bind will LZlV“ nu onou air con- t-vit in the pulk on \Vrtllu‘stln)’ own. hing. Aug. 2nd. Got your korlak and rainora supplies from the Richmond Hill llaidwziri- Co. > ‘ Mr. and Mrs. l). Sloan and Mr. Howard Sloan ntotorod to l’i‘rivtang on Monday and will l(’t(ll'll to-day. Misc Marian Graingvr is visiting: in i Toronto with her graudniothr-i', Mrs. C. Hopper. Mre. Hillroi'n and \lr<. For-far and dilllglitf‘l' lJ-la, :ill of Tot-onto, \\‘p]'p guests of MN. G. F. Allcri for a wrck. Tho Richmond Hill Bind furnished thp mu‘tic at a “union Party -at tho Mt'thodist Church last m‘t-ning at King City. Mr. and Mrs '.T. A. )lcCaguo and daughter-rotiunvd on ‘a‘aturdav from a week’s motor trin toJackson‘s Point, Sutton, and other places. Dr. La Verne Pattison. dontist. i< taking holidays for a fr-w wm-ks and nxnects to hr- hack in hi< Riclimr ml Hill office the last week in August. _L_.. Mr. and dirt. T. M. Bulliunn and litto son of San Dingo. (1:11.,tll'l'iVFtl Sunday owning. and will make a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Surldahy. Mis. Bethunc's parents. Previous to 1885 ales and hper: worn Sold on the Canadian National Exhibi- tion grounds. The sale was almli<hcd at an annual 1055 in booth rentak of $3.000. quit» a sum in the early days of the big Fair to pay fora principlo. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. \Vriqht and daughtvrs rotiuned a fcw days Ago aftm' a two werka motor trip. visiting friends and rolativos at. Staynor. Crop. Barrie and othpr- plaens. Thry also mado a trip to Camp Borden. Richmond linden, A.F'. & A.\l.. wa: rvpresontoii at tho annual meotinq of Grand Lodge in London last. week hv Mossrs. J. H. Loggia ’l‘. A. Larnnn. A. Helrnkay and L. E. Hand. Grand lodge next, year \v‘ll he held at Belle~ Villt’. Mr. \Vni. Powell who now makos hi: homo nmir Saskato n. Sada. and his daughter, Miss larric inoll, inado a (‘all at. Mr. and )li-s..10s9nh Hall's on Monday. and :ii'r- viiiting' for a few (lave at Mr. Rolroi-t.HonD-“-i-'s, Victoria qqll-‘ll't‘. Mr. inr-ll for a numhor- of yt’:ir< operated a brick-yard Richmond Hill. Tho throo aihiti'atom appoinlvd by tho County Council. ruiniolv. H. Rant<~ don. RJ’I'VO of East Gwillimhury: \\'. Kt-ith. Rom-p. of Nowmarkct. and F, Miller. Donutv Ram's of York Town. shin, mot in Richmond Hill on Monday and heard the nvidonrro. pro and non. rolativP to the Patterson Sr‘hool Set:- tiou. Manv l‘:ltl’-])il\‘t‘l'.\‘ from the Township of Vaughan and (\tlwrs Wore prpsnnt. Tho ailiitratom will roport thcii' dccisinn in tho near future. _____..._..__ TORONTO LETTER I The Ontario Government for some time past. notably during the last scssion of tho Logislature, has been manifesting signs of increasing irri- potoncc: and tllt‘ result of the. hyc. vlcctiou in North l’urth shows that thc poople of the Pl‘tinnCt‘ arc turning to Mr. Howell’s wise and CUHStl‘thtiVC leadorship and for-«sight in pnhlic "if-111's:15:lSlit‘i-‘t-Hlltrllltl‘llltllt‘tllfil"lllt times which ar-o lrrvwing. Tho Littoral Patty. hoth in Dominion and Provincial politics. is takin;_v thc‘ load in pit-paring to tricct tho Hitch. damp of tho oxpltnion in Europc: whilst. the Tory Govoinrni-nls at. Ottawa and Toronto St‘l’tll contcnt to lot. the fllllltt‘ take cart- of itwll‘.