The cook shigere'd. “Wasn’i frightened, George?" he asked, pathetically. “When I got to the gate an’ opened it there was nobody there,†continued the watchman, impressively, “and while I was standing there I saw the bellâ€"pull go up an’ down without ’ands and the bell rung again three times." “You ougHt to know wot it seems like,.†mutterevaoe. “I went to the gate at once,†con- tinued George, addressing himself to the cook; “sometimes when I’m shift- ing a barge, or doing any little job 0’ that sort, I do ’ave to keep a man wait- ing, and, if he’s drunk, two minutes seems like ages to ’im.†must try and get him out of the way somehow.†The skipper’s forebodings proved to be ‘eorrect. It was past twelve by the tinie they reached Wapping, but the watchman was wide awake and, with much bustle, helped them to berth ‘ He received the news of‘ their craft. the skipper’s untimely end with well- bred sorrow, and at once excited the wrath of the sensitive Joe by saying that he was not surprised. “I ’ad a warning,†he said, solemnly, in reply to the indignant seaman. "Larst night exactly as Big Ben struck ten o’clock the gate-bell was pulled three times.†> “I’ve pulled it ï¬fty times myself before now,â€said Joe, scathingly, ‘and then had to climb over the gate and wake you up.’ ’ “I went to the gate at once,†con- tinued George, addressing himself to the cook; “sometimes when I’m shiftâ€" ing a barge, or doing any little job 0’ that sort, I do ’ave to keep a man wait- “And I ’ax'e ’ad them two ladies down again asking for Mr. Robinson, and also for poor Cap’n Flower," said the watchman; “they asked me some questions about ’im, and I told ’em the lies wot you told me to tell 'em, Joe; p’r’aps that’s w’y I ’ad the warning.†Joe turned away with a growl and went below, and Tim and the cook, after greedin waiting for some time to give the watchman’s imagination a further chance, followed his example. George, left to himself, took his old seat on the post at the end of the jetty, being, if the truth must be told, some-. what alarmed by his own fertile inven- tions. i Three times did the mate, in re-i sponse to the frenzied commands ofl the skipper, come stealthily up the| companion-way and look at him. Time was passing and action of some] kind was imperative. “George,†he whispered, suddenly. “Sir,†said the watchman. The skipper's forebodings proved to be ‘correct. It was past twelve by the time they reached Wapping, but the watchman was wide awake and, with much bustle, helped them to berth their craft. He received the news of the skipper’s untimely end with well- bred sorrow, and at once excited the wrath of the sensitive Joe by saying that he was not surprised. “I ’ad a warning,†he said, solemnly, in reply to the indignant seaman. "Larst night exactly as Big Ben struck ten o’clock the gateâ€"bell was pulled three times.†i how it restores so doing enable “The watchman’s nearly sure to be asleep,†said Fraser, “and you can easily climb the gate. If he’s not, I must try and get him out of the way somehow.†FOR THE STOMACH AND LIVER “The next thing is to slip ashore at Wapping, Jack," he said, after he had ï¬nished his meal; “the wharf ’11 be c105ed by the time we get there.†\Vhen your head is dull and he dune-up and good for nothing, matter with you, probably all that STEABFASTLY REFUSE SUBSE‘ITUTES Black, Mixed or Natural Green. Eéos anduotc CHAPTER VIII.~(Cont’d) The Bride’g Name ; Or. The Adventures of Captain Fraser wewl.00 size contains .‘hrec sold at 50c .V ~V~. w-.. Hi how beneï¬cial is its action uponthe stomach,liver 5 tone and healthy activity to these important C 465 you to gain new stores of vigour. vitalitv 2m IEAL 'mmc "Wasn't you he asked, sym- and heavy, your tongue furred, and you feel othing, vithout knowing what is really the all that is needed to restore you to health and vigour is a few doses of a reliable digestive tonic and stomachic rem- LIVER edy such as Mother Seigel's Syrup. Take it after each meal for a few MOVHER vity to these importént Ol‘gziné,va1‘nd by was of vigour, vitality and health. firms as much as the trial 5 per Bottle. His tones were so fearful, and he put so much emphasis on the last “Wait in here till I come back,†said the latter, in a thrilling whisper; “I’ve got something to show you. Don’t move, whatever happens.†George rose carefully from his seat, and lowering himself gingerly on board, crept on tiptoe to the gallery after the mate. “I want to speak to you,†said Fraser, mysteriously; “come down here.