A large stock of Funeral Furnish n3 Kept at. the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers & Embalmers. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Tel. M. 3631' ,, _._ - - v.- w L lClU Barristers. Solictors. 810 NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Frank_l)9utnn, K. C. Danton†Grover &A Field Rnrmetmm Qï¬n“ PIANO TUNING LICENSED AUCTIONEER: For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARAN’I'EEL. LASKAY P. 0, ONTM i+++++++++++++ P++++MH-++ Where do you shop? Read the ads in The Lilwml and learn where yuu can deal proï¬tably and conï¬dently. . Cameron ngNaughton thud»-.. a-‘:-u_, Barrister, Solicitor, Nah}. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. T01: DAILY_S;I‘AR BLDG.. l8 ++++++++++++$+++++++++++++ Phone Phone or mail messages __ attended to. Pm .-- “Ha. VETERINARYâ€"SURGEON 'l‘hornhil]. Gulls by phune m‘ otherwise pron: rpspunded to JQHMNï¬.‘ CAMPBELL JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFOR'D AVE. WEST '1‘ Phone Junction ’72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. ORONTO Naughtun Block Telephone Main 3176 Licensed Auctioneer for the ( York. Sales attended to un notice, and at reasonable rate Patronage solicited 30K): John Irwin Grover Ethel ("Bl-us Rapmred AT THE LIBERAL3PRINI‘IN3 8c PUBLISHING RICHMOND HILL, ONT. I. . Naughton BARR$TER SOLHHTOR NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yunge 85 Calhoun! SL5. TORONTO is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING F. MCMAHON, “hp-Ex“ L 7 . T. SAIGE; I‘Iaple OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ki ng‘, ()nt. No. 23. ill] 0 and V0 lee ‘6 net, solicitor. Notary, Etc. Eâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO ' STAR BLDG..18 KING STREET W’EST: VOL. XXXIX BUSINESS CARDS in per annum, in adv . PINKERTON. V.S Arthur A. mall messages promptly 1 to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL EDITOR & PUBLISHER @1113 gibeml TEACHER OF 9avidson , Aurora, Thursdays E xpart \Vm'k‘ Malcdmm Id Harry I). A 1' [hr‘ Ununty of to (In shortest le rates. ONTARIO promptly Anger Residence Mail) 44.4 (.i HOLT D E rance. NV“. uglI\/llr|b; careful :xltent-iun; mudeth mtvs: best results. Dmuund for our grud- uates is far in excess of uur supply. Enter now. Catalogue free. 734 Yonge St. “K J. Elliott Yonge & Charles Sts. Principal uu'unLO UunServatol-y Of Music Organist; and Chuimmsu’r St. Paul's Presbyterian Cbmch. Toronto V Conductor York Chm-n! Socie.‘_ \Vil! accept a limith number nf pupils at his Hume studio, Richumnd Hill V l (PUPIL 0F mss H. SHE VOCAL INSTRUU’. Pupils prepared for examin Studio. Tor-mm;Conservatory Richmond Hill on Mnndn) Tueadny uf Each “ ' Ynnge and Chm le-s 81s.. annntu Shurlhnnd, Typewniting. Bunk- kt-Pping. Banking. Higher Ac- counting. Cm~re<p4mdrncm Pen- manship. Spwlling. Ofï¬ce Ruutine. BusinMs FUI'IIR. (hvmmmvinl Al‘- ithrnelicLBusiness Law. )ivil SH" vice eta, taught, quickly and cur- recth'. Experienced teachers: Residence address Victoria Sqllnl'e ESTELLE CCMM’SSIONER. (‘ONYEY Real Estate and In Safe, Su‘re and Quick R(;u_te Teacher of Piano-Playing TUI‘UIILO Conservatory uf Rio Money 'l'm'untn Ofï¬co, Ric 33 