‘ Thc incctiniz: of the National Lilwral Arlvimry Unnmitti‘c during: tlh’ pwi f week in Utt'iw-i has demonstrated tho 5 pr-ou‘rcssiri-noss of tho Dominion Lil). > oral Party in tllt‘ fiIl-l‘t'nt'hllrg ros- ulution< which \\'i-ri- adoptcd vow-rim: Sheial and other prohlcrns which will h-ivo to ho dr-all with aftr-r tho War. Mr. Rowcll. in England undying con- ditions thoro. arid gatln-i'iimr data as to 1 how the much ,L'ri'ati-r pl’olilrmx‘ of ill" nlotltcr country :ilc living grapplod with. is putting ter 111(‘11Illt'l'3 ot‘ilic Ontario (iovcrnmunt lo shame. a< ht- ‘ has .ilri‘ady douc I‘lllt’l' and inolc‘ responsilrlc pulrlic nicn in thc mattci of recruiting In the lionw last seSsion )lr. Rom-11's rceolution rI-gardiug tllr‘ organisation of tlic i‘csrrurcr-s of tho Provincv for tho successful pi osocution of tlic war, coming as it did irnnicdy iati-ly upon hie conscivntious Stlple't l of le Untar iii Tt'lllpclaiit‘t’ Act, vicar-l ly dciiionstratcd the potcntiality of his lcadr-rship: whilst hi< rct‘cntly an- nounced constructch policy Icr future Canadian l.illoi':ili.<i|i is irmkcd hy a most piar-tit‘al dvclaration of 1111‘! {11“i‘ll‘? 'z‘J attain rho 0nd._ Not a little saiisl‘artiott lids hccn Q'lt‘flllt‘d h\' the Iiilit‘litl inciuhcrs in, tho Ontario House from the fact tlrit r although the Government has. fl’Utll‘ time to time. \‘utcd down (wot y con- strutiro ctl‘ort rn thoir part, it has in many instancrs been compelled by the force of public opinion to ultimitcly adopt the Upposition's proposals. ' 120 'flltlllt‘ throw-twin. r of two pairs ot'sorks for Hll'll man. _Si'tlgcl' Agent, 65’ King St. lu‘., Toronto. Red Cross News l of 1114- llrtl llt‘ltl it: lllt', 'l'hv (‘rrwx' I'i'glilrll' trim-ling Auxiliary will llt' . l’ulllir‘ School uoxt .\loiril:r\' allot-noon. J‘ll)’ Illxt. at four-o'clock. 'l‘liow hax- l ing t-uvolopr-s will kindly rr‘ine-mlwr‘ that tho .laly sulhcriptions ari- duo on r Monday lir~xt. Thi- [ti-d (‘ltlsN' Auxiliary slrippi-d ' puer «If soi~k< to ('.rirr[. lir-lrl-‘Ir yrwtt-rilay. for tlrr- “11'” of lliv127tli . Battalion, who t‘llll<ll‘tl at Richmond ‘ Hill. aird who 211014-ll':i\i'llllllt‘lli';ll' This i~’ a (ll nation ; __r~.o.- ____. Union Picnic . Largo. li'tl poutois :rio out :uruouu- l ring the annual picnic in aid of NI. ‘<i".~' (lliiiir'li, Thornhill. and St. Mary‘s Church. Richmond Hill. to llt' ‘ lh'lll at tho Allin-y Farm. stop it, Mulioprlitou R~rilway, on Saturday, the 5th of Augmi. A good program of sports has lit-cu propair-d. including n footballtonrirann-Irt. foot tacos. tuh- . .rf-war. ctr. )lc-ala <t'1'\'l‘tl from -1 tot'i ~ p.m. Dancing in tho croning. Adâ€" mission 25 north: r-hildrr-n lll (rentx‘. You aro lll\ltt'(l :o come and r-njoy yourtelf. ._.._nâ€"_‘...