MSTER Ea b>mzaa¢mm~zufl< euza L759 name flzaf stands for i i Qq/alify in [221711 Madzizzezy E + LISTER ENGINES ARE ’1 u BRITiSH BuILT ;‘ .v†m Limited $ mâ€"r Wig-H 1 0.;le THE LISTER“ ‘5“. w. Ag», ' lï¬i GRINDER f " Order Hard to Fill. The matron of a certain hospital in France, for some reason of her own, thought that the “Tommies†under her care should not visit a neighboring village. Passes were allowed, but they were few and far between. One day 2. “Tommy†applied for a pass, and the matron asked him why he wanted to go to the village. “I want care should no: village. PaSS they were few 2.! day 2. “Tommy†and the matron wanted to go to t to get something he said. “Wel the village myse it for you," was bring me a hair plied the man. Self-Filling. Safety Pocket or Regular ty 5 â€" $250. $4.00. 3500. up to 15000. Pen points exchanged after Christmas on I sun any band. 'I-.B.Waterman Company/f, ‘ 3mm gm Zian m 1: OR those on your Christmas list to whom you wish to give something that com- bines good taste,beauty and utility,selectVVater- man’s Ideal Fountain Pen. It lasts for years, pcrpetuatingtheChrist- ' mas sentiment, and more and more empha- sizing its value as an article of everyday conâ€" venience. Plain or gold and silver mounted In all sizes and styles. \Nhateveryouwish to pay, little or much, you can give the enuine Watcrman's Idea , recog- nized the world over as the standard fountain pen. ll R-A‘LISTER c; Colimited 5 TORONTO I fox-3m» >>:::x»:»:w~==§> 23‘ . c Montreal HP. On Skids orTruck. Higk Tension Ma ’ne’to l nitiom Automatic Lubrica ion. “2 rte fqr price '6Gf?é|fr{éï¬Ã© ‘ Grinder Outfifg comï¬l‘isinn Lister Silos, Ensilage Cutters. Threshers. Spra ers. Milkers, Electric Ugh: P ants. Melotte (semiï¬- At Best Stores. IN TListe‘f' ‘inq and a ' LIS‘QI' mm- far Catalogue 'roaepn Cream Separators. go to the Village. “I want nething from a shop there,†“Well, as I am going to e myself I may as well get 1,†was her reply. “Well, a hair cut and a shave!" re- man. on your as list to :h to give at com- te,beauty :ctWater- Fountain for years, heChristâ€" ' cnt, and re empha- ue as an yday conâ€" and silver 1 sizes and 'eryouwish much, you 3 enuine leaf, recog- ld over as untain pen. “ores. Ly Pockek or 3250, 54.00. 0. Pen points Christmas to i? '2“ c:<« gklm‘*â€<> ‘ Have the La 1‘8081’ sale in 'trlire" Brlfleh A NEW STQRY 9F GEN. BBTHA’S LEFE His Wisdom and Strength H Wonders for South Africa. In a newlyâ€"published book Harold ': SpenderY a London journalist, tells: the story of General Louis Botha in3 an interesting way.. We get a good idea of Louis Botha’s antecedents at once. His family was of mingled Dutch and French blood, descended from some of those Huguenots who went to South Africa after the revoâ€" cation of the Edict of Nantes. “ Through the lawless and dangerous times of the Zulu troubles we follow the young Botha's training in war- fare and government. But his influ- ence over men, which was strong ‘even in his early twenties, came 01: . only from his serene and tranquil common sense, but, we are told, from the admiration excited by his splen- did riding, his accurate shooting, and his fearlessness in danger. In 1895 we ï¬nd Botha a member of the Volksraad, working for race toler- ance, when on the world broke the news of Jameson’s raid and ’South Africa became the principal topic of European thought. Mr. Spender does not enter very deeply into the causes of the war itself, but goes on to show Botha's place and importance in the war and in the confused and trying times of adjustment afterward. His military talent was soon shown. It is interesting to catch a glimpse of his Hand; their memorable call on King‘ Edward VII., and Chamberlain’s visit to South Africa. We understand why Lord Milner’s rather mechanical scheme of reconstruction was not en- tirely welcome to the Boers. strategy in‘ the battle of Colenso, of the trench warfare then ï¬rst seen and studied by the Germans who visited the front, and to trace in the descriptions of Botha and De Wet in the South African war the traits of character that made their widelyâ€" diï¬ering after careers comprehensible. A Wise Statesman. We read at the end of this tragic chapter, “Lord Kitchener rose and held out his hand to Gen. Botha, ‘We are good friends now,’ he sai( .