Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1916, p. 4

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Mrs. J. F. Oshol'lw, of I‘m'untn. is at her summel-cntmgc nn Brrmksidu Rmul fogqn igglefinitg. peg-1951. N Miss V. Suulfuf anontn, was tlw guest of Miss B. Patton at “Foulden Lgflge"_during the week. 7 Mi". J. Waildjngtun. a former resi- dent of Elgin Mills. called on his many friends on route to Barrie. Elgin Mills Lieut. R. Gillie and Mr. '1‘. .\[~‘1\'in Cnstigem. nf 'l‘nrnntn. \vm-v tlw gin-SN of the Misses Murphy “my the Week- end. NORMAN BATTV Tenders will he received up tn mum Friday, Aug. 25th. 19m. for the cunstnnctinn of gate-t and spill- wny at the pond. Richmond Hill. Out. PlilllS :lnd Spm'ifit‘nliullq may be seen at tho ut‘h‘uu nf A. .I. Hume, Clerk. Richmond Hill. w at the offices of James. [mud n: & Hertzherg. Limitx-d, 100.3 Ex‘ml. Sinr Life Building. Tm~nnto,1muI)d nfn-r Augmt linh. 10m. TENDERS FOR SPILLWAY in Canada Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Giass and WALL PAPERS $3.00â€"the latest : Fly Swattex's 10¢. each; Garden Rakes and Hoe Scythes and Snnths. G: In \Vnshmg Machines 12.00: Cunnm- hall \V Al Window Screens, all sizes, Scxeen Doors. 3 sizes. $1.1 hinges, buck and pull Screen \Vn'e. 18 to 42 inches New Perfection Con] Oil Sn 2 burner size. 38.0”: 3 $1L00: New Pvl'fectiul Warm Weather Specials ringers from $4.00 ints, Oils, Varnish {has P. G. Savage & Son Sole agents for Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. “chines wehnve the latest and he nnm- ball bearing $11.09; the 1900 R unishe to 4: inches in Width, at 30. square foot. Con] Oil StovesundOvensâ€"l burner size, 29. $8.00; 3 hurnm size. $11.00: 4 lmnwr r Pel-fectinn Ovens. $3.00, and Famous 0v latest and best with glass doors, egc. . each; Fly Traps 15¢. each. . all sizes. fmm 25c. to 40¢. each sizes,_ $1.10 to 82.2.5 each, inc HAVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are piepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased‘ anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much Limeâ€"and are edged to the lOOO part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look zliem over. and a‘l the. family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . as and 1nd D ss Hunkfi I. Hum lurk sin width, at 3:: Stains Long (Fr Chg-“1.), ('. Pugh (all; (0119111.), 1 chum). F. R. .l. \V( M. B \l Advertise in The Libc each ‘10)]. Illdi . IL Hui-um Lung ( lg (Fr. west pl w h 0d Junior Pass Matric. Exams. and Vicinity Automobile Insurance ll'f 'oll< (unv. his! lung ('11ch hiet e (physf, H ;‘ Illsnn (:ullr. hi~ .). (1‘1, G. l):lllif L. phys Ewart J. )1. \\'id includin (Eng YORK (‘ â€"A. B lals OJ :. lit n‘m um. Mill 7. ()k llt. g. ,R A ). K. "\I Stiuw (:11 nun (phy IDS rm chem ). V. Lindsay (amc. hi klifl(p]1_}'$.)1 H. ‘OUNT‘L' BHLP L't't - m Phone 18 [human phys LilL. ‘ impsun B \‘ ill." . Bu”. M l. M.N. ll H. Kr-ixl' I). H 11);: It] (phys.). phys.). . In (chem SL1 chv (the lll|l ‘1” III. n't H NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmi ted or lit‘“\'l'l'(‘d to the. [)t‘l'SOHS llanliUnx‘d in Svetmn S ()f the Vnters' List Act, the Cupies required by said Section Ln he Sn transmitted or de- hvered, nf the Lists made pursuant, to ssid Act of all per-suns appearing hy the lust rm ised Assasment Roll (vf the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipalitvut theelectinns for members of the Lfigislutive Assem- hly and at Municipal Elections. and that said Liat was first posted up in my “flit-o n! I’nimn‘iilv mi 'l‘nvsdny; the 473th day of August 1916, and remains there fur inspectinn. Electors me called upon tn examine the said Lists, and if any omissions or other (-n-nl': :ll'P found lht‘leill, to take immediate pl'ncovdin‘gs u. lmvv said er- rors cut-rested .