NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS '30 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Frank Demon, K. G. John_Irwin Grover . Arthur A. Mucdonnld liau-ry D. Anger 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge & Colbm-ne SL8. TORONTO Naughum Block, Aurora. Thursdays Telephone Residence Main 3176 Main 44.4 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. 0, ONTARIO Phone or mnil messages promptly 3.; attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Tel. M. 3631' AT THE LIBERALPPRINI‘ING 36 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. DentgnLGroyer &_ Field 200 BERESFORD AVE. W EST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respvmded to. \Vhere do you shop? Read the ads in The Liberal and learn where you can deal proficabhv and confidently. PIANO TUNING J. H. Naughton All mail orders will receive prompt attention. LS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. King, ()nt. Phone No.23. RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND‘ UNIONVILLE J. '1‘. SAIGEON Ethel E. Dover L. T. C. M. Piano and ‘Toice Licensed Auctiuneer for the Uuunty of York. Sales attended to nn shortest not-ice, and at, reasonable rates. Patronage solicited ++++++++H+++++++++H+H+4 A. gamerqq “MagNaughton +++++++++++++H+++++++++++ A large stock nf Funeral Furnish xepb at the above places Undo-makers a: Enlhnlmors. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. BARRI‘STER SOLICITOR N UTARY OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST: $1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XXXIX ‘6 F. C. EGAN JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. goï¬n 9. 9avidson Organs Repulred. Expm‘t Work Bar'ristei-s. Snlictors. Sm OFFICE AND RESIDENCE WRIGHT BROS. @119 (Eï¬ihml EDITOR & PUBLISHER Maple TEACHER OF Money to Loan on Sudanucnattel mortgagesn owest rates Auroraofl‘iceâ€"Ruroved to the old post oï¬ioa one door wut 01 the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newman-ks: ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of be post Oman '1‘ HEBBERTLENNOX G V Manon: Tm'nntn Ofï¬ce. Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Stu-Pet, \Vest. Richmond Iii†Qfï¬cg' (‘Liheral‘ nm.» Pupils prepared for examinatinns Studio. Toronto Conservatory of Music mcnmond Hill Ofï¬ce' (‘Liheral‘ Oï¬icch every Thursday fnrenmm. Maple. Thursday. aftm-nnnn. Woudln‘idae. Saturday fm'enoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates Richmonc. Hill CROW’NS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce locnted in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬ce, hours 9.30am). to 5 p.n)- BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Residence address VIcLoriu Sqmirc LENNOX & MORGAN CCMM'SSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Hon. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at, Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Fridnv. ESTELLE M. ORTON Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Tun-unto Conservatory of Music Organist uml Chnirmnster St. Paul's Presbyterian Chutch. Tm-nnto 'A Safe, Sure and Quick Route Ynnge and Charles SLs.. Tumntu Shm'Lhnnd. Typewiiting. Bunk- keeping. Banking. Higher AC~ counting. CI)I‘I'(‘~‘DIIIHIVHCF‘. Pen- manship. Sui-Hing. Oï¬iuc Huntine. Business FUI‘IHS. Unlnlnkl't'iill Ar- ithmetic, Business Law. Civil SPF- vice etcH taught quickly and con rectlv. Experienced tvachers: careful attention; mndemto rates: best results. Demand for our grud- uates is far in excess of nul- supply. Enle-r now. Catalogue free. 734 Yonge St. W. J. Ellio Yonge & Charles Sts. Pi-incip \Vill accept a limith nmnhm‘ nf pupils at his Home studio, Righlnund Hill (PUPIL 0F MISS H. ETHEL SHEPHERD) VOCAL INSTRUCTION RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1.0] Commissioner. Conveyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL Cunduclm- Ym-k Choral Society Richmond Hill on Monday and Tuesday of Each \Veek. RICHMONE "ï¬i‘LL Barrislel s and solicitors. . H. LASHER C. LaVerne Pabtison PAINTER PAPERHANG ER GRAINER. ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1831 . EARLE NEWTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK NOTARY PUBLIC to :1 gnnd position is, via the PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK S. SHEPHERD Patrnnaflpnnd influence respectfully solicited urt h yonge Street ELLIOTT G. LX7()1 r. NICHOLLS Phone N0. 72 PIANIST Aurer “In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Esswtials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†P. 0. address Gunnley, R. R. 2 G V MORGAN J . Elliott Principal 44 12 R.R.2, Hamilton, Oct. H. 16. NO heme:- authority in CANADA lu give the facts on his chniue Of a MilkL-r. Nu heLtm- nlthnliLV tn knmv [he lit-st. You get the same sntisfuch-y service if you use the HINMAN. \Vrite for full information to DAVID M. OURREY District Representative 33 ROEHAMPTON AVE, TORONTO. ONT. Mnny strange contributions have come the way of the fund. but among the most unique sources (If rem-nu? su far has boon :1 freak egg. laid by :1 Minm-cu pullet. owned by Mr. \V. L. Powell. of 15 Helena Avenue. a fme- mnn at, the Otto Higel wot-ks. The egg. which weighs over a i of a pound and measures 82 inches in circumference, Mr. Powell put up for auction at the works when- it sold for Richmond Hill Skating Rink Laundry needsâ€"Not a ver uth-actix v suhject but a necessary fact, in every house-hold. \Ve have quite a number uf wash-day helps, soap chips pkg. 50. Oum, 10c. Keens blue. pkg. 50., ammu- nia. powder lUc.. peaI-line 5c. silvm gloss starch lUc. laundry starch Sc. ll). cvllululd sun-ch 10c. washing cufvsml 2 pkg. 5c. Snapsâ€"Ivory, Llfk‘lulny. Sur- prise. Richards pun-v. Sunlight. Cour fort and Gold soup each 51:. a Ivar. \Vhite naphtha. 5c. bar. Atkinson& Switzer. A carnival will he held in the Thorn- hill Skating Rink, \lenvsduy awn- ing, Fol). 7. Pl'lLt‘S will be given fur lady's, gum/s, boy's, girl’s and comic fancy dress costumes. Riclmmnd Hill bum: in attendance. Ice resmvvvd fun those in custmne until 8.30. Admissiun 25 and 15 units. l’rm-evds for the pin - clmse of Comforts fol the soldier buys frum 'l‘huz-nhill and vicinity. Fl 1- further paiticulars see lnills. $25. which was handed to the Patnntic Fundâ€"Mail and Empire. “’9 have. over half a hundred HINo MAN milking machines \Vnrking night, and morning. every day seven days at week, in York County. and eveiy pur- chaser thoroughly pleased. Band Saturday Evenings The: HINMAN is the milker for the man who Wants genuine service and greatest efficiency, with