...â€"- V i 9 Clean and-w : mFree from Dust . - ,_ I l l l l ,4 -‘ ‘ i Packets 0n! - Never in Bulk E212 .63». Sealed Blackâ€"Nuxedâ€" l atural Green _ in mud, WV!" , i l The Brides Name; Or, The Adventures of Captain Fraser CHAPTER IX.â€"(Cont’d). want to come here, and sent you to say A startled silence was broken by 1 50"" she began, with dignity. Mr. VVheelei's chair. which fell noisily} “He can't come," interrupted we “I mean," stainniered Fraser meet- ' mate, hastily, l ing the perturbed £320 0f the (“Ck-i “Did he send you to tell me?" she foreman, “that he told me once if any- asked. . I ‘l thing happened to hhh that 1 “’35 tvoi Fraser shook his head mourufully.) break the newslto MlSS Tyre“: ‘Eitlsï¬He can‘t come," he said, in a low been such a suoclcto me I hm ylvmcc; “lie had a bad footâ€"night be-. know what I’m sayingâ€. ,‘ fore last he was standing on the ship's‘ “Yes. you’ll go and frighten her,’ ‘side»â€"when he lost his lioldâ€"" i said Bob Wheeler, endeavoring to push } past him. :vously, “and fell overboard," ho con-i The mate blocked the doorway. :ciuded' { ‘fAl'e you gOihg to try t9 Prevent me: Poppy Tyrell gave a faint cry, and, gomg out Of a room In my ownispringing to her feet, st0od with her house?†blustered ’the y‘fulgg man- d ihand on the back of her chair regard: “0f COWSe not 531 1‘3591" an r ing him. “Poor follow" she said‘ giving way, asceiided the stairs be- soft1y;“p00r fellow." ’ ' fore him. Mr. Wheeler, junior, after} a moment’s. hESItatiOR. turned l3an I window and nervously plucked at thei 811d, muttermg threats under his leaves of a geranium. Her face was; breath. returned to the Pal‘hh" iwhite and her dark eyes pitiful and .NIdlSS Tyi'ellil, W113)??? 3:31;]: tender. Fraser, watching her, cursed; W1: 0W lea dngébsasing that he “ s hisfresoui‘ceful skipper and hated himâ€" en rance, an , " a 'a se . ‘ atone; Evindced atllltï¬lfnsurpï¬s; f “It: a terrible thing in; his‘ 5 00 _3h 3 W1 1 - . rien 5,†said Poppy, at lengl . I one thing necessary to complete his, “And for you," said Frasen respect: discomï¬ture, and he stood before herlfully. inna state of guilty confusmn. H 1 ol am very grieved," said poppy; t Cap 11 (flower COUIdh t come: he I quietly; “very shocked and very grievï¬ s ammere . ed_†The girl said nothing, but with herl “I have got Strong hopes that he? dark eyes ï¬red upon his flushed face ‘ may have got picked up,» said praser'i ‘Vï¬â€˜lteyd f‘h‘ h‘h‘ t0 commue- , icheerfully; “very strong hopes. I It’s, hls W‘Sfortune tha? heFOUId“ t threw him a life-belt, and thought we‘ come, “(manned Fraser: Jerklly‘ [got the boat out and pulled about, we “Business’ I suppose?" said the girl: 1‘ couldn’t ï¬nd either of them. I shouldn’t after another wait. d 9 “won’t You Sit . be at all surprised if he has been pick-i own . †' . ed up by some vessel outward bound. “Bad busmess,†replied Fraser. _ He I Stranger things have happened.†sat down, and fancxed he saw the way The girl shook her head. “You: clear before him. ‘ , . ,didn’t go overboard after him?†she ‘You ve left him on the Foam, Iiasked quietly. suppose?" said POPPY: seeing that She “I did not,†said the mate, who was “'85 eXPeCted to Speak- somewhat tired of this tactless quesr “No; farther back that that,†was‘tion; “I had to stand by the Ship, ihï¬l‘espo'nse- U . _ . and besides, he was a much better Seabl‘ldg‘e? queried the 211‘], W‘th swimmer than I amâ€"I did the best I an air of indifference. could.†Fraser regarded her With an ex' Miss Tyrell bowed her head in an- pression of studied sadness. “Not so swer, “yes,†she said, softly_ far baCk as that," he said, SOftly. “If there’s anything I can do,†said‘ Miss Tyrell manifested a slight rest-iFraser, awkwardly, “or be of use to: lessness. “Is it a sort of riddle?"