(h hoa- pnl‘chusu nmnvy on L and the: balance in 30 l without inn-rest. The land; will he nfl l't-Servwl hid. Furthvr particulars will he made known sale, or on rvarenz-e u RIBWGNB HILL Harness & Saddiery $100.00 per acre â€" one hundred fluxes (If gnnd farm land on tho 2nd C(nHtl'Sï¬it-H'Uf Mm khnm, m-nr R‘dl- mnnd Hi“; fine brick lmusu, 1mg.- nmv bunk hm-n wiLh stuhling for thixty head of smock. Get flutle pux'ticulm‘Q. 'J‘hl: farm i-; :L hur- gain and wi l lw \‘Ulll. ~ $9.00!) 0‘) - mw lnlmlxl-ll :u'w: on the 5le (:<Ix1cvs~'iul\(»fMM'khnln nu wusiu- land. ï¬x-sl r-Ines low land. frame house um] gum] nut lunildinzs. The mun-1- uf lhi farm is pl‘epun-d tn sum-Hick in ('1‘ (101' to nmku a quick sale. $5,500.00 -â€"0ne hundrrd nrrv: vicinicv ml" Bethesda: six-rmunml fr:an hnus". and bank lmrn. also ï¬1'-sL~cluss hng pe-ns nml lwnnm'y. A small Cash payment H-quu-ml. 01' would exchange fur a gum] lmnsv in Richmond Hill. ll HOUSES I have for snle sevmul now hu es in Rinhmnnd Hill. mmlm-n every detail. same of whinh mm bnught any right pxivns. Sn-u ‘ list, of huusus before yum (lurid it will pay you. MONEY 'm r.n.\_\' Ynxma STREET W. R. Robinson TE! 3: ON VG! .A_. J. 11 I" .‘l 1‘] ptomhm- 28, 1946 I ()(‘K _\'hlll‘ Harness nn-l'. 4 hitching ynur hmse :u‘ if the-u- :ll‘t‘ nny bmkun ptll'l SO. (10 nut endanger vnur life ing with Harness which mm pniling. In [[10 nuxl plum» YOURSELF \VHY (In lhvv ll thusr- repairs? 'l‘ln- qm-sliun i4 sm-n unsu'urvdAâ€"in nim- rust-s nut hf ten thvy :uv [Pm-[my :Iml L‘IHl'hlIH‘ van. “'hy nut I‘II†:il RUBINSON'S and lmy Hmnvss HAND SEW’N, which will stand tlie Tvsl nf'I‘imo.:1ud give the host. of satisfaction. Blunkots. Robes, Mitts. and everything in the Snddlnry lino. Our Prices me City l’ric g. Call and see us. Rivluuoud llill h REAL ESTATE Aunx'l' RICHMOND HILL - ‘ Gxeout 012% Sale l‘lH A. E. GLASS we will he ( ifvrPd by rm [hr' plemhes, Lot :kahmm stop 53 R .hâ€"ifersml, by J. H :mver. M. thv hour nf “60.3,‘on SATURDAY. the Hi): 1 OCTOBER. 1910, [he fnxm n1- ’1 1m LATE Fomms ELLMTT of Lots 57 and 554, lst (‘<mc:r-~‘siun 9 annship of Mnxklmm, ("musty wk, 264:1mes mm L» (1 lvx‘s. Um I mperty are :1 Inn-go dwelling: 2 bank burns, ï¬ll-aw shml :uul hxy-yz watt-r in but!) Mr»: 20 :wrvs in at the rem- Of the farm: :1 r-fnih'ng. “Inning stream. R313 :â€"â€"Ten per mm [lUi’J nt‘ the U Lmsu money on the (lay nf min», by hulnnm: in 30 days thereafter, mt inn-rest. 3 land; will he nfl'm'od Sllhjf‘CL In Properties for Sale (700K 8: GILUHRIST. Ricnumnd SI. \Voxt, Tor Snliuitm's fur the I‘lxe MARRIAGE NOTARY I’lIBLIt CONVEYAXCING m: VA LU A an STREET Pl; FA R M S ISSUE ‘r Hnrnos ; yum- ht ny lnnkt nuts ELLIOTT '58, 1st (V‘mux-x‘si Markham, (‘mm mm m' lees. |‘(’ :1 large r1 WP)“ , straw shod :L M) burns: 20 am 1' of the farm; PROPERTY RH‘HMoxn 1m md conditions I the time of Sl-v my nll dI’Pidl‘-â€" ;n\'vr_\\'h(-u use and sew n parts. If m- life dri\- h m-vds rn- lerupnlitun i. PREX’I‘H‘IS. ‘ 2.30 in the _Y, the 14th the fnnn nf Tnmntn. Cxccutm-s uhlic mu ()N'I‘. ASK Il(’( in lvcry practical address on “(‘m-upem tinu hemeeu the home and the S Schnul with some requirements nl': successlul S. School. " Abnut forty-ï¬ve delegates \\'t’l‘t‘ lpl'l‘St'llt ull expressing LLemse‘w-w :n~ h wing been much helped and eumm :lgl'tl by the cunl'erencv. 