Promptly Made to Storage Batteries Generators Magnetos Starters. CANADIAN STORAGE ‘ BATTERY 00.. LIMITED 117 Simone 8t., Toronto. Willard Agents. MAX HARDEN TELLS THE TRUTH Germans Driven Like Flock of Sheep by a Merciless Shepherd. Underground rumblings in Germany [have grown in, intensity, like the Brit- |ish artillery 'ï¬re, within the past few ,Weeks. ,The real import is conveyed by the only man in Germany still out of gaol who has the courage and the opportunity to speak the truth. ' In a late number of his Govern: ment-defying Weekly review, Zukunft, Herr Maximilian Harden has a reâ€" markable article entitled “Those Unâ€" derground.†It is a straight-fromâ€"the- shoulder attack on the Government and the War Party’s fear to unmuzzle public opinion. the Socialist Liebknecht’s sentence and the suppression of the Liberal- Radical Berliner Tageblatt for merely demanding afresh the right to discuss “our war aims,†Harden’s article is ;proof that the crusade to face the pre- sent facts about the warâ€"Germany’s hopeless ï¬ght for peace on her terms fâ€"is a strong and growing movement. ,‘Without at all exaggerating its im- portance it is undoubtedly a manifest- ation of no little promise and encourâ€" agcment. The signiï¬cance of the crusade for the truth lies in the identity of the ,crusaders. They include: 1. The working classes, who realize the utter impoverishment which pro- longation of the war means for indus- trial Germany. 2. The moneyed, commercial and ï¬- nancial classes, shippers, merchants, manufacturers, and bankers, for whom the Berliner Tageblatt and Harden have always ben recognized as spokes- men. , The latterâ€"the Ballins, Gwinners, Rathenaus, Riessers, Thyssens, Kir- dorfs, Furstenbergs, Stinnes’s and the other captains of industry and ï¬nance â€"know perfectly Well that time is ï¬ghting on the allies’ side. Their own interlocking associations with the Government make it impossible for them to speak out. So they use Hard- en for their purpose. When Harden ,declares that if the German people’s ,‘real sentiments could be expressed the end of the, war would be‘in sight he is talking not for himself but for Ger- many’s gagged and muzzled men of affairs. The Government’s attitude toward the demands of these classes is that public discussion of' the] war :would “injure us abroad" and “under- mine domestic unity.†This, is the crusaders’ reply, made in their name by Harden: ‘ “It is not what Schmidt or Schultz thinks about the conduct and object of the war which damages us abroad. What hurts our prestige is the ï¬gure we have cut for nearly two years now > of a flock of docile sheep'driven be- fore a merciless shepherd. our ene- As the acorn grows to be the mighty oak, so children, when rightly nourished, grow to be sturdy men and women. _ Good flavor and the es- sential nourishing elements for mental and physical de- velopment of children are found in the famous foodâ€" Grape=Nuts Made of whole wheat and malted barley, this pure food supplies all the nutri- ment of the grains in a most easily digested form. It does the heart good to see little folks enjoy Grape- Nuts and cream. “There’s a Reason†Sold by Grocers. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor. Ont. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ mics are listening in the right and* the left, but can nowhere hear what: the. will of the German people is. If‘ they could, we would be near to the peace which is to-(l::;.' possible, and which only a miracle can improve.†.0 FOP YOU AND I. If you would smile a little more And I would kinder be; If you would stop to think before You think of faults you see; If I would show more patience, too, With all with whom I’m hurled, Then I would helpâ€"1nd so would you To make a better world. If you would cheer your neighbor more And I'd encourage mine; If you would linger at his door To say his work is fine. And I would stop to help him when His lips in frowns are curled; Both you and I’d be helping then To make a better world. But just as long as you keep still And plod your selï¬sh way; And I rush on and heedless kill Written on the eve of p The kind words I could say; While you and I refuse to smile And keep our gay flags furled; Some one will grumble all the while That it‘s a gloomy world. â€"â€"Edgar A. Guest. l ComeHOut of tilâ€"e. Kitchen. It is the closed season for the bake-oven. Banish kitchen worry and work. Forget cooks, ser- vants and gas bills. Solve your Summer problem by serving Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the ready-cooked whole wheat food. A food that restores the digestive organs to their natural Vigor, supplies all the nutriment needed for "a half~day’s work, and keeps the bowels healthy and active. We have done the baking for you. Eat it for breakfast with milk or cream; serve it for luncheon with berries or other fresh fruits. Made in Canada Described. “Papa, what is moneymania 1’†"An incurable disease, my boy, and your mother has it." Minard’s Liniment used by Physicians. Germans Eat Crows. Crows and CI‘OWS’ eggs are recom- mended by the German Ministry of the Interior. as; articles of food." Crows‘ eggs are described as having the taste of plovers’ eggs. {ironuiaied Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by expo. sure to Sun. Dust and Wind SF “ quickly relieved by Murine _, Eye Remedy. No Smarting, é! ‘ Eye Comfort. At just Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine E) a lheEycfreeasl: SalvcinTubeSZSC. Forflook oi Drugg’ists or Murine Eye Remedy Co . . Chicago Curious Thing. The captainâ€"Dashed curious thing, Petersâ€"women living longer than men. The Chemistâ€"Speaking from ex- perience, sir, I should say that women are dyeing much younger than they did. Sir Rider Haggard, the British novelist, photographed just before his departure from New York for London on the steamship St. Louis the other day. a The English writer said: “Even be- fore ,the, war. there were superfluous women in England to the number of over one and one-half millions. Now there are millions more, and these, at the Government’s request, have gone into industry to take the places of the men at the front. These women are there to stay, for there will not be sufficient men to marry them." END or WAR LONG WAY OFF. ‘ Russian General Says Germany Has Much Resistance Left. Discussing the energetic preparaâ€" tions of the Russians for the continu~ ance of the war Gen. Chouvaieff, Min~ later of War, in an interview with the Russky Slovo says: “It is necessary to dispel the illuâ€". sion that the war can end in the auâ€"' tumn. The breaking dowu of the enemy forces has already begunâ€"a fact as well known to the Germans as to the Entente allies~but German technique is so high that in spite of her economic weakening and the_low-‘ J still has the power to resist, and we I must look forward to a further], struggle before the ï¬nal victory. “This explains the recent orders calling men ordinarily exempt to the colors. Russia already has a large re- serve, but it is our intention that this I reserve shall not diminish." i What Goes In the Missionary 'BOx, . “Whatever are you doing. Molly ?"’ asked mother, as she entered the curl sery. For her ï¬ve-yoanold daughter was busily stuï¬iug broken toys, head-I ,lcss dolls, ragged clothes, and other ‘odds and ends in an old leather bag-.- "Oh, mother, can't you see '3" cried {Molly “I'm packing a missionary-box, just like the ladies do. And it's aili right," she added proudly. “I haven't: put in a single thing thaz's any good.â€I l... Ask for Ward’s and take no other impatient Parent. ’ Lawyerâ€"You say you want this damage suit pressed through with the utmost speed ? Clientâ€"Exactly. I have a child six weeks old, and Iwant the money to pay his college expenses. W Montreal, May 29th, ’09. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N.S. Gentlemen,~â€"I beg to let you know that I have used MINARD’S LINI- MENT for' some time, and I find it the best I have ever used for the joints and muscles. Yours very truly ' THOS. J. HOGAN. The Champion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada. M A Young Financier. “Auntie, can you change a dime for me ?†“How do you dear ?†“Into a quarter, please." want it changed, It is estimated that the Canadian National Exhibition attracts 400,000 people to Toronto annually, a large percentage from across the line. Courteous Princes. Prince Albert was seen recently coming out of a Regent Street (Lon~ don) shop, and as the girl commis~ sionaire swung open the door for him he saluted and thanked her. Our royal sons have I been brought up to the highest notions of chivalry towards all women. When Prince John was a tiny boy he always raised his cap to a flower-woman who had her basket in Buckingham Palace road. It is record- ed that the Queen said: “I’m very ered morale of her troops Germany 3 pleased; I like my boys to respect all ? women." [ THE “BIG DRIVE.†By Charles Iii. Bice, Denver. Colo. Delusion, if not disappointment, lurks in the phrase “big drive,†as ap- r'plicd to the offensive movement of the. allies on the western front. The overâ€"enthusiastic have visions of a vast army of millions sweeping north and east and driving the Germans b0- forc them. The thing, unfortunately, is impossible. It was as nearly realized as it prob- ably ever will be in this war at the battle of the Marne, but that was be- fore the era of trench warfare. North~ ern France and Belgium behind the German lines is now a vast area of prepared defenses and military trenches. A comparatively few men can hold entrenched positions against vastly superior numbers of infantry. No army in modern warfare can advance much beyond the range of its heavy guns, nor any faster than they can be brought up to prepare the way. Those who conceive of the soâ€"called “big push†us one great continuous movement along the whole front cher- ish an uninformed conception of the true situation. The big drive now tak- ing place is the composite result 0f many smaller drives. The main sig- niï¬cance of this movement lies in the fact that these small pushes are a part of a coâ€"ordinatcd plan, including the Italian, Russian and Balkan fronts with the western. between Arms and the Somme is not as interpreted by some of the headline writers in ,the papers. , This vast army will not be, hurled en masse. So far as developed, it is primarily a powerful, localized attack intended to relieve pressure at Verdun. that appears to be its object, but also to realize such strategic gains as will lead to further successful offensive movements after adequate preparatiOn for them. In choosing the sector south of Ar- surprised their foe. The sé'ctor north of Arras has been the favorite ï¬ghting ground because the positions held by the British are within close reach of important strate- gic points in