|you in any way, I hope you’ll let me: she demanded. _ iknow~Flower told me you were all' “No, it's a tale,†replied Fraser, 11015 " alone, andâ€"†without a secret admiration of his un- He broke Off suddenly as he saw the suspected powers of breaking bad i‘girlis lips quiver, ‘ news “a tale with a bad ending †The girl misunderstood him. “ f’ you mean that Captain Flower doesn’t‘ He broke off and eyed the girl nerd 1 She sat down again by the open! “I was very fond‘ of my father," she said, in extenua. tion of this weakness. “I suppose you’ve got some rela-l tives?" said Fraser. The girl shook her head. “No cousins ?†said Fraser, staring. He had twenty-three himself. “I‘have some in New Zealand,†said Poppy, considering. “If I could, I think I should go out there.†“And give up your business here?" iinquired the mate, anxiously. “It gave me up,†said Poppy, with, ,a little tremulous laugh. “I had ai ‘week‘s pay instead of notice the day before yesterday. If you know any- body who wants a clerk who spells' g‘impatient‘ with a ‘y’ and is off-hand jwhen they are told of it, you might let me know." The mate stared at her blankly. '1 his was a far more serious case than Captain Flower's. “What are you going to do?†he asked. “Try for another berth,†was the re- ply. “But if you don‘t get it?" “I shall get it sooner or later," said, the girl. , “But suppose you don't get one for a long time?" suggested Fraser. "I must wait till I do," said the girl, quietly. "You soc,“ continued the mate twist- ,ing his hands, “it might be a long job, and Iâ€"AI was wonderingâ€"what you Icing Sugar For frosting cakes, mak- ing bonbons and other confections without cook- at your grocers. ‘ l-lb Cartons only ‘ Lautic r? would do in the meantime. I was is Packed at the fadNY in 2:3:nti‘el‘lng whether you could hold fIUSt'tlght cartons- You.“ “Hold out?" repeated Miss Tyrell, is the ï¬rst hand to touch it. iy oddly. "Whether you've got money," blurted the mate. Miss Tyrell turned upon him a face in which there was now 1101 ack of: enough 2 and 5-lb Cartons 10 and 20-lb Bags "-TheAIl-PurposeSugar†color. “That is my business." she Send united balltradr-mmk fora said ' FREECooklhmk ..'. y' y. . . ‘ Mine, too, said Fraser. gazmg Atlantic Sugar Reï¬neries Ltd. steadilv at the r tt' ‘- u ' - I‘owerBldg. Montreal 90 i ' p e y putlnt 0f m ldignation bofore him. “I was Flow- er's friend as well as his mate, and' vgraduolly slowing down as he collect- 1don't know what I am. ‘say lamb-like, and it was ’ ing-room into the forecastle. you are only a girl." The indigna- tion became impatience. “Little more than a child," he murmured scrutinis- ing her. I “I am quite big enough to mind my own business," said Poppy, reverting" to chilly politenessq “I wish you would promise mc you won‘t leave here or do anything until I have seen you again," said Fraser, who was anxious to consult his captain on this new phase of affairs. "Certainly not," said Miss Tyrellw rising and standing by her chair, “and thank you for calling,†Fraser rubbed his chin hclplcssly. “Thank you for calling," rcpcaled the girl, still standing. “That is telling me to go, I sup- pose?" said Fraser, looking at her frankly. "I wish I knew how to 1:.lk to you. thii I think of you licic all alone, wiihout friends and without cmploymcni. it seems wrong for me ‘ > more digestible. _ .. go and lcovc you here.†Miss Tyrcll guvc a faint pump :1‘ glanle anxiously iii the door. l’i'avm hesitated a moment, and then I‘OH‘ to his feet. “If I hour anything more. may I. come and tell you '3" ho asked. “Yes,†said Poppy. "or writv; perâ€" haps it would be be {or to wxifc; I might, not be at home. Good-bye.†The mate shook hands, and. blundcr' iiig down tho stairs, shouted good‘ night. to a scgincnt of the thclcr family visable till'OlTâ€â€˜ll the halfâ€"open door, and passed Olli into the street. He walked for some time l‘flpl'iiy. A 1n ed his thoughts. “Flowcr‘s a foox, he said, bitterly; "and as for me. I It's so long since I told the truth I forget what it's like, and I'd sooner tell lies in a church than tell them to her.