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill @130). everv Tin-rm BA RR lsTER, to .1 good pneition Ban‘lstel 5 Money to Loan on a ow Aurornomceâ€"Rerro 0'10 door w†Ontario Bank Newmarket omce._g Dostoflice T HEBRERTLENNOX Ofï¬ce located in Stundn ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 CROW'NS AND Hnn. Graduate Roy Dental Surgeons. Tor-m Richmond Hill evprv Commissioner, C Insurance, am Issuer of Mam-r Mapieg Tï¬m-sda VVnud bridge, 8‘ LICENSED AUU FOR THE ('nnrwnv RICHMOND HIL 1.1 ARI}; NEWTON 591/2489 MAM THE (‘()UN"Y 0F Y hair/meme and inï¬nem respectfully solicited PAPERHANGER GRAINER. ETC, BOX 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1834 50 Loan at pour: on andanuchan el mortgagesa owest rates Phone 71;“ PLANIST . LASHER - La. Verne mum, L‘nnveyancer mce, and Real Esta! of Marriage License d Hill 'Ot‘ï¬Ã©e FY Thursday f( kn...) _ -. SOLICITOR‘ H. ETHEL SHEPHERD) N S 'I‘ R U U T I O N a nun-Playing at the r- VI 5 and Sollcllol's Aurora. ay aftérnnon. Saturday furenoon n at Current R; BRIDGES Three doors south m \‘ KY 4 N"ER. ETC. and Insurance examinatiuns t'wmry of Music Monday and mh \Veek. ‘AINTER P. 0.;1ddross Gun-Inlay. R. R. 2 cvm'y Tl Friduv influence Royal College of Toronto. will be at EVPI'y Tuesday and n ‘ ‘ In Essentials, Unity; 0R, NOTARY ETC hnmnd Buildings. est. TKONEER via the ORTON PU Es tate Licenses. HILL S A SPECIALTY md Bank Build. fm‘enoun V MORGAN YORK > old has: cam entrance to the .m. to 51).")- Pattison tel/C Lilwral' of he ,:l [.98 You [Might us to I'M: little wm k well dune is the golden dreams of g remain only «Irmums. In express nnr wgret at and In cnnrvy to ym nlu- nppxevintim: of y hy asking you In my: 41 12 Nut, nniy in tho- Public Suhnni haw yuu lweu (mi-kind and faithful in- structress, hut. also in the Sunday Scimnl quite a number (If us have hmmï¬ttod from your wise (munsels. There you impressed upon 11: that, if WC neglect. the small duties of llft‘ “'9 shall miss the inrgv uppmtunitiï¬s. Nt‘ilhf'l' Gnd nnr mun will put, u gwut t‘mnmissinn into the hamk nf Hm MIA Nut, nnly in tho- yuu lweu our HI structress, but a Schnnl quite a n hmmï¬ttod from 1 There you illle‘S “'(f neglectlhe sm shall miss the I: Neilhf'l' Gnd nm- n Lr'lrbllllg wuen (llscussml with yuu.‘ Though We did nut always “ppm:- grateful when the wall (hiss-wed i'ehiike- was furthcmning. still wo- have read in 1h? “Goad Bunk" that, “tn spare the l't‘d is tn spoil {hp child" and : who dares to critic-hm1 thnt? Erm- hnve you taught us along with our sch-ml \vm k to hwdiligenb and upright. and WIN) that lesson well learned we knuw w» are well (*quippe-d fur thr‘ baffle (If life. During the past fll hn \‘e luhmn-Hl among of tmchmy wv have studies. which. t1 distasts-ful in Hymns Wrestng when disc Though we did nu‘ Sigurd on lwlmlf of the To Miss Tx-Mvin. Travher: \VP. your pnpik, Miss Turn to express [tn-night in the pre your friends, cm- dvep I'Pgl'i’t departure from our midst :Is and friend. THORNHILL Plumbers and Steamfitters To M ~ented her with :1 [’4 Set and the t'nHuwi close uf :u) entml; Lht-u). years experince in heating and sanitatmn. a. a. No. Ore-gum excwdinglv that Miss' Ti-vu'in, whu has J‘evn {mu-Im- hm-e fur the last four years. ft 01s thul sht‘ Would like tn teach in Tmmntn. All rvaline what the shctinn )5 hisng whvu Miss 'J‘rewiu lenvvï¬. 