-. Methodist Church Quartr'rly 1119(4ng will ho ('oudoctt'd in tllt‘ Methodid ('hurt-h next Sahhatlr. At thi- clown of [111’ morningsi-rrici- 1lll' Satiarnont of tho Loid'sSuppi-i will he :ltlllllniStt'l‘t-(l. Roy. .1. ll. Aikcnhriad will proacii morning and (Ironing. ‘ On Monday aftcrnoon at 2.30 the business meeting of the Quartcrly Board will he held in the Methodist, Church. 4.5“.â€" Divisiou Gourt Only three cases Came up hrxfore Judgi- (,‘oatswoith on Tuesday as fol- lows :â€" Hit-onn rs. Sllt‘;ll'd0\\'li~â€"AtljtIltl‘tlt‘ll from 18th April. Plaintiff sued for halance due on honw purchased hy do- i'ondant, $117.18. llcfcndant (:laiinrd damages for rrrisrepresentation in thc sale of said house and premium. Judgment for the plaintiff, $112.18 and costs. to he paid ar‘tcr plaintiff has paid hills for altering dl‘aitiag‘e, fixing Ct-ptic tank. is c. Apex anher (In. vs. Ross (‘1' Bran-'- coiuncâ€"Claim $37.61 for shinzlcs. ad- journed from last court. Adjouinod again to next court, plaintiffs to pay Costs. \Vin. Stout- Sons \‘s. Lillianâ€"This case was tried at last, t-ouit la’fowa jury. when a verdict was given for thc defendant. New trial granted and air- oihcr jury summoned. (‘iaiin origin- ally entered was for $119.36. and rc- dncvd at. laet cont 1.0398, in hi-ing it under the jurisdiction of this court. At. Tuosday‘s sitting thc plaintil’fs ro- fiisvd lorr-ducotheir claim. Tthung thcrvforP declach a non~suit for want of jurisdiction. Costs to he paid hy plaintiffs. This raso will prohahly he tried in the- County Court. Next Court sitting here Tucsday. Supt. 5. .__..r‘.‘7 Billion Dollar Crop Expected After a thorough ('iliVaS of various Points throughout \Vt‘\‘lt‘l‘ll (lairarla. Dr. .‘chill ofthe Dominion (irain (,‘rrm- mission. is uuotcd in Calgary assaying that, Allwrta would have a rtropas‘ good ae last yt-ar. that the Dominion would have a Billion dollar grain crop and that the grain t‘rop of [er thrcc pr-airiv Provinr'rw would he littlc it' any huhind that of last ycar. “The (‘onutry as a whole nt.‘\'cr look- vd hcttrxr than it does at tho proseng" 81111 Dr. hchill. “Tho wr-athcr was Inarh- to order as you might say, and 1 am of tho opinion that this yr-ai’a lrariost. will llt,‘ anotht-r \\'ondt-rt'ul our." Ther who Contcmplatc going \Yosi will do well in H‘lllt’llllll'l' that, tiri- inost ft‘l'lllt' (lixtricts in \Vostr-rn (lan- .i.d.i aro sr-i \‘rld hy the 14lliPSlrflllt‘ UN. R. and that, [his scamn thcy can travel from their homi- districts to dcstina- tion Canadian Northvrn all thv way. Arrangvrnr-nt,‘ l1.t\'t‘ hot-u made whet-why inay Hand in comfort, t'oloiriet and lgllllt'll Counter (Kris living a flutllllt'. l‘lri- first oi~ tin-w (‘Xt'lll'xl|111\‘ will in- iiin in Airglnt, thc date “'1” lio an- iiouucod lrllt‘l'. l"(~l' further information apply to nt':lle<[ (‘anadian Northt-ru Agi-irt or write to l(. 1.. Fairlrairn. ('it‘llt't'Jl Pal-- l’usM‘llgl‘l s Farmer’s Son Woodstock College Ollcrs a spccially designed course to Boys from the farm. November to March. Comprises English Agriculture, Physics, Manual (Carpentry and Forging), llookkccping, Commrrjal Law, liuslncss Corr'cspondcncc, .