Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Oct 1916, p. 4

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DI) YUI' \\'.â€"\.\'5‘ Ti) \l.\l\'l“. HI‘RIC HI“ your Junior or llr- n r .\l «llll' Inevt year? lhi ~ I 9 you know that ll out :1’ lti ol‘ the \l.i‘.iic studcu s of \V. C. \vcre >Elt;('l‘.‘.\llll this last summer ': IS YUI'R BOY DISSA'I‘IS‘I’II‘JH with school or is he not making good progress? Ifso, send bini a year to Parents! \Voorlstock College where he is surrounded by (.‘hiislian Inlluences and where the atmosphere is conducive tostudy. , v no Ytil' \VA N'r 'i‘o S keep up with the times ' O and eliminate chance from your farming as far as possible? The (Your sc includes Conuuercial, Manual Training-Agricullure, Practical I’liys- ics, Bible, and English. Tet In is from November- to March. WTHe PRINCIPAL MCNEILI., \Yoodstoek t‘ollegc. or see G. 1'7. Ileaman, )l.A., Richmond Hill. NIHHIII ichmond Hill Annex For Sale on Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmtnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden. Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. _FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE 0'3 SEE C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill .1. T. LOCKE 82 CC., 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchasei anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased to Irave said they helped to select . this paper. . . . . . . mk- OP. G. Savage & Son Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance New Perfection Oil Heaters â€"just the thing forcool days; can easily be carried from one room to another. Priced from 31.00 to $5.00. Heaters for coal and wood, several different sizes, from $10.00 to $20.00. Pandora Ranges, Gurney Oxford Ranges, Happy Thought Ranges, and Peninsular hiin oven Rangesâ€"all at manufacturers prices. Or if it is a Furnace, we will be glad to give you a price on any make you You may need a piete‘l' Heating Stove, Range or Furnace All work firstâ€"class arid satisfaction guaranteed. A good time now to luy BLiilIing Paper and Rooting W'c Can Supply You RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE‘ CO. NORMAN BATTY Phone 18 Elie Egalilicmi ‘RICHMOND HILL. 0N1, ()("r. .3, 1916 s' cm TORONTO LETTER. Another indication of the tie- mendous- popular interest. in what is sign that the whole heart and mind of thc iwt'lrlt- is ('I'rrlt-rI-rl uric-easineg in Flanders and in France, have lo‘lll sttpolir-d by the (harm-ti r and extont of the crowds floiking to hear-Mr. RUTrll lr-ll if his experiences at llll‘ front. Tuis “er-k .\Ir. lloivell has spoken llll'l'” lillu's: At .\l:rsst‘)' Il.rll to tho- t't-latiw's‘ I‘d. llll'll :it the front: at lllt’ t'anatliau (‘lub to the husinwse: tllv'll of 'l‘oi-oiit'r, and :II llll’ banquet of llll‘ Trades and Labor ('ongrrss to the i-cpreseritativt-s of thi- woi king; lllt‘li ol' Camilla. .\Ii‘. llowcll will now \isiit two or three places in the l’roxinrc, continuing the story of what he s-rw during},r his visit. lt)(1‘l't"lt. Ilritnin and France. The most remarkable of the nit-et- ing: rip to the present undoubtedly was lllt' one in Massey Ilrrll. which was arranged by the “‘omt-n's Emergency (hops. to give relatives of Canadian soldiers a chance of hearinga message from tlll'lll. Two hours before the meeting hogan Women were lined up on the street in front. of the hall. During the lllt‘r‘l- ing the immense hull was crowded beyond its capacity With an .rutliencc (ftllllptls't’tl tlii'ccquartr-rs of Women. The Women eageilv listened to every Word of the story of life in the trench- es as Mr. Rowell had an opportunity of viewing it. during his four days” \ isit t0 the Canadian front. Among other- rrwsmges from the Canadians nlrivh Mr. Rowell brought back were these: "Take care of the Wounded who come honie,"and "Send us more and more men as reinforce- merits. _.