OBlTUARY. I Ahmimm “ï¬nger, :1 l\vvtll-kll(l]‘s\:l\ l - -. .. . . g. . . owns ii ) at the l B l iiifli'iitliqghiiii ilii-‘il‘ai‘ iii: lfai i‘w lw‘s’illl‘llk‘i‘ \ ' V T H E . RE noar (‘ai-rvillo Sunday al‘toriumll. “H‘- _ h .. i .) 1 ill, 1916. Mr. “fingpr was born llt‘:ll' : _ Musmitel Raisins. ‘3 lb for 3.31 .. ( ars of food . . . . . , . . . . . ;...:. ‘ [havrwmv‘ “uphmnnd (u... Dov. ll. ; : ‘ Sealed liarsins. Z [ikgs for .. i I“i‘~'t‘ Iiosos Flour. per lliii. ..$lU .zl' i 1832. and “In†“flâ€, hi‘. munmgp‘ 10.5 ’- Se-t-ths's Raisins. pkg . .. .. . v)’ Purityv o,- bbl, .,_ ,., _,.. It) 30 ’ HIM-H] m “10,91â€, “mm? In. 1-H} mp†(ml Ullrrmlts' p“- “l', H I. U '1" l Tint-9.5:)Mr poi- bbl . 10 00 [he Hill Sniilrr honuutpad, \vlin'li latt‘r .1 (Nol. over- 3 lb to one unstiuinal - l , i ' 9 [0 loan)» into his pogo-«ion. For a nlllli-ll HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO New Dan’s, 2 pkgs .. .. .. .. .23l Best l astry . . . , . . . . , . . . . . I _r i in... of “mâ€. h†kppi ii... .1“... mm] putt, (‘rood Salmon. 2 tall tins flu .. 2.31 Bian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ml) “mm, “‘r 1.:(]m,]m."|milandwmhnuliu 1 Good pink Salmon. b -i tin .. .. 3]...“ Shorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 (ll) lii< [il‘lithpl- livnl,\..|,llilt Hâ€, \VPHKIMWH. Goml |.r‘li Salim-n, 31..., [in . “'34) “lute†“eâ€! ’ i i I . . I ‘ H 43 00 “MN. and JD“), will (m H“. “Mnâ€. (t. Best books“. Salmon. poi. tin Z). . . hi; {M iii. 1‘ mm,in hf Wm". “(in hf, Give- n: a trial ainl be “unincml thaI l _ bought (in. HM mum.) . plum: “HEP Advances to farmers are made above pl‘ittt-s nlt‘ hard to equal. Al mmxi-z 802 MAPLE innmmm “hm†I“, “Mm†up his. ‘ . ; ' f v. > 't ; e ‘( licih-d. \ . PLE ]* \KERY \Nl) (‘ROCERY \ ([9,me MK “11):â€. w“ H muâ€- K. PU“. . . 3h “.e U 3‘ m |)_ABIS|;TS;H I AA )[ t I i l-‘l‘fllllHlilli llll)'5i("|ll\'.illl'l';â€iâ€1ll}zpn‘ EST,D 1873 a 238 W' L’ ‘W ‘ orgy 1mm 1hr- midtlh- nt‘ ast Wintor _ ‘ GICVERAL MERCHANT “ ihp hid onjoyml :i liit‘llillli‘ of lllltlifl‘tlkll'ii R I C H M O N D H I L L B R A N C H i ' ll":|l[il. 14:1:‘ispi'lilg w «no: ). Him 1- Gormley ontarlo ‘ ml ad rim». and learan that his hunt, L- E- HAND, Managen Auaion Sales “"Nali'orlwl with Valvular troiiblo, ' r - »- ,5 â€"‘ W H if“ A audit was m iilvnt his days woro inim- _ - i)l'i't‘li. .\li'. \Vingwr was :in oarnnst Thmwhy' DW' Hâ€"me Mm i“ “n ('liristian man. and for 'nanv your; imiflwiï¬nr-L'H‘ “ in“ t'l"â€" "“3 "l"-- “l†lâ€"lâ€"!