Richmond Em Aflmx Santa Need Not Ponder Richmond Hill J. A. SKEELE 55% ~ Leather Mitts and Gloves “.351 to 1.75 New Perfection Coal Oil Heaters $4.00 to 5,00 Cameras and Kodaks, up from 1.25 Graphonolas, everlasting amusement $15 00, $30.00 to 45.00 Double Records, each from . . ...850 to 1.25 Call today and look them over. The seeing will convince you that nothing else would be appreciated quite so much. Tempting Feast Finishers and pleasant memories are revived as the recipient continues to use the gift day after dayâ€"some even after years. That’s exactly the kind of present you’ve been looking for, to give this Christmas. Look over the attractive ones in the following listâ€"if it’s not there call at the store, we have an excepticnal assortment. Hand Sleighs and Bobs, from ...25c to Skates, a pair, from -500 to Hockey sticks, good variety, fro ...10c to Pocket Knives, one for every need, from ...350 to Scissors, prices up from Razors, Regular and safety, from $1.00 to Razor Strops and Brushes, up from Rayo Lamps, nickel plated . . Alarm Clocks, from Ingersol Watches... £05153 ,_.,,..- ‘wio L)ch 'HK‘P ‘OO 0mngesâ€"Culifm-ma and Flm-idns. no“ Bunuuns, bright yellow fruit. n (107.. Dates. New linllmw-o. a ll). Grapes, Spanish Mulngu. .1 ll) .. .. Raisins, Royal Cluster. dcliciou: table Olivesâ€"Queen and Manzxmilln. plain or Olivesâ€"Ripe, supreme quality, a Lin Pet-k Frean‘s English Biscuitsâ€" 71- Short Cake. Digestive. Urezlm kil Custard, Pmirie and Honey (3e Sandwichâ€"extra goud. cx-i When guests leave the table \- that beam with satisfaczion :u congratulate herself that. she v delicacies from \Vlllard's Norman Batty Made in Canada WALL PAPERS RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 90. Useful Gifts Always Satisfy Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance An Appropriate day Festival is lpP, supreme qluuuy, m u... m’s English Biscuitsâ€" :P. Digestive, Ore-um Pmu-ie and Honey â€"ext1-u goud. Chocolntvs, in boxes and bulk. ready f Make your selection nowâ€"time’s almost up. ix-unberrius. “Cape God." the kind that, "adds tn†any meat. C(41er and Lettuce. fresh and crisp, at nmrkvt prices. 01' Christmus eating. A» Building Lots on Yonge and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots 0n Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. P. G. Savage & Son Acre Garden Lands. Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity For Sale on Easy Terms G. A. McDonald & 15011 “He Proï¬ts URTHER INFORMA'IION \VRITE OR SEE E J.‘ T. LOCKE & CC., Here are a. fewâ€"100k them over AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. selfâ€"trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . . able with happy, contented countenances ion and pleasure, well may the hostess ; she was well supplied with fresh table from our bountiful list; of Eliza Who Serch Best" im}; we fruit. 1 lb. pkg... .1. nlain m- stuffedJ‘mule .10, Conclusion to the Holi= a Point to be Admired new fruit. n duz St., Belrm nt 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto V $1.25 to $1.25 to “.35â€, to $4.00 to Phone 18 30. .40 9t )‘ 90 3.50 RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. The natural thing for mothers or wives who have sons 01‘ husbands d0- ing duLy in England or France, is to wish to cross the ocean so as to be near them in case their loved cnes should be ill or wounded As those European countries are crowded with women, however, it hehoves those who feel it their duty no le there, to considerthcmmtu' well. There is every reason to think that our wounded Canadian boys and men are being well cared fur. and the ad- vlce, which has time and again come Cards have been sent outrecemly to newspaper publishers asking the question: “Will you accept Liquor Advertising.