Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Oct 1916, p. 3

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She Knew Better. Mrs. Wiseman was one of those woâ€" men who always know. Whatever the subject under discussion, she had her own opinions, and made other peo- ple have them, too. . . . u “Joshua,” said she to her husband one evening. “I saw in this morning’s paper that old Mr. Bifi'er died on Satâ€" urday.” “It was a mistake," mumbled Josh- ua, as he bent: down to unlace his shoes; “he died on Friday.” “But the paper said Saturday," re- peated Mrs, Wiseman, firmly. Our Kitchen is Your Kitchenâ€"it cost two mil- lion dollars and was built to furnish you with crisp, golden loaves of Shredded Wheat. the purest, cleanest, most nutritious cereal food “I know it did,” persisted Joshua “but it was an error in the print." “I thought that at first,” said the lady decidedly, “but Igot half a dozen copies of the paper and it was the same in all of them. And they cer~ tainly couldn’t have made the same mistake over and over again like “Is this aten cent: store?” “It is, madam.” “I hear you have wonderful bar- gains. Where is your automobile de- partment.” IIIIBIIGL' that!" Minard's Linux-Lent Relieves Neuralgia. “Mike, I hear you tions factory because was dangerous.” “Dangerous, is it! Shure if 0i was there now Oi‘d have been dead months ago.” Minm‘d’s Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,â€"I can recommend MI- NARD’S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, in the world. It is ready- cooked and readyâ€"toâ€"serve, delicious for breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with sliced peaches. On His Furlough. The reading lesson was on, and the word “furlough” occurred. Miss Jones, the teacher, asked if any little girl or boy knew the meaning of the word. One small hand was raised. “Furlough means a mule,” said the child. “Oh, no; it doesn’t,” said the teacher. “Yes, ma’am,” insisted the little girl, “I have a book at home that) says so.” Miss Jones told the child to bring the book to school. The next morning the child came armed with a book, and triumphantly showed a picture of an American soldier rid- ing a mule, under which was the cap- tionâ€"“Going home on his furlough." SmeE Eyegé? Eyes inflamed By expo. sure to Sun. Dusland Mag-d uickly relieved by Mill'an ve g ye Remedy. No Smarting. 8 just Eye Comfort. At Your Drugg-ist‘s 50¢ per Bottle. Murine Eya Salvein'm‘oeszSc. ForBook ol lheEyefrceask Drugg'ists or Murine EycllemedyCo..Chlcago Made in Canada May Come To This. The Irish Of It. T. B. LAVERS, Granulatet} Eyelids. lefty the muni- you thought it 9n St. John. won “My experience Shows that. given good stock to start with, large fami- lies show no deterioration among the younger branches," said the physi- cian. “0n the contrary, I frequently find that the best bodies, and em- phatically the best brains, occur, say, with the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh inenc London pn. view with the Lt He spoke on the child Ea huge Zeppelin during a recent raid 'on London. could command only six words when there was presented to =him a purse made up by the shipping lmen: “Thanks. I merely did my duty.” The boy had stage fright, no doubt, but it‘s the only kind of fright his breed ever knows. Thousands of thankful mothers throughout Canadaâ€"many of them your own neighborsâ€"speak with the greatest praise of that splendid medi- cine, Baby’s OWn Tablets. Many mothers would have no other medicine for their little ones. Among these is Mrs. Albert Nie, St. Brieux, Sask., who says: “I have been using Baby’s Own Tablets for the past seven years and they have done my four children a world of good. I would not be with- dut them.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. French Army Veterinarians Are Con- winced. Shamming‘ by war horses to avoid the battle front, discredited at first, seems now well established, says a Paris dispatch. French army veterinarians have found from close observation that certain horses fall most unaccountably ill when in bombarded regions. They lie down and seem too weak and ner- vous to move, or 'go lame. When they are sent back to the veterinary camp in the rear, in a day or two they are all right again. As evidenced by an advertisement which appeared in last week’s issue, the Toronto Fat Stock Show are giv- ing special attention to farmers and breeders, and are offering many hand- some prizes for classes where stock must be bred, fed and owned by the exhibitors. This is work along the right lines and should bring out a good entry. This has happened in so many cases that it has become a matter beyond dispute that the animals sham sick- ness‘ to get away from a spot where they have to do strange work under strange conditions and where con- stantly horrible things make terrify- ing noises. “Yes, your honor. He caught me suddenly by the coat-collar and threat- ened (yo truncheon me unless I accom. panied him quietly to the station." As a rule, Japanese plays last from six o'clock in the morning until nine at night. Attending to Business. “You say the ofiicer arrested you while you were quietly minding your own business?’ “You were peaceably attending to your own business, making no noise or disturbance of any kind ?" “None whatever, sir.” “It seems very strange. What is yoru business?” “I'm a burglar.” mnu'rd's Llnlment for sale everywhere‘ Heroes Poor Talkers. Heroes are poor talkers, says the New York Sun. Lieutenant Robinâ€" son, who, from the seat of a frail aeroplane, attacked and brought down arge These words v ent London ph THANKFUL MOTHERS TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW. The HORSES SHAM SICKNESS. war the arna amxly BA BI ES FOR EMPIRE. nat ECS ftet ‘(ill b wh father, war will be ‘h encourages "20 families." arded As a inter- NEURALGIA PAINS YIELD QUICKLY Hundreds lieved by the soothing external appuâ€" cation of Sloan's Linlment. Quiets the nerves. relieves the numbness feeling. and by its tonic ef- fect on the nerve and muscular tissue, gives lmmedlale relief. Sloan's Liniment is cleaner and eas- ler to use than mussy plasters and piniments and does not clog the pores. ,, Just put it onmit penetrates. Kills pain. You will find relief in it from rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, stiff neck, toothache, etc. For strains, sprains, bruises, black- and-b-lue spots, Sloan’s Linlment qulhkly reduces the pain. AL _ «.1‘ An. 50c. énd $1.00 bottles The habit of taking digestive nills af- ter meals makes chronic dyspevtics of many thousands of men and women beâ€" cause artificial dizestents. drugs and medicines have practically no influence upon the excessively acid condition of the stomach contents which is the cause of most forms of indigestion and dys- '- It's 'realls family. Yox Our line was wearing thin. Half- way to the third trench we were re- inforced. The ground in our rear was covered with our men. All at once came a change. The German artillery in front ceased firing, and the next second we saw the reason why. In the trench ahead the German troops were pouring out in black masses and advancing toward us at a trot. Was it a counterâ€"attack? Then, as sudden- ly our own artillery ceased firing and* the mystery became plain. The Ger- mans were approaching in columns of four, officers to the front, hands held in the air; and as they came closer we could distinguish the steady cry, “Kameraden! Kameraden!” How the French Secure Them From Running Away. An American who fought with the French gives in the Atlantic Monthly a lively description of a successful atâ€" tack on the enemy’s trenches and the capture of many German prisoners: They were surrendering. Out flew our knives, and in less time than it takes to tell it we had mingled among the prisoners, slicing off their trouser buttons, cutting off suspenders and hacking through belts. We cut the laces off all their shoes, and thus slop- ping along, their hands helplessly in their breeches pockets to keep their trousers from falling .round their ankles, shuffling their feet to keep their boots on, the huge column of prisoners was sent to the rear with a few soldiers to direct rather than to guard them.- flue Fail}! 9f Takéng Digestive Piils As the Germans had left the trenches, their artillery had paused, thinking it a counter-attack. Now, as file after file was escorted to the rear and it became apparent that the men had surrendered, the German ar- tillery opened up again furiously. Six shells landed at the same instant in almost the same place, and within a few minutes Section 3 of our company had almost disappeared. The after the sensitive and thus Rh from pain. indigestion. bloating. he would get a urated max and take a 1 after meals. To Help Restore Louvain. A committee of leading Russian scholars and professors has been es- tablished to assist the French com- mission to restore the world-renown- ed library of Louvain, in Belgium, which was burned by the Germans in the early days of the war. The Grand Duke Nicolas Miohajlovich is chair- man of the committee. Great philosophers am" have been noticed to hav sloping ears. The River Orinoco, in South Amer- ica, is over three miles broad for nearly half its course, while during floods the width, even at places far from the sea, is often a hundred miles, The reds Find Sloan’s Liniment Soothes Their Aches. shooting, tearing pains of neur- and sciatica are quickly re- by the soothing external appli- of Sloan's Llnlment. ts the nerves. relieves the 955 feeling. and by its ton_ic ef- GERMAN PRISONERS. A Warning‘ to Dyspentics. ilwlytfiar frie-zid 0f the whole Your druggist sells it in 25c.. l statesmen e large and Mr. J. McMillan, who has initiated many notable improvements since he became General Manager of the C.P.R. Telegraphs eighteen months ago, has just decided to inaugurate an important service entirely new to Canada over the hundred and ten thousand miles of wire under his immediate control, namely, the day letter which may now be sent between points in Canada on the Canadian Pa- cific system at a rate very much re- duced as compared with the usual commercial rush telegram. Mr. Mcâ€" Millan is convinced that many of those who send telegrams would be quite satisfied if these arrived on the same day, whereas a proportion of the cost of the rush telegram is due to the cost of speedy delivery. The ‘day letter of fifty words will be rated at one and a half times the cost of a regular rush message of ten words and can still bring an answer the same da’, which is as quick as many people desire. There are sixteen hun- dred C.P.R. telegraph offices through- out Canada, at each of which the new