†Then follows a long period of discussion; the visit of the Boer generals to Eng- Botha became Premier of the Transvaal in 1907 and Premier of the South African Union in May, 1910, and had good need to prove himself as great a statesman as he had been a soldier. The Indian coolie crisis, tlie “Hertzog Split,†the great Rand strike, the railway strike, all these came during his Premiership, and close on their footsteps followed the beginning of the war. Soon after he had pledged the loyalty of his coun- try to the British cause the rebellion under the leadership of the uncon- quered and unreconciled De Wet broke out; \ Botha. with wonderfully ï¬ne feeling. used only Dutch forces in his successful campaign against these rebels who had deï¬ed established auâ€" thority. Botha is again Premier of the South African Union, and the coun- try is at peace. His wisdom has been much greater than was Lord Mil- ner’s, because he recognized the im- portance of decentralization. IS 0F MINGLED DUTCH AND FRENCH BLOOD. Toronto atl Mr. Spender gives us a description Tl’ HE ter the as will nt. Mt E: TORONTO HOSPITAI Incurables afï¬liated with I Allied Hospitals. New York ee Years’ Course to women Nurses Wanted General Botha ive ed by the 130 Dunn women esslon ave Done II llevue ‘shing Appli- enue. of Botha at his home of Groote Schur, leading a simple, unpreten- tious life in this great house left by Cecil Rhodes with uncanny foresight as “the residence of the Premier of South Africa." The crowds of visit- ors from all countries are greeted with a pleasant kindness by him and his wife. THE DE} ‘auuacquvnlv ....... J ‘ The aged monarch, whose funerall rites at Vienna will soon be observedl in a manner beï¬tting a king, ascend- ed his throne in the midst of revolu- tion, and it is only ï¬tting that he descend from it as he has, while the nation is wrapped in gloom of treach- erous war, that forbodes national dis- aster to his conï¬ding subjects. His kingdom is yet in the balance, and no matter who wins, his domin-l ions are almost certain to be dismem- bered. The dual monarchy is doom- ed, however the struggle may end. Francis Joseph, emperor of Austria, and a sort of apostolic King of Hun- gary, reigned but did not govern durâ€" ing the latter period of his life. By Chas M. Bice, The once great hot burgs has lost its m representative in the Francis Joseph, the Austria. This distinguished race of kings takes their name from a famous an- cient house in Switzerland, but is not the name of the occupants. The place of origin in this case, having super- seded the residents, the name has clung to the descendants through all subsequent history. - ‘ éupinely Aplaced himself in sub- jection to the will of another and much greater sovereignâ€"the Kaiser. The spectacle presented of the life of the titular head of the dual mon- archy would have been a ï¬t subject for the world’s greatest dramatist himself, and were he now living, we would be presented with another Richard or a Henry to take the place of the ephemeric twaddle written by so-called court historians. His was a life in full consonance with Hapsburg traditionsâ€"full of tragedy, bloodshed and 1‘svolt; Upon high authority-the Emperor of Austria-Hungary was the recogniz- ed libertine of Europe, and if his un- varnished story were written out, it would scarcely be a ï¬t subject for school study. But then, you know, we are Puriâ€" tanical on such subjects, and have much to learn of the ways of contin- ental Europe. One thing is certain, that in Aus- tria, Francis Joseph was accepted with all his grossness and grievous lapses, as a kind of god. Whatever the world may say of his amours, he was a brave soldier and the idolized emperor of his people, and that settles it so far as they are concerned. It is