_ for home, office or store. ï¬r for new work or remod- i-l cling. Quickly put up without mun. Comfort- ‘ able. utiuic mad cuck- \a Proof. ASK US. L. INNES & SONS R'chmmd Hill Ontario JOIN THE HOME BATTALION' GENERAL BLACKSMITH. New Gormley ALL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEIB F l. WUUDWARD. IIIBHMIINIJ lHllI Harness & Saddlery ()OK your Harness over when _, hitching your horse and see if there :ll't‘ any broken parts. If so. do not. endanger your life driv- ing with l'l:ll’ll(’SS which needs re- p:iiiing. In the next place ASK YOURSELF \VIIY do they need these repairs? The question is soon :IiisiVorod-~iii nine cases out, of l.(‘ll they die Factory and Machine Sewn. \Vny not call at RUBINSON’S and buy Harness HAND SEW'N, which will stand the Test of Tiiiir.:iiid give the best of satisfaction. Blankets, Robes. Mitts. and everything in the Saddlery lino. Our Prices are City Prices. (hill and sec us. . . W. R. Robinson RICHMOND HILL Yoxo E STREET A. J. 11 [I NE E NOTARY PUBLIC CONY ICYANCI NI} ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Riclnnond IIill l f++++ ++++++H+H++++++++++ KING AND COUNTRY NEED YOU 4¢++++++++++4~+++++-!-+++++ ++ + Properties for Saley FARMS $l00.00 per acre ~~ one. hundred notes of good farm land on tho 2nd concession of Markham, near Rich mond Hil : ï¬ne brick house, lni-g» new blink barn with stnbling tor thirty bend of stock. Get flllllil‘l' particulars. This fnrm is it Im- gain and will be sold. $8,000.00â€"ono hundred m‘i"s on the 5th concession of Markham: no waste land, ï¬rst-class lewl land. frame house and good ont- buildings. The owncr of this farm is prepared to sncriï¬co in oi» der to make :1 quick sale. $5,500.00 â€"â€"one hundred acres. vicinity of Bethesda: six-romned frame hm aâ€. rind bunk barn, also ï¬rst-class hog pens and hennery. A Small cat-h puynii-nt required. or would exc mug:- lur it good house in Richiin) id Hill. ‘ “discs I have for sale SI‘Vl‘l HI now housâ€" es in Ric‘inimul lIill. modern in every detiil. some of which can he bought nt light piiuvs. Hec my list. of housus~ Iii-fore you decide-~ it will pay you. Mnxuv 'ro IMAN A. E. GLASS maxi. ics'i‘A'ric Atll-fN'l‘ RICHMOND HILL - ()NI‘. Voters’ List 1936 Ml'Slt'lPALlTY ()1? Township 01: VAUGHAN (‘ )I‘N'I‘Y YORK Notice is llI’lt'lly given thnt I hun- transmitted HI llt'liu‘ltâ€"‘il It) lll(‘ pH"- Ions mentions-d in Sm-tinn Nine of llll' Ontario “Volt-is List Art†the copies requirel by said sot-lion to he so transmitted or deliwwd of lllf' Lisi made pursuant to said Act. thereto of :ill pars lll< appearing by tho lilSl Rs - vised Assessment in“ «it tln- srll'l Municipality to be t‘lltillt-(l to \'l:ll‘ ir the suid Municipality in Eli-minus IHI' inonibers of tho l.(-3;"l~l:ili\i‘ Assembly. -llltll‘.l .‘lunicipnl Elections: and llmi the said List '\\';iS that posted up in lIl_\' ol’liuu, zit the Villagv of anlv. on thv FIFTH DAY OI“ OCTOBER. lllltg and remains thcie for inspection. And I hereby Cull upon all Voims to. take iiiinietlintc pi'orrvdings tn l):l\l' any errors or 0llllS:llill< t‘llll’et‘lt‘tl :Ir- cmding to law. ’l‘IIIC 0F > .I. B. iii-1.19.“: (‘lerk of im- snid Municipality. l Dated this 12th day (.1‘ ()(-t. lillti. l Letter From the West. i From II. R. Heise. : (Continued) UVl. l3*Af(t'i' being ila'léiyi'tl lim- .I.ivs \\ith rain and tivn «lays with SIII'HV nv I mv hnve thc llllt"lilllg out» lit. running stc'idy, twelvr linuis A day. The (itlllll ( nnsists of engine, M'pnl‘nltn‘, ('onl wng‘n, water tank. ('imk rur, \lr‘t'lï¬lig ini'. t-ight stun-k wngiins. r-ighlri-n izcn and the cupk.