RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places Tel. .\I fiNATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS :20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Sales ute wrabm r _..V y .Av..uunu For the (hunt); of York. I SATISFACTION G UARANTEEL LASKAY P. O, ON’PA .7051: 5". @auidson PIANO TUNING Licensad Auctioneer for the Counties of Y Ontario and Noth Toronto. Specin «than liven to sales of every description Frm arm stock sales a. specialty. Farms her and sold on cumulissinn :11 “In, -u “A. Gulls by phone or othel-wise pr'omptly responded to! Joï¬ï¬‚flsï¬AME’BELL. Phone No. 284 JD 100 BERESFORD AVE Phone Juncth 72 [Yuan-takers (" T WENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. AT THE LIBERAL'PRINI‘IN} Sc PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 621-2: Traders Bunk Bldg. Yunng & Collmrne Sts. TORONTO Nuughtun Block, Aux-om, Thursdays Telephone Reeidence Main 3176 Main 4L4 IS PUBLISHED EVERY I‘ JURSDAY MORNING Address: 415 Bamm'St. N Phnne in House. Belmont ante Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, U OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \VESTI Frank Danton, K hn Irwin Grover Hur I. II. Naughton erus'rmt SOLICITOR NOTARY “21-3 Traders Rank thln‘ F. MpMAHON. “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE First house nuth of Atkinson & Switzer 5 store. (‘ VETERINARY SURGEEIC Thornhill. Phone No. 2402. $1 per annum, in advance. VOL. XXXIX. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 54112001.! Maple ’ ‘ ESTELLE M. ORTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER: F911,. Grover & Field a...†m cvul'y uqscrlpuon stock sales Va. specmlty. Farms bought >ld on comunsswn. All sulM m‘tq-Had to west notice and conducted bv the “Mast jute methods. F-rm and BUSINESS CARDS. Barristers ' " ELLIOTT ameron MacNaug‘hton! um'e‘m. ennu-.. “Ah, .. :OFFICE AND RESIDENCE WRIGHT BROS QIaDlO, ()nt- I‘m} ‘ m- muil me uded to. Rims Re; :ligeou & RlcEwen. Auctioneers for the County 0! York ude 1.0 on shortest notice and arrea- ates Patronage solicited “)3! @119 <32;me . PINKERTON, v.5. DITOR. & PUBLISHER THORNHILL . Prentice . WEST TORONTO Elxlhnllnors. Ham 3' D. Ange) orbb Town 1317 es promptly uoxx: 1421 J K McEwen Weston Work ONTARIOI Pupils prepared fm- exmnimltiuns Studin. TorontoConservuLuI-y of Mn: ntiox i Yonge (6C 73$ Yonge (‘hux-rh Vh fm' piunn taking 10: at Ml nings pill'i‘d f unixm 1i COMMISSIONER RiOhmonQ Hill ___._ uvle BARIHSTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Tm‘ontn Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Lilwral’ Ofliccfl. every Thursday fnrenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vnudln'idgc, Saturday forennon. Money to Loan at Gun-em, Rnhm one door wst of Outano Bank Newmnrket ofï¬ceâ€"Th"! pan 01ï¬ce HEBBERTLENNOX Harriett-I s and solicllors Mouov Lo Loan on and anucnattel mortal! Auroraofliceâ€"Ren' (I’UPIL 0F MISS U CRO“’.