VOL. XXXIX. 7 u A gimp)“ " s. ‘SHEPHERO I P. I L IS PUBLISHED EVERY pAPEIEIIIRIK’BFR TH URSDAY IWORNING GRAINER, ETC. AT'TBE LIBEI‘ZALIPRINI‘IN'} 36 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. EDITOR a: PUBLISHER Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT_ PHONE 1834 41 1‘2 Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal Callegti of Di'ntal Surgeons. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill cwry Tuesday and Friday. BUSINESS CARDS. 143thel E. Dever L. T. C. M. CROW'NS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Qfl‘ice lucatcd in Standard Bank Build- ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30:1.m. to 5 p.m. â€"â€"â€"~â€"____ LENNOX & MORGAN Barrlslels and sollcllors. Money to Loan on and TEACHER 0F I’iano and V’oice 311m: matte! mortgagesa (wrest rates Aurotnofliceâ€"Ren' oved to the old post 011w.- one door inst of the entrance to the J". II. Naughton ‘ Ontario Bank Bannisrnn SOLICITOR NOTARY Newnifrsléetmomcg_'rhree doors south of he I 0 0 00 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. ,. HEBREETLENNO! G V Monnm YUIIgt‘ & Collmrue Sts. I AM?“ TORONTO Naughtou Block. Aurora, Thursdays Telephone Main 3176 l X WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Oï¬â€˜ice. Richmoth 'ld‘ ‘ Richmond Street, \Vest. I“ mgs‘ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal' Oi’ï¬ccl. every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. IVoodbridIze, Saturday forcnoon. Money to Loan at Cuirent Rates N“ H.‘ A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oominissionei, Conveyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate, Issuer 01 Marriage Licenses. Riohrnono. Iâ€"Iill - i J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONV Residence Main 44. 4 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 20:) BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTN-FIVE YEARS†EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Fliornllil]. Calls by phone or otherwise prompth responded to D. H. PINKERTON, v.5. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE DIanle, Ont. Phone No. 28. -â€".________ J. H. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Specin attention given to Sales of every description Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales «Mm kid to an shortest notice and conducts-.1 bv 'he h‘est .ip-zo-dutemethods. Address: 415 Balliol St , NOIth 'l'orou Plime in House, Belmont. 1317 â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€" Smaoon J K McEwen rr' G“ L Y O 1‘ Maine WWW LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE CUPSTY ()F YORK EY AN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNIâ€"ELILL â€" B. H. LASHE‘R PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM: FITTER North Youge Street RICHMOND HILL Salgeon: a: McEwen. nicenscd Auctioneers for the County of York Snlcsntended to on shortest notice and atten- sorah.e rates Patronage solicited -â€"_~._____ 1:â€. C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER: For the County of York. SATISFACTION LASKAY P. 0. Patronage and influence ‘ respectfully solicited P. O. illitlI‘PSN‘ GUI'llilt’y. I{.H.2 â€"â€"hâ€"â€" ESTELLE M. ORTON (Pi'rn. ()I-‘ Miss u. ETIIEL SHEPHERD) VOCAL INSTRI'I‘TION 4 I’upils prepared for examinations Stud“), Tortihtu ('(inservatury (If Mimic liesidence address \ ICIOI'lIl Square G CARA STEEL. ONTARIO Soï¬a .‘7. @avidson P I A N O T U N I N G Phone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 l Richmond Hill on Monday and Tuesday of Each \Vm'k. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€".