A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 30 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. Frank Danton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mnudmmld Hurry D. Angel RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Tel. M Dentgnt I Grgver &_ Field For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARAN’I‘EEL. LASKAY P 0 ONTARIO BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Torontu Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Lilme 01mm, every Thursday fnrenoun. Mztple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodln‘idge, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at, Current; Rates PIANO TUN NG Gulls by phone or otherwise prompth resprrnded tu‘. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. stock sales 2|. specialty. Farms bought and sold on cmmuissiun. All sales at- teuded to on shun-test, nutice, and cm)- ducted by the mustapprovod methods. ,. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given Lu sales ï¬t every dvscriptiun. Farms and farm stock sales :1 specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- .T. 5H. PRENI‘ISE Patronage swliuiu-d 415 Bulliol St. annntn Phone Belmont 1347 .200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. BARRISTER SOLICITOR “NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bzmk Bldg. Yonge & Culbm-ne SL3. TORONTO Naughton Block, Aurora, Thursdays Telephone Residence Main 3L76 Main 4-1.4 [Ind crinkers A' Embulmors. J. T- SAIGEON C. WAEKINGTON Maple King Licensed Auctinneer: for the Unnnty of York. Sulesattendvd to un shmtost notice, and at reasnnnlfle rates. Patronage. Solicitvd LIBEJAMPRINTING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMON D HILL . ONT. Pia“ 0 and ‘70 500 Phone 01- umil messngvs promptly attended to. Puuxn 1421 B] the! 14]. l)ever L. T. C. M. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST; 1‘ HURSDAY lflORNING 1'. EnigugpaAH ON. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Ehornhill. Cameron MacNaughton ‘4 $1 per annum, in advance. VOL. XXXIX JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER .7051: 3. Qavidson LICENSE D A UCTION EER Organs Rapun- Barristers. Snlicrm' BUSINESS CARDS. WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK 3631 II. Naug'hton '11? (S PUBLISHED EVERY EDITOR & PUBLiEHEE THORNHILL TEACHER 0F AT THE Expert Work Eihemi E. BOYNTON 1nd. Phone Gm-mlpv counting. L'lll‘l‘Ofl)!)lKlt‘llCl’. Pen manship. Spulling. Ofï¬ce Ruutino Business Forms. Column-trial A) ithmelio. Business Law, Civil Sm- \‘icu «to, taught. quickly and cor rectlv. Experivnced teachers careful uttentinn: model-ate mum best results. Demand for our grad untes is far in excess (~f UlH' supply Enter now. Catalogue free. 734 Yonge St. . \V. J. Elli< Yonge 8: Charles Sts. Princii A Safe, sure and Quick Route will resume Hill (m \\'E Organier and Chnirmnster St. P: Presbyterian Chmch, Toronto \Vill :ISCPI’JE a alt. his Humt Residence address Victoria Square Richmona Iâ€"Iill Auroraofliceâ€"nen- one door Wl Ontario Bnnla Newman-km ofï¬ceâ€" posvorï¬ce HEBRERTLENNO Licensed Auctioneer the C(‘untws 0t Yuri Phone No. 23 Ban-Esta s and Sollcllors. Mouov Lo Loan on and anucbntbel n~nrrunm LENNOX & MORG Hnn. Graduate Royal College of Dé’llt:tl Surgeons. Toronto. will be at. Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Fridav. CROVVNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Oï¬ice lm‘nted in Standard Bank Build. ing. Ofï¬L-e hours 9.30.1411. to 5 p.11)- VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING (Assmizxte of the Royal Music, Londnn, Er) RICHMOND HILL, ONT.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY Fur {91m Cund [mtor J. EARLE‘. NEWTON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Turnntn Conservatory uf Music MM’SSIONER. CONV'EYANnER. ETC THORNHILL Commissioner. Conveyancer ,etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER ' Nnrtl‘. Ynnszv Street _ RICHMOND HILl Mr. David Dick Slater to :1 good pnsitinn is Vth [ht . H. PINKERTON. V.S. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY 01“ YORK letrnnaae and influence respectfully solicited L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC PHONE 183; Box 243“- MAPLE, ONT Real Estate and insurance WW1 j§ EDWARD FRANCIS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Iiing', ()nt. nne his classes at \Vednesday, Sept& 91 ms and Pill'tlcnlzll Albany Avenue, T( ELLIOTT IK. N E013} “'on NOTARY PUBLIC A. R. C. M. an on and anachahhel mortgagesa Phone 6'7 Wostnn PAINTER PA PERUANGI GRAINER. ET( t" Son . LASHER Riceâ€"Three doors south of he Phom La Verne Pabtison Ym'k Choral Society limited number of pupils ï¬studio. Richmond Hill SHEPHERD Aurï¬ra west rates over] to the old post ot’ï¬oa st of the entrance to the n: model-ate I'ut‘JS‘ mand for our grad '955 of uur supply tulogue free. In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty 417013 P. 0. address Gormley, R. R. 2 G V MORGAN a» l. ‘mllvge 0f innd) Richmond Huber 13th rs apply nl'nnto l‘omnto ‘. Bunk- mum and and Siman St. Paul‘s J. Elliott Principal "Y 44 12 ! § . O 9999â€9990WWQWOWOWWWOOOOOO†But even HN'I), the-y \vr'lon’t content, So to the) “Rustic Inn†Lln-y wont 0f com-so they had :I good time there And by tie-lve o’clock were back .11 t\l) r9060.90966¢QOOQWOOQMWO@NOQOOOQMNOMOGQOQOO? Young kee-pmg without Mr. L. l glndly. Mr. H. F. Cnliurd was [he gnnst of Miss M. Bum'n on Sunday evening. Mr. Hvlmr MrCugmprnt Sunduv with Mr. nndMl-s. A. Holmkuy and fumin of Headfm-d. an infnrnml dance. Sn onhjnyuhlo was the event that the party did not break up until early Tuesday morning. Mm. Elnnm Jennings wishes to con- vey hm- l.hnnks to the Canadian Ordn- Ghnst‘n Frivnds fur tln- pm:an pay» ment of the Claim of $2000 hvld hy‘ her husband the late A. E. Jennings. About twenty young peuple gather- ed in the Public Hull lust \Vednvsdny evening tuspvnd n 51mlle tinw together. Various gnines were indulng in until lunch tinwm-riwgd. when all pm-tnok heartily uf (he dmnties set lie-furt- then] hy the attentive \\'.lltt‘l‘S and waitresses. All enjoyed u vely pleas- ant evening. )npt. Mills and Corp. Ym-ke of the 2'20 Butt. gave an iutH-vsting (‘lltPl'~ tainment' assisted by Miss J. Scott, vlnCuliunist, (m Sutuiduy evening. h’JjU p.m. and returnng at ten. A wry men-y limo \vns spwit (In tlwit way to and frumand uhouLLhe “Devil‘s Elbnw.†()n returning to the house, Miss Scott, served :1 sumptuous rep-Isl â€"-hnt, and nppotizing. after which the guests were Pntertmnud by music and an Informal dance. f-‘m onjnyahlo was md limo sped quickly by, ’11 gee! 115 ton u’clnck, my '00 soon, was heard the cry must er The gut home. 1‘ 9.30 DJ: ï¬g“ A»? On Monday ( *tm ScntL gave- ulmut, twvnl use enjnynhh the 8qu {L‘snnven SEATS VICTORIA SQUARE OUR SKATING PA RTY men! if your horse objects to late hours and goes home vnn, smuetium-s, just call on ’m-kins. who will assist you {Vin 3M Cbmaé gems) L In?! retm-nin MRS. R. J. DILW’ORTH, SOPRANO MR. LEO SMITH, ’UELLIST MR, FRANK CONVERSE SMITH. VIOLINIHI AND A STRING QUINTET’I‘E FROM THE TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IA‘E‘. ave: HIIV Reserved Sent NET PROCEEDS FOR LOCAL ntlu methodist Church, Richmond [5m weanesdav, February 283i: E917 *ning. Feb. 12, Miss snow-shut:ng party Hf her flivnds. A wening was spent. red at Miss ScnlL‘s - their trump :xhnu: turnng at ten. A J. E. newton, (QiiduCIOT Cbird Emma! Concert Plan at, My ASSISTED BY IN Till chool, accompanied by thvir [P.‘lt‘ht’l', journeyed to Edgi-‘iey, in respome to an invitation to take part in a dehutv. the. snhjvct, nf which was. “Resolved that Edllcntion is of [Hunt hem-ï¬t tn :1 mun than money,†()oncind pupils taking the M151 nmtive. and Edger the negative. The judges after careful consideration, gave the decision In Uoncnrd on points. although giving Eilgeloy (:xedit for better platform appearance and delivery. The Edgelvy pupils entertained the visitors. by giving u short programme consisting of reuitutions, music etc. also serving n-froshmenls. The people of both sections are to be Congmtnlntrd on liming two such capable and entvrprising teachers is Miss Hughes of (‘onvoid and Miss ML"- Uluxo of Eligoley. They should have tiil‘ hearty supporth the Tiustees and i‘utopnyvrs of both sections in their et’fm is to educate their pupils in public spouking. u part, of tiwir Education often neglected in xurnl district . The- Lilwml has n g in this vicmitv. Ymn rend in many hnnws. brought, :l gum] or and lhnronghly supper before lhs rellun trip. Everyhndy inviL Church. anh‘, ne February 26, who o'clucl taken B.A. will give :1 h part that Japan is war. Tht‘ lectmo will) life like vicw :l'rd L‘Il‘: brought, Min.