\'S AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofliue lorrnrcd in Standard Bank Build- ing. OIï¬ce hoursâ€. to 5 [1.11). and fur the pus “'9 were asked thirty times as l we had gradual \Vorld calls you now: splendid u salaries. All \vl' Hun. Graduate Royal Cnllc Dental Surgeons. Toronto, will Richmond Hill every Tuesda Friday World calls you: prvpurn here and now: splendid nppm-Luuitivs: gtmd salaries. All who are anxious (by :1 successful stall-t in business life Should arrange now to enter this popular schm-l. “'rite today for C. Yong? and Churlps 1 made this I-muurkuhl V0( FALL TERM OPENS AL'G Mi «sidence address lclorin Sq unre CLASS FOR PIANO PUPILS THORNHILL Oommissioner, C Insurance, am Issuer of Man- Richmond Hill Tuesdziv uf RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1‘ I nun]: ) ongo Street RICHMOND HILl FOR TH E COUNTY PICTENSED AUCTIONEER PHONE 1834 Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT NNOX & MORGAN Real Estate and Insurance PRACTICAL 1’ AND STEAM! EDWARD FRANCIS WILLIAM COOK S.‘ SHEPHERD ’utmnuze and influence respectfully solicited I} l:_ yonge Stx-e I‘l-les Sts ti Sh NOTARY PrJBLTé PAPERHANGER if 3_NICHOLLS . LASHER La Verne. Pabtison J‘RAINER, ETc â€"’l‘brne doors south A nr'n-a tr, Conveyancer, etc ‘, and Real Estate west. rates oved to the old al-riage Licenses. CONVEY A N"ER. ETC r, twelve INVOIHIIS [U ï¬ll mun: thur 'AINTER on Monday and ETHEL SHEPHERD) 5 T R L' C T I O N In Essentials, Unity; in \logue P. O. :lddres Gul-mley. R.R. (ll y l pusilinns as The Business par» here and c the old post nï¬io: the entrance to the w C».I.I.«»g~ or G V Mona“: LUMBER FITTER lune] mortgagesa OF YUR K urrent; \Veek . Ellio ’rincip Rates l'] [he at, and of :r; 44 12 151: )tt ml umnsp Tupsc ence \Izly Tn young couple huuw in Tn" The minister \du '. Aug. 201]). In at the nnahlu Mr. the (pm only ï¬r [he first ]. Hurt 2.. BY†lit have twice and numt A Home Gm boys in the (In ducth for [he The ('Dntvst v mont ol'llw Ll partment of A the seed. Nu The family of all in Lin suns. Uh: dnughu-l A large number uf son-owing friends and mlutires attended Lli.‘ funeral on \Vednosdny afternoon, the 9th inst., [.0 Victoria Squaw Cemetery. RPV. Mr. Aikenheud cunducted the service and punched u. very :ippx'npriuto ser- mun. \Vfltt‘l‘“'nlk“, and PI «tummittee cmwist- ing of the whale Ummcil was appointed to 100k mm the Innth- nnd bring in :I report at next meeting of Council. In connection with this the Reeve was in: structh to get in touch witn :m CH- g mer to gum-c1 lhe ground. Mrs. CLllm-d had Belem unwell since the death of her husband. and although everything w um‘ery she gr; came quickly. OnMundny nun-mug, Aug. 7111. at her late residmlce mm the ï¬fth line. Sarah Gav. widow of the late Joseph Cullurdq): *svd :uvuy. ’IC “’53 also dvrridvd tn inelnll {Wm new ï¬re tanks on Church and Arnold street respectively. The Council again nwt August 10. when Sevvx ~1l :H:('nunts were p.nss1-Ll. A lw-lnw fur rule-s and taxes was cmnpleted and passed. ï¬xing the rule fur :1“ pm pusvs at .03067. Considerable discuesion wn< hnd re to he, paid. Letters were real from Lieutenant Borthwick re expenses of tho recruit- ing depot here; frmn the Ontario Mu- nicipal ASSIIClilLlUH. Calling attention In the (mining animal meeting. and from the Organization (If Resmlrces (lmnmittee, enclosing copy nf a pine,- lamatiun referring to the clnse of the second year of war. Alsn the annual requisitions frnm the Buard nf Educa- tion, and the ()nunty of York for the nmnies necessary for the current year. The, clerk was instructed to reply to the, letter re the fnregning prnclama- tinn; also to send the nwmhership fee to the Municipal Assnciatinn, and Mr. G. S.