1n hm- untmmte pupils she [us he?!) must succesdnl; never Inning had Ulll' fail. Prim' I4) hPl‘ [waving hm- “IInHD “- Mr. Hf’l'hi’l‘t Sundm‘snn has pmct work in Toronto \vhm-v he lem during lhg- week returning hem Saturday nights. i A vvrv succmsfnl Sunday S (‘rnnvemiun was hc-ld in this plan Thursday and Friday. Eqpeciully was the attendance Fridav after and awning. The interesting 993 were ahly assisted by the Vic Squat e Orchestra. It has hoen rumoured that Orchestra are contemplating gi us an entertainment about E nstex- Mr. Everett \Vatsnn has been guest of Mr. Lorne Pei-kins for last, week. Mr. R. Rutcliï¬â€™e and his mother tea with Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. Nit ml Friday, Many yuung men are taking nil-3:11;. mgr- (If llw Agricultural Course: givvn m, Uninnville this year under the in- struction hf \Iv. J. Slecklc-y. :l gradnutï¬ nf lhl- 0. A. (l. Guelph. Mr. Hut-man Mnrtsun and Mr. Hanev Collard m'v among the lucky number. Aung others that haw? (-ume tn \‘i<it frivmh hen- fmm the \Vest :ll't‘ Misc Flnrencu Agar, and Mrs. Alice MuNuir. Lung. Snsk. At present they are visiting their sister Mrs. J. Mm-lsnn. pl’lle was won by Miss Susie Julian, \Vondlnidgv. R. R. No. 2. Bull) hf thew girls :u-p tn be congratulated on their way excellent win. \‘us \Vun h) Uninm-illu I! " '9 \\‘( cmnsu nf t} Science at Guelph. wdu was wnn h uttered a. series uf ptizes. The winner 0f the first prize at each [UCHI fair Was eligible to compete for a Pl'UVinCidl prize. The hrde was sent, to Miss Purdy nf the 0. A. 0.. who acts-«l as iung. Thpre were twenty-nine Pn- \'inci:tl ptizes and girls from York Ummty succeeded in wining two of these. The second prize which is .1 0011159 of three months in Domestic Science at Macdnnnld Institute. Guelph. valued at Seventy-ï¬ve Dnilut's :vus wun by Miss Rim". 0. Lunmu . ONT.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 535 In connection with the Fairs held throughout 0 the F:le unvdr-r the din Dvpnrtvmenr of Agricultm hp†Flnur Mills 00., 0f V nï¬ered a series uf p1 izes. of the first prize at each! eligible to cmnpetc for prize. The hrde was s Purdy nf the 0. A. 0.. x judge. lere were twen vincial plizes and girls ESTIMATES GIVEN. 18 13 Winners in r ROBINSON CO,J but also in [h te a number of from your wise ilupross‘ed upon mama or zip-at, deeds that «lrpnms. Again we wish I‘ wgret at your departuro FY to you some idea of VICTORIA SQUARE Vuw...“ uu all unvdqrfirfvmwdirection ut‘ in Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- in successful Sunday Schmvl In was hvld in this place last and Fridnv Ewpeciully large Human...†i ‘ I dune is fair,- l;&;lf;l~ th; ams of gumâ€, deeds th pnst four years that, vnu ann-ng us In the capncit y ‘ have progressed in our lb :1 Pvrsiun Hal-y Tdilvt {'nHuwing address at [he entmluimnvnt gix'vn by 'h. through S!!!)It-UHH-‘S thmuselves bpcume in- †discussml with you. . > ‘ . exuellenl win. . "J "“h‘ endnnce Fridav aflernunn . The interesting session; assisted by the Victoria t h 9 112111ds'r1;{ [Vilehi‘d I; mat-r the direction uf Lh‘e- ‘I' of Agricultnw. 