______ J. EARLE N E WTON I’IANIST 'l‘n-aclwii of Piano-Playing at the Toronto (,‘onseri‘atory of Music THORNIIILI. Organs Ruptured. Ifipl‘l‘l Work Organist and (‘lioirmastei‘ St. Paul‘s, Presbyterian (‘huIL-h, Toronto 1 Conductor York Choral Society \Vill aï¬cept a. limited numhur of pupils at his Homostudio, Richmond Hill â€"â€"__ John Irwiu Grover Hariy D. Auger Mimi the Best. lt Pays.f A. Cameron MacNaughton’ More a... in“... * Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. ‘ OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST Tel. M. 36‘31 “- WRIGHT BROS. I Undertakers ct Embalmcrs. RICHMOND HILI. THORNHILI AND UNIONVILLE ; Bar :9 stuck of Funeral Furnish ug 71)“ Y‘mï¬lt‘ Kept at the above places iiiiigc .K' L‘uailrs Sis. Danton, Grover & Field Barristers, Solicini‘s, &:21 ' ‘N'ATIONAL TRUST (‘IIAMBERS 5) KING ST 15., TORONTO, Canada. Frank UI-ntou. K. t‘. Ollgllllt‘~.\ " in l)ii>ll)l'.~‘5 training is demanded. Yongn and (‘haili-s Six. ’I‘lll'Ulllti is stiicily first-clam in all III-pail- menis. “'14 had moie than 210positinns to till in two months this. year. .\'0\\' an I‘XcollI-lit time t’IlIl‘l'. is to w. .1. mm I‘Iinciiial to <9:â€" the u «in.- of Limit. : \\';ill\'er in the casualty list. he having. RICHMOND HILL. ONT†THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1916 Milton Wellwood Loses Leg Letter from Chaplain REY. N. \VEIJAVOOI): Rev. and Dear Sinâ€"I am Willing this unto for your son who is a patient in the hospital. I aiu sorry to inform you that his left leg was amputated above the knee on \Vcdues'lay last. He is doing wonderfully \Vl‘ll. and hopes III'IOI‘C long to be around again. He wishes me to say that he has no regrets and is thankful that he has hei-n able todo his pait. for freedom and righteousness. I wish in con- gratulate you on having such a son. who has tho right, spiiit. I expect that he will he with us for some timc. and you can addicss anv lelivis here. and if he should be sent over in Eng:- lai.d they will he forwarded. Very sincerely yours. (I. II. BUCKLANI). ('AI‘T. (TII.\I*I..\IN. No. 2 (JanadIan‘Stationary Hospital. B.E.F, France, Oct. F, 1.916. â€"-â€"‘0 -ï¬____ British Red Cross Fund Collected by Messrs. J. Hicksou and Rev. R. Mcch . . . . . .3519 50 Collected by Mcssns. I). Hill and J. A. Greene "" .» . . . . . . Collected by Mcssrs. 1‘. Mason and Ilr. Pentland . . .. Collected hv Messrs. \Vui. Innis 75 (it) 111‘) 50 and Jun. Tyndall .... .. . .. 51) (it) (‘ollcr‘ted by DIE‘SSIS. M. Boyle and A. G. Savage 3.0 35 Collected by Messrs. '1‘. Hopper and 1.1.13. Sliiliug .. . .. . Collected by Messrs. G. A. Mc- Donald and RM. R. Heibison.. (‘ollerted by Messi s. J. Moukman and \V. II.‘ Pugslcy .... . . . . . 91 75 Collected by Messrs. “"11. and J.I_unau ....1'_’.1 Collri'tcil hy Mi-ssis. L. E. Hand and T. F. McMahon .. . . . . . . . 95 01) High School Suher iptiou . . . . . . 17’ (IO Subscriptions paid Village Clerk 1'.’ 50 39 51 J 53 (it) 50 $730 21) Certiï¬edâ€"A. J. HUME, Trcns. As it is necessary to remit the money collected for the British Red (‘Ioss to (he Provincial Triasurer as soon as possible, will persons who have not sunsciihed and who wish to do so, kindly leave their subscriptions at the ni‘l‘ice of the Village Clerk on or before Novembur Ist. â€"â€".¢.â€"â€"- The r’I‘icc of Newspapers The increase in the piice of printing paper has become so serious that pub- lishers are getting together to devise measures to meet the situation. Many have alrrady increased their sul‘scrip- tion rates. and some have bcou forced to suspend publication. “’9 aie advised. however, Ly the publishers of The Family Herald and \Vcekly Star of Mouti'ral that for the pieseut. anyway, there will he no in1 crease in the price of that paper, and we are permitted to offer The Family Herald and \Vcckly Star along with The Liberal for the small sum of $1.91.). that is one full yi-ar's subsciiplluu to each paper. This olI‘t-i ls good only until Nov. 30. 