__._....____ Letter from Ransom. The following letter from Baldwin Ransom has been received by his brother: Rothbury, Nor-tliumberland, Sept. 8th, 1916. DearStanlev.â€".Iust a few lines to let you know I am in the best of health. hoping this letter finds you the same. Last night we were left out on our six days‘ leave. We had a march of two miles and a half to a place called .‘lillford. Herc we boardid a troop special which took us to \Vaterloo station in London. Here we had a fine time running around in the darl'. At last We took a. sub-train to King‘s Cross Station. After we arrived [IN-'lr' we got our tickets to Rotlihury \iu Ne\\'t'&lSIl(‘. Upon arrival at. the. sta- tion we found out that we had to wait two hours for st train. During no. wait we Went, out to see London in the darkness. It was some place to move in. Girls instead of men on the public husses. and women iriail carriers. Every girl that went past would say: “ Hellow, there Is a Ciiiruck.” It did not take long for the two hours to pass. Before 1 go farther I will tell you who my companions were. They were Bill and Jack Drys- dale. “’0 went to the station and got on a train which is called the flying Scotchrnan. \Ve left King's Cross at “.45, and ar'rived'at Newcastle at 5.30 this morning, Here we channg t'or Moi peth. Tire ll'illll left at 5.41) for the said station, and arrived atti.3t).‘ \Vhen we got here we could not get a train “119.30. At last we arrived at Roth- hury, much to our delight as we were tired. This afternoon we were taking in the sights of the old town, and so far [have been given the rccoiriinentlation of being the first real Canadian soldier in Rothbury. Bill‘s mother is a very nice and kind woman. She was pleased that they were wearing the King's uniform. \Vell, I guess it will. have to close now as it is nearly time to get ready for supper. I remain, your loving brother, BALDWIN. P.S.â€"\Vrite soon. Mothers’ Meeting. A very successful Mothers’ meeting under the auspices of the \V. C. T. U. was held in the schoolroom of the Methodist Church last Tuesday after- noon. Dr. Ellen Burt Sheri-int. a. noted physician of Toronto. spoke for over one hour on the responsibility and sacredness of motherhood, and the sixty-tive women present listened to her with wrapl attention, many afterwards thanking her for the in- formation and instruction she gave. Those who missed Dr. Sher rat‘sadtliess missed a great treat. The pleasure of the meeting was greatly added to by vocal solos by Mrs. I). \Vatson and Mrs. Barty, Miss Olive )Iortsen and Mrs. Allen acting as aCconipanists. After a hearty expression of appreciation to Dr. Sherratt and the the National Anthem. l _â€"â€"â€"â€"4-- DIED APPLETHXâ€"At 74 Ilearhourne Avenue, Sept. 25', ltllti, Ilariiet .\I. Appleton, widow of the late Simon Appleton, Aurora. aged 80 years. Interment, Saturday at Churchill ccirietery. Pt'uSlJSYâ€"At Hawkstone. Friday. September 29, 1916, David Pugs-Icy. in his 57th year. Funeral. Mondiy, ()ctober 2, at 2 tiitrlot‘k. Moxruux 4m Thursday. Sept. :38. It’lli. :it his son's residence. (In; Ridges. \Villiiun .‘lcvnkinan, :igv-d MI "I ill \. . Interment in Sunday, Oct.1. Aurora (It’lllt'tf‘l y soloists the meeting closed by singing - g'oirii,r on in the tienrhes and another, (95131:) OGQCZ T’ \QQQQOQSQQQO Special Trolley Service i-o.