RlCHMOND HILL. UVT ind @izc 3&1:ch Mrs. R.S. Jvnkil iu-Ium'l'nw uflt-rumm fum- to six. vallt part Mrs. Thus. Mr. D. Mchnzio, n-f \Vrmdluidgv. has [won appointed Lim-nw IlL~‘pt‘CllIl Under the new Act fur the (Jmully Of York. Gull at tho Lilwxnl Ot‘ï¬ue and apt 2: sample ('npy of the (Vnmrlinn Country- nmn. This fulm Jmn nnl can In- secux'ed at, this ofï¬ce at 5011mm u ymn'. Captain Hurry anlu-llmrgh. er.- Mush-r nf Mimi) Bullulinn (QUJ. was in thI village, Tuesday. on last [Pave from camp Burden, before going Over- seas. ‘ Don't. fnrgvl, your subscription tn the Christmas anes for the "Boys" at, thv Front. If a (-nliectur dm-u not pallron in» {210469 .lzgmd in your cuuui Sx-x'gmmt J. C. Tul Battaliun. Oxfurd. h his Inst 19.1w: lwlme and visited hislH-ulht m) Monthly. The Rithuumd Hill \Vnm’en‘s In- stitulo will \'i>il, the Maple \VumvH'S Institute and supply the prom-mum, c-n “'vdnesdny afternoon Oct. 11th, at the home of Mrs. Hiram vafvr. [mkiun iu Lh'n membms A cablvgrzuu slates that Han-y B. Lang. a former student of Richmond Hill High School, whose parents nmv reside below Lansing. has 1-;coivcd the cummiwiou nf u Licutenancy in Eng- land. At the recent, exmuinutiuns hold by Queen’s Umvel-sity Mr. JamesSlewart. Science Muster of Riclm.ond Hill H.°., passed in Physicg Chemist: y, :mu Botany with ï¬rst Cl :55 honors in each, guiding ï¬rst on lh - list. in b0 11 Ph) 1|- ics and Chemistry. Judge Dvntnn held a Court of Revi- sion for Richmond Hill on Tuesday. Eight, or nine names were nddui, about; as many struck off on acc 1111 t of non-residence. and several was chauge-d from one part of the [wt to another. Mrs. \V Jacksdn Bros. while drilling f q- \vuterub the ann pund on [he pmâ€" poswl nvw sylem fur Rivhmnnd Hill, struck a flowing well a few days ago at. a. depth of sixty feet. As the stream is not. large the workmen are b uing deeper Wth the hope of ge.Ling a larger flow. Thanksgiving services will he held in the ’I‘lmI-nhill Melhndlst church by the plstur. Rev. Ii. B. vannn. Oct. Sth. Special singin,<_y hy the nhnir. assisted by Mr. Hurry Ried of TUI‘UHLO, ful'lll- erly of 'I‘hm-nhill. and Mrs. Hamilton A letter has been H-ceived from Detroic. Mich. frum :lw svcx'etm-y (-f the Allies Relief Unmuxiuee, asking fur the mum-s of the fm-uwr residents of liichnmnd Hill and \'i('lnlt\'. nmv lesidunt in Michigan. \\'ill lesu \vlm knuw any such lwopl» please Solid the names to M r. A. G. Savage. Special singin,<_y lny the “hair. assisted by Mr. Hurry Ried of TUI‘UHLO, ful'lll- ally of 'I‘hm-nhill. and Mrs. Hamilton 0f Toronto. Thank ot‘fvl‘ing will be taken at. l‘uLh services in aid uf the Ludivs' Aid. MI. OJ") :Qk‘d xt Munduv :IH [)IMCUS l†H. Vandal-lung}! «pm»! the- \‘illagv will) n-lulin‘ “w ....A.....n_~ m, “M ‘.f the In 3.... my of the Red Cross Auxxliury. Smder hf H nf thl' \VH' “upper. 5. Junka ik' receiving uflvrmmn Fliklily fl'UIH Thornhill m1. of the 168â€) )5 been hnme rm going Own-seas, 1'. Mr. T. J . Tobin. : Thanksgiving: Isimss will be ht'StQ’l‘. N. Y.‘ with .