We Can Supply You may need a Heating Stove, Range or Furnace Cool and Cold Weather Goods IE it ZQF; V §u Q.‘!n'L"n\\'L'al ‘ M‘E’SES' NORMAN BATTV FOR FURTHER ‘NFORMATION \VRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE 6': CC†Richmond Hill @Cléggéw’lé? . 3 '.L g HARDWARE RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Annex hngm‘vï¬s ms.“ 1 maximum! . Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance Write i Up with the liules eliminate chance train your farming as fat as possible? The Unurse includes Commercial, Manual Training. Agriculture. Pmcticnl Phys- ics. Bible, and Englkh. Tenn is from November to )Iill'cll. Canada WALL PAPERS Y with schnu] m- is he not uhxhihï¬Ã©uud O prugress? If so. send him .1 yu 4 tr) Woodstock Cullogv where he Is‘ surrounded by (Thu-i [inn Influences and where the atmosphere is Vegmducive tusludy. Made H in 3‘3‘3’.‘ Farmer’s Sons! ' yum- Junim- ('1‘ Humvr )Iauirz uvxt ycaur‘r? DU 0 you know that 14 our of 10' of tho Muuic students of \V. C, were successful this last summer 1' Parents 1 Boys V Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metrppolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmgnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. P. 0. Savage & Son Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity For Sale on Easy Terms 01' see G. E. Reaman, M.A., Richmond Hill PRINCIPAL MCNEILL, \Vo DO YOU “'ANT TO MAKE SURE 0F AVlNG SECURED THE AGENCY for rlw Celebrated Empire Wall Paper L'nmpnm', 'l‘ur um», we are pl cpared to show Silllilm-s of libllttl' never seen before and for less [inlflC)‘ than 0.11) be purchased anym.ere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and bordeis all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over. and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this pa per. . . . . . . All work ï¬rst-class and satisfaction guaranteed. Or if it is a Furnace, we will be glad to give you a price on any make you prefer. manufacturers prices Pandora Ranges, Gurney Oxford Ranges, Happy Thought Ranges, and Peninsular high oven Rangesâ€"all at New Perfection Oil Heaters just the thing forcool days; can easily be carried {mm one room to another. Priced from $4.00 to $5.00. Heaters for coal and ‘ wood, several dilferenn sizes, from $10.00 to $20.00. A good time now to buy Builling aper and Rooï¬ng. 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto Phone 18 Archibald McQuurrIe and T. A. Noble will proceed to distribute she assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said Archibald Mchan-ie and T. A. Nuble will not be liable for the said assets or ' any part, thereof to any person whose. claim they shall not then have received notice of. In the matter of the estate of REBEOCA KATHERINE NOBLE, late of the Township (if Vaughan. in I the County ut‘ York. spinsxer,(le(:nsed. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant to the Statutes on that lie-half. that all persons having any claim or demands agamst the lute Reheccn Katharine Noble. whu died an or about the 24th day nf August. 1915. at the annship uf Vaughan, in tho County of Yt-rk, are require-d tn svnd by post, prepaid. or to deliver tn the undersigned, sulicx- turs helein fur Archibald McQunn'ie and T. A. Nnhls‘, the executm's under the will uf the said Rebeca-a Katharine Noble, their names and addresses, and ] full particulars in writing ni their .clninis and statements (If their :IC- (counts. and tlw nature of the securi- i ties. if any, held by thmn. Dated at Toronto, the 23rdul.1y of September, 1916. ' AND TAKE NOTICE that. arm the gayzoifrNovember. 