-\i “f [Vim li-id lH'PlI ‘l ininisli-r in lln- Birtliil'n e Director BEA V'1“".lliuu'h'iwul“MLâ€. [\mg. will“ l'l‘nnkmli'liui-r'li with \Vllit'l] lio Illiiit‘tl ‘2 y wan-secefljngs ’ â€" I - at i ‘icmck' 1;" “"5 11 "Hmth ' alu lit. 3‘.) roars ago. (‘liuirh of England 7 Son ice-s at ll “ ' I‘: Am _ .-.. . '.-‘».~ - A ' iv ‘ ' for home'omce “store. . ’1 I‘. . IlgH I1 “‘1 Hr \\.i~ Inn: inaiinil. III in twin .i.in. illldkl ['LHLI Holy (oiuinnnion +++++*+++++++++++é++++dfll+y . for newwork or rcmcdâ€" ‘1 was (illilil'l‘llit’. viriiiglitrr of tho into on tho lst hiii'tlay in tln- month 3 clinz. Quickly put up w . . V .. (~_ 1. ' , i [i _ Sainuol Snidoi': lil<\'i‘l‘1iilli \vifo who at 11 min. and on (villi-I Sundays :Ii/ 7 “mm†“"3" C°mf°rb “in.1:,‘:.f(iimlgj::;:il. [luv <urriros bin. was l‘ilizibolh. «laiightor H a.in. i‘llllti'ly Soliool :iinl Bibli- able, artistic and crackâ€" ~ ‘ proof. A51; US. ' L. INNES «V: SONS iirliinond Hill Ontario propm-lv of .l. H. Biillingor. Sale “l “W lHlP JWHIHHIH Bllkl‘ln “l†ll’i'fV" (‘lam at 3 o’r~lot;k_ at 1 o‘clock. ’l‘t'l'llls 11 months. .l. '1‘. it}: {l'll‘lllLlof‘xll to mourn tln- 1“53 " " [)l‘(‘\l)yit'l ian ('liuicli # Sorvives at 11 Nulgï¬llh 3lllt‘rl- "m ’ ‘ . ~. a.ni. and 7 pm. Sunday fir-lino] at 'l‘hofunoral shun-vs \vero hold at lus . _ V. ‘ I ) ' ‘ N ‘ V H late lioiin- on 'J’uvsilay nioining last, 3"“ PM)“ Mating “Wkll'li HP- , . Hill". Saturday, Dec. ltiâ€"Valuable proport)‘. and were largoly :ittrmlml. Ibo fli- D I If“ 3v 1'9"!" L'“"- 4v \Vhl‘Chm'Cl“ Gm“ "PH" WWW†“V†lâ€""‘"'l“"l ll," ““V- P- Roman Catholic Ubian â€"â€" Somme-s 0n frame house. six HH‘IIN. cellar full Elliott. :issislod by lliv‘follMViMI mini allornate Sundays at, 9 a.in. and ‘ size, some fruit treos. three arm-s of istvi s: l’. Strokloy. lsaat' Swalin and 10,30 a.ni. 5“â€+++m++++++1’4‘+""q“’*"‘++ hnd' Sill“ "I 2 l." lm"k‘ Toni†made ' 'I' \VV' Hmwm" I'ltminmm m “\e (4“ Methodist (‘llllii-liist’l \‘n-os at ll :i.in. known on day of sale. J. \V. Horse hep (,emptpryn ‘md 7 71m Sm (hv w‘hm’l ‘lt _) U†- - Bethesda '. -' ,' ' l '- ‘ ' and Isaac PeCk' ' (yenoral l rayor Moi-ling lh'irsday :_ r 7 4 r 7 evening. Tm‘gdnyv D9“ m:“â€â€˜;“ “Wk; i‘Tl‘ll“ + ++++++++*+++++ Epivorlh Imiguorth-ots owry Mon- . . . menu; rm. :1! M L. con. 1. x “I'i- +++++++++ ++ (la v :u 8 ).in. URIPPLED HORSE‘S' CATTLE lniin, tln- pinpoity of J. \\’. Realtv. 3 i AND HIDES BOUGHT Sale at 1 o‘clnt-k. 'I‘l'x'np; 1‘. months. i’i<‘I$iiv\t'if‘l'i:|ll \':I"ililig i;‘,‘()plt’t:>8Stltflt’iyâ€" _ n .. ' . . I ‘.