‘h. and 1916 fur Ult‘ .cnntrihut due. hon rd. \\'Ill n-‘lllll'i lwclve schools (If the township tank part in lhe compeliljvns, and them ‘ “ï¬ts a gnod exhibit of mt. fmcy wmk. lncnd. cnlu-s. fruits, collection or in- sects, wonds, site. A special foulan was drh ing by hays and gin ls from the dllf(‘l'6llt schnnls. An umtm-iml mn- test was held in which Miss Helen McCutcheon took ï¬rst pl‘lZP. Misszun C unenm second, and Mi-s HFlH] Mit- |chell thiul. Vellm-e school won the t:1g-0’-\v:u'. and anP schnnl carried off ï¬rst prize for marching and singing. at tho lw sent Tln- Octnlu-r lulu-ling nf the Rii-hlnnnli Hill High Sn'lmnl Alllmnrw Assncmtinn will he held in llw High Schoul on Flldny. ()vt. b'lh at full: n‘clnck. The study (-f English AIL will he- cnnlinin-d, whpn papers will lw given hv Miss Haze-l Swsz nn'l Miss M:er Trench. nn Sir Jnnws (inthriv l’. R.S.A. and Pete-r Grnhum R.S.A. respectively. Evm'v nn-mlwl is urged Ln lw present at this, the ï¬rst mowing hf the swmun. MHan-Is aw :llSU re- minded that Ihvy :n-e pihilvgml (.0 invite :1 f1 lt'lld Lu :ithnd [he Almnnmz Meetings. Sunday. Oct. 8th. the mnrning Service will luv :1 special Thanksgiving Survive. Al, the pvt-Hing: swniw- [lu- minislm- will prom-h 0n "Our Fullvn HI’I‘UK‘S, " :1 Memmiul Sl’l‘\ ice fm- Hurry llnwlx-y. recently kills-d in action. vas has come that Harry Lung whu has had a your nf constant. sex-vice hus been called to England to receive a (:mumizsiun. The \mewu's Missinnmy St-ciety held their annual ’I‘lmnk-cffeling meeting on Wednesday. Thaw was an unusually gnud uueudunce. The Maple snciuty were our \‘isltni’g and gave [110 prngl-mnme. Miss Smith gave an intermï¬ng glddlCSS nu Jl‘\Vl:ll “'m'k in \Vinnlpug A very <xmceszfnl schnn] fair “WI: held :lL Vellnw last Sltmdny. and much intvrvst was taken in Llw evont. Laét Sunday was Billy DuyvinXIho Methodist church. A large number “1ny pxe§§nLn - Capt. V. Robertson of 1110 220th Battalion spoke in the in'LPrpsls of recruiting in St. Andrew‘s church on Sunday. The hwulbers nf the Epworth League had :\ our!) “vast at. Mr. H. U. Bailey’s last, Thursday evening. Schmnherg Fair, which will he held Thursday and Friday, Oanher 12 and 13, will about (:‘lusr the full exhibitian in this cnunty. Schnmlu‘g always huldé .1 good fail. The judging of gram, nuts and vegetables, lulllt‘s’ work and ï¬ne arts. will he done on the ï¬rst day. and illllï¬ng the attractions on Fiidny will be a fl‘eP-fUI'-illl\ll'ul, and a race 101' single horse in harness, that, has nu'er hmten 33'). A ounceâ€, will he held on the evening of :he SNAle day uf lhr‘ Fair. A Male recently from \Ii'. LB. Huisw Stairs that he has been visiting for two wee-ks in \Vestvrn Manitoba at, Mrs. Heise‘s rvlativvs. the family of the late A. Eyvi' fm ll)('l‘iy (If Richmond Hill. Mr. Eyei- was :it nne time Owner (-f tl.e Richmond liill fnniidry which was lncatmi two nnles edst of Richmnnd Hill liking huined several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Heise spent it cnuple of days in Regina with Mr. A.J. Steckly. Mrs. Heise‘s nephew. who is cunlli'ch'tl with theSuwyvr 8: Massey Cu. (If that place. Mr. Heise says the air is a hit shaip at times