‘ Sims was appointed delegate to tlw,furtln'nming Conventiun. On rnvtiun the request of Lieutenant Bnrthwiek was granted. - Five tenders \vere reeeived fur sup- plying m-lterials and laying sideWalks. The Ummcil decided tn proceed with the grading necessai y on all the streets in questirn. hut- tn lay cement side- walks this year In Centre street. only. the euntract for which ssideu‘alk was awarded to John Clal'fey aLQUcentS per square. yard. \Vill The Council met August 3, membm all m-osent. Thu: sd Mrs. Jukvumn. of Tornnt sing at, last. Sunday’s ser the last moment that s] mhle In be prosex‘t. The grets the disuppuintnwnL Mr. Gosh. Mun-my, \VnnL He, has juim-d [hr mnka Inning: Mrs TEACH ER yulu‘ is [U bu glmlity (if his g ï¬re mnn'py p17.( ix'st. ï¬vv will rec :u-uld Summers an Hill. Quae Psiie \Vamlmld. ing the all hm fluring JlldgHL 'le lust. lust m In be; i the di: Gen. . :s juim llf num_her of accounts were ordered Frank wing um Tlmsduv Cull: ha] 19 Presbyterian Church VILLAGE COUNCIL Ill 11H Thmu leu-le: ll) hu-d is Slll'\i\'t‘d by two Psnml “urn-y, :lml (hrs-e Anni». Mildrml and Jessie. have Lhe sincere sympathy il- bereavement. Garden Contest izllden Contest among the (lunnty of Yurk was run- 119 ï¬rst time this snzlsml. * was under the manage- Lucul BI-xnch of the De- Agl'icnltm-e \vhu supplied Han and instinctiuns in 9 garden. These garden: on visited. must of thmn {the last ï¬ve or six \\‘L‘t'k‘ I. le fullmving lmvs' 1minng in mdvr of merit. , tn b:- cnngl'utulutvd (In If his garden. Thcl'e‘ :IH- [my plzt-s hmvovvr so only Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity ‘Iflt 1y evening to Miss Flor- mhlett, of Toronto. Th1 left afterwards for thcil LI‘C ':|s done to nld hrr 1°9- xduully smk and NIH and Richmond Hill Converse Smith OF THE VIOLIN rdeimer Buildin Obituary unw Cemetery. RPV. cunducted the son-nee very :nppx'npriuto ser- mun, Mankhnm R N. Richlan Hill Qumlnsvillv. hunt. Llnydtuwn rit- “laby King ll prom: mng :1 ' Tornnt vpteullwr l ‘ Ne'wtnu Bn‘ nsvillu. .‘lill'khil In. vamzu'ket. prizes IIE f the bene tlv :lt [th »Miss Flmt c \\‘uuld he hnir lvudt‘l )( sinned. lt‘XL Sm:- evening. who was 95. found so only on 1916 (l'l Mr. E. \Viswn sumlny with Pu Miss Bwll nf 'I‘m-nnto is lhv gnu-st uf Miss Myrllo \\'ils<m. PIP. (,‘v. S HHiPlSUH. who transferred from-1h: 2211(11 It) llw 127th. was hmm- m‘erSnndny. ()n lenvmg tn jlril] the 127th lw was presan-d with a wrist watt-h by his nmny fl iends whn hope fur his sufr return from “vex-sens. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stm-IV of Blumning- tnn visited with Mr. Gen. Dennis on Sunday. Mr. '1‘. Pmn-snn Hf Cnnumil is \isitl- ing with The Misses friends drm’u I (lay nfLenmun porlpd. about :3 hushvls tn the :IClé. nlhvrs hut so much. R. F. Bnyntrm of Cushel has llll) bushels from '2.†acres. Thcro is still lots Ln Ihrvsh, and as huth‘st, is (m with :1 lush the fzumms :u-e- \‘HV f ALiketh-shingis1h:- lvrdm' ( day now, thv mum-nsr- quantity ing the lln'vshing unnélmlly The yield unit-s. R. Uupper h about :3 hnshvls tn so much. R. F. has 100 bushels fxt Lieut. Uni. B. 11. Brmv exactly (mu hnur :Iflvl" had hm-n ()pvnm]. H sent. :1 reply which Was I'Mnarkuhly lime. The cnnveyed wil hunt (-H'm‘ i311. At, .1 meeting of the Council lust .Mnndny evening the Innncil inclruct- vd Janm-s. London & Hex-lzherg, Limi- ted, Consulting Engineers of Tnmntv. to prepare :1 xe-pm'r, plans and speciï¬- cations