‘:'; i. . J' H' PHHUCP' 'luLt' “'hers- do you shop? Read tho ads H 5 H i I y ml“ l“ l l m - V - ,, _ ._ . ._ . Village Council â€" Moots ewry 2nd in 'lhe Lib.i.il and learn “lith _\iill “vuhwsdny “f mun“.- Tuocday. Dor‘. lQâ€"Fil'twn arros stand- a, 1,: I “ï¬r; i h. and p :ï¬dmnlv' , w. ing timber, runsisting of hardwood “n ( I l P i l I if] Iiiâ€. Brigade # Mm.†1st Monday (.f Horses Shot and Removed d P l M P and pine. nw propPl‘ty “f Smurf? (-acli Month. Kennel an on try I eat urveyor \Iurmv 1m, 26 1-H†(You, 5. 'aug lâ€" H“; +4.44; +44% RPM"? LN†_ ' v ‘ ‘.‘ ‘ . . n . ' ' '~‘H‘ , +‘H‘- ‘ B: 1]’-;~i :er l.- ' -.~ iv FAIRBANK Phone \\ ESTON an. Sale at 1 ocloCK. [arms ll $le, vilif- l(( out 1) oi ( uh weak months. .1. '1‘. Saigeon. illllJl. Consignmf‘nts. Downsriew Station " Home (inardâ€" Moots ('\'t‘] y Iâ€: iday G. T. - . turning. I “ ed- DOP' 20HHPM 0f Wuw‘m a “UL (11.13)!)1 " g. :lt(Ԥ Public Library and flooding Ronni-â€" stoin Cnttlv. swine &(‘. lst 3. «mu (3. H ‘ v r Markhriimpropertyofflinning Bros. 39:; 1â€â€œâ€˜(1’0’ “lid hi‘l‘lld“) “6' l Salt-at l. Turnis‘ tt-u inonths‘. J. Ii. The Iihmwl li-iz' nâ€"ood clubbing . . . A i r ‘ - . e+++++++ ++~ +++++++- ++++++ †Hirhmond Lodgo. Ar. &.\..\i.ir.‘.loetsl v r r 1"‘J"li""“""“‘ rates with the principal daily and M 1. ' l ‘ f J weekly papers, and the popular mag ‘ “m “.V “II “1 whim lh‘e- lull mum. I I Thursday. Dec. 21â€"Farin stock, iinplr- azines. Why not subscribe. at The 11'“ (west L‘ngfl LOOKâ€"Meets 2nd men“, (’[Cu lot, 22. con. 2. Vangllimi Libeial Ofï¬ce for all Your papers at 51l|(l»LL[i'l‘iie<(lI-‘Yol't-aL-h month. 'm 1110 DI'OPFNY “fThnums (Vlin‘k' Side reduced rates. \Ve club with the Victoria L.O.L. 2368~Mouts itll \Vt‘tl-i needay of micli liitil‘itd. l - at one o'rlock. Tot-ms 10 months. . w w. - . . follownirr and can get you any paper J‘ 1' s‘ugflm' Alld‘ you Wis]: :_ Court Richmond. A.().i“.v.\lt-uts 4111 l ____w__,_a Fiiday. ‘ S- turda , Dec. 23â€"Forty head of fresh WITH DAILIES , . p _ , . , v . . - . ALL BRANCHEb OF THE TRADE “milk cst‘ Springers‘ethm sliney.s THF LIBERAL and Lgiéï¬thMeets 31d I‘lniisday oi mer ++**+++*¢+H+MM.§*++T+++ STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 ' Hotel, Scbmnberg. the property of ‘D .1, G] D Q 3 7, ' J. H. Bl'illingel‘. Sale "5 1 ‘)'¢100k~ I ai3 e ' '1' ' ' ° W J (lamp Elgin, S,0.S.â€"Morts 2nd and â€" Terms 10 months. J. K. McEwen, Baily I‘lxloillgnd meu‘e.- in. “redunduy aunt. 31 y 01‘ .......... t L.) SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING Daily Star , _ , _ , , _ , , , . _ 3 50 HORSES A SPECIALTY Daily News . 