\t‘itlllllcilt‘, llilrlc. A tlioroiighly practical it the ~wring man on tlic t‘arin. Woodstock Collch is a residential Sclmol t'or Buys anti, luring Mcn, one of the most completely equipped in Ca mad .1. Other course » )latrlcula Write for Calendar. l-‘or personal interview scc 1;. 1-2. lili.\.\1.\.\', 31A,, Richmond Ilill ‘ilgtl. ‘dir‘tr t1] ll ' REDUIT'Fâ€"At Godrrich, July ‘21. llllt‘, 4‘.-.â€" Tlh’ .‘ttll'lrllrlllt't‘ tllt‘ lirst yr'arrt ill? t‘arrrrdian National leliilriiiou w.r< ltll,tlllll, [I ran llllt'l’ nooks. Last yr-ar tin-iv was a daily arr-inch attend- ;illcv of 73,001) for 111 day» :1 total ol- ‘ts‘iulun. r ‘0‘ Daily Star. 'l‘Ilt'NlflyI \Viiltl \\‘:i\1('~ (‘I‘l\‘i-ti at \vaillttltlgi- )‘i'.~1i'ttl;t_\' lll'lll llohr-rt .ltrlill>1tili:tl,( amp llrtlirrt-n. (ii-r- iriany, who had lirrr-n girrn up ax tlt'Htl. 111- also gan- tho l;i~t nt'\\'>‘ ot' l’tt'. lid- \\‘:lltl Morgan. who has ln-r-ir missing .‘lllt‘l‘ Juno :3. Edward Morgan is ihr- soli of 1111' l{(‘\'. .l. \\'. .\lo|g.rn. prwtoi' of \Voodhi-idgi- Mulliorlist t‘hliir'li. lit- and Pic. .lrrliir;.toir “t'lt‘ \iorkirrg a inai'liiiic gun in lhr- arlion ot‘ Juno 1!.- \\'llr'll a (iciman shrll l‘X'llUtlt‘tl in lhr“ ground Ilt‘ill’ llll’tll :rnd lllll'lt‘tl i'oiirrrt llic gun I-rt-w. Thi- (in-r rrranmlrrgthrrn‘ out and took thorn priwnr-is, .Inil lhi-i . last ho saw of Morgan tho lattcr \\';i<' lying.r on tho ground apparonlly rlcad. l‘tu. Morgan has Iiot Ili‘t'll ofi‘li‘iallv H“ l poi [(-11 at all, \\‘llll(‘ l’tc. Johnston. was i-cpoilml kilh'd lll action Nilllt’ tinrr, “0 says that llt‘ i: luring,r wcll Lht‘étttd as a pr isourr. A Jury l'ISt (ironing garr- thr-ir \‘C‘t-l .\d.i ll.rl|. “ho was foundl (lead in tlir- rzistt-rir at; lll'l‘ lli‘lllt‘' Sharon SiITnt' \rerksago, (‘Hillk’ to lir-r death from allut'k Irv t'lllt'l ing into tho; cistcrn wht'n slit- was laboring undori inontal dopi'cssion. DlEl) ' Jack Hi'cckon, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Iii-(Mitt of lit-Mitford. Unt.. for-iiicily ol' Barrio, ()nt. Funeral \Vcdrrr-sday t'rom thr‘ home of his grandparrnh, Mr. and Mrs. James Mat-Vicar. to .\laitland Cemetery, (iodei ich, Ont. iii! KDVEriiIsEMENis 10w)?ch FOR siting in gooil Condition. Apply J. Giccn. El- g‘in Mills, orBox 112. Richmond Hill. ilVAN'l‘ElJV ltousowor k. l Mrs. \Vatson, Brooklinrls, Thornliill. 4 l LOSTiGold Brmn'l) (act willipt-arls and ollir-r stoncs‘) ili Richmond Hill or on Markham road loading to Hi‘adford, on Saturday crcning July 13th. Finds-r will rr-r'circ a roward by leaving Sntllt‘ at tlic Lilli-ral office. Mrs. Frcd. Clark, R, It. No. 2, (iorin- lcy. 3-2 OYSE TO LT‘ZTâ€"ClIllllltil'ljtblt' sixâ€" ioomt-d house. Yongcstieet. $8. Apply Presbyterian Mansc. 2‘: orrs'r’c"r...