†“I knew it was a warning,†cominu- ed the vex‘acious George. “W’y ’e shouid come to me I don’t know. One thing is I think ’9 always ’ad a bit of a fancy for me.†“He ’ad,†said Joe; “everybody wot sees you loves you, George. They can’t help theirselves . †7 “And I ’ave ’ad them two ladies and bowelsâ€" 5015 The mate sat for some time after ~ tea striving to summon up sufficient courage for his journey to Poplar, and wondering whether it wouldn’t perhaps be better to communicate the neWS by letter. He even went so far as to get the writing materials ready, and then, remembering his promise to the skipper, put them away again and prepared for his visit.. The crew, who were on deck, eyed him stolidly as he departed, and Joe made a. remark to the cook, which that worthy drowned in a loud and troublesome cough. The Wheeler family were at home when he arrived, and recieved him with some surprise. Mrs. Wheeler, who was in her usual place on the sofa, shook hands with him in a. genteel fashion, and calling his atten? tion to a somewhat loudly attired young man of unpleasant appearance, who was making a late tea, introduced, him as her son Bob. ' “Is Miss Tyrell in?†inquired Fra- ser, shaking his head as Mr. Wheeler. dusted a small Wheeler off a chair] and offered it to him. I “She's upstairs," said Emma Wheel-l er; “shall I go up and fetch her?" ‘ “No, I’ll go up to her,†said the mate, quietly “I think I’d better see her alone. I've got rather bad news for her.†SUE “Not ing, “a “Porn feller," said Mrs. Wheeler when he had ï¬nished’ “Pore feller and cut down suddenly like that: I s’pose he ’adn’t made any prepara tion for it?†He ï¬xed his "eye;th ground, and, in a spasmodic fashion, made per- feet†by practice, recited the disaster. “About the captain?†inquired Mrs Wheeler, sharply. “Yes,†said Fraser, turning some what; red. “Very bad news." skipper, who invariably took to drink when his feelings were touched, of the death of a little nephew from whoop- ing-cough, and he was so moved over a picture he drew of the meeting of the two, that it took four men to get him off the schooner without violence. The best part of the day was spent in relating the sad end of Captain Fred Flower to various inquirers. The deceased gentleman was a popular fav~ orite, and clerks from the office and brother skippers came down in little knots to learn the full particulars, and to compare the accident with others in their experience. It reminded one skipper, who invariably took to drink The mate awoke next morning to ' a full sense of the unpleasant task be- fore him, and, after irritany giving - orders for the removal of the tarpaulin :' from the skylight a substitution of the . ingenious cook’s for the drawn blinds ashore, sat down to a solitary break- s fast and the composition of a telegram to Captain Barber. The ï¬rst, '-a beautiful piece of prose, of which the keyâ€"note was resignation, contained two shillings’ worth of sympathy and fourpenceâ€"halfpenny worth of religion. It was too expensive as it stood, and boiled down, he was surprised to ï¬nd that it became unfeeling to the’ verge} of flippancy. Ultimately he em- bodied it in a letter, which he pre- ceded by a telegram, breaking the sad news in as gentle a form as could be managed for one-and-three. the greeting, but, breathing heavily resumed his old seat on the post and; folding his arms across his panting bosom, looked down with majestic Scorn upon the schooner and all its contents. Long after the satisï¬ed mate had for- gotten the incident in sleep, he sat there striving to digest the insult of which he had been the victim, and to consider a painful and fitting retri- bution. “No,†replied Fraser; “there anything. I was only making : of you, George. Good-night!’ walked aft, and stood at the comp watching the outraged George came slowly out of the galley stared about him. “Good-night, George,†he tape The watchman made no rep “Good-night, Jack,†said Flower. “Don’t forget to look after Poppy.†“Good-night,†said the mate. “Write as soon as you’re fixed." He walked back leisurely to the schooner and stood in some perplexity, eyeing the galley which contained the devoted George. He stood for so long that his victim lost all patience, and, sliding back the door, peered out and discovered him. “Have you got it?" he asked, soft- “There’s no mystery,†said the mate, pushing him back again; “something I don’t want the crew to see, that’s all. You’re the only man I can trust.