‘ .\ltrr thin-shing forty nr‘rvs. yirlding 35‘ bushels pi r time. and bikini: nnr loud in town. which binuglil Sllil. so .is to ll:t\'£ it little sp-nding lll"l‘|'_\'. llltr, linker is ll!l‘(‘~lillig for u f~-\\' ivl' iln~ ni-ighlmis bellm- ï¬nishing his nun. Ilo rhnrges $2!) illl honi- uhru llll' ginin turns out [)1\(1!‘.:tlltl?§1’.li"l bush. for units and lit'. for “limit when it turns out good. IIeSiys his expenses :Iie "$11.0 per day. \\'e Imu- llllt't‘ blurb-is cuttng flax now in :i 31.3 .‘U’l'f‘ patrh. cuttingzilmiit,70:icres pi-r day. The yieid will not. be very good, :is there was it. huid frost. on Sept. II. which git-ally injuied it. 'I‘hc- flax sti-ziw l\ \t-i y stiff, and was not broken ‘ down with the Six incst of snow thsit It‘ll lust \vm-k. Thv prn'o is $2.2.) pvr busln-l now nt. \\ ii.iiipl-z, :Inil \vlient $1 6."). so the- prospects :iie \‘rry good here. .‘lS-l. good inmw fniniers :ll'i' getting 41) bush. prr :.('t'0 of whcnt. and 12 bushels of flux. If lllt‘ line “’t’nll‘lt‘l' ronlinucs for one month the thrnshing will hr pretty well done, as ihrro are .i gnat innny machines working. some iutï¬ts have :1 slook It':t(lt'l‘. 'l‘hvy inc inn withfourhoises, :ind elevate the sl eaves right unto Lln- wagon. I am :o'd they can put. on :i llmtl in our ininutr. 'I‘lint saves foul turn and wagons. In cutting the {tax We tlkc otl‘ the packers and kuoltcr, Hi d put on :i 112:); :ittnchiui-ni uhn-h lt‘iivi-sit in bundles. In lhieshing it the, inurliinn- will tzilte il us l‘nst us I} or men can pilrh it in. _ (Clubbing _ ates The Liberal has good clubbing rules with the principal daily and weekly pnpci‘s, and the, popular mog- nzincs. Why int subscribe at The Liberal ollicc for all your pupci‘s :it reduced mics. We club with the following and can gct you (my paper you wish :# Wl'l‘ll DAILII'H Tin: LIBERAL :nd Daily tilole 3 7f. Daily Mail :ind Empire†3 75 Daily World .. 3 25 DuilyStnt‘ ............ 3 ()0 DailyNc\\'s........... 2 00 - Wl'lll WEEKLIIH THE Limami. and I“;unil_\' llt rald & Weekly Shir ................‘E'l {)0 Farmers Advocate. . . . .. ‘2 40 (f:lll.'l(lltll1 Farm . . . . . . 1 {l0 Workly Sun I 90 Canadian C(illllll‘ylll'lll... 1 :30 WITH M.~\_t;.-\Y.l_\‘l£S THE Irinciui. _nnd Indirs’ lloinc .Ioiii' ml. .. 90 Red llnck . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 .llct‘lurcs . . . . . . _’ 2:3 'l‘lu:-~l,)cliuc:1tor . . . . . . . . '2 7:") Munscy El 00 Quiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2 5“: Canadian l’oultt'y litevicw 1 :30 ll'ord and Works, with llick's Aluminum... 1 75 'i’l'licn i‘ciiiitting, address T. I“. Mcllzilion. Liberal Ol‘lice, Ricliiiioul lIill, Out. \ ' @T’u Ellington? THOSE WHO. FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR ï¬ï¬‚lllllilflli Ili- Euiilliliï¬l QEBEiiillliE giiillii IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY LIULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 15c October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, lst April and 151; October by cheque «free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canadal at the rate of ï¬ve per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan isrue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. ' A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- nized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy lVIinister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. OTTA\VA, OCTOBER 71h. 1916. l. l . Headford Red Cr055 ‘ )Iis. T. F. McMahon, :mconipunieil by Mrs. IV. A. \Vi-ight and His. H. A. Niclinlls. ntlovided :1 meeting of the Hmdimd Indie-s iii the Ali-thudist rliurrli \‘rstridny nfteinnou, nnd \Vt‘lt‘ sliriri-ssl‘ul in Illgillilllllg :i Srrirly for lix'tl (‘i'tlss \\'l||k. to be known as tlit’ “willful-d Iiml (‘rnss Auxiliary. .\Iis. l.\lt'.\l;ihon pi-i‘siilii‘l. and in :i fi-w Irinriiks laid the ingcnt nceds «.I' thi- woik bwfnrc the inre'ting. Aftrr the t‘wlluwin: tï¬li't’ls :ind civiiiniiltri-s \\'t'li' uppninli-d :l soriul rup nt' It‘d \\‘.-is vnjoyrd by all picsrnt: I’icsi- (lt‘nt. .\Il>. Winch: \icr-picsitlriit. ‘ iiiz. om. Dunn: S'f't'h-lniy. in»: it! (‘ninisky; lll':|\lll‘('l'. Miss Gladys llt-liiikny: si-wing committee, )Iv-s- tlunivs linuliv, 'l'i-nsdnlt'. Ilnrt. \V. ('oinisky. illlll Smith: knitting l'lllll- ii.iitr---, \Ivsdinirs \Vinrh, \Vellinnn, :Ilitl Ilv-nslip: buying committee. .\Ii-sâ€" duini-s I‘Ilstun. (l. (.‘lurk. nnd Boyhtnuhl \_...____. ..__ EST’D1873 HEAD OFFICE I l t Pays to advertise in The Liberal Try it THE STANDARD ANK OF CANADA TORONTO i This Bank ofl'er’s every facility inâ€" the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, Manager. HIGHLAND L AKE FARMS Offer For Sale at t‘tll.‘lt‘ll\‘P I’iires :l Fi-w (loin-IV Bit d linlsteiizs No. I\A yeni'ling son of :1 ill lb4. In nng row. ill and .1 2|) lbs. 3-year-old piize-winâ€" No. ZwAn .‘s' ninnths son of :i :41 lbs. hull and n lli.‘_’.l lbs. 2-year old glilli'l- ilnuglitrr of III" grout King Segis. The (Innis of thrst- bulls arc in our friindatiou lil'ltl. and will bc test» I. .ignin :it ll“XI flushing. \Ve :ll~l' lune for snli- zi ft-w lt‘lllï¬lk‘s‘ PONTIAC ('ANADA. \Vi itt'. phone or call In! printed pctligiri-s. Ill~(l to “HP lieitl >iiz' KING HEGIS FARM .\T STOP .35. Yuma-2 HT. RADIAL R. W; E. Burnaby W. J. LA \VHOLESALE AN D (lllEENIIOL’SES RICI’IMON ' VVRENCE RETAIL FLORIST D IIILI. UREESHUUSEH AND OFFICE 1.32 Hosrzi..\\\'.\' Ana, Tl)1lt).\"l‘ii I’loWei-S tastefully :irinnged for Roses and (‘nt'izutions Weddings, funerals, etc. Phone Richmond Hill, or nights and Sundays Belmont 959. City Only one lot lt-ft (in Churrh St“ griurl nuttl entrance to gut-age. m'l'his is .‘l. rnie choice to serum .1 ca; Sonic choice lots on three to live yt‘ul' :Igieeinrnt. W. l. LA\VR (‘Iunrh St. ' _A\‘r.. libi-inl discount for rush, _..â€".â€"_â€"-â€"â€" Hl ft. from by 161) ft. deep. Oinnmrntnl and {wit times. beautiful plat-v for ;i new home ‘____._.. Baker Ave. and Roseview or $111†per foot down magma RI('H.\I()N[7 HII.I.. UN'L'. ENCB Willowdale Builders’ Supply Co’g Linze Hard \an1 litre Brick Plaster Boards Cement Sewer Pipe Plaster l’laster Paris rColors \Vceping Tile F. c. ‘4 7 EC , 743% Also Flour and Feed & (i. H. MCKENZIE, \‘IILLOWDAII‘, ONTARIO PRESENT WALNUT GROVE STOCK FARM L a n g s t a i i OFFERING: IIOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE All cows are bred to the present stock bull MAKES 1 Lyons Segis Kine. Interested parties will by appoi be met at Langstafl ntment. i C. R. James Langstaff P.O. Phone Thoruliill Jefferson, Ont.