Eï¬léï¬Ã© a: Richmend Em. Annex FOR FURTHER TNFORMATION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE 8: C0,, Richmond Hill Norman Batty Sir James Crichton-Browne, M.D., D.S.C., of England has said : “ It cannot he too strongly insisted on, that for working people of all classes: ï¬sh is an economical source of the energy necessary to enable them to carry on their work.†“Halifax†and “Acadia†Cod are tasty and wholesome. Taken fresh from the water, they are carefully cleaned and washed, salted in pickle. and then washed again. before being skinned, boned and packed. The natural qualities are fully preserved. and every ounce reaches you as near as possible in possession of the properties they contained when taken from the ocean. "HALIFAX" SHREDDED COD, a package 10c "ACADIA†COD, l-lb and 2-lb pkgs 200 and 35c We also have Qualla Salmon at 15c a lb; Halibut at 200; Finnan Haddie at 15c; Digbys at 25c; and Fillets of Haddie and Siscoes at 180. Call and see these inexpensive healthful foods and get a free copy of the splendid recipe bookâ€"“ Fish and How to Cook It.†in Canada Made Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance Stock Taking This Week WALL PAPERS RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. every success throughout J! Fish .as..41399d is Recommended for its Easy Digestibility P. G. Savage & Son Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmunt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale an Easy Terms G. A. McDonald & Son We wish you Proï¬ts Most Who Serves Best†AVlNG SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are piepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. selfâ€"trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your‘room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . the year 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto Phone 18 For the Liberals to contest West Siuicoe where the normal Conserva- tive majority is anywhere up to one thousand, could not be looked upon as good politics. The same may be said of Northwest Toronto where a candidate has been nominated to oppose Mr. W. P. McPherson who has been selected for a position in the Ontario Cabinet, There is nothing dishonorable, however, in placing candidates in the ï¬eld where there are vacancies. Surely it cannot be expected that all the positions shall be given to Con- servatives. Where there are contests the addresses shouid be instructive, and not abusive. The party in power should not object to fair criticism. Some of the speeches in West Siincoe, on the Conservative side Were far from being fair or elevating. To raise the old cry of disloyalty or to try to show that the opponent is descended from German stock is both unfair and mischievous. Mr. Allan, Conservative, was on Monday elected in West Simcoe, over Mr. Scott, Liberal, by about: 600. Dmninion Government would encour- age the Pro-German element to still hope that the name of Lhe city may sometime be changed to Berlin. \Vm. D. Luwrie, for 20 yvnrs cure- Laker of the York Guuntv buildings, Toronto. died last Friday, aged 67 years. Mr. Lawrie formerly xesided in Newman ken. RICHMOND HILL. ONT., JAN. 18. 1917 ere-(l that Mr. Blundln, the new Post- masterlleneral, ll;:s taken a back- ward step. After the name was changed to Kitchener. Mr. Cosgl'ain, the late Pestmaster-General, ordered that all letters addressed to " lerlin, Ont.