$1 per annum, in advance.] “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." [Single copies, 3 cts. VOL. XXXIX. ,: I ,7 “ @112 gihtml IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL‘PRINI‘IN} 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. '1‘ . F . Mo M AH.O N, EDITOR. {hi-Unusrmn BUSINESS CARDS. J. H . Naughton Bauaisrnu Somcn‘nu NOTARY liZI-Zf'l'raders Bank Bldg. r X ougr d: Collmrne Sts. TORONTO Nauglitoii Bloc-k. Aurora. Thursdaym Teluplinnp Rvsidencé Main 3471i Main 41.4 JOHN T. A DERSON PIANO TUNER 1M) BERESFORD Ava... WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. " "'13.. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE First house north of Atkinson & Swirzei s store. Phone No. 2402. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, .Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to‘l D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. ‘ :OFFIL'E AND RESIDENCE )Ianle. ()nt. Phone No. 23. h...â€" J. H. Prentice License-d AECUODOM‘ for the (‘ouuti‘ns of York. 1 Oncuio and NoiLli Toronto. Sl‘eL‘lu inf-tenth“: Elven to sales of every description Farm and ' farm stuck sales a specialty. Farms bought 'and 5011011 commission. All sala: n‘kq‘i ind to ' onshortest notice and conducted. bv the \a‘ht npdodate metho-ls. Address: 41:; Ballinl St . North Town Phone in House. Belmont 13H â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"__â€"_â€"_ Snizoon J K McEwen Maple Weston Salgeon dc McEwen. , incensed Auctioneers (or the County a! Yuri»: Salositceuded to on shortest notice and at rea. son-aha rates Patronage solicited â€"-â€"â€"-â€"_â€"__ F. C. EGAN LICE.‘SED AUCTIONEER: For the (‘ounty of York. SA'risr‘acrlox GUARANTEEL. LASKAY P. L). ONTARIO I l 50E]! .7. 27avi'dson P I A N O T U N I N G Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1431 THORNHILL I Organs Rapnired. Expert \Vork‘ Danton, Grover & Fieldl :1 3 Barristers. Solictors. the} EJN’ATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Frank Denton. K. C. I John lrwin Grover Hariy D. Auger A. Cameron MacNaughtonl Barrister, Salicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO i ‘ DAILY STAR econ... IS KING i STREET WEST: ‘I‘el. M. 3631 l Ill/RIGHT BROS. (laden-takers it Embnlmers. RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILI. AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST S. SHEPHERD PAINTER PAPERHANG ICR GRAINMR, E'l‘('. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT. ruoxr: 1834 ii 12 Dr. C. La Verne Pattison Hon. Gradual? Royal Csillrgr‘ of D‘r'lllul Sui-goons. Tin-onto. will he at Richmond Hill rvery Tuesday and Fl'ldilv. CRIHVNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofl‘iue l0i‘:ll(‘d in Standard Bank Build- ing. Ofï¬ce hours ll.30a.m. to 5 pm. LENNOX & MORGAN Burrlslci s and Séllcllors. Money to Loan on and anuchattel mortgagesa owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to the old post oifio; one door wrst of the entrance to the \_ Ontario Bank Newmai'ket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of he posnuï¬â€˜ioe HERBEETLENNOX Aiirara WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. Somcrron. NOTA R-Y Err: Toronto Ofï¬cP. Richmond Bui! 33 Rirhumnd Strm‘t, “'ost. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal“ Oflii‘ol. every Thursday forenoou. Maple, Thursday zlfIPl'minn. \Voodbridge, Saturday forennnn. Money to Loan at Curl-rut Rates M H.