Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1916, p. 5

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Me fiihemi human) HILL Miss Bpx'lh honors in F inmlinns. Sunday p) hl Rev. A. P. Bruce and Mrs. Brnr-o vis- itvd fl-ivnds in Richmond Hill last, Thursday. Mr. Brace gave :1 short nd- dross at the prayer and praise sen-\ice in the Methodist church. It ic amazing that the Village Coun- cil is compelled to lmve notices pl-inlvd warning (rilizvns not, to take wntm- out If the Firv tanks. The practice might hmd tn SH inns «:nnqum-ncos in case (If Mr. H. A. Nichnlls has Suki Mr. \\'. J. Lawrence‘s hnuw 4nd Int. fnrmmly “(‘Cupiod by Mr. Rnht. Tynan“, nu Church ServL to Mr. Arthur Grningm of ShPI‘WOOd whn will uccupy it in [be near futunu Bath 'l‘mve-ls. purl} while sun] un- Neuclwd. L-u-gv 5129. fur 25c. Lndius‘ fine Voile and Orgundio Cullm-s. Iwzltly trimmed with lace and embroidery, large and small style. fur-251: to 7.30 ouch. Staunpvd Linen Uentlvpiecvs and Tray Cloth: f<>1-45c.â€"Alkinson & Switzer. fin‘ h'imml-d. fur 4‘ 5 and 6 years. price 45c. Sllk \Vimlszn' Tins. 5 inchvs \Vltll’, 3!} inchvs lung. Cullll's‘ 1:;lldlll:ll,ll:l\‘y, cadul. white and Hut-k stripe. and all white. ouch 25C. Middy Ties, green, czudinnl and navy, each 250. Men's Grey Lislv Hose fur 18c; Boys‘ Klmki Jersoya lung sleeve-s. ouch 40c; \Vu. men‘s Night Gowns. made of fine quul~ ity C(leOH. SllD-OVUI' style. sqnzl 1-9 yoke and sleew-s. trimmed with Swisse-m- hrnidm-y it'Ed ribbon, eich $1.00. At- kinsnn & Switzt-r. R95 A Sale of Imnmmudu r'onking‘ xvi] vld nn (hr: Chm-ch uf England fr n Swim-day :lflcrnonn. August 1‘.) Mr. A. '1‘. I] “in” HF Turn "mule Sunduv The Hill M1 n'sh 5 fm tht' pristine ()(‘l‘t'ds (If [ht‘ll' tux-(luv evening: [SS nf Richmnnd Hill is \‘i5iting hi (:19. Mr. R. \V. (:HHS“. '(mkdnwn Adm [VF (DC . N. \Vellwaml will tukl- llu- sm- in the Methodist church nrxt the h T. “Phrit'kc and MI Toronto cullml nn Ht- {€0,000 with l1i=fnmilynt"1€ llH-' uf Mr. and Mm. \ unpy Illiali Id Ux'rn MI 5. \V Il-(Iilig \x‘ at lhz- l‘f' mcnnn :Snciel)‘ Will haw of war. frmn UH udL-n put-(y lusl mud-1 in Fland- » THE LIBERAI nlm‘l. i< sun-m1 r'nnkinz will he \' 9 MI. Lnndm s nwnrdvd (Ant, l lem- Head ['01 d ug Loun- R 1916 has SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Richmond Hill‘12.l().\lidnigl|t. Aug. lh‘xh » ['niun Stalin" 1L4)” (MIL. Aug. 17m. 15)! Through trains with lunch cuunler mus 3| IIIH lwn , :lL Farm Mi)‘ \\";n I]; (if M: UtilikahflVl) Advncntt Tuppm- of Richmond ] fricnds at Tina-hum. Ml'. Juhn Hiuk~ :I Lrlp m the \V fur Edmontnn. Dr. PettLisnn, dental surgeon. who has been taking: holidays. will resume \vmk in his Richmond “in office on Friday, August 23. M 1'. and Mrs. J. H. Rumor lr'ft Tut's- dny evening to spend a shnrt linu- visiting their daughter and sun ill-Luv, Mrs. and Mr. Roy B‘Hs‘lllgllln'ullfl. in Saskatchewan. The