†should be sent to the Dead Letler Ofï¬ce, to be returned to the senders. This seemed reasonable as the former name had ceased to exist. At the municipal election in January, the mayor and most of the aldermeir elect of that city, bore German names, or were of German parentage. That need not be looked upon as a crime, as we are not responsible for our name or place of birth. After the,election, Mayor Gross and several of the aldermen publicly stated that it would be their aim to draw the people together, and {’vork for the peace and harmony of the city and community. Mayor Gross, as reported in the Toronto Daily News. stated that “it would be his ambition to treat all citizens fairly, to cultivate genuine good will and unity, and to work that the city might do its lull share towards every need in defence of the British Empire." The Mayor and Alder- Empire." The Mayor and Alder- men also stated at their ï¬rst meeting that no proposal to change the city’s name would be entertained. In the face of all that has taken place it seems unfortunate that Lhe The excollencp of constructiun ensures lusting sasisfamiun: the quality of nimmings, linings and cloth will meet the most exâ€" acting tastes. In any (-umpzmy ;\ man wearing [his clothing has a feeling nf Subtle superiority (tum‘eyed by the pk‘lfeci. ï¬t, uf :L suit or over- coat moulded fur his ï¬gure (mly. In by Lh? Huusé of Hubherlin :ll'l? made in give (hi: wearer a sense of bOCiill distinction. Gents’ Furnishing Store mm’s {Helms made E0 ‘ measuré LET CRITICISM BE FAIR ordering that letters addressed Berlin, Ont.†shall be delivered iac‘lencz‘, it is generally consid- NORMAN J. GLASS & BACKWARD MOVE The Richmond Hill Exchlsxve Agents Huhberhu Tailoring Yonge St. at The Liberal? Elmbank Farm, Headford, Ontario: 4* + +++++++++é++++++++++++++ +++++++++¢++++++++++W9 Get your Books} AUCTION Fema!es MONEY T0 LOAN. 11. A. ‘ 'icholl-s‘ REAL ESTATE Iâ€()I{ SALIng \V. SI LV' Ii RS I DES. STOUFI-‘V I LI Al't‘TlUNEER 100 acres on 2nd Gun. Mal-k- ham, hri'k hnnse, new ham, and other ï¬lst-clznss uutlmild. ings. Ono half-now. with nenlly new fmme house, eight mums, furnace. eta. large outbuild- ings. good mallard. my,â€- church and schnnl. on (he 41h concession of Mmkhnm. An improved tlu-eomcrr- Int. m1 Mill Street. Richmond Hill. at a reasonnhln ï¬gure. laid out. Lr-t has dnublp frnnt- age on Richmond and (lentl'v Sisâ€. in Village. Pussessinn 21L nnce. Solid bxick house rm Chum-h stl'th. south Immedilte pm- session. Ahurgnin. g®9©®ï¬gg®fl®é§®®®$®®@§€@®g 33 It’s Dangerous to Critic g A tidy little home on Rich- 1nondSt.. a short distance from Yunge. A nice spot fm' pvr- snn with model-Me means. Seven rmums. gnud eellur. hnzd and soft, water. Price vnsy. Nearly new brick house. hon house, with (me ach of land. nice mchm-d. grounds neatly Snmv ‘K‘Hlltiflll building lots nn Richmond and \Vright sts. \Vm-th the nmey. 9 @9®@§1§@©®$Q@6©5Q§®GQ§Q@ 25 Wednesday, February 7, 1917 EN!) YuL‘R NAME FUR with cheap, unreliable drugs. dOn’t keep that kind, backed by more than a quarter of a century's experience, is behind every ounce of drugs we sell. ' are pure, refreshing and reliable. Use them for Winter’s Wind and Summer's Sunâ€"you will appreciate the diï¬erence. ' Canadian Northern All the Way Three Superb Trains Leave Richmond Hill Each Week Canada’s own Winter resorts and spend your money at Home. Get full particulars, through tickets and reserva- [inns fmm 0. Handy, Station Agent, or write R. L. Fairhnhn. Gpneral Passenger Agent 68 King Street East. Toronto, Ont. Our CONN Creams and Powders PURE BREE SHORTHDRN S Average Sunshine 51-2 Hours Daily Sloan’s Drug Store Our Reputation in Victoria or Vancouver, B.C. ESCAPE THE FROST 0N 4.73 Elgin Mills, Ont. Splmudid list of Hardy CANADIAN GROWN Fruit and Onmmentai Stock including McIntosh Red Apple St. Regis Everbearing RaSpberry TORONTO New Illustrated Wesiey Chatterley A t CAN Al )A'S GREATEST NU RSERIES 3'1"":sz pling 1917 Planting List now ready‘ Representative Wanted once f0) Stu rt nnw STONE 5: WELLINGTON All branches of the strictly attended to horses :1 specin lty age solicited 21nd satisf cion guaranteed ing lame and interferi General Blacksmith XTA LOGUI and many other lenders. Wesley Chatterley Th9 F‘nnthill Nurse! ies (Established1837) y! ‘3; 796mm \Stmted Catalogue sent on application. now at hpsL selling tinw. Liheml Proposition. RICHMOND HILL and District for THUS '1‘!) W e ‘al. “Tim-nun. round ONTARIO 5. T H OMSON: RUPRIETOR ’a Crew Bulls trade shoe~ ing a c-