†A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oouimissionox. Convmiancor, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ric‘hmonc; Hill M J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC (‘CDIMISSIONEIL (‘UNVI‘TY \N'WCR. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL B. H. LASHER Pitâ€"\(‘TIFAL Pld'Mb‘liR AND STEAM: FlT'l‘l‘lR‘ G V l'IORGA N dings, North Youge rtrxct RICHMOND HILL '1‘. G. 141703 LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1’01: 'riii; (‘UL'NTY ()]-‘ YORK PatronaEP and influence respectfully solicited P. 0. address (lul‘liiley. R. R. 2 Rwidence address Victoria Squaw ESTELLE M. ORION (l’L'I’ll.()l~‘1\llS>‘ u. E'l‘HEL SHEPHERD) VOCAL INSTRIIUTION I’upils prepared for examinations Studio, TorontoConservatory of Mlisic Richmond Hill (in Monday and 'l‘uesday of Each “la-k. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"__â€" CLASS FOR PIANO PUPILS Miss Marguerite Stecklrv. who has Ill-'I’l] engaged as Organist at St. Marya I (‘hurrh llt‘l'é‘, intends suiting a class for piano pupils. Auyouo llt'sll‘l‘ll< oi taking lessons could see Miss Sirrklev ’ at Mr. F. Atkinson‘s on Sainrday evr- . uiugs lwlu‘m’u 7 and 5'. Pupil»; pir- parrd for Tmouto Conservatory i-x- aminalious. .ll FALL TERM OPENS AI'G. % ELLIOTT Yougv and (‘h'iili’s‘ Sis. Toronto. Ill'lklr‘ this ii-uiai kahlo :\\‘t‘l'l§_{(‘ HT- uidfni- the [HL‘l twolvu months. “9 \\'L’l(‘:l$l{t'kl to fill lliUlI' lliau thilty timrs as many positions as wvhad giaduatus. 'l‘hr- lill~llld~8 \Voild (‘alls you: pi rparn hci t’ and now: splendid wppulUllillIv~§ good >.il.iric::. All who :llt' anxious for a surcoxsful stait in business lilo ~lltilll|l arraugu now in t‘lllI'l' this popular SCIIUVI. “'iilv ll -da_v Ior Largo (liltalugllr .A; Till Yonge St. Yonge 61 ('liailo: Si \\’. .l . l':llllll[ . Principal u; I School Fair Plot Winners Vaughan Township Class 2. oils. our. No. '2- as. l. l)t'll Evans If) 2.. liil“'lll' Thomson 12 3. Maier‘)’ Malloy h’ 4. Donald 'l‘raiuor 15‘ .3. Arthur Mi-Ni-il ii (i. Rolwrt Kingr l3 (‘lass 3, Fir-Id (‘oru. “'isrousiu No. 7. l. (‘oril Daiki-r IL’ 2. (‘lirlllit‘ (‘Ulipl‘l' 7 ll. ICIiliu Unwriid I? l. Bvatrivo “'ild IT 5. Mary Maruood ll (3. (lraut (‘oopt-r 7 Class 4. Swf‘ot (Torn. Go‘idt-u Bantam. I. Beatrir-e Shaklclon If) 2. Ogla (‘oward IT 33;. NPII Ml'llnlldld ll 4. Humor Elliott. l3 5. Ella Jones . 3 l3. Mai-y \Yi-alheiill 13 Class :3. Potatoes, Ilrlawai‘e‘. ]. Herlwrl P. J0!V’S 7i 2. Erurst lluuiphill 21 3. Frank Maggr‘. Ill 4. lliiiigl;1s(li'm>k :i 5. Jillllt'\' \Vild IT IS. Alicr 'l‘raiu- 2|.) ('Iass ti. 'l‘uiuips. (‘ailflr's Iuvicla, l. (‘Iarruvt- JOIN"; ‘3 Class 7. M'iueolsï¬'ollow Lori itlian. 1. Harry Young 2. ('ail Shaw ('Ias’s S. Bot-ts. Dull-nit. Dark Red. l. \I'iry llolii-i'tsiiii S Ill 17 13. (Iliailrs “‘ild 17 3. Lriizhtou Brrnalh IT I, Maijoi-ii- Siiiyih IS’ 5.. James .lohusliiii 12% ll. lit-no “Hats-mi 5 Class ll. Onions, Yellow (1'1. l);lll\‘('l'.\'. 1. Edith Sinipwu IT 2. l‘lt'lt‘ll Miti-lii-II H ï¬s’. Lronaid lliilll'l'lSflll H l. Adrian lel'er 3 .3. Hour)‘ Mclloiiald 5) Class II), Parrots, (‘huuleumz l. (have Jlillllf‘ll'll III 2. Vera Saiidi‘oirl lli 3. Juan \VatSou 5 4, Fred Howrsl 7 .3. Ilaweon llait 5 (i. ]{t‘llll(‘lh (loiilil l7 Class 11. Asteis. (iiallt Comet. 1. Annie Darker 1‘3 2. Ill-la Mitrholl S 1):. Maiy llolliiig:hrad 17 -l. (‘iii-zi Siiitli-i‘ S ~4n».