Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1916, p. 1

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A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above placm Undertaken-s a: [‘Inbalmers. RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Tel. M. 3631 B:u-1'islnvrs. SulicIIu-s. &r: NATIONAL TRUST UHA MBERS 34) KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Ernpk Dentmn K. C. Danton, Grove John Irwin Grover Harry I). Ange: Arthur A. Macdmmld A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. Etc. L‘ASKAY P, 0 .7057! 5, 9avia’son PIANO TUNING ....... ~rW... given to sales of every description tarm stock sales a. specialty. Far! and sold on commission. All sales a onshortest notice and conducted by up-zo-date methods. Address: 415 Balliol St, North Toro Phrme in House. Belmont 1317 Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and :10;le Toronto. . Specie. jtmmion ah"... 4-,. n-1,”. - Phone No. 23 Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to r J0.HN 3-. QAMPBELL, rut-unnu- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. .209 BERESFOR D AVE Phune m- muil we attended to. Licvnsed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to (m shortest; notice, umlat reasonable rates. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST; .1. fig 39 .1 L. Etlml is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Phone .Innntmn LICENSED AUG For the County 3 A'i‘ISFAC 1‘10): G U E. MpMAHON. VETERINARY SURGEON: Thornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Organs Repaired. Export \Vork‘. (6 VOL. XXXIX. AT THE ERALH’RINI'ING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. $1 WRIGHT BROS BUSINESS CARDS . OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ki 11g, ()nt. an o and ‘70i09 . PINKERTON, V.S. II. Naughton J= H. Prentice @5112 gfiiheml EDITOR & PUBLISHER per annum , in advance. . SAIGEON .1 tn. PHONE l THORNHILL ’atronage solicited every duscripfidfi * FEE]: 8:85 :‘a. specialty. Farms bought nssign. All sales n'fieuied to TEACHER OF . . V lucztor. Notary, Etc. xges promptly PIONEER: of York A RA NTEFL W EST TORONTO 84 Field Torou ONTARIO Main 44.4 the lawn 731Y0ng9 St. Yonge & Charles Sts Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist :mnl Chnirmnster St. Paul's Ir‘rushyleriuu Chulch, Tnmntn Gunduclor Ym-k Chm-:11 Society \Vill :130vpl. u at his Hmm Pupik nrepurr-d for examinatiuns Studin. ’l‘m-nntn Cause-rmtm'y of Music Rasidence :lddl't Victoria Square ESTELLE M. ORTON COMMISSIONER. CON\'EY‘\N”ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance (PUPIl annnln. Ont, stands I" the elvvl'ngu business c this cuunlry. 115 reward ing studnnts in pIISilinll nmrkuble (m9. \Vinnirt January 2. Lump CHIN]! ___-v- VUUIX BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings, Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Lihm-nl‘ col, every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Voudhx-idze. Saturday fm'ennon." Money to Loan at CHI-manl- Dam-- Young Men and \anon to pro- pnl'e furpnsitiuns of trust and re- spnnsihihlv, “'01'Hl fxum $50 tc $100 per mmfih. The fuumus PUPIL ()F MISS H. ETHEL SHEPHERD) VOCAL INSTRUCTION LEDNNQX & MORGAN CRO\VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build- ing. Office hours 9.30 H.111. to 5 p.m Hon. Graduate Royal College of Dental Sm-gpnns. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Fridav. Dr. C. La. Verne Pabtison J. EARLE NEWTON RICHMOND THORNHILVL Richmond Hill on Monday and Tueaduy of Each “'eek. RICHMONB “fiiLL {‘I‘; N TC H O I LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK ummissinnm Insurance, 1351191» 01 M 1' Ohmonq Iâ€"Iill ELLIOTT . a / Emmy/74% 011‘ PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM} FITTER PHONE 1834 Box 23 - MAPLE . A NICHOLLS JOTARY PUBLIC Patronage and influence respectfully solicited ICP address P. O. : EDWARD FRANCIS? NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK A Mr '1‘ ID I) s. SHEPHERD PAINTER PA PER HANG ER mnm . L‘nnveyancor, etc mce. and Real Estate of Marriage Licenses. . LASHER limited number of pupils stmliu. Richumnd Hill GRAINER. ETC PIANIST ‘an at C Aurora. \Vinnir term from g0 Cutalogur free. In Essentialc, Unity; in P. 0. address Gurmley, R. R. 2 IllS \\'. . 7 fox-ennon.“ un'enb Rates J. Elliott Principal HILL. llmve plnc. u re- 44 12 L. ONT.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1916 Sr. 11'.â€" M. Beck 7‘. gummy (55, 50. Mn nuinu budge 66‘ A pretty event tnnk place nesduy of lust wwk at the Mrs. H. 'l‘hmmm when the- 11) Mi« Gertrude 'I‘hrvnms and Orr was sulrnmizml. The wuupmf..1mvd by Re". H. 1 ing. in lhe- DI‘PSPHCP (if the i‘ relatives. The ymlng coup] the evening train sunth fm tlip. A.) pp: Sr. Kinnt Sr. Rev. Mr. McKee of preached in the Melht Sunday evening. a. program was given by memhexs (f the School. and an address on “The First Twn Ypurs oflhe \Vsu',"illustrat- ed with Views. was given by Rev. S. C. Robinson. The annual entvrlninment in con- nection will] the Sabbath School uf the Presbyterian Chm-ch was held last Friday evening. After [on was servrd , . . . . _ . . K . ,,... L tnkon in Hip service Ly Rev. .) Mulgvm uf \Vnndhridgv and Rm S. Inn‘ul'ing. Suitable music was dered by the choir. A \‘ory impressivp nwmm-inl was held in St. Andrew’s CIH Sunday morning fur the late A\‘ Gardner \\ ho was kiHPd in .10 Nov. 10th. The Surnmn was p h\' Rev. 5. CA Rubinan tint] n ....... _. “Hug .u. \vc hnvv nut 1hr same chance to write hom- thnt we hm] in England. but. will u y and answer all I get. I hope you lump \vulking and (II) as \vvll :ls “nu hm'w lwvn doing till I {19! Inn-k Xn‘Cunndn, which I lit-p8 will he l., l‘ . r ‘ Tllt‘ plm'v \vhme “'0 are here is sup Drmml In luv "mad as :1 lruse and we will go out from here to (10 construction wolk. Ium down for railroad work as you know that is in myline. lean not tell you how far We are away from the firing line. but we must, be 3. long 'uy forI cannot hear any snund of the guns. but some sny they can. \Ve are issued with tobacco and matches and cigarettes here. so do not send any more after you get this letter ashlrhave all I need. The people here work on Sunday as well as week days. I see them hauling in roots tv-(lny. lwill wnilo tn Hilda. next, but, do xwt lunk furtnu many letters for we have nnt lht- same chance to write .11.!” days since l left England and I used to :u‘t-r-ugo 4 01'5:I\V99k hesidvs papers. \Vell Billie this is: "Smnewherflin anceulright. but it, is nut. the \‘ny I supposvd it “‘(Hlld be for “'9 HM” as comfortable hm-e :us we were in Eng- land and I fH'l more contented. ’l‘ln- weather i< warm and we um nndvr canvas. Nulmnch work sn far and plentv to out. Maple- School Inn-s in m'dPl' pm cent 1s m I have not, gut the hux yet but likely get, it, 8mm us the mail has umncutl to come here now. I not got any mail yet, but am Inn fursI-me any linw, us it, is I!) 1 days since i lefL England and l to :u‘t-r-ugv 4 015:: week besides Du The fullnwing is taken from n lvttvr. dulvd November. “ Humewhelo in Flu-mum" to his son in Richmond Hill : Dmn- Billio,â€"l got your letter the last day we “1-1-0 in England and have not gm :1] (mud to :mswnr you till now, but hope you will excuse delay for this time. Letter from Pte. John Ellis Line42 IV.