8 o‘clock .‘L'IO , j lmxvslmt; S pilhrws: HOO muuth \Viplâ€"‘S; 100 wash rags: 138 pillow cases; 1021mm towels; l quilt. This society will hold :1 paLx-intic concert, in Brown's (‘m'm-rs Prpshy. leriuu Chnrr‘h on \Vodnosdav, Feb. 21. There will he patriotic snngs. readings, dialogues and instrumental music. The‘entm-taimnen: will commence at The Red Owes SH division Nu. 3. Mul-khu nrgunzz -d in 1915. have by pnmiotic donations lectiuns Luke†frnm 1m tih- Mann at Ma- khulll 1; $730.61. The-y haw illl‘l fulln\\'ing:â€"IUS grvy flw night shut: ZSJSInui: Roll Call and Cnnsecmtinn Meeting at thv Epwm-th League m-xt Mrmdny evening. A full attendance is “quest- (-d. Elder H. R. Heise of Gm-miey tank :1 trip Lhruugh the Niagara fruit dis- trict last Saturday and tuund that the pmch buds \vel'e badly frozen. He- thinks that spring is mm 1- utr hand in that district as he saw crows there by the hundred. HP ielui nvd [u Tux-mm: Saturday evening and visited a. num- hm‘of friends. including Mrs. A. E. ‘Villinms, furmeily hf Richmond Hill. who is :It prosth very ill. Mr. Hehe attende Eulnn Meuml-iulChm-chSun- day evening. and hound :x SFl'anll by Rev. C. \V. Gordon (Ralph Connor). returning home (in Mnndnv. Harold Pugsley uf Huwkstone spent oven-Sunday with his cuusin. Lauder Glass. P..N.C.‘\'.R, (m. the 13m of January. has “Iillt‘ll frqu Live-Iponl, utter ‘1 safe arrival. He spPuks‘ of a pleasant voyage. :lnd I‘XDEL‘LS tngn into training in Cbathnm Naval Barracks. Recruiting ofï¬cers undm' Captain Mills and Gui-p. Yurko m-rin-d yester- day. A pulalic ontertuinnmnt, will he given in the Mnsmric Hull. Richmond Hill. this 'l‘lnn-«lny owning. another at Maple induy awning. and 11 similar enlrrtninment at, Victoria Smut-e Saturdny evening. There will lw moving pictures. rectitniiuns. lerinzic songs and slim-t sneecht-s. leex-ylmdy invited. Collection Ln defray expenses. The Altar Guild of St. Mum’s (Anglican) Church. intend Inning a Pancake Social and Sult- (sf Hunwnmdv Utmking un Saturday, Feb. 17. in the UM Stunlurd Bunk building. Sr? small hills. 31-2 Rev. J. R. Aikl-nhq accompany a numbe clergyman, the guests MalSSx'V, In hwn- Unm- givm by Rev. Billw S alu. COMINGâ€"F. E. Luke. Optician. 1(17 Ymme SL, Tm mum‘s uhlu uplit-inn, mm be Consulted .leut your eyes ful‘ gluSSeS at J. H. Sloan's drug stmv. Rxchnmnd Hill, Thursday :Iflm'nmm. February 220d. 31 2 Prof. \V. G. gluith. B.A. of Toronto will preach (D.\'.) in lhu Mwlhndist Church. nvxLSuhlmth. [@1118le mun-w ing and evening in Lhu intvrs-sts ntVthe “'umun’s Missionary Sociuxy. “'9 want, ymx l0 cmue. undwlnjvy with us me. Smith’s missimnuy sermnns. Same i Fammn {ICHMOND HILL. 0x12, FEB. 15. 1917 (jgy‘gtj 7\Vilvy where Big Business is done and train fur taking part; in it by spendim,r :1. term in ()ne of Shaw’s Seven Busmess Schnnls. Free Catalogue. \Vrite fur it. \V. H. Shaw. President. . . . . BUTTON"! LL E R. Aikvnhezld will In- ' a number nf MPH“ lheglu-sts (If Mr. Ch! 'nx‘s Society" polling Markham, which was \vlm Sililt'd will] the JAN. 9. 1917 Suciety *zld will ln-dny hf lehudist (vf Mr. Uhvslor Idl'll‘l‘SSt's In hp mduy in Bulf- NEHâ€"1i THE PEOPLE OF CANADA _TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE THE MINISTER OF FINANCE HE NEXT WAR LOAN WORLD 11‘s GREATEST AUo'x‘i’ON"THEATRE. to gel yuu MORE MONEY than the average auction $2500 to $1000 MORE from your sale, book with us. This Anctu from 1010 23 p. Sales. and has. The Sffhuul hnusc was crowded lust n venng when u (:nnca't was gixen in aid of the Red Uiuss Such-Ly. Mr. 1 Burnaby made a. happy chain man, and 'the program given was ï¬l'a‘L-ClilSSIâ€"â€" Miss Pauline Batty, Miss Murdock. recitalit-ns; Mls< May, songs and dances; \Villit’ \Viikins, song; Miss Samsnn. Scottish dances; vocal selecâ€" ’ [ions by Mrs, Vnn \\’u1-I,Mrs. Ernest Luggo, Miss (irucc Pratt. Miss Uliw Switzer. Miss Cimgiv and Mr. \V. J. Lquencv, hnys' drill. gil'ls’ drill. I mandolin svleclions by Mr. Knowles. and COL. LONG is am: of them. Ht nmk it a success,†\VIiu-s \V. H. Bx-yt (:nu nf Cm1:u1.