~ :curding to law. Electors .u-e culled upon to examine the Said List, and if any umissinns 01- any other m-mrs are found lhelvin to take immediate proceeding< to have (he said (‘ll'UI'S corrected accnrding to law. Native is hereby given that [have transmitted or delivered tn the purmns menlinm-d in Svclinns Eight and Nine of [he ()lllfll‘itl “Vulms’ Li<t ACL” ill:- Cnpios rvqnilvd \1\’ mid svclinns to be So transmitted (w delivered nf the List. made pnrsnum in said Act of all per~ suns "ppm-Hing hy (ho hum Revised As~ sr-Ss'mI-nt Rull of [he said municipality [,n he Pniillml tn Vute in “11- said muni- cipalin n’, Elvtliuns‘. for Members of the LPgisluth e Assemhlv, and at Muni- cipul Elm‘limw: and that 1an said Li<t was first pasted up in my ni’ficc at 1h» Village of Richmond Hill on the 17th duy of August, 1916. and remains then-(- fur inspectinn. Dated at I August, 1916‘ Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. ance \Vrd m All school children whn purpuse cnmputil Competition in cm: Hm “cultural Sncivty :it'y [he SL-Cl'clnl-V. M s m. at once. Prizrs V lL-st Flow 91' Garth-n (S AIS B.»\RR~â€"In loving memory B ll‘l who dicd August] (‘rlerk hf the ; ml Municipality. Dutvd this 17(1) day of August, 1916. c (31y. V nesduy duh». (ht [11L RICHMUND HILL. UNI“ MUNICIPALITY (’13 THE VILLAGE (H ('l'srm. ‘. the (flit-'1 “UH. f mole Elm Eihprai‘ [turd horse nwm l. H. SANDERSON [so agent for Frantz Premier acuum Cleaner at $32.00, Eleo ic Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all nvenient and unto-date appli- xces that save time and work for the House Wife. MUNH‘IPALITY 01: THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Cu in H'Ill Clerk's Notice of First Posting RICHMOND HILL Electrician, Richmond Hill VOTERS’ L'ST, 1916 DO IT ELECTRICALLY VOTERS’ LIST, !9l() Clerk of l“ Exihiti ichmnnd which \\’.1 v, has hwv 511:: y, Supt. Muck. imple L10! 57, cm]. . Ynngu sln‘ :tutv of the] S:Ilv:1tln' COITNTY 0F YORK k,(}\\', pigs, md furnilm 3. FU\\‘ll'l', F 'J'vrmsâ€"â€"'l'hl'v0 months attic and 50w pigs. H. PRENTICR, Auvtmnot r. Supt. I3-â€"Crvdit Shh 01 children in the Village ‘59 wmputing in lln- Guchn on in ('mznm'tinn will) the null Such-[y will please no- -crclurv. Ml. \V. H. \Val- :0. Prim-s will he givvn for *J'Guulvn (S hy 13 fem: :n-lsn rgcluble Guulen, (i lxy 1'2. )lhu (I: \u of the said Municipality niom-ille the 15th day 0 Auction Sales Pos finned. MEMORIAM llill Notice. YHOSS rem ice in nwnlfi Itt A. J. HUME. m-ssnf the sens-1: u connection wit. Horticultural SI lu- held m-xt \Vm ‘stpum-d till a late nmry (.f M 11151.11. 19] ~Duughtvr â€" Auction sale “1 gardens-Vs implo- v. the pmpm-ty of uirlmnk. Sale at 'l‘hrvo months on Markham. J the pmpmty Sarah Jum- (:k Termsf lice, Auct. S'I‘l VE R -\I‘( anInnhih epvrsmns Vnters' by said or de- ;snnnt, to wing hy Illlllil Jeff El 1916 ll'( ll \VHOLESALE AND ’111E'l.‘AIL FLORIST HIGH LAN!) LAK F, FARMS Willowdale Builders’ Supply Co’y HOLSTEEN ~ FRIESIAN BULLS . & G. H. MCKENZIE, \VILLOWDALE, ONTARIO \V. I. LAWRENCE, ’33; J EFFICRSON @@©§§%@®E%§Q§QGQ3QQQGQG@ lee Fire Brick Plaster Paris Some choice lots on Church St. Ava. llhelal discpunt for cash, three to five year agreement. Only (me lot left on Church St gravel road entrance to gamgl This is a rare choice to secure ; Flo \v Phone FOR SALE, a numth uf registered hull Cnlvt-s, all t'nmn high testing dams and gum] individuals. Shut now to improve your held by St'f‘lllil!;.{ (me of these well-Med hulls. PliCPS Right. Visitnrs' always \wlcnnm, Sunday excepted. GREENHOUSE ©9QSQS®SQS®S®SQS®GQSQ§Q }REENHOUSES RICHMOND HIL[ Huncxuutsms AND OFFH‘E 152 Rusm..~ )se (i. A. MCDONALD 82 SGN CI E()(7()]u\'.l‘l<3§‘a SAY? ~s tastefully an md Carnations Richmond Hill Fresh and VVhoIesome. In and dainty boxes. Priced 1 your pockc'. Don't forget we keep Reliable Drugs UM! )‘Ou Stationc than the Gmaeries SLOAN'S DRUG STORE Hard \Vall Plaster Plaster Boards Mortar Colors notice the class of the ry we keep? A little better ordinary and just as cheap. m LAWRENCE Richmond Hill nights and Sundays Be Plaster Cement Boards Sewer Pipe Colors \Veeping Tile Also Flour and Feed 80 ft. from, hy Onmmontnl beautiful place ddings, t'nnPl Baker 160 ft. (199p. md fruit [re In '1 "PW‘ bulk suit et( RICHMOND HILL. ONT. I"R( )I'RIETUI B 'RNALH 5U iu‘

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