â€"S mnny months 71 \\' John S. Newton, P S. Rnsv 73, A. LuWrie M. 8:111:34. (1‘. Killuugh 7T. M. B. . I. annvy (37. I. H. Rmxlnnd (53. Geo. 19 1101-9 :13 we were in ’fH-l more contented < warm and we are erI, much work 51: fu nil. \IcKee of Richmond Hill t_he Methodist Church last Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in “mm 75, B. Rose 9.1’ilsen 67. G. ( Graham (50', D. ‘ luvssn'e menmrml sun-\ice St. Andrew‘s Church un hing fm' tho lute Mnns \V. "mvnskillvd in .mlinn (m The- Sux-nmn was plenched . Rnbinsun. and [wit was service by Rm". J. \V. Vnndhridgv and Rev. 11. wme for Nuvemlwr. l'f IIH-‘l'it. Fm- honors by Re". H. ancf- mm»: of the immediate ymmg couple left on Iin sunth for a, short rum ymn Maple ‘0-A_.- CANADIAN NORTHERN are here IS sup Jase and we will (10 construction 1' railroad wm'k a 06 on \Ved the home of mail has com- nuw. I have :t nm Innkng it, is 10 “1'12 UVIIEQ‘ M. Ball Mr. “7m. (termumw :U'riage nf Tincipul Grnouh Cooper H 3. M Gm Dec \Ve Hm Der \Ve Muni- Camp (frond gning Sntm'du Dec. 30H], .‘ilst and . xetmn until Tuesday Good Good Sum} fulhm ron r. 315$, inclusin duesduy, Jun. 3 xd guing ’I‘hmsdny, Dm :. 24th. invlusivp. Gnu ‘dm‘sday, Dec. 27th. d gluing XMAS & NEWYEAR EXCURSIONS will ho round trip. .ly and Mundny, for return until FARE AND ONE The boys at the Front frnm mond Hill and vicinity In the n (11:79, have each be en fnrwuxdod CI-‘I (-nnlnining 50 Cigill'UtU‘S. the bunny; lwvn pruvide-d from [ht ceeds nt‘ :1 link of refrvslmwnts h the Plowing Mutt-h by Master- 1 Van \Vnrt and others to the :n of $20; dmmtitm from Red Umss and the hillzllwt‘ from vulunLnrj scripliuns. ring Snturduv Leave your “New at, The Lihem Office for :my In:an you muv requin fun-Christmas gifts. A gund lmnk i: ahvzlys :m uppl-z-printe gift for :1 friend Buying the-so little seals is such an e lsy way to hI-‘lp. 'l‘lwy may he had in any quantity fmm ()NE up. Every leaISUId aids in the nmintennuce of Needy (Junsumplives. Surva yuu can spare :1 few cvan for this great cause. Th? Clan-Nuns 89:1] Cnmpugn of the National 9'11itnrium Aswr-iakiun. nmv in full swing. px-r-mxscs In be a greater succe-ss than m m- lwl'ul'H. Already thousands nf svuls have been sold. and alnrge number of repeat mders are being received. u ‘ ,,, Jumb u: received valuable experience which will beofnsu to them in after life. This should be a. great incentive for ntlwrvnung men to take aVVinter Cmu-se in Agriculture and try far :1. plm-e on lhe team far nvx'; Vial-1r. The Course this wintm‘ will he held at Uninm‘illo and will he wm-th while for anyyming nun to make, :1 spatial effort to nth-ml. The tan sent from York County this year was composed of Harry Hill. Aurora; Janms Hope, Pine Our-haul, and Charlie Buyntnn, Dullur. Thvse men all did excellent wmk and not only succemlml in winning the Duff Trophy and Medals. luu won :1 lmge share of the individual cash prizes he- sitles. thus winning a great, (ll-’ill nf hnnnr for themselves us We)” as the County of York and Mr. J. C. Steckley. Newmarket. who selected and coached the team. There were twentyâ€"«me counties entered in the contest. Th4- fullmving is the standing of the four counties standing highest, in the con- test. 