service will be in force, so that this will be a Dominion-wide serVice lstretching from Louisburg, Nova Scotia, to Victoria, B.C. Messages will be taken in either French or Eng- lish, code words not being permissible. Mr. John McMillan owes his suc- cess to a genial and tactful disposi- tion which made him one of the most popular C.P.R. officials in the West, ‘where his work centred until he was called to the head office in Montreal last year. Although less than fifty years of age, he joined the CPR. at its inception, working on construction in 1883. After acting for a number of years as operator at Donald B.C., he became Inspector of Telegraphs at Winnipeg in 1902, Assistant Super- tendent in 1906, Superintendent at Calgary in 1907, General Superintend- ent at Winnipeg in 1913, and finally Manager of the whole telegraph sysâ€" tem in March, 1915. Now Possible to Send a Day Letter If you have catarl'h. catarrhal deafâ€" ness or head noises Caused by catarrh‘ or if phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels you will be glad to know that these distressing symmomr: can be enâ€" tirely overcome in many instances by the following treatment which you can easily prepare in your own home at lit- tle cost. Secure from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). This will not cost you more than 750. Take this home and add to it 5 pin: 01' hot Water and 4 ounces of granulated caused by be many ‘n‘nhAx l ‘der the tonic 5 Loss of smell, and mucus drol throat are othe How To Get Rid Of Catarrh, Catarrha} Deafness or Head Noises. ounce of Parmint um This will not cost you Take this home and am hot water and 4 ounce sugar; stir until diss< tablespoonful four time cided improvement is a after the first day‘s tre inz becomes easy. while head noises. heudag‘hez‘ thinking der the Solomonic Decision. Two brothers inherited a farm andi quarrelled violently as to its division.‘ Now there lived in their village a cer- tain shrewd and wise old man, noted for the soundness of his advice. Him‘ the brothers determined to appoint arbitrator. Whatever he said they would abide by. They laid the mat~ ter before him. For a long while he thought, then delivered judgment. “You.” said he, pointing to the elder, “shall divide the farm as you think fair. And you,” he continued, point- ing to the yOUnger “shall have the first choice." Plain Talk. Heiressâ€"I like you very much, Mr. Al'dup, but I cannot marry you. Ardup (picking up his hat)â€"â€"I will be equally frank with you, Miss Bul- lion. 1 don't like you at all, but I would marry you in a minute. I am more self-sacrificing than you are Heartless Dad. “You shall not marry the cub, and that settles it.” “I have no objection to that. Tell him to insure his life in your favor and go ahead." Good evenir. g: 1H “But he loves me father. Vows he would die for me.” Minard‘s Liniment Cares Burns. Etc. t the 1 often 1tment ear tr A NEW SERVICE. roubles are said V_catarrh. theref peonle whose by this simple I by Telegraph. 1r1y 5 treatment while the (1 Che. dullnes dually disal by this ninety V at Ive metime tive h pin: 01' anulated 'ake one A de- rs noted Breath- tressinz cloudy tear un- eatment. hearing { of the ‘6 must can be fitment “.‘Vhté: STA-{iii full cXDel‘ielu'v. i‘ d 3K6. etc.. ‘0 |The Slings‘zw Manufacturing Co I wish I was a landlord gay, My life would be content, For no one knows an easier way To go and raise the rent Vultares have no feathers on aha head or neck. ~ Celery is a good cure for rheumat- ism and neuralgia. Minsrd’a Liniment Cures Damn-I112. EED POTATOES. IRISH COIL blers. Delaware. Carman. Order at once. Supply limited. Write rm- quo- tations. H. “Y. Dawson. Brampton. CANCER. internal out pain by ( us before too Co‘. Limited. highest Furniture ROFlT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most usaful and interesting of all buslnesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany. 73 ‘West Adelaide Street. Torontoi Hgagm “Em Wanna: Mi“. Good wages paid in all and steady work assure several evenings for lnexz where enerzy and ability x motion. Wages nald b While. learning weaving. 5 went to family ygykex‘s. Garden's, Weavers, Fullers Nagaper Tenders. thclock Engine, 150 H.P., 18 X 42, with double main driving belt 24 ins. wine, and Dynamo 3o K, W. bcit driven. Ail in first class condition. Would bc sold together or separate- ly; al‘sova lot of shaming at a wry, great bargain as rung; is required immedi- a .~ 9. {sink-Wilson & Sons #5” West. WGifi‘ifirâ€"Efi"; m Sai BRANTFORD. America's Pioneer Dug Remedies “Made in Canada" DUMINIGN RAINGUMS The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the :\BINET MAKERS AND MACHINE hands wanted. Steady work at west wages. Apulyr to :l‘he Bell Best for quality. style and value. Guaranteed for all an. mates. “OTTO HIGEU' PIANO ACTION Ask Your Dealer NEWSPAPERS POR- SALE HELP WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS SEED POTATOES DOG DISEASES And How to Feed H‘ CLAY CLOVER CO, Inc. 118 West 3lst Sheet, New York M TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC" and external‘ cured with- ur home treatment. “The late. Dr. Bellman Medical Collingwood. Ont. . Anuly to 'l‘h‘ Southampton. Ont A Wis‘h. 1 free to any address by the Author BOOK ON ISSUE 42â€"16. 'vvm ONTARIO. elD n Y.

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