†CHAPTER X. He looked expectedly on the cabin table for a letter upon his return to the ship, but was disappointed, and the only letter yielded by the post next morning came from Captain Barber. I was couched in terms of great reâ€" signation, and after bemoaning the un- fortunate skipper's untimely demise, in language of great strength, wound up with a little Scripture, and asked the mate to act as master and sail the schooner home. “You'll act as mate, Ben, to take her i-l‘ for something quite diffci'cnt. I'm just doing this till something botcr ,turns up. I ï¬nd it very difficult to ,‘be a gentleman at sea.†I The cook. with an eye on Joe, van- :‘tiii'ed on a gentle murmur of syin~ {p.‘ithy, and said that he had experienc- icd same thing. "1 ‘ad money." continued Mr. Grr-cn ,musingly, “and I run through it; then ,1 ’ad more money, and I ran through 3 that. " I “Ben,†said Joe, suddenly, "pass me ; over that boot 0' yours.†5 “‘ii'hat’ for?†inquired Ben, who had ijust taken it off. “To chuck at that swab there," said the indignant seaman. y 1 Ben passed it over without a word, 'and his irritated friend, taking care- ‘ful aim, launched it at Mr. Green and caught him on the side of the head with it. lieu of courage, he snatched it up and whole forecastle was punching some- body else’s head, while Tim. in a state his bunk. Victory, rendered cheap and easy by reason of the purblindness of the fran- Cakes-Puddings-Pa lin the ladder, and the couple Pain standing the latter in‘ returned it, and the next moment the, i of fearful joy, peered down on it from I 4L .' SLIIGE OUR puddings are palat- able. why use Five Roses ? Simply because you w a n 1; them more daintily porous, Five Roses puddings digest unconsciously every spoonful is a tasty source of vitalit'n and i'eqiicsliiig him to kcrp order wullwd away. A .3lii‘lll c luxikcn only Ly the gcncral limllliilil‘iK'IAKs' of the much gratiï¬ed 'l‘iin. (1 flowed his dcpai‘turv, although Lzuvï¬ilicr cutbrcak nearly oceurrcd ow- iiw: to ih; Wonk supplying raw meat for Mr. (izcsn's eye and refusing it for Joe‘s. It was the lack of considera- ti m :‘rl i‘rcling that affected Joe, not the want of the beef, that little dif- ficulty Ming easily surmounted by takâ€" irg Mr. Green‘s. The tumult was :jiisi bvzi'inning again, when it was arâ€" rested by the sound of angry voices :iliovo. Tim, followed by Joe, sprang with their heads at the opening listened 1with appreciative enjoyment to a wordy duel between Mrs. Tipping and daughter and the watchman. “Call me a liar, then,†I George, in bereaved accents. “I have,†said Mrs. Tipping. “Only you're so used to it you don’t notice it," remarked her daughter, scathingly. “I tell you he’s drownded,†said old said the ï¬ratchman, raising his voice; “if you don't Fraser. believe me go and ask Mr. He's skipper in his place tic cook, who was trying to persuade‘ now." Mr. Green to raise his face from the floor so that he could punch it for him, remained with Joe and Ben, who, in reply to the angry shouts of the skipâ€" back," said the new skipper, thrust- ing the letter in his pocket. “Aye, aye, sir,†said Ben, with a side glance at Joe, “but I’ll keep for’ard, if you don’t mind." “As you please,†said Fraser, star- ing. “And you’re master, I S'pose?" said Joe, turning to Fraser. Fraser, whose manner had already effected the little change rendered necessary by his promotion from mate to master, nodded curtly, and the crew, after another exchange of looks. Their beheaviour all day was docile, not to not until evening that the new skipper found it‘ necessary to enforce his authority. The exciting cause of the unpleasant- ness was Mr. William Green a slim, furtive-eyed young man, whom Fraser took on in the afternoon to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by Ben's promotion. He had not been on board half an hour before trouble arose from his attempt to introduce the manners of the draw- “Mr. Will-yum Green,†repeated Joe, when the new arrival had intro- duced himself; “well, you’ll be Bill ’ere.