business will he attended Ln by his son. ()rdms will he received for coal and feed and pwmpL- l)‘ delivered. null and md has t An opportunity will he given In all the 'l'i-nuns of b'ny Scouts llu-nughuut the PHIYlllCt‘ of Ontario Ln hid farewell tn the Duke nf Uonunught hefme 1-p- linqmshing his Governm-ship. and as this nppmtunicy is vxteudvd to the local Lump it is essential that every scout desirous of taking advantage shall attend Scmlb Meeting (m \le- nvsilnyiwaat. 7 p.111. Thi- ful'ewvll will he given at the Tm-nmu Exhibi- tion :it it (late In he decided upnn l‘dll‘l'. The Stundmg Field (‘rnp Cumpeti tiun in Outs under the Richmond Hi1 Aglitmllm'ul Smrivtv was judged h} Mr. Lee Cuscndden (\f Aylmvr th: latter part of last, week and the hm‘. 01% were handed out as follows : lst. Fwd A. Clark - - 8001092 2nd John Ymmg & Sun “ 91 3rd Frank A. Legge - “ 87 tom newspapers Tm; LIBERAL \\'lll suspend publication for one week and the staff will take holidays. There will be no issue of THE LIBERAL during the week of THURSDAY, AUGUST '34TH, 101G. Advertisers are kindly asked to govern themâ€" selvcszlccordingly.: : : : : lxuwnd Hill 11.40 p.111 312.000 to winnich 4t h 5L1] (51h 7:11 Farewell to H. R. H. The Duke of Counaught EX UL'RSION DATES C0 Our RMGQI‘S “oh-n I of (V. LAR TRAIN SERVICE {ICC .I. H James Bell “- Jmnes NIL-Loan \Vm. Blumwell RNEST E. COTTINGHAM, S.;I tom'dancc with numerous othel Standing Field Crop Home ken ll'\' \ Tait, and Miss Inmphellfnrd m-(A llund. Brillingm a, of Maple. has husim-ss (H All farm at Gull. \‘nfl Field (‘mp Cumpeti- ‘1' the Richmond Hill ivtv was judged by den of A_y|mvr the .egge -ft yvsumd‘ny for taking 11i$1i(‘k(t llill Aug. Hill! and 30th weekly )lIs snld his . Anni.- CLIS will Lyn]! llil 86 Ill ’/ :1) frvs MI [h at Llw ufli who .xlw :l 1hrl nlnn'v. prociulinn 1110 young NEILLâ€" At hm- 11mm \\'olewsd:ny. Aungt. Juno McUnguo. wit] Jame-5 Nvill. in her 7' Funeral Flidnv. A I‘m- $69 \, fl l‘his :Illlnlll)! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 0[7NDâ€"A lllur- Hugo. lady’s that. A nn lIvurH'lvl‘d Mdv rand, lH'1\\'I'(‘H lhn- 31d and 4th Conn-«maian 0f Mank- hnm. Tl]('(‘\\'ll(’l' may have same by prm ing prnps'rty and [myingoxpvnsvs \Vrite Mus. l’ slrvvl‘ Tnlunlu. OSTâ€"A hag nf pastry fimu- between J CJX‘I'ViHK‘ and Richmond Hill. A suitable H'Wurd will he gn'vn if rc- tumvd J. Urn-y, MJplv. inf ‘OR SALEâ€"A lunwn (1| iving umrv (5 Years “M, 16 hands high. Ap- ply tn H. R. Hoiso, GOI'llllt’y. 5 3 \V Mrs. Sfihh ARM TO RENTâ€"400 new. well 4 impruvmi {mm man]- an10. ADâ€" ply box 1), Liberal Office. Richmuml Hill. - 5 tf OL'RE flll‘SillL‘Hl‘lUI‘(‘I1Ll)nl{0$(!