â€"_ Richmond Hill High School. Tho following has lirru Iiandi-d in as ed (lt‘pul'llllb‘lilill f‘l'l tiï¬i-ates from Rich- lllriiid Hill High Si'himl for [hpprusvlit yt‘fll’. i-illivi by ('anlllllillllill (‘l‘ in [In- (asi- ol' those enlisting or by lllt‘ll' L‘luSs standing; as cvrtilivd by [I]: stall-1; Senior Normal l‘illll‘dllCOâ€"Iflllll MC- Caguo. Stmvarl, Page, Earl Fred (‘lngl'(i\‘(’, Clare Oko. Simpson. )lillll(‘llI£lll(ill-\V. Vaudribiugh. '1‘. Scott. John Md‘agur. (‘laytou Tolu- liusou. U. ()ko. Nelson Simpson. Slew- art, I’aga, Hilda Lang, (partial) in nine Slllljt'ClS out i\\'ilfi id .\Iaiinin:.(. Junior Normal ersou of twelve, and En t rauce~M u i-ra V Mi:(‘onaghy. Bessie Ilageiiuau. The _\i llllllll‘lll.‘ paper this V oil too dil‘lirult for candidate; gem-ral- ly at the Junior Nririual Eutiaucr. Hi-vrral Sl'llui:l~' l'ailwl in pass any. It may lw uotvd ihaL the three pu- pils in the Middlv Si-hool who left and for Senior Noimal Entrance nll faiIL'd. _ ï¬ï¬‚._*Â¥_ Victoria Square ‘ tll‘. N. Y.. and Miss VeruaUttofSlu‘r- .stou‘Ontu spout a few days at the ‘ home (if Mr. L. B. I’ll‘le‘. Mr. and Mrs. A. .l. Hoisu of Hamlin. ‘ brother‘s. Mr. L. ll. Heisr. ]. EARLE' NEWTON I’IANIS’I‘ l 'l‘racl‘i‘i of Piano-Playing at tho I Toronto Conservatory of Mlisii' l Organist and (‘lioirmastei St. Paul‘s v l’rcsbyterian ('huicli. Toronto Conductor Ynik Choral Society \\'ill a “crpt a limitin llllllilit'l of pupils at his III-uni rtudio. Richmond Hill Smith \‘IHHN Mr. Frank Converse TI-jAl‘llliil or Tiii: \Vill In- in Ili'hiiionll Hill 4-H 'I‘liiiisd:i_\'~ :d‘le-i Si-pteinbcr l. 191†Aildiv» Noi drinu-r Building,i 22') Yullgt‘ SI. Tul‘ulllo “'allwr, ‘ earprov- ‘ lllk‘ (‘Ulllplf‘lP list of pupils who lililnll)“ l i On Mari'h lllli. Illilil. tho ('Hlll't’ twilh his l'atlii-i midi-i- llll‘ slyli- ill 31. 1916 (‘AI’I‘AIN A. DAVIS Qilartr'riuasli-r of tho Zilllh Battalion ('aplaiii .\lllll"_\' Hawk is Ill“ wcond Sou lil. llll' “( ii. Inâ€. .I. [in is. and \\'_:i" horn in llll' township of King in INN. . r. . I “U Il\'t‘ll at King villago and nuns “55(3- iialrd will) his l'alho-r lll lllt‘ lr'iltlit-l busiuv‘ss which had llt‘l‘ll t'oiiiliuttril _ that plat-o uudI-i llli' slle- (if A. l)a\ is N Sun l'riiiii lllt' \'t‘.ll' lh'lii. ('alit. l).l\ is was iiiaiiird iii Hi-pl., lung, in .\Ii\s lit- ta l’i'llll iil' .\ppiii, .‘lltltllt‘\l‘.\' ('iiiiiilV. plaiil «IIA. Ilavisk Sou \\';i~ iliwliiiyeil by lll't’ In [llé' ~pi ing of 15ml (‘zipL Davis liliivvil In .\\(l‘\\illl'lll§l‘l :ilul il\\l‘\‘lrI[ll'll in. \‘is lil'illllrl ('n.. l«lll.. llii) iiiilial plaiil “‘il.‘ built. This llillllxlly has giuwu until. Iii-day. it is ill“ largrsi industry of lIlP kind in tho iiiaiiiil'm Illl‘l' iii' ('ilf Leathvr uudvr llll' Iii lll>ll l-‘lag. He has :ilw i_\’_~ lll‘l‘ll arii\ |‘ in any lll(1\'('lllt‘lll(’f.| piogii-“iw natuiv in Nru‘inaikol. In addition lo lu‘ll‘g \vit'oâ€"l’rvsidé-iit of the I):l\l~< lu-abhr'i' Co. ho is a director of the Nowuiai krl Hotel (lo. which is tho iiiosi, «urcoxsiul Local Uptiou l‘llllt‘l in llniaiio. l‘nlil joining ihu Zilllh Iiatlaliou ho was l’ivsidi-iit i/i' ihoNoilli Yni Ix \V:ll';\ll.\'~ iliary, an oiganizaliuii \\ iilL h l'l‘llllt‘ll‘il gloat survivo in assix-iiiif; lo l'l'l'l uii [Ii-- JZIIIl liailaliuii. Hi- \\':l§ also ().