1916, as it may he found necessaiy to make a changc then. The publishcis of The Family Heiald and \Vw-kly Star, not\i'ilhstandiiigthe Himnious increase in cost cl" produc- tion. have (lPL'llll’ll to spend liliiro mouev than ever improving the paper, and to gin- thcir gloat army of It‘illl crs givaier value than crcr. A full year‘s subscription to The Liberal and The Family Herald and \Vrekly Star “’1†Cost only $1.91), pir- \'ided ordvrs are icceived lit-fore Nov. 31), Iillli. Send your suhsmiptinu to this ofï¬ce. â€"â€"â€"‘o‘~_ Maple Anniversaiv services were held in the )li-Ihodist rliinch ou Sundanl Rev. 11. B. Beyuon- of 'I‘hornhill preached in the morning, and lli': pill- pit was ocrupicd by He". A. \Vallai-e, of Toronto in the evening. ()irMIiIi- day evening a supper and enti-rtaiu- Inan was held. and “'31.) managed by the men of the congregation. The programme was given hy Ted Paiker. iiumoiist. of Toronto. On \Vedui-sday of last work [lu- Nulile (state was (-ifervd for sale hy public auction. The dwelling house and 1hr adjoining lot wore sold at Ii ' good liguic in Mi. {alph Line. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ireland were ini . Bolton l'l‘t \\'l't‘k attending the flllll‘lfll of 311s. J. Rutlrdgu. siwtcr of 3115. Il't‘l'lllll. ()u Illt' diy following,’ his wife's funeral .\Ir. J. Rutledge passvd away. Iiivth had lll‘t'll ill for some Iliiun A number of people hi-re were sorry ‘ Stanley A. ' in the sriwlcv (liwl «if his cnuuiiv.‘ I Mr. \Valkwr taught school at Vellum-l 1 when his IIIIll“l was statiourd i’m thc‘ ‘ King circuit. i Mr. .I. Manning and sons cut a be». [we in their hush which CiliIillll"Il thirty pounds oi pure honey. n-Essentials, Libert y; in all things, Charity.†Died in His 39th Year \Vith \‘ciy deep Sorrow we record the sudden dculh oi III-v. \V. L. Trench, whirl) took plat-e at tho I’aisonugc at. Hillsdalm aiie-r a few days illness. On Friday. Oct. 13. he conducted a funeral on his circuit (Ii-ceased having (lied from I)I(l(l(l-pill>‘{‘lllllg, and it is thought Mr. Trcnch contracted thi- disease hy shaking hands with a poison aï¬'rctcd. IIP prrached in his (‘hurch on Sunday. and on the following d'iy playcd a game of tI-nnis‘ with the village doc- Lui. After the game hr told the doctor ah'iut an irritation in a. slight cut on his right hand. The docior cauterized the spot, and watched his patient closely, but in spite of all hi~i ciforts the arm lwcume inflamed. A specialist from Toronto was called, but llIIlt' hope was held out. Thursday evening the relatives here rcccivcil Word of the sudden illness, Friday moi uing a sister reached his he'd sidc. two other members of the familv wuul: on Saturday, hutbefore they ariived their brother had passed away. A touching memoiial service was hold In the. llillsdale church Sunday evening, and the remains were con~ vcycd on Monday to his mother's ies- ideucc iii-iv, whence the fuucial In the village cemetuiy took place, Tuesday afternoon. Tue funeral was very laigr. no less than ï¬fteen brother niinisteis of various dcumninations being prescut. The St'i'V'lL't’ at. the lliills‘t‘ was in charge of lit-v. (I. \Viitch, chairman 01' (hr district. who spoke briefly. and the address was given by Prof. \Y. G. Smith of Toiouto [jui- \‘ersit_v. The speaker look fnrhls text, 1’5. 1(3. 10 "For thou \Vilt not lcaveniy soul in the pit. ucithcrwilt thou suffer this good man to si'cCorruption.†Prof. Smith spoki- of thc gl'cat loss sustained by the church and the family, just as deceased n l(l lit-gun his life‘s work, but; all Ulllst iealize that the influc-nce of his work and example will continuc to wiak in our Spirit. A passage of scripturo was mad by Rev. (i. S. Smith, and prayer was offcrrd hy Itcv. J. U. Spot-r. The pull lwarers were John Rumble, Recording Steward on Hillsdale cii- cuit: .