1916, the sun] It is hoped that all our citizens will he n-ndy to again assist 1n this worthy cause. A. meeting was lield in the Count-ll Chiuulxer Tuesday evening. in com- pliuncv with an appeal from His Honour. Sir John Hendriy, Lieutq Governor of Ontario, for the purpose of discussing methods of raising funds for the British Red Cross Society. After a full discussion it \vusdecided to raise :1 donation by means of volnn ten-y snliscriplions. Reeve Pngsley presided. and expressions ot opinion were given by Revs. Hen-bison and Aikenhend. Messrs. Greene. Hickaon, Hume, Trench. Hand, Innes, Pratt, Hill and owns. Uonnniltees were appointed to can- vas the village for snlnnriplinns. and n public meeting will he held in the Masonic Hall on “Wednesday evening of next wepk. words Lhan the message that Mr, Rowell addressed to his hearers in Massey Hall. †“ Ontario premier, Hon. W. H. Hearst, has more of the stuï¬â€˜ of real greatness in him that; Ontario’s Oppostion lender, Mr. N. W, Rowell, ever had or ever will have. If‘ Hon. Mr. Healsc undertakes to deliver “A message from the trenches,†the Hearst message will have more power and thrill in its thougth and The following quotation from the editorial columns of the Evening Tclegl‘am sounds more like the talk of' a small boy than like one might expect to read from a large city daily : The Benchex's of the Manitoba Law Society, by unanimous vote. have placed on reeord their full conï¬dence in the personal integrity of the Judges of the Province. They also resent; insinuations which have been publicly made against the honor of the Judges. | .. m o r “’77 9‘ @118 1112 ml '[anï¬fghï¬ COOK & GILCHRIST, 33 Richmond St. west, Tumntm Solicitors for the said exemtm of British origin. 1 ask this, that for the honor of the French name, it may not be said that the Canadians of French origin have less courage than those of British origin.†Mr. Bourassa, the leader of the Nationalists, has since replied and in a public address declared that Mr. French Territory. 1 would not have it; said that the French- Canadiaus do less for the libera- tion of France than the citizens of British origin. I ask this. than In his recent speech a: Montreal Sir Wilfred Lnurier urged the Young men of his own race to enlist in the I near future. He concluded his. speech with this paragraph : “ Now I speak to you of French; origin; if I were young like you} and had the same heath in my. youth that I enjoy toâ€"day, I would join those brave Canadians light-‘ ing to-day for the liberation ofl NOTICE TO CREDITORS. RICHMOND HILL. Own, OCT. 12. 1916 MODERN JOURNALISM SHAME! SHAME Public Meeting. LEANING AND PRESSING. * U. I. Hinels is prepared to (in cleaning and pressing at his Laundry, three doors north of the Post ofï¬ce. 18 south of the Bakery, 8 1). Hill. Richmond Hill. 1 in new house housekeeping. 341 Box 105. Village. UUSE FUR. RENTâ€"In Maple. near the G.T.R. stutinn, frame house. sen-n moms, gum} cellar, form- erlv occupied by the late John ()rmmhs. The sizp (if the lot, is :Ihnnt 5 new, with sume fluit. Tilm'e is hard and soft water on the prnmises and “180 u amble. Pussessinn Oct. 15th. Until thou, enquire on premises. After that data (hr key may he had at Mr. Jack- son’s, next dour. Rental $8.50 a month. Fur further particulars. our quire, A. E. C(mmhs, St. Uzlthzuines. Out. 13 if ‘OR SALEâ€"Thm-rmgh-hx-ed shot-L hm-n hull. about one year old, Jul 28.00113. Markham. 