†“I don‘t see why, if I call you Mr. Smith, you shouldn’t call me Mr. Green," said the other. “Call me wot?†inquired Joe, stern- ly; “you let me ’ear you callin ’me mister anything, that’s all; you let me ’ear you." “I'm sure the cook ’ere don’t mind me callin’ 'im Mr. Fisher,†said the new seaman. “Cert'nly not,†said the gratiï¬ed cook; “only my name’s Disher.†. The new-comer apologised with an urbanity that rendered Joe and old Ben speechless. They gazed at each other in silent consternation, and then Ben rose. “We don’t want no mister ’ere,†he said, curtly, “an’ wot’s more, we won’t ' ’ave ’em That chap’s name’s Bob. but we calls ’im Slushy. If it’s good enough for us, it’s good enough for a ordinary seaman wot’s got an A. B. discharge by mistake. Let me ’car you call ’im Slushy. Go on, now.†“I‘ve no call to address ’im at all just now,†said Mr. Green, liftily. “You call ’im Slushy," roared Joe, advancing upon him; “call ’im Slushy till I tell you to stop." “Slushy,†said Mr. Green, sullenly, and avoiding the pained gaze of the cook; “Slushy, Slushy, Slushy, Slushy, 81 I, “That'll do, " said the cook, rising with a scowl. “You don‘t want to make a song abart it. " Joe, content with his victory, resum- ed his seat on the locker, and exchang-i ed a ‘reassuring glance with Ben; Mr. I Green. with a deprecatory glance at: l the cook, sat down and offered him pipe of tobacco. . “Been to sea long?" w. ok, accepting it. “th long," said the other, speaking very distinctly. “I was brought up inquired the I per from above, pointed silently to the combatants. Explanations, all dif- ferent and all ready to be sworn to if desired, ensued, and Fraser, after curt- ly reminding Ben of his new position (To be continued). H A Chemical Solution. Chemistry Professorâ€"~What hap- pens to gold when it is exposed to the air? Studcnt (after long reflection)â€"It’s stolen. _/ -;coon DIGESTION When your duo-don II Inky. weakness uld_ pain are certain and dim“ in invited. FOR At all Druthu. or director: recalon much u the smaller. A. J. l Mother deel'l 8m correct: and stimuth the diaeï¬ive Oman: and blninhes the m ailment: which arise from Indigestion. ' F0 R STOMACH ; AND LIVER , ' TROUBLE 1615 ’ rice, 50c. and $1.. The lure: bottle com-In- three time! i ' “’im; 3 Co. Linn-an. Gnu Street Wen Montreal. Wear Those Comfortable Old’ Shoes This Winter And Show Your Patriotism and Thrift â€"â€"Inexpensive Rubbers or Over- shoes Will Protect Your Feet The spectacular rise in leather prices has a sig- niï¬cance far beyond its painful effect on our personal expensesâ€"it is becoming a serious matter for the Government and our soldiers at the Front. The war is using up leather much faster than it is being produced. The rcscrvc, particularly highâ€"grade leather, is steadily diminishing. of If the soldiers are to have plenty for shoes and equipment, and if the Government is to be able to procure it at prices Within reason, c1v11ians must economize on it to the limit. a discredit, but an honor This is the reason well-worn shoes are no longer an evulcnce that the wearer puts patriotism before pridc, thrift before vanity. Fortunately the prevailing moderate prices of rubbers and overshocs make this practicable. In most cases they cost little more than before the war, and a very small expenditure for citlicr will protect the old shoes perfectly through the winter, keep the feet dry and comfortable, and guard the wcarcr’s health. Many are also following the sensible course of wearing rubber boots or “ rubbers and socks†for working around the stables, in the woods. or in the ï¬elds during the cold, wct weather. Not the least of their advantages is their cleanliness around the house. \Vcaring rubbers or ovcrshocs is oiic of the rare cases where virtue brings its own reward. for in addition to the very considerable liimicy saving, what is there that affords such solid comfort as a wellâ€" worn pair of shoes? Saving Shoe-Leather Is a Public Service as Well as a Private Economy