\'â€"â€" Metropolitan Division THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY OCTOBER 9. l9l6 r 'l‘oltox't‘o :ilid llilt'l- l'ivti'u rrris will l“:l\'l' Terminal l'or Ncwuinikrt nodinle points .il II. l3 n Ill. l'ixtia air \\ ill leave NI‘RVSIAIIKI‘Z'IV l'or l‘nrorito :rud llllt'lllli'tlifllt' points: at 11.30 p m. I". S. LIVINGS'I‘UN, Tiotlir Manage-r. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IY I“l.()1~l)\"vl‘rlki'5|,‘I:ll(l‘l.\ilil\'l(:(A I and buy your lll‘lll‘ before the new comes on the market. as it is expected flour to ho Sit) :r, linirrl llt‘Vt week. My prices for one \vukonlv are: I’urity $9.50, Royal Household $9.25. Three St:rr$8.73, Iu-nora ‘s'k’fitl .‘Ill guaranteed to he ll‘.‘I(lt‘ fl-ni .‘lanitolm hard wheat. Also line pastrv flour. .‘rIukinu light I‘uki‘snritl llut'fy pic pustr- \\i:h \I'IV .ittlnslroitâ€" niug. l’ustiv flour $7.73. Also hm k your orders for bran at $38 a ion and shorts $3“. Another ear to arrive in l a few days. John Gray. Maple Bakery. 13 I A53 rian L sii'wm. l“:\ li‘fi: \/ lo». than ltltl acres. east of Yonge stree'. Enquire at. Liberal ()flice. I32 {EUR HALEâ€"At lol 17. con. 3, Mark. ham. one pure-bred registered two shear Shropshire rant. (i'rood typical Shropshire, with the best. of breeding. N. Brodie. Gorlrrley, R. R. 2. 13 3 OUSE FOR. RENTâ€"In Maple, near the G.T.R. station, frame Izouse. seven rooms, good cellar, forni- t‘l'lV occupied by the late John (Ioniubs. The size of the lot is about I, acrr‘, with some fruit, There is hard and softl Wutt-t- on the premises and also a stable. Possession Oct. 15th. Until then, enquire on premises. After that | date the key may be haul at Mt“. Jag); son’s, next. '(IO‘il‘. Rental $8.50 a month. For further particular-s. en- quire, A. E. Coombs, St. Catharrines. Out. 13 tf ‘OR SALEâ€"Thoroughbred short- horn bull. about one year old, lot 28. Corr. 3. Markham. Geo. AJMcCagne. ILR. 2, Gormley. 13 2 It. \V. ll. MARSHALL, has re- newed his dental practice iii Tiltil‘llhlll. Office at Hotel. Office hours 9.15 to 5.00, every \Vedrresduy. Appointments received by )[l‘.S.FIlll1- ltry, 'l‘hoi‘nhill PA). 12 2 “00D DRIVERâ€"for sale cheap. I F. .l. Manshridge, Richmond Hill. 122 "OR SALEâ€"Imperial Oxford Range: P plate shelf, r sci-Voir. splendid baker. Can Mrs. Killeen‘s. be seen in evenings at 12 2 STRAYlfiD~From the premises of t the undersigned, lot 17, 3rd con., Murkharri, on the 17th Sept, a large, \Vllile sow. Any person knowing of her whereabouts please communicate with U. T. Brodie. R. R. 2, Gorurley. I2. 2 LI‘IANING AND PRESSING.~ (‘. I. Hinas is prepared to do cleaning and pressing at his Laundry, three doors north of the Post office. 18 O HEN'ILâ€"Fiftv acres: lot. 30. Corr. 3. Markham. Mrs. E. Nigh, Gormley. ll 3 \VO OR THREE ROOMS to rent in new house. Suitable for housekeeping. Separate entrance. Box 105, Village. 9 tf ousn TO RENT â€"Next don; south of the Bakery, 8 rooms. D. Hill. Richmond Hill. 9 tf V ANTEDâ€"A good cook, general. No washing orirorring. Apply Mrs. J. Dunlop, Richmond Hill 8 tf } orsr: To LET â€" Un Roseview’ Avenue. Plenty of water, good cellar, electric light, etc. Busy terms. Apply It. A. Tyndall, Richmond Hill. ~1th . .ni-t hilid. :lHititllI'S. iillll‘lll run:- foot liitzli, and as lllt'l‘l' .‘Ilt' Letter From the West. From H. It. llr'ise. It'oiilinued from last \vt-ek.i Se'pl. 33.»