'l‘he' ladies nf St. Mary‘s (-hm-ch [)l‘t‘ pure-(l :L delightful lunnht-nn fur thv Inwnhvrs amtl (IMP! [LV"4. in Alta Inhn ll’ulnwrs hull, w i l \\nt<tl.nrult;l11_\' The second Annual (‘nnveminnul the Sunday School ASStIL‘iIILil‘II ul‘ [In Deanery of \Vest York \\':\5 held in SL Mary‘s Church unThm-sdny. Septï¬is. The convention npcnul with the r; le-hmtion of the holy communinn. at which the Rev. R. J. Mun“). M. A., vator 01 SL. George's ()hnch. annnlu, gun: a very helpful devotional add: es: an \VOI’Ship, emphasizing llu: gl'vnlm importance of the element of \vmshil m nm- own neligion to that. of .wn \ inn a .(I that, true service is the result 111 devuut worship. The proportion uf mu l‘vligiun should. be two of wmship u dH‘uut worship. l‘hepropurtion Hf mu ruligiun should. be two of wmship [(1 mm of senice. The suhj'ct nf the address \VHS :1, most lepl‘Oln'iuH‘ unz‘ in its telntmn to the great, c -nlml sur- viuv of the church, the h -l_v (unn- Ill \V 5nd teen 1.10hlem Hun-y M._ A_.. ' nmnum. ‘ 'l‘he cmn‘ention proper was very {llLttl‘f‘Slillg£1Rdifl5t1‘ll0tiVE. Addresses w're given by experts in S. Schuol \vmk. The Rev. R. A. Hiltz, Sm: Hf the 5. Association, guvezldm'ewes J†“Thu L'sson Presentation". and “{‘l s:< .\Y:\vr gemnnt" :llen leading tha- JIaL|IJ>nIH ‘n “le (bunny SrhmJ ‘Hul teen Mohlem". The Rev. F. \v'. Hun-y M. A.. Burlington, gave :1 S. S. ConventiOn Here is a great work in \Joint War Committrm of Society and Order of St. Jr which carries voluntary aid of the British forces on Ian 01' the war Thousands of best are saved through thi gm may save a. life. Isn‘t Red Cress Si! Siva; en 93:93: GIVE Ontario's princely gift in 1915 of $1,514,000 rang. a clarion mercy call. throughout the Empire. The British Red Cross were grateful beyond measure. and their appeal through Lord Lansdowne. President, now comes to us as to friends who sympathize and help. The need is greater [0â€"day than a year agoâ€"it is ever growing. Will Ontario do less than she did last year? No! GIVEâ€"give a day’s pay, give all you can, GIVE. “My visit to England and France ha flatlon than ever of the splendid work deserves every support. und 1 1rust the respond “in: their usual generosity to Appeal for Ortolmr “JUL†The Motherland’s only dlrect appeal to us for help 111 this great war is her great Red Cis mercy work. Ontario‘s response must and will be quick and generous. Give through the Treasurer of your Local Committeeâ€" or, send your subscription to the Clerk of your munlcl- pennyâ€"or, make it payable to Hon. T_ W. McGarry, 'l'reasurer British Red Cress Fund for Ontario, Parlia- Don’t Let Your Stricken Defenders Call in Vain, but give and heal! or, send your subscription to palityâ€"or, make it payable 'I'reasurer British Red Cross mam Buildings, Toronto. Make “@333 Bay†Yeas: Dressing Station, Firing Linrâ€"Ofllx-inl film gives twice who gives quickly. Your help is needed NOW! An urgent cafl for help again gees forth from the Moshey’gan saving ageacyâ€"the British Red Cross, The Empire is 235%: greatly, give Invingï¬y, give quisidy, that the sitï¬g, wmmésé anti the batik {rams may not languish and perish‘ï¬za ï¬zzâ€"33‘ hairs c whm-ch pm - mm for llw in MI: Juhn ill.(|l'«!ll_.