lowest oper- uling‘ expense, bur none. (Read this)â€"A \VORLD CHAMPION (Gully) Mfgs. Hinnmn Milker, Gait. UnL; rio. Dear Sirs,-â€"-\Ve have used the HIN~ MAN MILKER on [he nnly cow in [he \VUHLD to make over thirty pounds hntLt-r a week fur five C(llliel'll- live years. and world's champion for Lhree yeuls in prnducins.r close In sev- enteen Lhonsand puunds milk as u an-yeur-nld. \Ve might my further that WP have used the HINMAN m1 um- \vhule [It‘ll] fur about .1 Venn; as yuu IH‘\ 91' :mked us for 4 testimonial. or even huw We liked it. we fvel it our duty Lu any [hzll if we wanted to fault it w»: cuuld nut hum-sily (1030. Patrotric and Fancy Dress MILK PRODUCERS “WEDNESDAY SATURDAYS â€" Children un- der 12. 9c and 1c \Vm-Tax ; Adults. MC and CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE The Rink will be open on \Vednesdztys from 4 Ln 5 p.m.. free to childlen under ten years of age. \VEDNESDAYS â€" 9c and 1c “’31- Tux \VH 1' l 1-. W evenings from 7.30 to 10 Egg Brought $25 Opr u fur skaters on J. A. MONKMAN H l‘ Yours truly. D. G. FLATT & SUN TICKETS â€"ANDâ€" SAT U R DAY Maple Public Library Asrociation To the Editor of The Liberal: Dear Sir. May I make HI] npponl through you fnl' [his mgnnizatinn. (l) \Vanbed leActivn Annual Suh- scrihnrs Lwemvâ€"unn years and (WM. (2) “'nnH-d a Hpr‘cial Building [11v excllwive prnpm-ry nf the Asmcintivnn in which to hnusv the Library and n|<n a. reading mum. This is our Aim: it was the aim «f the Founders in 1900; it i»: PXDPCtvd 1-1" us by the Department, nf Education; it is time it was "chimed. sule ilwr. Y‘ n :uv In» 'nmn. nr lln- \vnIn-In who mnkve tlw Asmt-iutiwr; wh-l‘, it, i< luv :IlH-mling the» numbing-w ynn nung In :Illl'lld (ru- nmkm it. "\vh'nt it is ml." luv xlnying at lr m-~): lw lmrwlinu fur "Iv-ml" whip. lry p'w- inz sulmerimiumnml ï¬nw pH-nm'lï¬â€™ who" (luv. hv wrung llml 'lw Bum-1 of Mnnngvmwnt 'luvs llH dulv tn ym). Its chief duty ii tn k'vvp tllP (lnnls Hf the Library npnn nndvr van tho "1th arlw-rs" cirmlmstnmws. :md tn kwp ï¬lléd the 0mm": of prv'ildent. SPr'l‘t’l‘ll v, trvaeurm- and librarian. It has :nlin [u fulï¬ll other stipulath gnvelnnwnt regulations. nthe-rwxse (lunatic "Minn can be taken againct, u-a. It is right that :l liln’urv I'Pr‘niving govern- ment. and ntlu-r aid should liw: up to its ohligatinns. Our Assnciutinn i< I'Pgistorod nndr-r the Ontarln Lihmvim Act. “70 ale under guw-rnnwnt snpmwismn. AI- thuugh it ix slipulull-d in H]? l-luu hnnk of llw AM that. nny lth-mv in ("flow In qualifv fur :mv Gl-unl mn~t huvn- 5†sllhfl‘lihf'ls :II INN! lwmuv- one years rf :Igs‘, In-mv lwnmmL-ut, grunts MI'P givvn away yv-suly. L‘u‘t, your w» I-m'v-iu-(I >4th :I grant. «1f $15, lwsidz-s this thu anvm‘hip «If Vaughn: gl'untl‘d n" $3Uf1|l‘lhi\'nln' luxf, yun'. It, i4 :llsl- up In IH In Q'IV ‘ Thank yml" hut. \VP l'IIII-‘I ale“ (It-Inl'hstlulv mn- :Ipm-m-inliun Irv raking at Ionst 1h.- rr‘quired IIIr-Inhelship uf thP (Irwin-d qualitv. It i< up tn vowâ€"mva individtml lwsidx-s l gin-mm] It i4 HIS! hut. \Vt‘ J. H. IRENTICE Again. In is up to you. Are ynn going to pay off thp ulphts vnu mve tn the past. .1 benevolent, government, and Township Council? Are yun fur Success m- Fuilm-e? Sucmiss can nnlv come. with united effmt. Build Castles- iu-the-Air: mnkre them materializp. Yum-s for at least, Fiftv Subscribers. GEO. P. BOSANQUET. Sec’y-Treas. .