~‘\\'r- li;i\t- just liiiisliui r iitingr :r 32.3 Here patch nt wheat : had [no hinders cutting tour days, and lllll‘t‘ for three days. Expert to finish i-utiiru: when today. Then tin-re are 'lin :tt'lt-s of flux to t-‘lll. \\lii4‘l\ [lit-y do They ll:i\t‘ :rn :itttrrlinn-nl in! the binders \\l)II'l) drops it «If ill il‘lit‘ “llt'itl eliilrlili- is lt'liI ;. glort I.uinln»r of lrnlgri' holes, no had to \\illl'l| r-ur si«p~, as they are about lilll“ int-lies in lll|lll|‘l|l'. lulu told they dig :llll'l Ill" gr [\III‘I‘. Seine of Us \\t‘l" \r'r_\' :ii.xnvus II' see :Innigci , so yr -lrirluy ll'H n \\ llllt‘ Ili" lIti\'~.\\.‘ilt' j__'t‘l|l‘ to ;r sirrmli :rliout 5| quarter of i IIIllI‘:‘.\\';r\‘_ lllt'_\' saw one on llll‘lI'Htl, Mid soon innit into its hole. \Vt- gn-t a neighbor's shovel and dug tun ft ct :rllrl t‘.‘Illlt‘ to its nest, but it had no notion oi coming out. and as they are \'e|_\‘ llt‘lt‘l' and «lltt‘lll twicethesim'of it racoori, I am told an ordinary dog cannot handle llll'lll. so we let down a lll'l'l{_\'t'l(l‘. and it tmik hold of the 1 ing, and we pulled it put tly out, and as we had two dogs with us, one of them got hr ld til~ it and jerked it out. Then the two dogs got hold t-f it and had a lierre struggle for :I uhilv, but .is one of the men wanted lllt' hide, we tinaliy got them separated. I then coinnrt-iir'vd inking the llltll' oil", and after I got past the two hind legs I got two men on the legs and two on the hide. but they could not pull it oil’. SUI finished it “hit the knife. The Color is like llre rat-non. In going: to and fro to this llt‘lll of “heat we had to go throuin two sleugtrs of about. ten acres each, with eighteen inches of water-in them. ahounding with wild ducks. \Ve also saw a few prairie chickens and lots of gopheis. Bro. Ilaae B;.ker's son took a few of us to- day for a little run with his car, thirty miles north to Kesohests, a nice town on the (LP. ’t... lllt'll 17 miles to the south-west to t'olewell, a town on the (i.'l‘.P. ()n this trip we saw many thousands of .icrts of he:rntif.:l un- broken prairie, with here and there a settler. (In the way we saw many wild turkeys flying high in the air: also many wild ducks, of which tllt'v brought a few home for therriSelves. "H +++++M+ ++++++w+cr sum-9 +++ SIGN I‘I’ Ntl'vY AND GO TO NIAGARA ++++++++++H+~i+++++++++++i IT( )1? NAIJP‘; A tidy litlll' home on lich- lntrntl Ht... .I ~iini Lilislnlit'e lil‘tllll Yongr‘. ;\lilt't‘ spot f.-r- per- son \\'ltll moderate means. Seven rooms, good crllar, hand and soft water. Pr ict- easy. Property known as “Grand CentralBlock.‘y First-classic. cation on Yolrge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building latelv occupied by Standard Bank contains first-class vault. The building,r is three stories with cellar basement, and suitable for any purpose. If irouired. good-will of a l\'v'f‘lil‘_'.‘-‘.':‘;II‘ \vell paying implement and re: pair business goes \\ ith property. One half-acre, with nearly new frame house. eight rooms, furnace, etc, large outbuild- ings, good orchard. near- church and school. on the lib concession of Markham. Amirnprm‘ed three-acre lot on Mill Street. Richmond Hill. at a reasonable figure. Some beautiful building lots nri Richmond and \Vright sts. \Vorth the money. Solid brick house on Church street, sontli. Iriimeditte pes- session. Ahargain. MONEY TO LOAN. H. A. Nielrolls REAL ESTATE assesssssesesessseeeses. SAY Did yOu notice and \Yhol and dainty boxes. your pocket. Fresh the class of Stationery we keep? than the ordinary and Just as cheap. CI'{()C()] JTL'J‘ 3 S Don't forget we keep Reliable Drugs SLOAN'S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill seeeeeseseeeseseseseees ! the A little better In bulk to suit esome. Priced QQQQGEOQOOQONQOQSQ

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