(hl remier Hearst Has Seen the \Vork ifi Bay yer 3%: ulim; m- [PHI] nt' llw Appli-r the system 1 Company uf “ Other Lim-~ nddiliun to ll tzume raw: Company uf The Ontario Railway and Municipal B< "HE BOARD HEREBY :zppuints 1 Monday. Hm Twentthiul Day of Oqtnhvr. A.l).,191(3. nl Iht' hunr of three n‘x~lur:k In tho :nttH-nmm, m 11“- Bnnlul's (Vlmmhms, Parlianwut Build- ings, I‘m-unto. fur th “Hiring ht‘lHill. Dnth at Toronto, this 10th lhy uf md and sea in every N 3f ï¬ves of our bravest his splendid work. Y H it worth doing ‘1 I lll [HP Applicant 3 system of hnrilv h mm xirh all ran [‘39 British 1n is the on to the sick : and sea in October, 1916 Appointment for Be- Hearing NE W ADVERTISE.“ EN'I‘S 'l‘lH lIl HON. \\'. ll. HEARST. QI'IUI 1‘1 MATT] \ (rf [ht‘ ‘ Tr'lphn ’ Ln chm-g \‘t-rsnlinn Jen-minulix Prime Minister of Ontario. only institution 1: and wounded has aroused deeper appro- rk of the Red 0055. It he people of Ontario will to the British Red Cross BRING a1 Board Ht RESULTS g up “In I Bank! of [Inc Somme _{ 01' 1h: \Vood In for help 111 SM ALL lll YOI It i Ill) The mpuny nullch Secl'vt th llll Appli Ingm- ysu-m nls (m 51 his. phum Ip mm HI in rR. W, E. Burnaby - Jefferson, 0m. HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH hing ( “'1' alm- hnvP fur SE; PONTIAC CANADA No. 2â€"An S nmmhs Qrvn nf A I†H hummu- nf lh" grout King Svgis. The dams of fhe'sp hulls aw in m Iguin :Il’ wat,1"H-~‘hin<,:. \VI'IN'. uh Ohc "I bring a message of timer to those who have relatives at the front and HM) fear they may he wounded. I believe every- thing hunmn skill can do, that human rare and sympathy ('an provide. is lwing done and provided eat-h dny and each night throughout Um your hy the Army Medival (‘orps and the Red Cros‘s. It is u [)(‘I'fm'f nun-vol of efl‘it'icncy." Mn. N. W. HOWELL, K.C.. Leader 0! the Opposition. EST’D 1873 “mam u: m rmchcsivomcm rum. "Haw. u the 50mm.“ N. VJ. Roweâ€, K.C., Brings a Red Cross Message e; STANBARD BANK 01 Sale at Atlr: :u-ling son of The R; and W( :1 f9 w, c requisites I forts. (Ive at wnrk on hospital tr; Your glft will go entirely to the British Red Cross, where, again, through much Voluntary work, the working expenses are cut down to only 2% ‘7; of the total revenue. Thus, if you give $10, actually 59.77% goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero. The expenses of the Ontario Committee, advertising, printing, etc., are being met entirely by the Provincial Government. .\R M Rod A General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manu- facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS should be deposited in our SAVlNGS DEPARTMENT. Highest current rates of Interest are paid half yearly. 2H win- in NW fnnnrlnlinn hen-d. and will he tpst ( \Vrltv. phony ('l’ (ml) fur printed pedyngs. fvw fmnnlrs bred h- mu- herd sire KING SEGIS 11 5T0} H H); hc OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO spit ï¬ve {-953 {P hull and Ill lips thou homes. hull and 35E“! 9 Q I s ngaty E152- } wan to give mr m ll’ aclh'it THE flQQ it transportatim ands of hospil t supplies : othing and ot‘ Motor Ambula wher "rest 5 launr-hr-s, {and 301! 1r )thin trnr 16.21 lbs ()l .\DI:\I 3E3? IV Bit-d Hnlsteins 3-yenr-nld prize-win portatmn of sick )f hospitals, rest aplies countless : and other com- Ambulanr‘es are - “r95! stations," my old gland i for pr!- , etc, are Manager E: