g Inge stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept 3.: the above places RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE ‘ ‘NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS '30 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Frank Danton, K. C John Irwin Grover Hanv Tel. M. 3ï¬31 Danton, Grover & Field moonsvd Auctioneers for the County of York Sulosuueuded no on shortest notice and at rea‘ aorsbm ratas Patronage solicited MERE-“CAMPBELL. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Counties of York. Onnuio and Noth Toronto. Specin attention given to soles of every dusoriptmn Farm and um stock sales a specialty; Farm bought and sold on commission. All salon a‘hm‘qd to on shortest notice and conducted bv 'he h‘wb up-lo-dnte methods. Address: 415 Ballinl St . North Town Phone in House. Belmont 1317 Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to! 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge & Colhm-ne Sts. TORONTO Nauglmm Block, Aurora. Thursdays Telephone Residence Main 3476 Main 44.4 300 BERESFORD AVE... WEST TORONTO Plume Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive pmth attention. Fur the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. O, I ONTARIO Phone No. 28‘ PIANO TUNING AT THE LIBERQYPRINTINJ 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Is PUBLISHEDEVER! T HURSDAY MORNING '1'. F. M_cMAHON, lluclvl'lakcrs & [Inhalmors D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. Phnno m- muil messages promptly attended to. PHONE 14:31 THORNHILL - 93.9391}. ..Ma_9Naughton Bu: RXSTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc; 7 OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET “'EST: “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE First house. north of Atkinson & Switzer 3 store. Phone No. 2402. ‘6 $1 per annum, in advance. VOL. XXXIX. VETERINARY SU RGEON, Thornlnill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Samoan maple LICENSED AUCTIONEER Soï¬n 5. 27avidson BUSINESS CARDS. Organs Impaired. Expnrl. Work :OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Barristers. Solictur I‘Ianle, ()nt. WRIGHT BROS C. EGAN Eh: gum! algeon a: NlcEwen. Naughton EDITOR 3: PUBLISHER . H. Prentice Hau‘l y D. Angel J K McE won Weston 734 Yonge St. Yonge & Charles 515 Richmond Hill Miss Marguerite Stecklev, who hns been engaged as Organist :ltSf. Mary’s (‘Ihuu-h here. intends starting :1 class for piano pupils. Anymw desirous of taking lessons could see Miss St‘ecklev at Mr. F. A nings hetw pared fnl' aminations Monov to Loan on Ind anachnttal mortgages: avast ntos _ Aurornomcoâ€"Rurovad to the old post ofhe.» one door vat of the gnu-Inca to the Ontario Bunk Newmukot ofllcoâ€"Throo doors south of he postoflioo T Examâ€:szme G v MnnaAN Pupils prepux'vd for examinations Studio. Toronto Conservatory of Music Richmond Hill on Monday and Tuesday of Each \Veek. COMMISSIONER. (‘ONVEY Real Estate and In LENNOX & MORGAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC annnm Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings. 33 Rinhmond Street, ‘Vest. Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (‘ Liheml‘ Ofï¬coi. every Thursday forenoun. Maple. Thursday afternoon, \Vnndbridqe, Saturday fox-enoon. Money to Loun at Current REILPS Ofï¬ce located in Standan ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30:1 ESTELLE M. ORTON Reside-nee address Victoria Square ELLIOTT Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison (I’UPIL 0F MXHS H. ETHEL SHEPHERD) Yong? and Chm-IRS St$.. Turnntn. made this remarkable average HT- and for (hr-"past twelve mnmhs. \V'e \vcrunsked m ï¬ll mun- than thirty times as many pnsiliuns as we had graduates. The Business \Vm-ld calls you: pwpdrv here :1 m1 now: splendid oppnrtnuilins; gnud salaries. All who are unximm fur n sucbessful start in business life should arrange now to enter this pnpulul‘schoul. \Vrite lu-duy for Large Catalogue FALL TERM OPENS AUG. 2.8 CLASS FOR PIANO PUPILS Commissioner, Conveyancer, eLc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST nun l‘. 