ALL BRANT HES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO F. J. WUUDWARD The Next Sitting of Di\ mum (‘mm No. 3, County of York. will he hr-ld in the Court Ruum. SHOEING LAKE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATROSAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEID F, J. WUODWARD. Tuesday, Sept. 5, 19:6 Iiit-hnlond lIiIl GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Division Court New Gormley (runnm-nclnc RICHMOND HILL â€"()Nâ€" MA R RIXG ‘2 LICENSE; . J. II U {VI P3 NOTARY PUBLI'Q DOMINION WAR LOAN SAVE CON VEYANCING T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. ISR’JER’ 0F DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. it 9.3“ mm. YOUR FOR THE MONEY [n the evening A muviug pictuI-P en- Lm'minuwnt was gin-n. uml this was l‘ullmvm] by a (lunar 11) [he puV‘lliull. The sixth annual picnic I'f the T: - I‘Jllll) 6c Yurk Radial Railway Hu- pluyeas was he-ld in Bnml Luke- Park last Thursday. Thr- \veathr-r Wu" ldr‘Al and the pmgrunum- was! intone-sling and exciting from Ire-ginning to end. Mr. “'ilsun. Mr. Livingsmn and “NIH- ofï¬cials assisted Mr. Rvg‘ Patch. SPCI'P- buy (I (fulllllllHPf‘, in running uff tho programme nf gnnws, uml Pvm'ylhing WPIIL nfl’ likv (:lnckwnrk. There “‘le 26 uuluhmi nu lhn- prugranuue. includâ€" ing lmys' rum-s. girls‘ meâ€. mvu's and women's [mu-u. Lug-nf-wur. whevlhxr- rnw lace. blind pig rauv, sack race. nh~ stucfe rvlce. ludies‘ bull-thuwing mm- LHt. 9m. ' Jain the 220Lhâ€" now Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited New Prices, Aug. 1, i916 Bond Lake G. A, M. DAVISON _ Richmwnd H111 and Unionville. Dealer for Markham. Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street These prices are positively guaranteed against any reduction before August 1, 1917, but there is no guarantee against an advance in price at any time The ioflowing prices for Ford cars will be effective on and. after August the let, 1918 Chassis - Runabout Touring Car Coupelet - Town Car Sedan - ‘ ‘ ayo JY's-deI/Km nga F. O. B. FORD, ONTARIO Camp Elgin. S.O.S.â€"~Me-ls 2nd and 4th \Vednesdnv. A gnod lime nuw tn buy :1 washing machine or wringer. “'0 have in stuck JI‘III' Ml thf‘ leading kinds from $11.00 :n $15.01!. hull and let us slmw them In )‘ullnâ€"‘Tht‘ Richmond Hill Hardware- )mnt Richmond, A.O.F. â€"â€" Meets 4th Friday. ‘1 l.O.F.-â€"Meets 3nd Thursday nf PVPI‘Y month. Victoria L.O.L.. 2368â€"~Meets 4th VVed- nesduy (If each month. Public Lihmrv and Reading Room â€" 0pm: lesdny nml Sutmday eve- niug‘. Richmond Lodge, A.F.& A.M.â€"-Meets Munduy (m or before full moon. Hill Crest Lung, I.O.U.F.â€"Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of eanh month. Boy Svaulsâ€"nnwt every Thursday eve ling in Public School at 7 n‘clock. E. Ii}. (h-llinghum, Scout Muster. Blnd Prncï¬ceâ€"Monday of each week at 8 p.m. Prmhylminn Church â€" Services :IL 11 mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday Schmnl at 2.43. Prayer Mentiug l‘lmI-sduv eve. Fire Brigade â€"â€" Meets lst Monday of etch Month. Village Councilâ€"Meets lst Tuesday in the month Emvurth League -â€" Meets every Fri- day at 8 p.m. Mr‘lhudiit (‘hlln'hâ€"S‘IVII'PSat113.111- and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 Grunrul Prayer Meeting Thursday t-n-niug. Human Culholu‘ ()hmoh I :Illt'l'lmte Sundays at. 