'l'ho Contest Comprises tho judging of lwucluwsm of Heavy Hurst‘s. twn clnssvsun Dairy (huh. two of Beef (lulllu. twu 0f Shrvpnnd two of S‘Vill". Individual cash prizes are given in o'ut'h (‘IMSS nf stuck, and fur Llu- le'nm Winning the highvsl number of points a very lmndwnu- SIIVI’I' Cup. llnllah’d hy [hp lwtr- “infirm of Agricnllm-P frr Ontario. Hon. Jas. Duff, and Silvpr Medals for each member of the win- ning team. - .. . , . I (‘luisvs in .I” 1m" 'h" \.\ "mi" mm“ ("1"lpll' “1“ Richmond Hill and Thornhill >1|llll5llWlHlt is knmvn as tln- lulv-r- (‘nunty Sim-k Judging (Vmitest. This All information furnished contest is among teams compnsvd rf three young men from ouch county, ‘ RESIDENCE ~ THORNHILL choson and trained by the Distrixtl Represantutivo of the Dapartment of E Agriculture. Beforen ynung man i4 ‘ eligible he must be under 25 years of . age and must have attended one of Ml‘. Frank converse smith lheAnnuul \Vintoi' ()nurses in Agi'i- w 7 7 culture» given by the District Rc-pi'c-l TEACHER OF THE ‘IOLIB sentative. --~-~â€" - York . . Durham Simone. . “'utl'l'lno . Bvsidos the honor SINGLE FARE xpply Lt Inter=C0unty Stock Judging Contest Winter Fair-â€" Guelph l'he cnnte Thursd Cigarettes For The Boys. bm-n pmnde-(l [mm the pm- ’ ;\ Sulv of refrvshments held at A Promising Campaign all things, Chm/fly." In Gund going Sutmduv hr'l'. 23rd, 24! h and 25th Tuesday, Dec. 25th. nrder ilL The Liberal In:an you muv require gifts. A gnnd hook is 191 Ilzu-dy, Stakinn Agent Sunday and I. 1st. 1917. Ill THIRD . 2151 to Sunday. d {or return until 2nd. 1917 28th. to Sunday. fur rellun unti thosi- young mm) vuluntnry sub- aster- Gemw the amount from Rich- lho number udod n p;:[-- =. the funds 2,289 2,241 2,211 Monday, Good for $4.16 I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cemenfi . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Grier: ukei for Red Clay Preafi Brick. We have the ILL. a: W. Scranton Hard Goal. md Kennel-Goa: "None better” Qrder new ALL AT REABOEABLE m Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE In Mal-bl 01- Grath reasonube charges. Tov \Vrite. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Licérsed Al 0 itmem‘s for Tm-(‘nt the Conn 195 of Yul-k. Peel um] S will resume his classes Hill on \Vednesduy, S For tel ms and Pan-tic 2.3 Albany Avenue Address Nordvimex 220 Yonge St. Graduate Monuments, VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. Puhiic Attentinn (Assnciute Music Will be in F Thursdays nfte RICHMOND HILL Tombstone Lettering HOUSE PA INTER . HEWISON Mrs. F. H. Echlin â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" Ii. :‘IOIQ “'en 52: Son KIN DERGA RTEN ate of Lhe Royal Cullt‘gc of Isic, London, England) me his classes at Richmond \Vednesduy, September 13:11 [Single copies, 3 cts. Phone 67 \Vostun \V . MANAGER 'm'nntrH Markers and Corner Posts. A. JONES. 22 Buchanan St Richmond Hill on (-31" September 1. 1916 L'I'S mr 1011mm and l'k, Peel and Simeoe m‘tv. Good work Town or Country Hugs [ll-‘II'S apply , Toronto Building 9 nf Music in Ml'Sfl' No. Toront 'uronu

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