the German front. Vimy- Ridge commands the plains that sur- round Douai and Lens. The capture of these cities would seriously menace Lille, and the fall of Lille would de- moralize the military organization of the Germans along the Artois front. But by striking south of Arms, the strongly defended region north of it may be weakened, and the'way pre- pared for a second blow that will prove more effective than those hither~ to dealt on the sector from Arras to La Bassee. The signiï¬cant thing is that the in- the Alliesâ€"and this for the ï¬rst time since the war began. . . It looks as though the first sen- tence in the ï¬rst paragraph of the last chapter is being written, and the doom of the Hun is sealed. Let us hope that the end is near. 0 _ "_“‘.0 THE SELKIRK TUNNEL. Will Cost the C. P. R. $12,000,000 at the Least. The Selkirk tunnel will be through in the fall, according to the C.P.R. of- ï¬cials. This is another of the notable things to which the company has put its handâ€"a tunnel six miles through cloudsâ€"a tunnel which presented en- gineering difficulties almost unique. This work will give the public an alternative route through the moun- tains; it will save six miles of snow sheds; it will eliminate danger, and it will minister to the comfort and convenience of the public. The' cost will be $12,000,000 or more. That is about the only big work the C.P.R. has been engaged in lately, but it is in~ teresting to recall that in the years before the war the company used to spend between $25,000,000 and $35,- " 000,000 per annum in the development. ‘of the West. If, as a high oï¬â€˜icial of 1the C.P.R. remarked, the C.P.R. took a dollar out of the West, it put that dollar back again in some form or other. It would hardly be believed, but the C.P.R., since its inception, has 1 spent over $200,000,000 in the develop- ’ment of the West. r}- xcep Minard's Eminent 1n the noun Precautionary. “Can you accommodate myself and family for su1. mer board ?" “What's your politics" Farmer Corntossel. ‘ “Does that make any differeuCe '2" * “Yep. I‘m not having to take an- ‘otber chance on having the whole inquired place stirred up with arguments day, All the folks that board‘ and night. here this summer has got to have the same politics.†, The hospital ship Salta recently ar- lrived in the Liï¬â€˜ey with about 400 ! wounded soldiers on board, and was greeted by a great crowd of people. The British drive. the hurling of an army of over 2,-5 000,000 men against the German lines 1 At least, i ras for the attack, the British greatly‘ itiative on all the fronts is now witl: . V a mountain whose peaks pierce the “land's Imminent Lumberâ€"4233': :rleall EFFORT. . . The things you cannot do to-day This is an old, old story, Are things reserved along the way To bring to-morrow’s glory. So keep on trying anyhow, Don't sulk or wail in sorrow, The things that are your master now, You'll master some toâ€"morrow. ~ ....., 115......†...... .v _ .. .-.« 1 @H®E§ - Fore Evsnv SPORT i one REGREAWON Sold by all coed Shoe healers . i Worm icy member ‘ of the. inï¬nity ,0, . 5 51:21) Porn-Tons ‘ R-.. _ __..._ A- BED POTATOES. IRlS'H COB- : , k blers, l‘cleware, Carnmn. Order L l at 07108. ‘ tations. Surme limited H. \V. Write for (lu0< Dawson Brampton POI! OLAND (‘ElINA HOGS SMOOTH, big-boned, quick groslng, aPL-ton kind, and every one registered. The ideal i'armers‘ hog sold at fai‘mcrs' iprices. MAJOR EDS-lit. . \ ._-~ NEWSPAPERS. FOR SALE )ROFlT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB .' Offices {or sale in good 'Untario towns. The most Useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on ‘, , application to Tv'ilson Publishing Com- ‘ pany. 73 \Vest Adelaide Street. Toronto. "4; MISCELLANEOUS ‘ CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Writ. ; us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical , Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. poo DISEASES ‘ And How to Feed (Mailed free to any address by the Author ' 3 H. CLAY CLOVER CO., Inc. fling Remedies :; 118 West 315i Street, New York N... < .5 * “ Years from now the Bisscll Silo will be giving good. . service. It is built of sel- ected timber. treated with wood preservatives. that prevent decay. It has strong, rigid walls. air- tight doors, and hoops of heavy steel. Therefore it lasts, simp- ly because it can't very ‘ well do anythingr else. Our folder explains more fully â€"“‘rite Dept. U. . '1'. 1:. BXSSELL CO., LTD» Blora. Ontario. ‘ DON’T GUT OUT AShoe Boil,Cappell 1, Hook or Bursitis ‘will reduce them and leave no blemishes. : Stops lameness promptly. Does not b’iia- ’ ter or remove the hair, and horse can be lworked. $23bottlc delivered. Bookohi free. i ABSORBINE, JR., for mmklud. the antiseptic linimcm for Bolls. Bruises. Sores. Swellings, Varicole Vans. Allan Pain and Inflammation. Price 51 and 82 a bottle at ‘ drugzlm or delivered. will tell you more i! you write. i W. F. YOUNG. P. D. F., 518 Lymans Bldg, Montreal, Gan. 'Absorblnc and Absorblne. Jr.. in: nude in Canada“ idealism in Sale thclock Engine, 150 il.P., 18 x42, with double main driving belt 24 ins, wine, and Dynamo 30 KW. belt driven. All in fllSl class condition. Would be sold together or sepiraic- gly; also a lot of snarling at a very great bargain as ,room is requier immedi- ’atcly. " ' it}. Frankitiiison ‘ & Sons » 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto; hgâ€"ï¬â€˜ Issue 331?.