‘ll‘N‘. PM: (‘llillll‘t‘ll‘\‘ thv- pivtu at 8 p.m. 415 Bulliul St. 'I‘hl‘HlltU Phone Belmont, 1347 Schial attention given [0 sales (It every dvscripliun. Fnrnm‘ and farm stuck sales :1 specialtv. Fun-ms huught and Suld on cmmnisï¬nn. All 5:11le at- tvndrd to un shm-n-sl Ill-“PP, :Ind Cunâ€" duvled by thr- must upprm‘vd methods. Pilil'l'llagv sulhrih'd. “The Usrflll Beautiful" illustrated by lantern slidvs. is llh- title of an address by Mm. Putts hf Humillt-n. In he givvn ml the llul-lir-nltuvnl Meeting on 'l‘nwsdny m'xt. M’s. Putts i< an enthux‘ialic \p mkvr :Illll \vm km. Cl'llll‘ and gut SI me nmv lllHHS. Now is ll)? linu- Lu plan yum- guide-n lit'fnl'r‘ ï¬e spring \vnk lwginx‘. \Vr- can Innkv Th'nnhil u lu'nll’v epnl 1m ml far its px t v hum»; \Vill you lvlp? leH-anu' is llH'llNl tn lllk lluellnu. l‘ll‘N‘. Pulls l~‘ l‘.~[)t'!'l:llly lllllll“lf'1l in vhiltlwm‘x~ “'n‘k. Brim: llEI‘lll In «w thr- hivtu es, Victnrin l‘lzall. th. ï¬â€˜ll. hwrst LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FUR CUUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO 'l‘hv Annu ll Mvwlingnfflm \Vnmmn‘s Institute will I". held on Mnmhuy. Fp-hvuarv 51h. at thv hnnw ux' Mrs. A. Hall. at '2 3i) p m. The speakm- will he Dr. Mary McKenzm SmiLh of Graven- tvndrd In an shurH-sl nulin'r‘, :Ind Cull-f ' duvle hyH19Inns!:Ilypl'tn‘l‘dlnL’lhuds, {GOOd Bran and Shorts In Palll'nllugv sulitriU-li. stock. # ' " r " â€" | A good supply of Newmarket Gramne “\Norksj PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR G. w_ LUESBY always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Dealer and importer of ‘Crzcked300rnc rn Foreign and Domestic memcagndo Oats Granites and Marbles For Sale PO. Box F- J. ROBIN SON (TO 20 years expelincé in seuxitnliuu Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cu: to order THORNHILL Plumbers and Steamfitters 436 ESTIMATES GI V EN up tfl ym‘. THORNHILL â€"mmy individUul up In» mun. 0r [In- W the Asmwiutiwr) Residence Phone 183 T. E. BDYN TON healing and Thank you" I).~tlH'P nur at, Immt. lhu thy (II-Nil?†Ind. Phone (inrmley 18 31 RESIDENCE Gradual; will Licvnsed AuclinnH-rs fur Tm‘vnm and the ()«untws ut Ymk, val and Simcoe J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. In Marl)! m-Gl-amtv. Goad wmk reusuuahe charges. Tuwn m Uountly \Vx‘ite. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders take: {or Red Clay Prensa Erick. We have the ILL. & W. Scranticn End 008.1. and Kennel Cc a1 “None seiner" Order now ALL a: REASSBEiADLE 95:56:: REAL ESTATE RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS ON HAND. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R C. M. J. If. T‘lolEvven 6k Son \Vill Thm 5d Monuments. Markws and Comer Pnsts. Frank Converse Smith newmcn OF THE VIOLIN Address Non-dvimer Building lege St. Tur Puhiic Attention Tombstone L etuering RICHMOND HILL {ichnmnd Hill and Thmnhill 1 i We??? Mrs. F. H. Echlin All infnlnmtiml tux-msth IP Tm (min (Vulhr- K15 DERGARTEN [Single copies, 3 (ts. “VS â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" Phone 67 \V‘oston \V. A. JONES. in Richuwnd Hill on suffer September 1. 1916 MANAGER IQN‘PQ In Buchanan Sh, TIIORNHILL I" nf Music in Mrsu' No. 30 Turnntc Toront