“ Lnttio Foster ume-onto is ing with he‘r :mut, Mrs. J. McNa hon) \vme gn‘wn fur plain and fancy sewinu'. MM. Husivl llnnix‘. of Tun-1min. with her two children sgwnt [lu- “'exk-end with her parents Mr. l1nd Mrs. Geo. A nnmhm- (If the ofï¬cers and men of the 22.0w Bdltédivm lwlda recruiting meeting in the Masonic Hull lust Fli- duy v-vcninor. A splonpitl prognunme of spve‘ches, Huldiugs. vocal and in- srrunwntul rnusir: and moving pictures was given. Mr. J. ’1‘. Snigenn netvd as 1)â€ng last wwk. Mr. Thomas \V. Rumble whose and (-ontmus \vere destroys-«1 I about Christnms limp. unnr chnianmn. The» nmnthly rm lnslilutv was he- my much {He genmmh‘ sul f thv men nf Maple and \‘i 'ishes t0 ;hzmk his friends (,J'S fm- their kind rem‘mnln A lively pun-Ly from Pm [me out, from Ihv city in s! )Pllt :1 plvasnnt evening; On mm: H. S. Lm‘ming to Buffalo lust \vm-k U‘ ï¬lly Sunday" meetian Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rt Hvlson wm-P dvlvzntv [HE m-zmti in all :hings, Charity G ENERAL ADMISSION Friday afternoon, February 16! h. I] (if the pupils ut‘ Unncmd Public r1, :Htcmnpunied by lhvir teacher, eyed (n Edgt-‘ley, in I-espome to :m H. S. In RED CROSS \V Hume hI-ist nuns '11 the gem- free-will offminz th CONCORD ms limp. appreciates [remix-(me sulN-nptinns Maple and vicinity, and meotingnf the held last wee .(ichmdsml. A (‘Chik'f ff'ntnl‘e plain and func‘ MAPLE Ofliu xt M Ann. 0112‘er enjuyr mm Ernie’s city in sleigh vvvning “'iLl will Re“. I): No tnre shmvin 'nking in the to the Methodist l he illustrate Drum-s opsnwny tank in the trip to attend the T h no 19 cnmp.|ny with them. circnlnti , would )IcNa ugh'l- ll] 1nd huig unce. “ith Ml \Vnmen’s ‘k an the (‘Yt‘nll will rnmn. ‘g the grout Dnin‘ and house y ï¬ne intvs 19H [1): \vin Mr. Frank Converse Smith ‘ Tmcmm OF THE VIOLIN I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick We Lave the ])ZL. 86 W. Sel‘anbcn H N Ccal and Kennel Coal “N one better“ Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR - always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale P.O. BOX Newmarket Granite Works J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. MANAGER VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\YAYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. REETDEN CE. RICHMOND HILL RESIDEN( Spl':|k1‘l'~‘ wme Capt. Pickup and Capt. Milis. Butt) speakers admitted that their lmu‘ tlutugli Ymk (lounty in s:-.-u'chuf2m1ui!s was a failure, and thev anticipated that the Government; would put into fume the Militia. Act. Vuonl snlns were given hv Miss E. Switzor, 3115: U. Inum. Cpl. Butcher and PLO. Evans; A picmlr) 'and man- dnlin selectinn by Messrs. Bennett, and Huntley; im‘itntinna by ()pl. Yorke. and .1 number of umviug pictures were shown. W. HEWESON HOUSE PAINTER, mg mew Musnuil hull \vn: uan-re spmlkm- hull was we uan-red f spmlkm-s w: Milis. But their {our Search (nf w thvv- vtici; Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granibes and "Marbles Esme ta Tnmmu \V i†Thu: 436 idunrp Tnmnto (Tulle KINDERGARTEN Pashiia Mammy: RICHMOND Richnn All it: whore Big Bu and train fm' t it_hyrspen(linz \VI iteifm President A dd res: (H229 Mrs. F. H. Echlin G. W. LUESB 2mm be- in >11:le :l Building Stone cut to order â€"AGENCY~â€"- [Single copies, 3 cts. Recruiting Meeting ’uv's SE md Hill and Thurnhill formation furnlshod 'Inr me zZULh ï¬n. In H Thulsdny evening. ll ï¬lled. but no person I Richmond nfter Septemht North-imm- Building Business is done u' tukmg punt in mg a ten m in ()ne Seven Busmess Tree (.htulngue. l. \V. H. Shaw. )FSPS m 220m Bn. in the fly owning. The «IL Im [wt-son vol- E' st-lxicv. The Pickup and Capt. rs :Idlnillk’d that; Ymk County in as a failure. and Residence Phone 183 @JEFEIEI THORNHILL p of Music in MI'SIC No- 33 Hill on 1. 1916 TO r0 n t r recruit