1 unge Street. RICHMOND HILL Barrlslel s and Sollcllol's. OCAL INSTRUCTION Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1834 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK NOTARY éUBLfé PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM] FITTER F. Atkinslzn’s nu Saturday eve between 7 mu] 8. Pupils pro fm- Tmnutn Conservatory PX EDWARD FRANCIS WILLIAM COOK†S. SHEPHERD ’atmnuqe and influence respectfully solicited Nurt h_ )'nnge Stx‘ NOTARY PUBLIE PAINTER PAPERHANGER GRAINER, E'rc. _.ANICHOLLS . LASHER Aurora. “In Essentialc, Unity,- in )NVEY AN"ER. ETC. and Insurance P. 0. addrPSs Gm-mley. R. R2 G V Monmn \V. J. Elliott Principal .m. to 5 p.1n. us for 53 life -r this «y for 44 12 A day uf prayer and pnuse will he held in the )IL'lhndiat church to-duv (Thursday) in behalf nf the nuliuns at War. for their spiritual uplift. and that wisdmu may he given tn men in author- ity and Suldir’l's and Sailors whn qr» taking part in [ht- awful :trugglv. Hnur sen‘ices will b? held and :| shm-L address given at each service. There “ill be six SPI‘ViCPsâ€"ut ll). 11. 2. 3. 4, and [he Inst. {rum 8 to 9 p.|n. It is urng that maan attend these son-ices Ln unite in praise- [-I Almigth Gml fur His many lbleesings. "The effectual, fvrvent prnvr-r of :I righteous man m‘niloth much." The services are he- iug held under the direction of the On Sunday. July 30m, Edna Irene. eldest daughter of Mr. Edgar Gordon, passed away at herfather'shnme. Con- cord. She had a long,r illness which was borne patiently. The love and esteem in which she was held was shown by the large attendance at, the funernL which was held (in Tuesday uftm'nimnto'l‘lnn-nhillcunetvry. Many of her nld suhrmhnntos Were present. including a number of gixl’ fx-imuls, fm-nwrly nf liichnm'nd Hill High Schnul. where she was :L student fur several yuuls. The service was con- dnclml by Rm". Mr. McKee and Rev. N. \lelwnud. The flux-Al offerings from the Concord Epwm-th League and frnm other friends \vvre \‘91‘Vlleall‘ til'nl. she was of :l kind and gentle (lisp-)sitiun and will be much missed in hex- hmnu and in the community. The- sm-mwmg futht-z- and sisters and ln‘nlhf'l‘ have the sympathy of all In their box-euvenwnt. One only. refrigerator, enamelled Ileel and glass, most sanitary kind made. Regular price $32.00; special bargain, $25.00.â€"~Tbe Richmond Hill Hardvmre Co. By-Iaw N0. 305. anwnding By-Inw Nu. 300, received its several readings and passsd. appointing Jnhn \Vvlls Slavitary Inspector in lieu of Colin Sin~ c :m-. The Wedding lwlls‘ rung merrily last Tuesday evening when Margaret He‘n- dvrsnn Cowiv, daughtm' of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Unwie, was married to \VII- liam Eldrt-d Ficv, only son at \Vm. J. Ficr, now of Brnmp nn. furnn-rly nf (V,I , ‘ That 'lhe tiflsurm be and is bvn-hy autvhmized to accept; $6.45 frcm Alt. Thompson. being over: charge on ac~ count. That the treasurer be and is hH-ohy authorized to advance $200 to ‘Vm. Bavliss on account fut making tile for thp curl-Put year, Secrvtnries and trnstpos of Schnu] Boards are requested tn forward tn the clerk on (11' before August lï¬Lh requisi~ Lions for school monies. Council adjourned to mes-L at Tim)- pr-zunce Hall. Kettlehy. on Saturday, August 26111. u "v " ----' "J "' (lulmurg. Rev. ll. He-rlnsun nfl‘icinting. The bride lookvd sweet and beautiful dressI-d in :1 pretty white dress and veil, with umngeblossmns. The yunng couple receiv-tl handsome presume. 