1h? Camp- Mllls (Em, Aof \Ve-st, Tm'nnln. hens that havp (mine in hen- frmn the \Vest an- H Agar, and Mrs. Alice f, Snsk. At present they their sister Mrs. J. ‘A ku Lorne Perkins fur Bread-Making Cnmpetitlon im York County. YUHI' kinduneees ‘cept this TUNPL memhpr that; ,he School HMZP] Buvntnn May Meek. 'I‘J'I‘win, wi<h Pr that a with-r than mother bud . F. Rich/5 ity-ï¬ve Dnllm-s rm. 0. meu. and the twnh b E (Stél'. as been Ontm-iu duriv‘ng he- lenmins IS pl" seuce of HE ynul‘ teacher Rural School t, o 0 our ving the (Ill 77777 J ,_V r 77: l I ALSO HANDLE THE Newmarket Granite Works} ca'nada P3323301 ceme“ G_ w, LUESBY ? Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Rad may Pram! Dealer and importer of I kick. Foreign an i Domestic ‘We have the 12,1... 6% W. aunuu‘ ~ ~ - - ' 9" Special nttmntiun given 10 sul Pvery (Io-scriptinn. Farms and stark sales n specialtv. Ful‘llls in and said on commission. AH Sal.- tendc-d In on Shld'lb’sl llhliv». :mtl dun-Led by the must :npprnvml mm} DJ‘ H .. . ‘ LICENSED AL'UTIONEERS Full (‘UUNTY U)“ YORK AND nx'm J. H. PRENTIC'I Phr was (-hwu-d “\vmr 2t mnjurity (.f nvm ISM] 19,750 Mn last Sunday In Nth MI. \V, I), (le. Mm-Dnnnltl wusinslunll)‘ kiflrt‘, and sb-\‘e)‘:xl thls l-udly hmt Sllndn)‘ evening almut 9 “I hole, at, [he Uuiuu Scarinn. Tumult". whvu vngnm 215. G. T. IL. harks-d up and run in!“ :I cmwd uhiuh had gnfhvwd H'l thn [ruck “nun-hingth [Imuutm-e-ufm‘er- Slâ€"‘fli de-lm-lnm-nls. '1 1m 6* lininan wew M, «vuru urn->101]. (-hulgml uilh nllllilJlllzhlt'l'. Dealer and importer 01 Foreign ani Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cut to order til-mlngv snliuitrd 2). Box 436 The Snaier dnnuuzd $14M)†tn shy \me-n’s Institute nf King for {ml (‘r'uss purptme-s. ul<n $10.0†In {hr {rd (‘rlN‘ Society :11 M uplw. Thu {\s‘s’nl'iri- Linn purpnse putting fHHh ('W‘I'V emu c tnmukt-lint-1917mlnlch Ihl' mm: sin-- cessfnl L‘VH’. l'rvumu'vr (III :(L'cnunt (If circmustunces (H'Pl‘ Whit-h he has no mmh'uf. Th:- Ax‘snriuliun m‘l'c-pto-I] 1:5 reluctantly. tor. s I-vsignnlion He stili renmins :l (l 198 \andhridge: berg; J. R. \ViL-nn. L 1- Boyd, Twupm-n C mwrun, M pm-uncevillv; \Vm. 'l hill: H ..... .....F‘. [\IVA- Hun-y uplr’: W. irry ngge. Je K/il (E-Iffry. E \‘nndhlidgr [we-Vina: .L J. \ans. ‘. (Tluhine. ' ffvrsnn. Mr. Georg" Transâ€! 01' of Hutu T. H. 0‘ )IL‘ King; Kin: Billliul Sr cars and (limulmw fur the mm!)ng y»: l’rvsilanLâ€"H. E. 1<L Vicv-‘Prr-s. â€" Ril'hmnml Hill. 2 H1 Vice-Pr“. ’I‘ 'l‘H-n.~‘.~â€"-Ar('hip 1‘ Thl- annual "wrung (.f the King and Vaughan Brnm'h t f Ihv ()ntmin Plow- nu-n's Aum-intiun was hvld at lhe L\1:Iplvl.eufflutvl. anlv, on Friday, the 19th inst. 'I‘m- Treasurm-‘s' Imuks shmvml [hr- Sll'il‘ty In he in n gm-(I ï¬nancial p‘nsiliuu. 'I'Su- fullnwing t-f’ï¬- ll? ,_ ._. . .;||x\l‘. llllll PlleUVt‘d [fun making application tn Ihe Inspector ['1‘ Public Librarivs for n Tr.l\'PHim: Library in under Ln pl'n\'idP fur 3U nr HI vullnm's nf modem lite!