-Usleuding breeders and ion is worth :4 glezlL deal. The sale of Pure-bred Shm‘thorns. held at Heudfm'd by Thus. Thomson was :1 docide success. Thirtylwa aniunls inculding :L DI!!!)hEl‘|]l)l]t'l'01l‘ year “'11 wnlized nt-nrlv $5,000. The SllCCPSS of such a sale can only he nhtuinr‘d by rmplns‘ing :In Auctioneer Lhnt- fully nu 19:51.1le huw to conduct a Pure-bred Shomluu u Sale. Sat The- Lilwrnl has a gnnd circujntion inthis‘ \'i(-milv. Your adv. would be read in many homes. The standing of the different rinks in the Slater Cup Trophy cumpetitinn. RINK “'UN LOST TO PLAY F. Allen ’ 1 5 4 H. Bond 4 2 4 E. Barker 2 3 5 Mr. F. P. .luckcs, B.A.Sc.. a graduate in 1901) (If the engineering department bf the Universitynf’l‘nruntn in eler‘ Uicnl engineering. has joined the 257th Railway Cmnstunction Butllliun as A private. He was fm-mnrly trafï¬c enginem nflhe Bell Telvphnnv Com- pany. The 257th B'itldllflll also an- nounces theappuintment “files adju- tnnt. Uan. \\’. Frllmvvs, an artillery ofï¬cer, who is at, 'fh‘esent- nLlnclud to tho [)9] mm:an cm-ps at Halifax. He has had :15 years 9po ience in military wmk. “I Have Heard The Cary-\Viliinms Jubilee Concexb Company (calmed) smu- nn entertain- meth at, the Methodist. Church last evening under the auspices of the Epworth Lengum They proved them- selves good musicians. Subscribe for the Unilmdinn Lllm-al Monthly. 25 owns a your. at; The Liberal Ofï¬ce. BEGIN NOW Sanderson Urm‘ie J Glass E. Glass Monkmun McNmr McUzu'ter E. Sims Tyndall REQUESTS Adjutant of the 257th Curling Club News Sale of Shorthorns OAK RIDGES -â€" AT DR. J. H. SANDERSON’S OFFICE '3 is on? of Lhem. He is qualiï¬ed to step int†n: s,†WIiu-s \V. H. Bryce, .L year ago. Mr. Bryw leading breeders and ixnpnI-(era 0f Ulydvsdrnlvs. 'leuL deal. n Business is now a science. and as CO]. LON ‘1'cenL. MORE than brm-‘dm-s .md fut-nuns (*xpw wr-(mrdingz to the Alhftith-‘rs' Jam-1m] " Ul‘ Heard the World's Best AUCTEQNEERS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA Long, Auctioneers There Was :1 good attendance at the Hard Times carnival last Saturday unght. The following plizes were givâ€" ‘en for best custumes; ladles. lst, Florence \Valkington; 2nd. Gertie Maudie. Gentle-men’s, 15c, Arthur Lannie; 2nd, Thus Jackson. Men’s ’ mce, L. Farr. Boy’s race. L. Pilson. Heudfnrd Rwd Cross Auxiliary me ple-uSed tn repmt the receipt of un- uLher dmmtion from Markham Town- ship Council. this Lime $23 Lannie; 2nd, Thus Jackson. Men’s mce, L. Farr. Bay’s race. L. Piison. The funernlnt' Mrs. Davies, widuw ef the late Richmd Davies, took place hereon Monday morning. on the ar- Livul of the Grand Trunk Train from Mrs. R spent a ft: niece, MI g ‘uronto The excvllonce nf cnnstructinn ensures lusting sasisfactiun; the quality of mimmings, linings and cloth will meet the most ex- acting tastes. by LILa House (if Huhborlin :n'o undo to give the Winner i1 sense of racial distinction. In any company it man wearing this clothing, has a feeling of snbtle‘superim-ity conveyed by the pexfect, ï¬t of a suit or over- coat moulded for his ï¬gure only. men’s CEOIDQS made E0 measure The Richmond Hill Gents’ Furnishing Store NORMAN J. GLASS \S CU]. LONG has uht fxchhn‘e Agents .hlwrhn Tnilonng Lehman Yonge St. MAPLE rm-lninly is qu If you would GIVEN '1‘0 my sale ring and :e was known as 5.111113 his npiu- frum their THE [lilif‘d lun‘e llIlG Kennel and Poultry Meat Purveyor FAIRBANK Phone WESTON Consignnmnts. Dmvnsview Station G. T. W. FREELAND Wanted -- Boars? BOARD; “:1: or Lean, not for servi on g gag = Best market price given New stock of navy and light colored percale inches wide. L We have In stock a good assortment of Curtain Nets, white scrim wi‘h colored borders or lace trimmed. Brass extensxon rods. Flannellette Blankets, white and grey. with blue and pink borders. Fancy Lhina, Glassware, Brown Ten Pots, fancy and plam, assorted sizes, pitchers, cups and saucers, etc. Men’s Braces, Silk Tiesi Kant I‘irack and Linen Collars. Lined Kid Gloves. All Wool and Fleeced Underwear. These :rices are posit tion before August 1 against an udvanée it dealer for Markham, Sc including Heavy Stripe Feather Ticking Rug Canvaz, 721nches wk ixullam in cheds, stripe; and [Iain colors FORD CAR ERIC FOR; 1917 CONCRETE HEPUSE Atkinson & Switzer Chassis - Runabout HMOXD 11'11 ll'lD STORE ULOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY Live A. M. DAVISON {ILL Vand Um C6 ll‘bOl‘O and Y0 Yonge Street. any timz o guarantee redu