680.13.. McCuglm R.R. 2, Gm'mley. l3 2 I OUSIC TO RENTâ€"Next dour south of the Bakery, 8 mums. ï¬râ€"E ‘WOR SALEâ€"AL lot 17. can. 3. Mmk- hum. une pure-bred registered Lwn shear Shmpshire mm. Guud typical Shropshire, with the hest of breeding. N. Brodie. Gm-mley, R.R. 2. l3 3 FOR SALEâ€"Iinngmuï¬ grmd us new. Apply Mrs. A. B. Ash, “Brouksidefl‘ Elgin Mills. 14 1 FARM FOR SALEâ€"Fifty acrem part of lot 161. Aux-urn :lnd Sulumberg mihmy. There is :1 new hunso and good hunk luun. clay loam, good m‘chmd and vlenty of water. \Vill take in pal-t payment :1. medium sized housu in town ()1' village. F. Chuk. R. It. 3, King. 14 3 ANTED â€" SMALL FARMâ€"~â€" loss than 100 acres. Past 0f Ynnge street. Enquire at Libs-m] Ofï¬ce. ‘9 ' , r" rm... lust of this; mnnth. Oninns. per peck 600.. per bmlwl $2.35: Parsm’ps. per pwk 400.. pm‘ hushvl $1.30; Cmmts. pPl' peck 400., per hushol $1.30; Arti- chokes. per peck 500,, per bushel $1.50. \antel' \Vntson. Mill St. 14 If u. “um v Dunlanhnï¬ â€" va \/V 15 the time to order ler sup- ply, hrfm-e prices hut-den again. Bunk your ()l-(lprs. by phmm 01.1144." delivery Inc; “an; ‘. A . Ernvst. Buchanan t5mk ï¬rst pl izc- f- lmth Cuckowl and pullot hatched tum the eggs .wnt fmm Guvlph. Stanley Lm‘c Look thr- prizn fur tnl ing the- mm! prizos. Ho lunk thirth pl izes. but does not think this numln is unluéky. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ln-Id lust Tm-srlnj This one Mr. J. (I. .‘ rxpresentntiw. say in the m nnly. M were m-uh- and l shown. prompb :Ind NHL-1me aid tn suppr ment the nntir-ing walk of the vï¬i- cinl servicew. It, is the only institu. tiun thatcun-ies \‘nluntn'v aid (0 Hm sick and wmmded 0f the British fox-cos on land and sea in every region of the war. pargns nf GH-HL Blimi Allies. it has lwm) uh] prompt, and vfï¬cienL aid ment the nntir-ing \vmk (Truss llm paigns r 3i The Public schunls today and LH-Innxrm living in :Illvndancu TeachL-rs‘ Convention. lvm‘e hefuu- gning l \Veidmun vnlislt'd in U C.E.F., under IJlf‘lll. Cu when that Bau. \x‘us lm twmsfvrrvd [0 the 170% \Vvidmun is am ex-pupil and High Schools here. removal from the- \‘illng H‘mlihg .l:ll'\'l\‘ St. Cnllvi \\'hmu lu- nhtnim-d his l‘lxnm. lzm, July. His f1 Immd Hill wish him all f9§§9®§®6©§ Pt? Ernest, \‘Veidmun. Sun of Mr. and Mrs. David \Veidnmn. a former residmlt of Richmnnd Hill. spent Sun- day with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jucnh Eye]: He was on his last lvm'e hefmt- ï¬ning nvmsems. [’19. \V'O UR THREE ROOMS OUSE 1:011. RENT #1" M INTER VEGETABLES â€"â€" N CII()C()I Aixrl‘ES Thistletown School Fair SAY lht‘f pl'id Visit from Te. Weidman sneer-ssh! H-lnml fair was TIH‘Sdily :It 'l'llisilt-luwn. 1'. J. (I. Stvuklv, tho distx-icL ivv. says is Hu- Inuel fair nly. Many gmld sptce‘ws - and many [inc (-xhlmls Fresh- and Wholesome. In bulk and dainty boxes. Priced to suit your pocket. Don’t forget we keep Reliable Drugs Did yOu notice the class of the Stationery we keep? A little better than the ordinary and just as cheap. use. Suitable for Svpzu'ate entranle 9Lf ('d in the 20m, BAIL, ,ir-ul, Cnl. Hagan-Ly. lull . \x‘us hrnkvu up he Was the I7ULh Bnlt. Ptu. ex-pupil (:f the Puhli; Ilshew, and since his my village has heen ut- §t. Cullvginm. 'Im-runtn, nod his .