- \'iowA\‘o. Apply J. A. Mnnk- mun. Richmond Hill. 51 [f I OUSE TO LET â€" 0n Rnsoviow Avenue. Plenty of water. grind crll;u-. vle-clrin: light. ole. Easy terms. Apply R. A. Tyndall, Richlnuml Hill. 42 ll MI. 0." Mr. and Mrs. \V II'HS( l‘lu- Ann Smllh Y OST~A you: Hug: heifr-r. H'd, on or _, 2.1mm, Juno 225111. Inim-mnlinn [0 11m whmenlmuts will lw reward- . J. Uuh'vl't. (inrmlt-y. R. R. ‘3. Bell loplmuv, Milliken Ventral. .3 3 with 3le DSTâ€"~anl Mr. Van \thfs nus: tum, (m Tuesday. August 15, :I. -k cow. with hind legs Whilt‘, ‘11. Henry Espt-y, Richmond Hill. u Ontario Illn 51. T( {Mng NH TANTI (It Th undu y ilv. AI NTEDVA girl In clerk in slow Apply 0. A. Skm’lv. j s Inlslm- 1][\\ilh In Toronto nk, visimd McMahon. anks from C can tdili I‘ in vhurgn dgvd [ht-“H 5‘ fl'lllll th: Liberal Convention. l0 "(i lmk (If “'1 )rnnln \ isi .‘It'vlin will In 5. "L21 th'm-I n-nntn. nrzvn DIED .‘lz l'lll lull)1 August. Clutter impm lu All Graham Hill's c. lul1dp( rt who h u flown Tlu- I :hmnn ul)..kill on thm (Huh Lieu! ‘ Dr. with UK Hill lH Yuxm; 8mm RIGHMND HIM. Harness &. Saddlery lhvsc repairs? The question is soon smmvercdâ€"in nine cases nut nf ten they ate Factmy and Machine Sewn. \\'hy not (will at, RUBINSON‘S and lmy ILulwss HAND SE\\'N, Whirh will stand the Tvst Hf Tinnuund give the has: HIL- Tm-st of Tilmgund nf satisfaction. Bin Milta and m‘cryll Saddlery line. On Oily [’l'ict's. Call an ()UK yunr Harness only when hitching your horse and see if there are any hman puns. If su. do not endanger vour life driv- ing with Ilzu'ness which needs re- pairing. In the nvxc phlk'u ASK YOURSELF \VHY do lhl‘V need \ancu‘s Black CuLL And Agency for Men's Heavy Middys. all white and white with Dank Blue Print House Dresses, \\'hilc \Vush Net Curtains with (20h Men’s Summer Underwear Men’s Straw Hats unpcd STORE L‘ 1,031.75 rlinn [rimn md whiunz R. Robinson rinl 3Torman J. glass ifie fiicfi’mond .7671 iurm'sfiz'ng Elore g:le min Shad and 2132.50 ; also men s Straws, in dlfferent kinds, 3 to soc. in combination and two piece. Also suspenders, belts, garters, hose, etc. in a niCe fine straw, and the egg whlch fits the head nicely, at and $2.40 ; also Men’s W House of Hobberlin Clothing. lllt Blanks-t verylhing Our 1’ all and SQK Mkinsnn & Switzer BUNGRETE HUUSE Elaatic \V’ \Vid ICHMOND lIILI AT l) inn-made Chow (1 XOd pickh-s. hunk h Bricks lhs and (10mm or Color, batch lill's Bird S Robes. in (he (11y St (.7 h i ps fins ship: ‘kmmuni Shades Blm l“( fig Ilk’ tilt M woe Du L( pkg. .5 nnl 1h. 11 Bruce, w MONDAYS AN 0 W EDN Es 11551.0() (ll ll) ml d holdt‘l‘ Zpk is the first. essential to mod- ern sanitary conditions and comfort, in the countr * home or on a farm. lam 'prepared to supply the above svstem in either hand, electric motor or gasoline. Contracts taken for houses, now or old, at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed All kind of plumbing done. Rfchmond Hill = Ont. C(Illzl s, e The Pressure Water System per pair 15 JOHN HICKSON lll n sLu p: midm‘y p u 1‘ \Yoxking tom 20c. Tropn'efor lCh Ill‘ $11 $100 Ill

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