being 14 ulmve Zv-l'n nne tiny. Also humans are wearing fut- cant: while driving the hinders cutting grain. Hmvever they say they don’t mind it. «wry Inanwr Irv In St'CIII‘P thy- :de uddrvssvs uf thi- "Buys" Fl'l‘llt Ln “'IIUIII boxes shmlhl as [he or the In] {in lllll HlllS Presbvterian Church. Iigh School Alumnae Red Cross News. Schomberg Fair. JII’I "Hg! The rng Gormley Mame )ans from tho Cul- mus Bum-s will he urmngmm-nls made )9 rvgnlnr nwnthly September are ills“ which will he held :I)‘, Oanber l2 and the full exhibitian Schnmlrrg always The judging of In; held c thm Lendnm the Rvd Monday, I :lt/ funl' shuns n igh t“ Plvum The following iettor has 1mm 59 in fur publication. \Vc dn nut kn: Him the writer is. as nu sicunlm-e given. \Ve hmvevm- insert it. r merely because the editor is proud: mum-y fur doing [he jnh. hul lmlivvi that; the habit. of silling around stu: is‘ far mu cummun: [Curran 0;: THE LIBERAL: have t with l« who 1- the pi: have can": with [unfol- whn (wide- the Diva» \last, winter shuns nf [h your m-xt issuv. l’.S.â€"-â€"\\'<- will mclnsvd in (-nwh pm in your pnpm Richmuud Hill, S Dem The Richmond Hill :iuu Gents‘ Furnishing Store The Beauty Of Ciothing is that our efforts to produce style in clnthcs do not end at outside appearance. Small details of eunstructiun have a wonderful amount of thought expended on them. Tailored by the H USE OF HOBBERLIN uf lh \s'hicl { 037 Sir fume mfvl NORMAN J. GLASS ently which Exclusive Agents Hobbcrlin Tailoring Loafing in Stores s sill Yonge St. l'h Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited m h.- New Prices, Aug.1,1916 ng :n-unnd our stun-s. have fol-gulln-n nlmnl WHS put in anr paper .ly nlsn lung :u'uum] vn frnu) nun-Hing: [ill hindrance to hu-inv<s. ; by renewing this in haLH [u SPIN G. A. M. DAVISON - Richmond H111 and Um‘onville, Dealer for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street These prices are positively guaranteed against any reduction before August 1, 1917, but there is no :guarantee against an advance in price at any time Vllll u- ls pl-mniscd hul )mlim-ing mumd sun-(vs The following prices fOr Ford cars will be effective on and after August the lst, 1916 1910' Chassis Runabout Touring Car Coupelet - Town Car Sedan â€" H-n] (I hnl h:- m: sent [hi rvnls not F. O. B. FORD. ONTARIO GLASS, Local Representative Gsnemi de‘sandise 3 Linens, striped and phin flannelettea, g: e; heavy factory cotton, aud good Canad yarn, grey or blac'; Excellent coffee, choice tea, breakfast foods, jellies 5, prepared puddin-rls, etc. \Vomcn‘s p1 STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. MONDAYS AND \VEDXES )AVs Fall and \Vinter Weight, for Children 03d V l 1 many styles, suitable for’aHâ€"Girls and Ladies VHOUSE DECORATIONS LADIES’ NECKWEAR Wall Papers, Curtains, Cretonnes, etc. arxety of fancy collars, lace cuff sets, to select fn MISCELLANEOUS Atkinson & Switzer GUNBRETE HOUSE UNDERWEAR ain fleeced hose an] cashmerino hose, for Fall wear GROCERIES HOSIERY CORSETS lars, lace yokes, collar and select from. 4 50 475 495 695 780 890 Men, \Vomen and flanneh