†As the Ontario Leg- islature has passed an Act closing the bars and liquor stores during the continuance of the war, no doubt many newspapers will decline the offer. vice which has time and agam come from headquarters is to remain at home and do all the work they can here. Saskatchewan has taken another forward step along temperance lines. On Monday, by a majortty of about 10 to 1. that Province Voted to close their liquor stores. Prohibition will go into effect on the 3lst. of December. Mrs. Chm-lotto Mmtsnn and Miss Olive Mmtsnn have gone to spend several months in Scotland. Ont. S. S. Enlmtninnwnt .md Ulnistmns Tree at the Pwshytexiun (,Ihnrrh. ThursdayN'ening‘ Der. let, at, 7.30. Mr. Frank Unnx'ersc Smith, violinist, will give svluutinns‘. Mrs. Bert Murtsnn and two childron loft last week to spend the winter with Mrs. Mm-tsml‘s Brother in Pmtland, Oregon. Almost, every seat in [he Mi-lhndist, Church was ï¬lh-d last Sunday evening when Capt. Jvifs‘, whu was twice \Vlfllndt‘d in the war. hut whu is Ill)\\' i'vcnpemling at his hmne in Eglim‘nu. H’iult‘d his PXDrl'it’I‘L’t‘S at the ï¬eld (-f action. The stun-y was cleanly and inudvstly mid, and the young man Inudu- n din-p impression on his inter- ested mldimicv. Beamile china is an m-nument at all tiuws. [mvi uu-r the px-elLy china (‘11 mn' cuuntersâ€" pitchers, hon-hon dishes, huttm- tulus. (-ruckm- and cheese dix'hes. salad huwls, syrup and cutsup jugs with plutï¬, celery dish, cream and sugar sets. etc: alsn glass pitchers, lwrry lmwlslnrge and small, vinegar hntlle-s, Japanese china cups and anucvm, gold hand and le:1f#AIkins(>ll S; Swilzor. The Musonic Hall was packed to the doors. and unmy people could not, gain :iduiiwicu lust Friday evening when n rice-rs ot' the 220th Bu. exhibited on a ('Illiuill the famous ï¬lms which th been iwued by the Blitish \Vur Off- iCt‘. Various fields of British activity \wrp con-red, showing the \‘ustnes‘sof the British Army, and the grent work they are engngedin. Tln- making of munitions and many other exhibits were watched Coser hy the rum-h in- terestvd audience, and although no recruits Went forward. that, which el- igihle young men saw and heard durâ€" ing the ew‘uingr must. rertuiniy have rnndv a deep ir:upres>iou on their minds. The Chair was occupied by Reeve Pugsley. who with Unpt. l’ickup, Uor- porul Yorke and others made good speeches. calling attention to the ser- ious situation in the war. and the uh- solute necessity for our peopie to con- centrute all their energy. strength and menus upon the pressing demands brought about by the cruelties of the conflict. 1 LA The programme songs and recitations. A teatm-o of t he Canadian Magazine for l)r‘(‘(‘tlli)(‘l‘ Is the number 0f unusu- ally iine l't‘])lUdUlfliUhS nf paintings and eu'hings hy well-knnwn artists. The frontispiocv is an vtching by H. lvan Nellson of Quebec, a member of the Canadian Art Club. Other Cana- dian artists rem-esontï¬d :u-t- Tmn Thomson. Mum-ive Cullen, Dr Stevens, Hm-hert Raine, \V. J. ’_ sun. Get). ancell. There are ductiuns nlsn of examples of the ansdeh' vaxiid'iidg, (5 Adelaide East. Toronto. 22 2 Rueximokers. t‘f FA‘LI-HEH‘JIHSE. Paull Helen and \V. Bnugueleau, and the Dutch cartoonist, “'9 want to correspond with twu men who can undertake to handle Power Drainage and Road Machinery and are open to Lake a contract for next season. Please write or call at ouromce. JOHN FISHE_RH& '90.. GUNTRABTBR’S Busmess Opporiuniiy "Britain Prepared." December Canadian. All Club. Other Cana- x'epx-esontï¬d :u-v Tom un-ive Cullen, Dorothy was varied by DEC. 14. 1916 Thnni- repro- \vm‘k The Presbyterian Church, Thm-x purpose holding a Christmas Tree entertainment on Friday evening 22nd inst., commencing at 8 «ft: The prngi'nnnne will cunsisr. of d songg. reciLuLions and dlaiognes. mission 25 and 15 cents. l’apetm lines of store. f3}- tn sell L‘mgstaï¬' lmx and smut. almost nt‘ (luuhlu sealed family cutter in pain \Vuuld exchange In} outï¬ts. F. R. Oliver, Richmr‘ l box of Starimwry. PapeLm-ies. 12.â€) wnts, lines of glfL st‘ationm ’1‘0 RENTâ€"Seven-wmned house an Richmond St.. Richmond Hill; furnace, hulfacreUf land. hen buns-v and small stable. In good repair. Soft and hard water. Is we’ll drains-d â€"2l new drain having been mstqud. Appr to Mrs. Mary Bussing‘uhwuite. 843 Shaw St.. Toronto. 2'). 3 FRESH M'IL’K'TEOW AND CALF for Sue. Jun. Brillinger, Rich- mnnd Hill. 23 If. yams. R. B. MC? r whrmn pullets. just cummencmg to lay. John Hicksnn. Richlmmd llill. '21 3 Spling1917 Planting List now ready Splendid list nf Hardy CAN GRO\VN Fruit and Ornament includng At once for St. Regis Everbearing Raspberry TORONTO non SALE "VOR SA LT“. CAN ADA’S GREATEST NU RSERIES McIntosh Red Apple ()R SALEâ€"â€" A {It Representative Wanted 0R SALEâ€"125 thoroughbred Lpg \v Illustrate-d Catalogue sum application). Start now at lwsL selling time Liberal Proposition. Calf GW®$W®§Q§®§®®®€Q§®SQQ§ STONE 8: WELLINGTON $9®9§9®9®9®9®9Q9®9e9e6®9 cow, : ‘Vunt Ads. and many other lenders. The Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) .__.â€"40’â€"â€"â€" .Eâ€"Six weeks old hs-ifv: Mmher gund milkor. P10 (Ir raising. E. \V‘ Nnyle SAYZ Did you notice the class of the Stationery we keep? A little better than the ordinary and just as cheap. 3H()COI¢A’]‘ES Fresh ‘and Wholesome. In bulk and dainty boxes. Priced to suit your pocket. Don’t forget we keep Reliable Drugs SLOAN’S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill Thornhill RICHMOND HILL District fur Canadian Northern All the Way Mad (U Three Superb Trains Get full Vpartig‘ularc. uir. Jeï¬el'sun Single lions fium U. Hardy. 5! R. L. Fail-huhâ€, Gonm 68 King Stu-9L East Ql‘hd. young. fu-sh yezlxling Shropshire gm ESCAPE Tm: FRO§T ifibhnmml Hill ONTARIO in Victona or van own Winter resorts and money at. Home. VANADIAN \V_ Nnyle. 23 2 Thm‘nhil In w ; MFG good 13- slnnnr‘l‘ 2|] drilh‘ Ad are, through tiva-Ls and resvn Hardy. Stutiun Agent, or Write; Stuck wit [1 am‘ ()1! Victoria or Vancouver, B.C. Ite 1nd Leave Fichmond lIiil Each WeLk (Ill Gmwml PJISSPHgl'I' Agvl L East. Toronto. Ont. 4* '1- +++++++++€<++++++++++++++ at The Liberal ++++++++++++++++++++Mé©® Wesiey Chatterley Elgin Mills, Ont. E at your Books for Christmas A tidyli‘nlv hnme 0n Ric-h- nmml a shm Ldistzmce from YongP. A nice sput fvr pvr- snn wilh moderate nwnns. Seven towns. gum] (’(‘HHI', hand and soft, water. PI iw- vusy. Nearly new ’m-iuk hunse. hon house. with (me new (sf land. nice ulchard. gx-nunds neath laid out. Lr-t has dnuhle front. age rm Riuhninnd and Centre Sls.. in Village. P( "essiun at mg? (m Sls.. in once. 100 amps on 2nd (,‘nn. Mmk ham, hx-i’k hnusv, new ham and uther ï¬lst-cluss unthnild ings. One llulf-HOI'P. with newly new frame house, right looms. furnace, etc. large outbuild- ings, gtmd nichmd. lwnl‘ chm-ch and school. on lhe 4th concession of Mai-khan). An improved three-now lot. on Mill Strnpt. Richmond Hill. at a reasonable ï¬gure. Sonw heuutifnl building lots on Richmond and \Vright sts. \\'m~th the money. Gulf [1w yt Hid Shouting strictly attended to; shoe- ing lame and interfering horses 21 soecin‘atv. Patron- Solid hxir~k house on Chuxch street. south.- Immeditte p0.» session. A bargain. All branches of the trade horses age tion guaranteed. General Blacksmith Wesley Chatterley MONEY T0 LOAN. _. A.. Niollolls REAL ES'I‘A’I‘E Hours Daily solicited specialty hnme 0n Ric-h- xL distance from 9 sput fvr ppr- »derale IIH’HIL. [nod m-Hnr, huzd nd satisfuc. Mm k