\l:m-iculntim His friends in Rich- SLOAN’S DRUG STORE B1 itnin 1) HM? Lho BI-itkh Red we in tho cum- itnin :md 1101‘ uhle- lu brim: res. east of at Liberal 134 will he lhl‘ U SUCCESS (‘\'(‘l Richmond Hill the tn rent l3 tf 9,!f 14 If whey-s Ym k Ulll Voters’ List 1916 SUI]? Ont and remains Lht-w fur inspectinn. Aud [ lit-why ('I'll upun all Vntm take immmiiaLv moceedings [u 1: any errors nn- ("minions cun-ectcd cording tn law. Clerk nf H1 Dated this 12th dm required by said section to he sn transmitted or deliveled Uf the, List made pursuant [u said Act thereto of all persons appearing hy the lust Re- vised Awessment lull (If the said Municipality tn he entitled tn vote ll‘ the said Municipality at Elections for members (if the lmglslfllhl} Assembly. .IndaL Municipal l‘lfl‘ctiuns: and that the said List mus (in! pnstcd up in my ofï¬ce, at the Vill ngv uf Maple. nn the FIFTH DAY (W OCTOBER. 1916. Promivl- HHIISI has (-uhlvd his mnh-r- sntiun of ilu- British Red U: msAppx-ul (\n ()1’llIiIP)‘ 1‘." h us fullnws: “My Visit Lu England and France- has amused dvvpvr appwcintimi than new of the splvndid wmk of lhv Rvd (.il‘lISS. It fi"SPl\'L'S ovorysuppm-l. and I trust the poopiv uf ()ntmin will ivspnnd with IillPil‘ Usual gt‘ll'flnsiLY Lu the British Red (Tums Appml fur Ocmher 1011)." MONEY T0 L 0A N. 11. A. A Vicholls REAL ES'I‘ATIC Tl‘m home- The Buttu (wk! and 7. Drew: HIP “'t'llzmm‘. A numlu-r Mm klmln fail Miss Maud u short \" ‘ ' The Misses Cunnell spent Thanks- giving imder the parental roof. 'l‘hi-furnwxsure husy getting their silus ï¬llc-(l. A numhm- from Houdfm-(l attended llu- Ludivs’ Aid meeting hvld zit [lu- hlmm- of Mrs. Jumvs \ankcr lust \wwk. They n-pm-L n pleasant time. The: Aid meets nvxt mouth atlhe home of Mrs. “'m. McRill. The mmi\‘m'.<:lu' M‘l'YlCOS nf thv Buttmn'illu Mothndifl church will he m-ld un ()"l. 15. Sx-Ivicns 2.30 p.m. and 7.34) p.11). Rm‘. R. B. Be-yxmn will Drench :nl, lmtli Skl'Ylt'tN. Music: in llw rvl-ninghy the ilvmll‘uril chnii. All nu- \vvlunmv. ings‘, grvnd nnzliurd. m-nr church and school. on the 41h concession of Markham. An improved three-ucrr- lot on Mill Street. Richmond Hill. at :L reasmmhlv ï¬gure. Smnx- henutiful building lots on Richmond and \Vrlght. sls. \VUI‘Lll the money. Solid lnick house on Clunch street, south. Immedille p0:- sessinn. Ahm'gnin. FOIi 813L141?“ Property known as “Gm-ml Central Blnck.“ First-class lu- (“atinn on Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Part of building lately occupied by Stunde Bank contains ï¬rst-class vault. The building is three slmies with cellar basement, and suitable- fnr any purpose. If required. gqudJVlll (If :I. LWOEHY-‘Cs‘ill‘ \vell paying implement and r9- pail- business goes with prvperty. One halfâ€"3911‘. with m-znly new frame house, right mmm. furnace, etc., lax-gr nntlmild- A tidy liiliv humc mom] St†a .NIIHII «lis Yunge. A Itil‘s‘ sp( Sun with nudvmt Seven mums. good ( and soft water. I’xi (ien-zu‘d East gives lhurnugh coursvs in npmu uting and statiun \\‘(‘1 k by Hume S [My Plans 01' m those Whu nt- tend Day or NighL sessions. Full particulars sent on rvquvst. \VHtP \V. H. Shaw. President, 3 Shaw's Telegraph School COUNTY OF YORK M ['NK‘IPALXTY ()1: THE Towxsmv OF VAUGHAN qud T)n-H hf Fit (0 Bullnnvil Buttonville. .B‘ [wine on :1 «listunc .u spm‘ fr LIN-ate I III In in (mm 3. MULEAN. said B'Innit-ipulilv f Oct. 1916 I‘iC( Red (in was Appt-ul :llmw: “My visit mm- has amused gs to have mmu r. ha lite-11d Rich- fl‘hlu pol-- QQPQ Mu [mid will he in [MI]. un will in the» ‘1. All d [In-