10.30 mm. Chlnch of Englandâ€"Services at H n.m. and 7 p.m. Huly Cmmnuniun “:1th 3rd Sunday in the month :It 11 mm. and the 4th Sunday at 8.3“:mn. Sunday School and Bible Ulns's nl 3‘u'cluck. ‘ m shylerinn Yunhg People's Societyâ€" Meets every Thursday at 8 {1.111. hing Villag'é Directory Stu-vices on ' mm. and WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM L a n g s ta f f $450 475 495 695 Enlist Wit Five only, I-lulhes (hie-rs, :I V?! y «mu. plfle and hundy outï¬t. Rvgnlur $7.01); hnrgnin price. $5.00.â€"~The Richnmm] HI“ Hardware Cu. liltle suns. Dnnuld :md Roscoe, is Vis- iting with her pan-max. Mn: and Mrs. George Lang at Hotel Richnmml. L E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Mrs. A. F. MCUh‘Hnud. with her two 890 IST'D1873 C. R. James HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis Interested parties will be met at [.9n25tafl by appointment. the 220th Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. 2]: DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. STANDARD BANK PRESENT OFFERING Phone Thornhm HEAD ornc: - TORONTO A Reliable Agent Wanted Toronto STONE &WELLIN G'I'ON THE FONTHILL NURSERIES (ESTABLISHED 1837) 50 12 Splendid List; of New Specialties for Season 1916 - 1917 OF' CANADA 52mm junior ll. IMâ€"Lmnu Gnu Margin-9t. Lyon. Flossn- Ruhmts. Lulu Bpatty. Cassie vanfszy. Eve-non Hilts. Willie. Thumpson. Primer (h)~-R9ggie Wood ward. Louis [.Ppofsky, Delta “'idemun. Margaret Dixon, Lorene DIXON. Howard Lotion. Schnul re ()anS Tuesdnv. Se-pt. '5. (3. S. HAZEN. Thacher. Seni'm' Lâ€"Eml Cuber. Elmer Ren- mnm Nellie \Vnndwux-d. Primer buyâ€"Martha Baker, Garden Hing]. GFOI'gP_Bl\yl_IU_IP_. LprneiBaker. Senivr H.â€"â€".\lnrl~is [.Pptnfsky, Frasnr G99. Virtm' Bastard. John Hmwm‘. Gnu-den menn. .Funim H. (:I)â€".\1:1hlee Buynmn. (Hur- ence Benny. Ernest \Vnndwm-d. Frnnm‘s Chutlerly. Sndiu Curtis. Lillie Lepnfsky. \Villium Rain-r. G9}. .‘IthP Lynn. Gvnrgv 31(‘(ngliéfl Marlin \\'mudw.-trd. Juni-vr HI. (h)â€"Pe:n-l Bnkrr. Edna Bukm, Glndyw anltv. All'rPd [.611leâ€" sky. Annin Ruben-ts, Lr‘liu Murphy. Donald \Vilsun. Only by selling a good article and by clean and prompt busi- ness methods can I hope to se- cure my share of your patronage. I will bu the C.N.O. oupy by Ju Langstaff Pf}. ‘ Classifica ion of Pupils s. 9. N0. 1. )IARKHAM Junior IV. - Em! Hrmshergrr. Clam Thulnpsnll. Ella Hmwt‘l'. Juninr Iâ€. {a} ~\Vo~lki» Dlxnn. Hur- w-y ()uln-r. L'Llnht-rt. \Vidr-mun. Evelyn I wiil cry and continue that. business by handling only the best, lines of C0u1 and Wood, and I expect to add to these, Brick and Tile and similar lines, just as soon as I can get prop- erly squared awuy and started. I respectfully notify the public that I have bought the Fuel business lzerezot'ure carried on by Mr. John Sheardown. va ope-n in Shaw‘s Business Blliilet-BS Schools Toronto, Ont., (‘Hnlin-l 5 until Aug. 25th, when Fulchrm begins. Nu vacations. Enter nry tinw. F1 99 catalogue. “'lite \\'. H. SHA\V, President. Summer Session Including the new even-hearing Raspberry. St. Regis. In (-vPry good town and dis- hict in Ontmin. where we are nut represent-ed. Territory re. served for the right man. Highest cnmmissions paid. Attractive advertismg matter. This adv THE . is only a starter wl :1 new uftice near ich I hope to oc« tum. Pram Ontario Manager. 213