fur :1 cnmplute water Works svslem for the Village of Richmond urn Signalling. The signalling cm-ps of lhe 22011) Bn. in charge Hf Limit. Amsdpn \Vss given practical work in signalling nn Mun- day. The mmnhirs of the squad wm-e stationed at intervals between the hut,- talion's recruiting (lvpnt North Tomi;- to and Alum-a, :1 distance of 22 miles. At 10.30 :I messngv was started utAur- 0m. and by menm uf flng waving and ï¬eld t9l0phunu tlw HIOSSHF‘P reached forts It'finslnll :1 \vntur system Villugv (If Richmond Hill. Tht- Hurtivultmnl Sncivty lust evo- ning appointed n cummiltev 1n (ll'ilH’ :1 resolutir-n and forward it to the Village Unllnnil with :L vii-w of sll'vng- thening the lulter's hands in their (‘f- The Trustees of the Methodist ()huwh wish to thunk Lhr' Rev. F. Ellinlt fur his generous dunntinn Ln- wm-ds the unst nf imprm‘mnonte in the Church shed. Thv Trustees :u-n pleas- ed to know lhul. their efforts tum-unm- modnte the public :ue appreciated. It] is expected that thev will repmt (m :I wan-r suppr for domestic. ï¬re and commercial puipuse-s ï¬t an early data. As this ï¬rm have put in some» twolvv \VHLE‘I'H'Ull-{S systvms in Ontario. the Villngv of Richmond Hill should re- ceiVe n report, that, would ha of great value tn the Council and the citizens gonm'ullv. ‘ Hill open-Hi Rich ming aymzlstex APTAIN JOHN DUNBAR 'mzlster of the 2'20th Buttnliun nuns: Penman Hf hh‘ (lnughh \Viswu St’l' ‘V'nutt‘d Re Water Works th read Victoria Square Card of Thanks A pply Innings Brmvn in Turn-H0, nl'lvr cmnmunimlin!) u]. H:- immediater h was l‘l‘COin-(I in u The messages were nings and a few Ike \Vilcnx Smurâ€" A good time is re- nrukln Comm 1'. Mrs. nt' She-1- Snndm who transferred 127th. was 11mm- vlngtn jlril] the 1m :1 in tx-unsmis SUD 1916 Visit- I'isby. spvnt nmk- lung. Ivmg the We have the D.L. 8c W, Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . rBile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Presse Brick. Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Elgin Mills, Ont Wesley Chatterley 11. A. Nichole ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Get Your L‘Oli SAIAE ï¬ rst I [l Mr. ] tnteAg fu'l lots Street. t'mm Y \v-mt : nomin chance Vnughzm, I a ï¬l'SL-ClzlS Square, n ham. nem- \‘lllngt hough pay u PI’RPO wiih s lmildin Onv In ifnl fro sides. ( l'n - any good-w†We‘ll pay pair I) px-(vpm'ty Hill. I nccupie contain building Cellar l Propnty known Central Blnck.†F ration 0n Ynnge St Pubiic Alleniimn J. H. RAMER STATIONERY PRINTED at The Liberal Ufl‘ice SOn tion guaranteed strictly attended to; shoe ing lame and interfering horses :1 specialty. Patron-- age solicited and satisfacâ€" All branches of the trade at svuth. Richmmn vex-31$].00010tst0 mortgage. small General Blacksmith Wesley Chatterley alf :ln Quit H. A. Nicholl’s, Real Es- :ent. has several beauti- s for sale on Richmond a very short distance fangs : ulsosnme elegant \Vright street. If you . nice residentiai lot at a. 11 price now is your [Single copies JfRiC “()‘V hold brick a] 2'0( mun Richmond Hill; ;5 farm at, Victoria; gnnd farm in Mank- Yunge Street. farm ndjmning the tichmnnd Hill can he w at a price that will 1d for sPECULATIVE a implement and sinoss goes \ more uflnvnd. h( Iwn with hedge hm nwd fl 155: on Chm hnmnd Hil ll’IDSâ€"Onf UHF hnus uhm- (m! Richmt St-CIflSS SUN [runs “it ,3ct 5 No.