3 00l \Vednesdny. Dec. 27â€"Farm Stork. ini- . / â€"â€"_â€"’â€"- plements.otc.. thppioperty ol' Jolinl V V M V ‘ ‘ H l G E L A N D L A K E F A R M s PATRONAGE SOLICITED Cooper & Son. lot 15, rear (‘on. “‘ IT†“ ENHAin . ‘ _ AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Vaughan. near Vellurr- Sulr :II 1 . THE LIBERAL and Olivr For Sale at Altlat‘tn‘e PHCE‘S a Few ChOiLt'lY Blt‘ti Holsteins o'clock Terms 11 months. J. T. ‘ 11‘an‘il\' 11e1-ui(1& “Ruddy No. Iâ€"A yearling son of a ."H lbs. bull and a 24) lbs. 3 year-old piize-win- Saigoon.:1iict. Snâ€: 1)0 ning cow. No. Zâ€"An 8 months son of a 31 lbs. bull and a 16.21 lbs. 2-year old giand- F l. WUUDWARD. 1 Farmers Advocate . . . . . . 2 4O (immhul. “f H,†gym, King Spgis' 1 1 1 ll Canadian Farm . . . . . . 90 The (ltllIlS oi" those bulls aro in our foundation livid. and will be tested “'80le Sun . . U H . . _ . go again at nrxt fir-slung. \Vrite. phon or call toi printin pedigie-es. ' ' ' .‘ s . , .- \Vo also hare for Salt» a few females bred to our herd she KING SEC-IS WWW __ D1V1310n Court Canadian umnmman... a0 pom,“ “NADA. “YITH MAGAZINES FARM AT STOP 55. YUNHE ST. RADIAL The Next Sitting of DiVlSIOD Court IT . ‘ lib. LIBERAL and W i R | c H M 0 N B H I I. I. No. 3’ county“ lek’ Will beheld Ladies’ Home Journal. .. S2 90 R. . E. 1 Jefferson, Ont. in the ConrtRoom- lied Book 2 7:) McClures ....... 2 35 h-" Vi 7 7", ' i WW (5" “mi? 7 i a E‘lie Delinezitor W , .lunscy......... t l __i,_-..-__ â€"ON_ Quiver 2 50 ' J' ‘ . , H 3‘11); iv 7 T aw 1 T 1 ru 3 ‘7‘ v Tuesday, Jan. 9, 191/ E‘jmdl‘“ 1 “1‘5†“WW 1 ’0 “ HOIJthLIu AIV D hE l AIL FLOthl 00K your Harness over when \. 0rd and “ ol‘ks, With . hitching your horse and see , liick's Almanac. . . . 1 75 if there are any broken parts. if (:“lnnu‘ncmg (‘t 9-3†3-m- so. do not endanger your life driv- v , u - - . W? x w 1 w a . ‘ . mg with Harness which "(was W_ T F MMIAHUN H mm Vi litil icinitnng, addius (:RME‘I‘. HOUblus RILHMOIYD HILL Faking“ In the next 1.1.“... ASK I ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' T F M “h! } (IREENHUUSES AND Or‘r‘n‘n 102 RosnLAivx A\'E.. TORONTO YOURSELF \VHY at. nit-v net-(1 ' V ‘ “"3 these repairs '3 The: (lili-Slitin is w...-.._..___. .. -,.,, R I‘lbf‘tl‘fll Ofttce, soon answeredâ€"in nine cases out . ichmond Hill, Ont. ‘h‘f It?“ 3193’ “a IFH‘TU’I'Y lilind Flowers tastefully arranng for wrddings, funerals. etc. ac nne own. 'iy not (:a at l . .. x. - . ROBINSON‘S and buy Harnvss : for sale RM†“"9 (“‘“M‘O’.