0f silvvr. (rut glass and lim-n‘ as Well as u nhr-que. n nining-rrmm suite and n China Cahllll’t. Fuw young couples stand in high in the esteem of Lhe-ir frivnds nr give such promise of a gnarl and happy lmnw. AfLH' :\ sumptuuus The folluwing resolutions were passed :â€" That this Councilnuthnrize the treus. In‘er [0 loan to trustees of S. S. No. 4 one hundred dollars. 'l‘hat‘l‘hv clp-rk he authorized to com~ municate with Jacob Rusherg re hus- pigl expensos. The above Council met at Ann- stron '8 Hotel, King City. on Satur- da|_y_. My 29th. That the trénéilfgx; 1w hereby author~ ized to pny $14.00 to H)» Gvnorul Hus- piml. Tmonto. re nmintenance ufJacnh R1_Islwl'g. Members all present and minutes of last, meeting read and conï¬rmed. The 70nncil in enmmittee of the whole or- dered a number of acculth to he paid. mu 1‘ n King Township Comlcil Prayer and Praise Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Concord Wedding “gs. “The effectual, of n rightéous man The services are be- the direction of the For many years the menace of set- tlers' ï¬t'vs during excessively hut spells has been increasing. largely ful'tllt’l‘wh son that, no nnchinery of any sort. 9x- isted where-by u scttler‘s so-cullvd "lili- erty" of burning down lives and prop- erty could be curtailvd. 0n the uthur hand. thu damage by railways has been rapidly lessened, as patrol and equip- ment have been improved. so that in 1915the Canadian Paciï¬c. GrundTi-unk. Canadian Northern and Algnniu Gen- tml were credited by the Ontai iu Gov- ernment with 110 ï¬res in the railway zon», causing a property damage of only $4,156. 0n the Transcontinental and T. and N. 0. (OntarioGovernnwnt, 1915. Report) 31? ï¬re-s were reported in 191?), the amount of damage being un- stnted. Investigation shows that both in Ontario and Quebec the settler, and not the rnilw:tys prlnmrily. must shoul- der :1. very large part of the responsi~ bility for annual forest. ï¬res. with a. considerable contribution also from cnmpcrs, ï¬shermen. prospectors, etc. How is the settler to be brought under reusmmblv restraint so that the “slash†ï¬re shall be eliminated forever from the- canses of these North Ontario ca- tustrophes. The frightful loss of life and propel [y from forest fires in Northern Ontario need not he accepted by th pruple «f the Pruvinue m whollydue Lu uunvuid- able causes. Evidvuce thus far I‘wn-ived indicate"; that the huge Cunfl‘ugl‘fllinn had its [uL ginning in “slash†tires stun-[ml by set- tlers fur the purpuse uf clearing their lands. Can Northern Ontario C. Hewitt, M. M. Halnsfln'd. R. U. Hul- ImIn-n, 11. L. Hmu'nu. A. E. Mun-sh. J. 0. Morgan. E. N. MiHPr, I. M. Nnuis, U. C. Okv, O. F. Russ (honors), D. H. Running, )1. Sturdy. R. N. Simpson. N. U. Shields, R. Sedan-e. E. J. Shvm'. A. J. Torrance. A. B. Batemnn. H. M. Baycruft, E. D. anuil'. R. A. Bynn. O. V. Bnl'kt’l'. A. A. Brodie. F. (J. Crummey. M. E. B. Crosby. J. B. Duncan. M. L. Umuld- ing. M. N. Heuslip, E. K. lb-IIm-r, G. C. Hewitt, M. M. Halnsflu'd. R. U. Hul- The results of the Middle Schnnl Ex- aminations for entrance into the Nur- mzil Schunls were published in Friday's dailies. The following are the names of the successful candidates for York County :â€" Bannycastle Dale gives some advice on how not to paddle in his article, "I a. Light Canoe \Vill Build Me" in the August, issue of Rod and Gun. and also srime pointers/on how to paddle with the least; danger of an upset. "T91anâ€" ami Men," by R. J. Fraser. is a tribute to the guides of Temagmni. than whom ihere are "nu finer band nfmen." Rex Snnw contribute-s "Little Incidents Among Big Mnuntninsâ€: F. V. \Vil- lizuns, "Klir-r-r-r-r-ik-ik-ik." The well- knnwn New Brunswick guide. Avery Morelwusv, writes of a mouse with a 52-inch spread secured hefnre break- fast: B. U. 