\lr. Maitin. another ofï¬cial: and Hers. N. \Vellwood. R. McKee, \V. R. Barker, and R. B. chnun. Deccascd was huiu in Richmond Hill, attendcd our Public and High schools. and later graduated in Arts from Toronto University, taking his B. D. degrre from Victoiia College. IIis chaich \\'(‘l'i- as folloivs : Steel- tou, Richmond Hill, \Vcst ’I‘omuto. Bruce Mines and Hillsdale, thc last. named place only since July. Besides a wife and baby boy about a year old, (Icct-ziscti is survived by a mother. four sisters and two mothers. \Vill Trenoh, as he, was familiarly known by his many friends, was a splendid specimrn of young manhood, and we :Il'c slll'c his widow, his mother and immediate iclatii'cs liai'e the tender sympathy of many friends in their Siiirow and loss. râ€"~â€"-.0.‘â€""â€"“â€"‘ The 11in whose habit it has heen in i the past to carry away gates, tear down signs, and injure piopcrty, will liarcatar better time if they go to the Masonic Hall and spuml [he even uing “ith Ihe :‘ptu'ks and goblins. 'l‘ln- High School Alumnae will pro- Vidc lots of fun on Hallowc’eu. _â€"â€"â€"___â€" , Auction Sales 'l‘liursday, 0(‘1.213--Fi|l’nl51nH'k,lllll)lU- incnts, and immune, on lot :3, con. (1. Markham. Piopertv if Mis. , Noiiis. Sale at I p.m. ’1‘wrlvc llltiS.i ricdit. .l. H. l’rcutice. allct, Friday. Oct. Zivl’ic-sh milcli cmvs and ‘ springers and a few young cattle, properly of (in). Hpaikhall, lot '29. ('on. Si, Scaihnin, Agiui'runl. Sali- atl o'clock. (3 mos. Ll'L‘lllI. H. I’reuticc. .iuct. .1. Rev. W. L. Trench Called [Single copies, 3 cts. h School Shaw’s Telegrap gives thorouin couraes in oper- ating and station wait by Home Study Plans or to thosn who at- tend Day or Night sessions. Full particulars sent. on request. \Vrite \V. H. Shaw. President. 3 (z‘rerrard East, Toronto. Mrs. F. H. Echlin Graduate Toronto College, of Music in KINDERGARTEN Miisn' (‘lnsses in Richmond Hill and Thornhill All information furnished RESIDENCE THORNHILI. Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN \Vill in Richmond Hill on Thuisdays after September I. 1916 he Address Nordvimer Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. (Associate of the Royal College of Music, London, England) will resume his classes at. Richmond. Hill on \Veduesday, September 13th For terms and Particulars apply 25 Albany Avenue, Toronto w.‘ H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND EIILI. Tombstone L ettering In Mai-hi or Granitc. Good work reasouahe charges, Town OI Country Write, IV. A. JONES, “2.2 Buchanan St. Toront Monuments. Markers and Corner Posts. RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AIAVAYS ON HAND. I Public Allenlion Good Bran and Shorts stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR in “'educsday. Nov. IWIVarm stock. ini-, plemcnts, furnituie. 0-10., lot (i, (‘on. ‘, I. “'hitizhurrh, pl'lqwll)‘ of .Iv-hul Marshall. Sale at I p.m. 11 months: crcdit. .l. 11. Prentice. auct. ’ I’iidav. Nov. ltl -»l“itlln slot-k. imple- ments. i't‘.. on lot 5. coiiJi. .\.l-ii lill'llll. Property of (ii-n. \Vi-atheiill. Halo at 12 noon. Twi-lu- IliLiS. clcdit. .I. ll l’renlicm auct. \leilt'iil‘ly, Nov. 2271‘111111 stock, imph-mrnts, t'I('.. lot 11. rear (2.11.3, Vaughan. thc pinpciiy of Arthur (ï¬ning/Pr. Sale at I (i'clilt‘k. 'l‘i'llns, 11 months. J. 'l‘. Saigimu, Auct. i “'rdni-Sday. Dec. “#A heid of pine lured Holstein cattle. farm stI-Ck. in;- plc-ments. t'IC.. lot ‘_’1, (Mn. 1. \\'.z~t Yrik. nruiwrtyof.l.('. Bun.kh..\‘11.- ‘ at 12 noon. 12 months (-chii. J. 11. Prentice. auct. always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 80 W. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better†Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES I. ll. RENEE