†He closed the. door and coughed, anda ï¬gure, which had been lurking on the companion-ladder, slipped hastily on deck and chambered noiselessly on to the jetty. The mate clambered up beside it, and hurrying with it to the gate helped it over, and with much satisfaction heard it alight on the oth-‘ er side. sentence, that the watchman burst hurriedly out of the galley. “I don’t like these mysteries," he said, plainly. a bit,†said the mate te unprepared." CHAPTER IX iump over after him?" Wheeler, softly. said the mate, ï¬rmly; only making : Good-night!†0d at the comp aged George : of the galley 2p, he sat h insult of m, and to art I, Isn't a fool ’ He >anion as he ant tin, M I“ “There’s that pore gal upstairs,†said Mrs. Wheeler, sorrowfully, “all innocent and ippy, probably expect- ing him to come to-night and take her out. Emma ’d better go up and break it to ‘er.†I “I will,†said Fraser, shortly. Y “Better to let a woman do it," said Mrs. Wheeler. “When our little Jemmy smashed his ï¬nger we sentl Emma down to break it to his fatheri and bring ’im ’ome. It was ever so long before she let you know the} truth, wasn't it, father?†. ‘ “Made me think all sorts of things with her mysteries,†said the dutiful Mr. Wheeler, in triumphant corrobora- tion. “First of all she made me think you was dead; then I thought you was all deadâ€"give me such a turn they ’ad to give me brandy to bring me round. When I found out it was only Jemmy’s vvuclcupvn muss Wheeler, who was fond of penny romancism, sighed and shook her head. Evhgreupon Miss Wheeler, who EVE 'ggag These conditions naturally are leading thoughtful, thrifty, patriotic‘Canadians to save leather just as much as possible by wearing rubbers, overshoes, high rubber boots and eavy farm rubbers. In addition to the ver substantial saving in cost, rubber foot- wear has ecided advantages for wet or cold weather around the farm or in the woods. The men like its warm, dry comfort under all conditions, and the women like the way it sheds the dirt instead of bring- ing it in to melt and track around the house. For the children, too, particularly if they are walking a long [way to school, rubbers and overshoes mean a great deal in warmth, comfort and protection against colds. V Rubber, too, is being used in enormous quanti- ties on account of the warâ€"one British manufacturer, for instance, is working on a rubber boot order for the army which will take 14,000,000 pounds of rubber, fabric and chemicals. But the supply, thanks to the great rubber plantations in Britain’s tropical Dom- inions, is easily keeping up with the demands, and raw rubber, despite a war tax of 7V;%, is actuall cheaper today than before the war. So, though the abric and chemicals used cost nearly double, rubber footwear has not gone up very much in price. and shout for “something to eatâ€, cut off generous slices of bread and spread When The Chilé‘gi‘en Rush In Frogn Schaoï¬y consequent shortage is keenly, fel’e hoyhthe‘ civilian who has to pay half as much again for his own and his family’s shoes, it is «even more serious for the Government, which must supply hundreds of thou- sands of soldiers. “Doing Without†Rubbers or Overshoes Is Simply Thoughtless Extravagance Rubber Supply Is Ampleâ€"a Leather Is Scarce and Very High Leather is being worn out faster today than ever before in the history of the world, while production is considerably less them ft fevy yeai‘s ago. While the Use Rubber To Save Leather 4% Is Needed In The War! FOR BREADS - CAKES S PUDDING?» - PASTRIES @W'NBRAE I famous “for hei' bakingâ€"maybe she Uses Five Roses. YOUR neighbour. famous for her 226 THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED M0NTR:AL,_ FCARDINAL, BRANTFORD. FORT W|LLIAM Thain Aquch . AWE-2,3; the ch“ 8. to by aid 6% dre lfl.’ m ‘3 daily tre‘ p their 11: “Yes, but I’m going to tell her,†re- joined the mate; "the skipper told me_ to.†Mrs. Wheeler’sâ€" dull eyes sharply. “She’s our 10ng said, aggressively. “You needn’t trouble,†said F1 slqwly; “I’m going to tell her.†from the sofa, regarded the speaker? with looks of tender admiration, andl the young man, after a lengthy glance in the. small pier-glass ornamented. with colored paper, which stood on the’ mantelpiece, walked to the door. “I'll go and tell her,†interrupted Mr. Bob Wheeler, delicately, using the inside edge of the table-cloth as a. serviette. ‘I can do it better than Emma can. What she wants is coma. farting; Emma would go and snlvel all over her.†ï¬nger joy I n a lot of good things‘ Mrs Wheeler, raising her head e sofa, regarded the speaker ks of tender admiration, and (To be Desserts a was nearly off my ’ed with eeler's dull eyes snapped “She’s our ledger,†she continued) . said Fraser,