Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1916, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL. 0N1, DEC. 14. 1916 Mrs. LydinNigh and Mis‘ L’lV‘ill'A Elliott are spending: a few days this week visian friends in mentn. Mrs. J makng Mrs. N. I‘ Snmv extr: Christmas sin advertiiing (:4 them over â€"n ‘uclendnrs are not plentiful this seusnn. “you have :1 nice- (‘nlondur from last year. why not get :1 1917 ball) at The Libsrul Ofllmu A little trim- ming will make it as gnwl .15 new. Epwnrlh LPngue anL Monday ove- niug will I)» umlvr Llw Literary and Social DPpnrtnmnt. A gum] prugmm is heng prepuwd. lnvitalinn vxtvud< rd to al'. A Christmas Trvu church :It Unrl'villr (evening. [he- 20L!) uf n‘uluuk. Admission Everylmdy wolcmm The new mva hunks pulth‘th IIV Gaze & 00., unthnrizvd lxy the Millietm' of Educatinn. are now in sinck :IL The Liberal Oflim». Bunk I is 5 trunk. and Buoks II and III are each 4 cents. A millinn dullm' fire occurred at Pett‘rhm-u Mnudnv forenmr. when an explosion in the Quaker Oats building 0.111le the dvuth of mm-e than :1 dozen emplnvoes‘. and many more sevvrely burned and injured. Thu Hnnw Department [If the Fn 1-m- m-s‘ Sun. Tun-um. is spm'inlly edited, and presents [hp latest Mle in owry hmnch nf the Immune Work. in which the furnwn"s wife or daughter is inter- vsted. Your reading is not complete without The Sun. Thr‘ brethren 0f Rit'hmrmd L'ulgv, A.F.& A. M. have received an invita- Lion to Visit Patten-sun Lndge. Thum- hlll. on \thllwsduy uvning. Dec. 2'). the occasion lwing thv uflir‘inl \‘iSit uf R. \V.Bm. Rowland.D.D.G.M. Lu that Ludgv. A (-oncvrt, will lw given at Jefferson Public Schme ’l‘nesduv e-vb-ning. IJL-c. 19.f«u-the benefit of [hi- Red Cross, The prugmmnze will be givmi lvy Lul- ent. from Toronto assisted by local talent. Rev. G. S. Despnrd (if Ann-urn will conclude the prugmnnne with lantern vie\Vs nthe British Navy and nLher interesting pictures. The chair willbe t:1ken:1L7.4.’> by Mr. Hun-y Legge. Take the cars an ivlngnt Sum 53 M630. Return cars will stop at the schncl at, 10.30. Admission :23 and 15 cents. Municipal nominations will he hvltl this year on Friday. Dev. 22,0wing to Christmas falling on the lust Mnndzly (if the month which is the regular nom- intion day. 'lhe statutes pmvidv that when Uhi'ithnS comes on thatdathe preceding Friday shall [)9 nomination day. Elections, llnwe‘vvl'. take place ths2 first Monday in January just, the P. \V. Bnynton & Sun: of Dullnr, Markham Township, made 13 entries in hogs at the \Vintex' Fun'. Guvlph. and captured ll prizes. 0. B. Bnyn- lnn alsn \vnn the Sih'vl' Cup for best gruup of three hogs Show” by far “Hat’s snn under 25 years of :lgv‘. The firm alsuhud gnud luck at the Fab Stuck Show in Toronto. where they {00k five prize-s out of six entries. The plnrp to buy holiday hundkvr- chiefsâ€"pictlenst fun-children, white With CUIHI‘Pd hmdwrs fur hays, plain linvn hemsfihthml fur men and hdiva’ hunpkt-ruhis-fs with nnnmv and wide hem: and fancy ('urners. Men‘s cnlur- ed silk livs: Indies” fancy cullaxs in :1 wuioly nf stylus; hulldnil- caps, and ten :Ipmns uf dntlvd muslin trimmed sanw, Sn that [his year municipal Plec- tiuns will he held rm P!" Yem‘s Dav. Mr. Merchant, Arm Yourself - variety (If stylus; hulldnil- caps, anf ten :Ipmns nf dnttvd muslin Lrimmeé with enlln-nidprv and Inn's uf nibhum Atkinson & Switzr-r. The shrapnel that overcomes your competitor and brings you business success, is forceful, salesmanship advertising. If you intend to stay in busi- ness, advertise; and when you advertise have your ads. pre- pared by an expert. A post card to Box 130, Rich- mond Hill, will bring you all necessary information. Mail it now and have a skilled ad- writer put real business-getting ammunixion in your ads. An ad. well written and well laid out has untold possibilities. Space costs money ~â€" make it FRY- Concert at Jefferson Hill {ill of Ehnvule has l'mnn visit. wiih he-r daughter. nus Trvu will I)» held in II)? lnrl'villv, on \Vx'dnvsdnv m gnnd suggestions tm‘ mapping: are shuwn in the. {mlnmns IhIS \\'(>'Pk. lek nnlv eight days more. Good Showing >11) I)l‘(3l'llthl " :md 15 cvnts Sundnv. Dec. the 17th. the nfinister will preach in the morning on “Lnnk- ing up our Neigbhorsz" in tha evening on “The New Sn‘cinl Program." Th" Yuung Penple's Society Thurs- day 7.150 tn 8.30. A pupm‘ lny Mrs. MiL~ shell on “Indian \Vnumnhood." Thv Prim? Ministm't f this Prm'incv and the leader of the Oppusitiun have both rctunwd x-m-ently from the trenches and ham» lmLh hrvughb hack with them quite distinct impressions. Pn-mier ku-st and Mr. Rowen aw r-nnstnnlly giving expression '10 {heu- impressions. A few (lays ago Mr. Healst Silltl that nuthing that he saw on the battle from, m- heard in England 01- Franco‘ would lead him In think that the \‘ic- tnry was nearly wmi hy the allies. The German machine. he said. is being sluwlyhrnken. hut it will he a long and \vealy struggle vet hefure Ger- many gives in. In England he had spnken tn Llovd Gé-m ge and had asked him what Ontaliu can (in. “Ontai-in can do inure- than she has done." said that. eminent statesman. “hy sending men and more men. “’9 can win this \\’.'ll' nnlv hy "<ng every testnu-ce and ("'(‘l'y available man.‘Y Speakingthe same (lav in annthex part al‘ the Pi’m‘im'e. Mr. Rmvpll said : “But I want tn paint nut here and in this I am speaking for mySelf â€" after allY have We yet in Canadaeemment-ed tn realiz" the eel-inusnuss of the situa- tion?" “If this war was going to cm)- timw Inme than another year. he ven lured tn fear. unless there was a cun- siderahlo improvement, that we must either withdraw our Divisions from the. front, 01' we must ask Great Brit- ain by conscription tn fill up our Divisions with her men, or we must, rovide the necessary reinforcements or our men at the front." All thismakes it anparent that, we must, straighten ourselves nub for a stiff struggle. The war ix‘ not over yet by any means, aml we shall have to put a great deal «if power into the field before. we shall be able tn win the day. The persnnal impi es~'inns brought back by Mr. Hearst and bV M‘r. Rmvell might tn (‘arry \Vt‘lp‘llt with all llHISP who haveat limit the welfare ot the conntrv. Reduced to practical terms this mean? that. all the readers of this paper mnct face their duty to enli<t, or, if they are nut: eligible thennvlves, tn (in everything in their fliwer to see th It eligible nien whmn they know are linked up with some Overseas Battal- ion. JENNINGSâ€"Snddvnly, on Saturday. Doc. 9. 1916‘ Albert E. Jennings of Victcrin Squaw. in his 55th year. Illlel'mvnt in Vivtmin Square Gem- Hery Tuesday, Dec. 12. MOXKMAxâ€"Ar, tl'w residence of her snn.Thus. Mvnknmn. Oak Ridges, Dvcmulwr 1”. W16. Margaret,Brown. widi nf the lute \Vm. Monkman. ugvd 87 yP'rll‘S. IIILPI'IIIUHL in Auan Celuetvl‘y Tuesday, Dec. 12. FEED SUPPLIED Overseas The undersigned is taking m'dexs fur Gunn’s Limited fox the following feed New shnvs mude-tu-nrdcr :L specialty. Bring in that old pair nf hunt; to-duy, and note the sulist‘m-Lmn and wear you can still get from them when u-pairvd in our mud- ern way. Prices reasonable. 