'J‘illett, gives some experi- Pnces in “Snipe Sh()nLing."and various other stories and articles Hf equal in- lerestn-cede theregulardeui-[mt-MS. which are replete as usual with infur- nmLinn for the lover of gun. rm] and dog. \V. J. Taylor, Limited. \\'nnd- stock, OnL.. are the publishers of this representative Canadian Sportsman’s magazine. At the annual meeting of the Yul-k County Library Board. held in the Dun library building last week. the fullnwing \vme elven-d: President. Miss M. Duncan. Dnn; Vice-PI'Psidt-nt, Albeit, \Vvighiâ€, Uniunville: Sect»- tary, Hemy Dlu'nntt. Runnymedp, tr» gather with an executive unnuniLLe-e cnmpnsrAd «if the px‘esldent, view-presi- dvnt. sucrvmry and Miss M. Street. of Mimicn. ThH next place hf meeting will he Mimicâ€. E. A. Hardy. SOCI'P- tarv of the Ont-arm Library Board. spoke on "\Var and Literature."nnd Prm‘iucml Inspector Carsnn gave-:1 short addwss. There wu< ;\ ï¬m- repre- sentuliuu {rum all uver lhr- county. York Library Board Elects Its Officers A year ago all over the Province there wan great disappointment among the penple coming to the Exhibition the List couple of days to learn that the rates on ail railroads had expired. It was too late then to have the matter rectiï¬ed, but the Exhibition manage. ment tank the matter up with the rail- roads and found that there had been a mintake in the circular sent nutto their agents. the result being that on tho clnning days people going to Toronto had to pay full fare. This year (he mattr-r wus attended to early and the LL,- -. - Exhibition has the assurance that thm'e will he nu repetition nflast year's lrnnhlP. The ratvs extend (we: the full two weeks pen-ind. Middle School Exams Good For Two Weeks August Rod and (inn Bush Fires be Prevented? mrs the menace of set- Ig exvvssively hut spells sung. largely furthurva. uzhinery of any sort. PX- 10. 1916 We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat. Backwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Wesley Chatterley Elgin Mills, Ont I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES 11. A. Nichole Get Your I“OI{ SAIAE Sulid brick house on Church Street south. Richmond Hill. Several $1.000 lots to loan on ï¬rst. mortgage. Mr. H. A. Nicholl’s, Real Es~ tnte Agent. has several benutL ful lots for sale on Richmond Street. a very shot-t, distance from Ynnge: also some elegant luls on \Vright street. 15 you want a nice residential lot at. a nominal price now is your chance. Several gund farmsâ€"ran in Vaughan. nem Richmond Hill; a. ï¬rst-class farm at, Victoria» Squaw, :0. good farm in Mark- ham. near Yonge Street. A small farm ndjmning the vxllngv of Richmond Hill can he bought now at a price that will pay to hold for SPECCLATIVE Pl'RPosEs. A Seven manned frame house with stable and 0â€)?!“ out buildings on Yonge Sheet. Om»h-ulfun:1crc nflund. heauL~ ifnl front lawn with hedges on sides. Quick sale. Easy lrrml. Prnpex-ly known as “Grand Central Bluck.†First-class lo- cation on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building lately occupied Ivy Stnndmd Bank contains ï¬rst-class vault. The building is three stories with vellur lmsmnent. and suitable for any purpose. If required, ngd-will nf :1 twentywenr well paying implement and rP~ pair business goes with pupa-1y. Puhtic Attention J. H. RAMER STATIONERY PRINTED at The Liberal Ofï¬ce All branches of the tirade strictly attended to; shoe-~ ing lame and interfering; horses 3 specialty. Patron.- age solicited and satisfac- tion guaranteed. . "535 Tile for Draining. General Blacksmith Wesley Chatterley [Single copies, 3 eta. No.