“- mrp fur [him- Innnlln while the new organizntmn grist things moving and new hunks hunght. The 1:! of Feln nary is [0 sec the hunks buck in tlw vpry hman of the \ illnge WhPl'P in 19†HI" .lssnt-ialtiun mm, with 0119 of its best yen-«rs. The Library will in» upvn fur the PXt‘hzlngo of hmka Sulmduy :nlrrnnnn Feb. 3. and :«ftvr that “.1 Tuesday and Saturday (Awnings irvm 7 30 [0 S); also Saturdny :lr'lwrm mm fllvlll 2 to 5. All subscribers :Irv rv qrwstvd to give a. hearty suppm-t. Nvu‘yâ€"J , thjlny‘s ,1 - .... .nwuu AIIIIU\\HI when the anmving ofï¬ce†were up- pnintvd : .1. Newton. President; Gm). Bn's‘anquet, Sea-Tren‘ and Librarian, TheI Brand mudv arrangements In lease fnl‘nne Von: thn old drug arm-e- directly north 0f the hntPl Sin-(‘4 :InI] m-ing. Laura A meeting of the suhecrihpl': was held in the Mumnic Haâ€. Maplv. In the ewninguf January 17. “ht-n lie follmving Emwdnf Mnnngvmvnt, Wm elected : J. Newton. Rev. H. S. an- Rum» Maple Public Ixnuut, tendered hi»: eggp. 'l‘mnpm-nnw =naltl. anlv: J. \V. ‘. \Vpldrick. anlp; his. McLoan. {iuh “"vlls. King; Alvxl meeting of the )It:I’l)vr.~;:m. C pvm 3112041â€- \Vtwf (ion. annnqï¬ei Richardson, Luv (If mm] .|! y ivml in J‘: and more is \vnnlvd ‘ectm' hf Public Lihl'arivs for a '12 Libra-Hy in order Ln pl‘tn'idP HI vulnmrsnf modem lite-m- lhn'v mnnlhs while the new --Pr9~'. T. MCMIn'vh)‘. King. AH'IHP McUullum. King. . T. Snigmvn Muplv. ‘â€"U. E. \Vulkingmn. Kins: Plcwmen’s Meeting News Notes all things gge, Jeffvrstrn. [.mvsmn. whn h the Assmziutiun amule Good Bran and Shorts in l’.(). 1 :17 1...I.mmm-, StOCk' Alfu'rloxbzmzs j A 290‘“ SEPPIY 0f ymm‘ AND ux'mmn‘ PURITY AND } ASTRY FLOUR VWII 'urnntn on his resiglmlinn as unt' uf circumstances Residence Phone 183 the hotel SEQ-d“. and :Iking application to “use, King. Stanley Tyndall. Library Association Thv fullmvingxï¬i-r \ww- duly Hunted T. E. BOYNTON l‘an'lWiHe‘; \\'m. I. \V. Mt-(‘ullmm :Iplv; G. l.-:\\'~‘un, {iuhmuml Hi“: Alvx. Cilllll'l'hll. net. Dr. Rt‘uH-‘y gaunt Oliver, Jm on Mnmhy Inuit»! \‘ntirv. v Lilmml, by s Charity.†Hoard fullmu nmntn [arm IughL IS lum‘n fur 28 (Will . '1 rm Th1 urn hum- 19H Scranï¬on Eardbéii. and Kennel-0:31 “None batter" Order mw ALI. AT BEARDNABLE PRICE-‘9 always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. J. H. SANDERSON. V‘ REAL ESTATE In Mnrhl m-Gmnlrv. was: ma he charges. Tu W n \Vl ite. R )6.“ ID Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. i. E. REFER Liuvnsed Audit-nears h the Uruntws nt Ymrk, P. Putttc Attention will resuwa his (-|: Hill on \Vvdne-sdn Flu [mum and P. 25 Albany Av: Monuments. M r. RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. Tombstone Lettering (Assucinte 0le1? lily"! C Mnsiv, Lundnn. Eng] HOUSE PA 1N TER Ir. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN \Vill 1:0 in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September I. 1916 Add r955: N Yonge St. )ENCE. RICHMOND HILL __- _v-.l.Ԥ ‘tduarr‘ Tm-(mtn ()0!!ng of Music in KINDERGARTEN Ml'srr: . HEWISON ~AGENCY 4. 3 III [{iCllnlOHdVi'i-i†:1 nd A†inflnmutinn {1 Mrs. W. AIWJONES. thw 67 \Vestun MANAGE? m-Gmnltv. Gtmd wmk [Single copies, 3 cts 23 Buchanan St Markers and (Turner Pnsts. his classes at R d Particulars apply Avvnue, Tux-unto sd :1 y urdpimo 7‘. H. Echlin {ill and Thornhill Minn furnished -s at Richmond Septmnln-r 13th w Tux-unto and ’eel and Simcoe England}. 1- Building 01 Country THORNHILL fullfgc of ’ulont No. 29 'umnto