('. lllt' NL‘\\'lllillI{“l Iliiiiii'h'uaiil. “owns ‘1 (liri-rlor ivt' llll' vaiiiai kt‘l l‘o_\' Aldll‘ iil'arluiiiigl'o a iii-w industry \\'Illlll lvldx‘ l'illl‘lllllt’lllll‘ll. llll‘ Iii-xi lii IliL’ ('oiiiily. Ulilsidv iil' llii' lmrii Iii- has lll't‘ll :ir- livv in important lllr’flSlll'i‘S. having “UP†a iiirmlwr of tho ('i-uiiiiiliu- (if Ulll‘ IluiuliL-d, and \vlljl'-[)ll'>lll(‘l.l "I: lllt' Methodist Mi'ii's Avocinliuu Lt Ontario. Illigli school. passrd Y I Smith. Lida (Illlllll‘ll (Hououis), hl‘lllh“ attoudud olhri Iiiin schools and wrote . Kansas. visiti-d last wr-rk at Mr. Hi-isr-K- i Re=0pening licliuiond Hill High will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1916 The School in Art. Miss .\l..\‘1inson; I}. .-\. v i The fees are SI for the first. term and ‘ 1 . Miss Lysta Martin of (‘larourn ('Hii- 1 $2} for the second and third teruis_ Goad board can lll‘ had at reasonable rates. Pupils are urng in the re opening day. \\'. A. \VRIHII'I‘ (i. .\l(‘l)i).\'.»\l.l) (‘haii man ul' lloai ll be present on How'v VOICE PRODI’CTION , AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. l:\>‘<iit‘l'llt‘ til llll' {i._\‘al ('ulli go till Musii', London. England» will ivsuuii- Iii< riasws at lit-liiiioiiil Hill lrll \Vialiii'wlay. Seiiliiiilii-l' liiill I’m! [Pill] : and l)-|lll«'lll1|l'\‘ apply :35 Albany :\\c'lil)i‘. 'l'wH-llln ‘\"=1 11 t «((1 Young girl: to Imiu triiii~ liiing. tlii».;(l.iii:iil{illg :iiid upmaiiizg. .-\ppiy.l.A. (hm-nu, lirhuiond llill. tr 1.3] Y: rig" Street, Ti ix u‘n. at,’ No. 8 EWesley Chatterley Blacksmith General I l l All branches of the trade strictly attended to; shoe- ing lame and interfering horses a specially. l’ati‘on- age solicited and satisfao “STE tion guaranteed. Wesley Chatterley in Mills, Ont (irt Your STAT] UN I'II'.‘ Y I Elg PR INTICI) at Thu Lillt’lull Uil‘iift‘ Public manila iGood Bran and Shorts stock. in A good Supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn I American Corn and Oats For Sale ill" I AL$U HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard (103.1. and Kennel-003.1 “None better" Order now 1, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES E I. ll. HAMEB IVOIi SAIJE Property known as "Grand (‘entrnl Block.†Fiist-rlass loâ€" ratinu on Yong? St. Richmond Hill. Pait of building lately occupied by Standard Bank contains ï¬rst-class vault. The building is three st'oiios with cellar basement, and suitable for any purpose. If lt’gllllt‘d. good-will of a twenty-year wrll payinLr implement and le- , pair liusinL-ss goes With pri pi-rly. I A SE’VPII roouwd Iranir house with slabll- and (Illli‘l‘ out- buildings on Yonge Stu-9t. ()nr ll‘llf an acre (:flaiid, heaub iful front lawn with hedges «in sides. Quirk sale. Easy trims. Mr. ILA. Niclioll’s. RPill EQ- tateAgoul. has sm‘eaal lmautr ful lots for sale on iichiuoud Htrwt. a vvry short distance from Yoiigv : Gll~'().\'()llle elegant luis on \Vright slim-t. if you Want a llICt‘ l‘t‘sltlt‘lillill lot at, a- nominal price now is; your (,‘h-‘lllCt‘. > With a full snd‘foftcacliers ast‘olions: 1 fit. 8. Jenkins, .\l. A., I’rincipal. J. Stewart, li‘ii'st-Class and Speciallét Sevvial good lawns-mm in Vaughan, “Fill Rii-hiiiond Hill; a lint-(Jaw {aim at Vin-loiia Squaw, a gw d farm in Maik- ham. urar Yniigv Snort. A >lli:ill fall†:itljillliillg llli- \‘illauw-fRirhuioiid‘llill can bi- bought now at a pi ii'o that will pay to hold ful srl-It‘l'i..\'riviv; l’lilll’lh‘iES. Solid lirirk house on ('liliit‘li Sinai-t St nth. Richmond Hill. Sow-ral SIJIUU lob to loan on liist iiioilgagu. II. A. Nicholls