01d Hunts come. l'mm mn- \vm'k- >l)()p like newâ€" 1021(1)! 10 rusist . l h k: s a \veut'ne: cunditiuns. Rubber heels may save ynu mrmy falls. and will t‘use- yuur lil'Pd l'oel. Are Your Boots Ready for the Winter The \\';ILH' and snmv will pene- 2mte thuse wm'n slums, cu u s i n g (‘Ultls‘ HX‘ UHH‘I' (“~- llvsshlgnilnwnls. Old hunts cnnw Lorne Block AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE The Pressing Need of Men C. H. Jones Presbvterian Church F. A. Franklin DAIRY MEAL COTTON SEED MEAL GLUTEN MEAL ‘ HOG MEAL Expen in fixing Boots ‘hone 2960, Maple Envelopes DIED > both ln-uughb hack distinct impressions. 1nd Mr. Rowe” aw expression '10 {heu- The water and snmv will pene- trate those worn shnes, c n 11 si 1) g (‘Ulds (y)'nlh(‘1'dis- lrusshlg uilnwnls. Richmond Hill 204 F- J. ROBINSON CO 20 VV inter Session Opens Jun. 2nd. mShnw’s Business Schnuls, Turnntu â€" C. B. Gulls-go. with Seven Branch Schnnls. FIDO Catnlnglw sent on wquost. “"1 im \V. H. SHAW. PIPSidOIII. Ynnqu and Gerrard Sm. 'l‘m'nnlu. ’I‘IIURNHILI. Plumbers and Steamfitters The Richmond Hill uni“ (ients’ Furnishing Store Buy early as goods are scarce and prices mounting Sweater Coats Neck Scarfs yours vxpexinmu in healing sumtulmn. Neck Ties We also have a good stock of Suspenders, Shirts. Arm Bands, Garters, Cufio Links and num- erous other ill'LicIeS bOLh useful and acceptable as gifts. Also agent for Hobbean clothing. Ideal Xmas Gifts NORMAN J. GLASS : Yonge St. ESTIMATES GIVEN Ford Motor Cpmpany of Canada, Limited New Prices, Aug. 1,1916 G. A. M. DAVISON - Richmond Hill and Unionville, Dealer for Markham, Scarboro and York {Townships including Yonge Street $1.50 to 1.00 to These prices are pOsitively guaranteed against any reduction before August 1, 1917, but there is no guarantee: against_an advance in price at any time The following prices for Ford cars will be effective 011' and after August the let, .1916 Chassis Runabout Touring Car Coupelet - Town Car Sedan - 50 1813 A. E. GLASS, Local Representative Ind F. O. B. FORD. ONTARIO ++++++++++++H+++i++++++ofii +++++++$ ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++H+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++'E'++++++++++++++++++$++Â¥ $++++++++++°fi+++¥fi+++++€ (“1' l- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This store is regarded as Christmas buying head- quarters for allâ€"with Christmas only nine days away. And into these few short days must be crowded our selling of hundreds of Holiday presents, ranging in price from 5 cts. to almost any amount. We have spared no pains to make this store, as heretofore, the place where good merchandise is sold at lowest prices. The Xmaga game In Toylaml. more toys than ever~animals, blocks, puzzle blocks, games, friction toys, In autos, drums, guns, horns, rattles, camera bobks, dolls, china tea sets, doll carriages an small, medium and large dollsâ€"nearly eve: the big world represented in this little world. Come and see for yourselves. You can see and many others we have no room to tell of 2 STORE CLOSES AT 0 RM. MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS Atkinson & Switzer GQNGHEEE HUSE more toys than ever~3nimals, A. B. C. 0 blocks, games, friction toys, mechanical s, guns, horns, rattles, cameras, picture china tea sets, doll carriages and cradles, m and large dollsâ€"nearlv everything in $450 475 495 695 780 890 them all, here.

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