†. . . HAND SIHVN, whip!) will stand â€"F (Rush? a ‘ Phone Richmond Ilill, or nigth and build:in Belmont 989, buy the Tost of Timo,and giro the best i" 1 ‘ of satisfaction. Blankets, Robes - $10“.Q0 pt‘l‘ «‘ICH‘ â€""‘"“- llllll‘ll‘t'†_ Mitts. and evenqhing in [he notes (Ii-gilt“; gill?!“ l.In(l on lllP 2nd Saddlery line. Our Prices zue “""CPSS‘N‘ (l ‘ "l’kh‘m‘v “""VRi‘ll‘ Onlv one lot loft on (‘huri-h St 50 ft front bv ltjtl ft dor i - .- . . . mond Hill: iilll' brirk l * . l. 'g- ' ' ‘ I " ' i ' I 1' . Cit-V Pnu’s' (“11 “mi See "3' ' ' new hunk hm." “,iEh iizilï¬ï¬nguh‘lr A gravel road entrance to garago. Ornamental and fruit [1098. _rivi if “m [y hem] of SIM-k, (gm fmii“... ‘l 'llus is a rair rhoico to sururo a beautiful place fora new home particulars. This fat-in is a bai- g’iin and will be Sold. . i â€"â€". ' $8,001).th -â€" (mo hiinilri-d ari vs is the first essential to 111m - WI R. mil:ï¬f‘lï¬lxifï¬ilflxllkmt“; 01‘“ sanitary conditions and Sumo ('hoiu- lots on (‘huirli SL, Baker Ave. and Roseriow ' ' ~ ~ ' ‘5“ "*’ comfort in the. (‘otlilil‘\' »\\r him-ll (lixt‘tilllt f)!‘ ~- 11 (r $100 1" t l ’ ' YOVGE STREET RI .“MOXD HILL land. frame liouso and good out- ' . ‘ ‘ “ l ' 'i I l M“ ' l ‘ p†m cm“) ‘1'“ L ( buildings. The ounor of this ‘ home 0" 0“ 1‘ il‘l'm- [i11(‘(‘t(>ii\'t’ yearagit-oinmit. farm is prepared to sacriï¬cr in or- i _ â€"â€"-~ 7* - r r tiPl‘ to make a quick salo. r 1 21m prrpared to supply $5,500.00 â€" one hundrt-d acros. the, above. system in Citli(=1‘ A. J. H [J 3‘]: 134 Y‘c‘mtv “f B"Ll‘es‘l;‘: S‘X‘“’â€â€â€œâ€™d band electric motor or f ) RlCHMONI) tramo house. and bank barn, also ‘. I I\ F N C E “III ONT ï¬rst~class hog pens and llt’lllit‘l'y. gilsolmo- ' ' g ’ l 1' ‘ ‘ __.â€"._i â€"_ . A small Czlsll pa yinont roquirod, or I I would excliangv- for a good lioiiso All kind of plumbing done. NOTARY IIUBLIC in Richmond Hill, HOUSES ‘ Contracts taken for houses ‘M ‘ ' ’ ’ _77i7.___7... a _\ , V l i ‘ Y r Y Y Ilm’e‘fot' 5:119 svvoial now lioiis- new 01' old at, reasonable y COINVEXARCIING " es in Rivbniond Hill. lllHtiPl‘l] in prices ’ 7* M every detail. some of \\'iliLil can lw ' ' 7 ‘ . bought at right, piions. Set: my _ All ‘ _1_ ‘ t d Lime _ Hard 3†PlaSter cement MARRIISEEERLOIZIENSFS Eggs;:libefore you decnlo- “01 ‘ gnaw†ee ' Fire BrlCii Plaster Boards Sewm Pipe A 4 MOXEY T0 Um. 2 Plaster Paris Mortar Colors Weeping Tile ____' A. E. JOHN [11CK50N ‘ lite. _W Also Flour and Feed 0. o I. . CS".\"C . (i ‘,\‘" l - . Flohmond H111 mczi‘i‘fi‘dx‘n‘ .i‘nt bxr. Richmond Hill = Ont. J. & G. H. MCKENZIE, WILLOW-DALE, ONTARIO