questionable whether history‘ shall blame him for this great World- wide horror, through which we are passing, as he was more the creature of destiny, the clay in the hands of the potter, than the initiator or in- stigator of this great misery. The Sarajevo tragedy, when the Crown Prince lost his life, and one among many in his long reign, was the excuse ostensibly for the war, but it was not the cause of it, for that had been long brewing. The double assas- sination of his nephew and his con- sort, was unquestionably political, but ,without this the outbreak could not have been suppressed much longer. In fact the emperor was not much in love with the prince. The heir- presumptive was thoroughly “Prus- sianizcd,†which was the true reason of his tragic end. But with the emperor, it was mereâ€" ly a choice of Germany or having his empire pass from him. The Slav peril, so-called, was not created by him, yet he did little to arrest the slow~moving iceberg of Russian dominion, and hence his empire was unstable at vaseamï¬ Carbaiated FOR THOSE LITTLE CUTS It is always safer to apply A mild antiseptic. It keeps the cuts clean and helps them to heal. Sold in glass bottles and handy ‘tin tubes at. chemist: and gen- eral stores everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Illus- trated booklet free on request. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. (Consolidated) 1580 Chabot Ave. once great house of the flaps- has lost its most distinguished entative in the recent death of 5 Joseph, the aged ruler of Chas M. Bice, Denver, Colo‘ EATH OF FRANCIS JOSEPH Pflrolcum Jenq Trade Mark Mantra] best. Unfortunately it was made up of elements that were never destined to properly fuse. ' It is inconceivable that his death will have any material effect upon the great struggle, for new elements are sure to arise and surround the throne, but his going at this time may be used by Hungary to break her chains against which she has so long chafed. Problems of the Drug Habit in the Far East. ALCOHOL AND OPIUM HABITS Lack of it Has Been Killing Berlin Babies. An investigation into the increasing infant mortality inBerlin has establish- ed that the rising death rate is due to an insufficient cording to an . Guaranteed to keep Boning Liquids hot 24 11.11.. or Ice Cold Liquid cold 3 days. Kate is the ideal gift, hudeome and practical. giving years of art’th servira at or away from home. I'm: the Motorisvâ€"for the Invaudâ€" or the Hunterâ€"for the Nurseryâ€"for the Business-Manâ€"for the Workâ€" manâ€"tor the Bedroom and many other rues. Bottles $1.75 up. Kits $300 up, (‘arafes (water bottles) $5.1m up. Motor sets $9.50 up, Thermos is sold at all good Drug. Hardware, Sporting Goods and Dept. Stores. and some Lea‘her Goods and Jewelry Stores‘ If you cannot see what you need send for fully illustrated C' Ml“: no“: \Ve send ,xh _ ,haa , .u n? nu-lnp BABIES NEED SUGAR WINTER MS RN SEEMMER EEAVS ARE and Christiï¬Ã©s Days are the best Thermos days of all THERMOS BOTTLE 00.. Bottles $1.75 up. Kits $3.00 up. Carafes (Water bottles) $5.00 up. Motor sets $950 up. Thermos is sold at all good Drug. Hardware, Sporting Goods and Dept. Stores, and some Leather Goods and Jewelry Stores. It you cannot see what you need send for fully illustrated Catalog now. We send goods prepaid on receipt of price, sugar allowance msterdam despat‘ 12-14 SHEPPARD ST., TORONTO. alcohol, opium am ‘ylon and China ha‘ mental importance hto the Exchange Telegraph Co. . The despatch says that it has been decid- ed that each child born after Decem- ber 1 shall receive an additional half pound monthly of sugar, the rations of the rest of the population being proportionately reduced. The allow‘ ance up to this time has been 750 grammes monthly for each bady. We all make-mistakes, but there are a lot of them that we could all avoid, too ally lalr And some‘ men ‘who are short it imagine that they are except EW.GILLETI_AQOMPA_I\!Y_ LIMITED WINNIPEO long on brains TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL ï¬WS )l‘l