-:.1r.......:;.;.;.r;;ir....: \‘icw Arc. Apply J. A. Moiik~ man, Richmond Hill. 51 ll ‘ OLID BRICK 1101's]? F0]! SALE \ on Church St, Richmond Hill. Elt’ct) 10 light; hath room. 3 piecrrs; hot and cold watt-r [H‘t‘Ss‘llltn good furnaco,‘ l well. arid large cistcrn. Lot a30x220 it. For :alc rhrap. Good tot-ms given. Noll McKrirzioa '51 N ’1‘0 RENTâ€"Now liiriist- (vii llixsovicw Art-mic. Apply \V. 11. Graham. 1: 01319 TO LET - 0n Hochicw‘ , A\'t‘l|llt‘. l’lt-nty of watcr, good Ccllar, cit-ctric light, ctr. Easy tcrms. l Apply R. A. Tyndall, Richmond Hill. 42 if filiiibttttcemtmi 'L The undersigned wishes to thank friends for their patronage during the past. twenty-live his numerous years and to announce. that) owing to tlrc increasing pros- surc ot'othcr intcrcsts, he is compellcd to discoutinuo llla‘ tailoring business in all its This announce- iricnt to take cli'cct on and after August lst, ncxt. 1 4 H. it. home, lJl‘J riches. Richmond hill 5’ Attention ! Woodstock, Ont. l’cirmanship, L‘om‘mcncial aiming to meet the needs CI" Lion and Business. A. T. MACNEILL, ll.A., l'i‘incipal * Yoxoig STREET GUNGRETE HOUSE , Fruit Time is Here These are the days when you are putting down fresh fruit, and may require more Jars, Rubbers, etc. \Ve have a lull stockâ€"Imperial pint, wine and imperial quarts, wine and imperial halt gallons at last season’s prices Jar rubbers for both size jars. Jelly tumblers with tin covers. 1 ~ 1 Sugarâ€"\Ne give you the bestâ€"either Red- patll's or St. Lawrence granulated, and tor frcsh we have Fruit Sugar. Borden’s Condensed Milk, swectcned,tin 17c. Peerless Evaporated Milk, unsweetened, tin 12C ; convenient size {or picnics. Alki STORE CLONES I130 j I‘. M. illGlltiflND llltlf r Hairless & Saddleryf ()(lK your Harness orcr when hitching your horsc and 599 if their arc airy hrokcn parts. If so, do not ondangcr your life driv- ing with I‘lariicss which nccds rc- pairing. In the mle placc ASK YOURSELF “’1le do tht-V nor-d tht-sc rcpairs I” The (picstion is soon anawt'rcdu-in nine cases out. of iv“ thoy 2111' Factory and Machin Si-wn. \\'liy not call at ROBINSON‘S and hin Harness HAND SIHVN, which will stand r thc Test of Tirnc,and givc the host of satisfaction. Blankr-ts, Hohr-s, Mitts. and ci'rrylhing in the Haddlcry lino. Uur Pili‘t‘s nic, City [’i lCt‘S. (all and scc us. W. R. Robinson th'uiioxn mm. Moxirn‘s n & Switzer .\.\'I) \VlCl).\‘l£51).\\'S The Pressure Water System is the iirstcsserrtial to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the country home or on a farm. Iain prepared to supply the above System in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. All kind of plumbing (lone. Contracts taken for houses, new or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. v JOHN HICKSON Richmond Hill = Ont. 5756 fiicfz’mond 3&7! and $2.50; also to 500. And Agency for Worman .7. glass Men’s Straw Hats in a nice fine straw, and the egg shape which fits the head nicely, at $2.00 Straws, in different kinds, at from 20c. Men’s Summer Underwear in combination and two piece. suspenders, belts, garters, hose, etc. House of Hobberliu fiurm'sfiz'ng §Iore Men’s W rking Also Clothing. froprz'efor

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