Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1917, p. 5

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They say the curlvrs are jockeying for pasitixm. Several articles of particular interest tn Canadians appear in the March Canadian Magazine. The first shows that, by the balance of trade in her favour Canada has changed from a dehtur nation intna creditor nalinn. and that the yea! 1916 saw the great- est trade ie the country's history. CHAPMANâ€"Athislnterosido hill. on Friday. March 2. Clfiipmunj :Igedfim years RICHMOND HILL. 0x12, MARCH 8‘ The linw for [119 return of the Na- finnal Service curds bv thnsv who haw- nnt yet returned them or have return- ed them improperly signpd has been Extended to March 3hr. 1917. :md fur- ther cards have been issued to the postnmstvrs for distribution among those who have made default. BEYNONâ€"rm Sundnv. March 4, 1917. at the resndence of but“ sister. Mus. Jane Pedlmv. Tul'nnlu, sts Ann Beynon. in her 76th year. Captain Hun-01:1 P. Hamilton. hrmw on lean: from Snlnnikn. with llix‘ bride and mother Mrs. \V. Humiltnn of Uxhl-idge spen" Sunday at his aunt's, Mrs. D. Sloan. Captain Humiltnn was mentinned in the doapatt-hm for bravery. He left, Sunday night tn lvjoin his l-vgiment. \VILsoxJumeEâ€"On ’i‘hursdny, Mar. 1. 1917, by Rev. R. McKee, .Insie Hartman Rumble. daughter nf M'. and Mrs. Alfred Rumble. to Thomas L:l\\'suu “'ilsun, Sun (vf Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, both of Maple. st. E. McMahon Hf Aumm. and Mrs. G, Mills-r (-t “(W-Hamlme spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. McMahon. ROBINSONâ€" In Riuhmund Hill. Mun- duy, March 5. 1917. tn Mr. and 3115. \V. R. Robinson, a son. Mrs. John Innes is spending :1 ft“ Weeks with hm- dnnghter (Laura). Mrs J. J. BllllK'S. in \Vinnipeg. Two curling rinks went to the city Saturday nflt-rnonn and played mulch es with the Grunih’s. At, the 010% of the gmue the Richnwnd Hill rinks wercfiup. I‘hn \Vmuen‘s Institute will IDPI‘t at 1.110 home of Mrs. 'l‘oppm-. on \lenps‘ day. March l4lh at .930 o’clock. Pnva- nn Horticullum by Mrs. Endeun, (luv! Mrs. Allen and Mrs. \Vats m. in” call. fllnwers. Take the 3.15 ml- l’rum Richmond Hill. Th»- Red Cross Auxiliary will nth Monday. March 12, in the Public School at, fuur n’cluck. BURNESâ€"At 1017 Garfield St. \Vinni ppg, Man" on February 21. 1917. to Mr. and Mrs. J. James Burues,a daughter. The Epwmth League programme next Mnndny evening will be under Citizenship Department. Interment, in‘ AuE'm Tuesday :lfternonn. Chapman. aged 97 years. 2 months. Funeral to Thumhill Cemetery Monday. (ients’ Furnishing Store In any company n man wearing this clothng has :1 feeling nf subtle superiority conveyed by the perfect fit uf a. suit 01' over- coat, moulded fur his figure only. The excellence of construction ensures lusting sasisfuction; the quality of tximmings. linings and cloth will mveL the most. ex- acting tastes. by the House of Hnlihvrlin are made to give the \veulcr :1 sense of social distinction. men’s (103mg made $0 “Imam NORMAN J. GLASS ' Yonge St. ‘ The Richmond Hill Exclusive Agents Hobberlin Tuilonng MARRIED BORN DlED HOP. 1917, J Cemetery. Tlmx‘n ‘4 HIPS ? Sanderson and COL. LONG is one of them. He is qualified to stop into any sale ring and mak it :1 success,” writes \V. H. Bryce, 4 year ago. 311'. Bryce was known as one of Canada’s leading breeders and importer": of Clydesdulcs, thus his opiu- ion is worth a gloat deal. A meeting of the recently formed c0- nperative association of farmers was held in Robinson’s Hall last evening with the President, D. W. Clubiue in chair. The speakeruf the evening was Mr. Adams. of Essex County. a. mem- ber of the Grange. Mr. Adams con- tended that the farmers are paying tnn high a price fur many of the articles they have to buy. and advised them to club together and purchase in car lots. He expressvd himself as having little use for Farmers Institutes and the De- partment of Agriculture. claiming that speakers often talk “gush” t0 the farmeis. Mr. Adams was not in sympathy with some of the subjects taught in schools and (:nlle-gvs. Farm. ers must stick tngethcr and think for themselves. This Auctmn BusineSS is now from 10 tn 25 per cent MORE lh: sales. and has, according to the This Auctmn BusineSS is now a. science. and :Is (‘01. LONG from 10 to 25 per cent. MORE than breeders and farmers L‘xpcctv sales. and has, according to the Auctiuuecrs’ Journal " GIVE WORLD ITS GREATEST AUCTION TREA’I‘ISE." be certain 0 get you MORE MONEY than the average auctioneer. If you $200 to $1000 MORE from your sale, book with us. farm near Teslun. ln'sr, Friday. Tln- first, registered mm-e hrnught $525. (ht- s_er‘nnd $390. and two other homes went at $235 each. In mule. milk cows wenth high as $116, and two- yom- ()L‘ishmught, $95. T110 5:110 was cnndncrvd by Mvsms. J. T. Saigwm and J. K. Mcvan. Saturday night. Fl-hi-mn-y 24th. at [he hullIP nf thl‘ lil'ldh 966 Furnswm'lh Aw. Detroit. Michigan. Raym Rumble and Frances M. Rnhillnrd wow united in holy bonds of matrimony. Rev. F. 'I‘ntten. pustvr (if Grutiut Ave Church. was the officiating ulinistvr. Bnth ll:o Cuntmcling parties are of Detroit, and are well known. Mr. Rumth being a machinist in the- emplny of the Packard Mutm'Car (70. Their many flandS jnin in extonding gtnd wishns to tho lmppy couple. They will upside in their hnme un F‘ui-nswm'th Ave after their return from their honey- moon to the Smith. On March the sixth, nt 2 p.m. [llP marringP of Pearl Eva. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Phillips. and John Bliley. son of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Crook was Sf:l(’ll)l]lZ(’(l,ilt the Anglir‘nn Roctnrv. King. by the Rev. P. \V. Richardson. The bride was attire-d in a navy lllllc suit. and white ratin hut, trimmed with ostrich feathers. She was attended by her sister Miss Cma Edna. Attirerl in copenhagen liluu silk. and wnre the grnmn’s gift, :r gold brooch set with :miotthts. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. S. Charles Crank. After a light lunch, the hupm‘ grnnp fncvd the camera. after which the bridal pair left amid showers of Confetti for a trip smith. OR SALEâ€"several hundred bus. nfO.A.U.N0.72m1ts. grown from rvgisteI-vd svvd. Price- $1.10 per hus. Apply 118.: F. Rumble, box 63, Rich- nmnd Hill. Phone 1849 Maple PX- clmnge. 35 R Mr. Jnnws. A. (hunt-rqu ox-\V:u'de‘n Hf York (,‘ounLV. who is removing to \Vr-ston. had an excellent auction sale of hum slnck and implements at his "I Have Heard the World’s Best AUCTIONEERS 334 Minister ot‘Agriculture W. H. HEARST ammo Farmers EIEJH J. A. Camenon's Salc. Rumble~RobiHard Meeting of Farmers Existing war conditions demand that you give the ques‘ Lion of seed special :mention this year. Seed of desir~ able varieties and high germination power will be fac- tors influencing yields. Ifyou have not secured your seed invited to communicate with this office scating and quantity, and an effort will be made to put; touch with farmers having seed for sale. FARMERS HAVING SEED GRAIN FOR SALE may forward samples [0 LI varieties, price and QUANTITY. Crookâ€"Phillips Let AT DR. J the Ontario Department at Agriculture Help You IIE'JII . H. SANDER-SUNS OFFICE 358 Long, Auctioneers ‘JI The Presbyterian Church Choir will given concert in the Church on the evening of \Vednesday, the 14th of March. The choir will be assisted by the following artists: Mrs. Ellison \Vest, soprano; Miss Anna A. Smith, Conlialto; Mr. J. D. Richardson, bari- tone; Mr. J. E. Newton, organist. The cnncex-t, which is under the direction of Miss Ethel E. Dever, will begin at 25.15 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. The standing of the different rink: in Lhe Slater Cup Truphy competition. RINK WON LOST TO PLAY F. A1190 1 7 2 H. Bond 4 ‘1' 2 E.’ Barker 4 AL 2 A men and women. Seamlfiss. Re- inforced [18915 and toes Guarantped better \vmkmanship than hand knit. Men‘s 50(ka knitted with patron‘s yarn 2()cperpai1-. Ladies’ hose 30c. Mrs. Putter, Kithmnnd St” Richmond Hill. 34 4 SAUL. dvcul‘utive home puintm', . pupm-hungvrand gl-ninor. Rooms decorated and paper supplied from $3.50 up. Elgin Mills. phone 44 1' 3. 34 4 EED ()A'l‘Sâ€"'l‘ug-nf~\Vm- Seed Oats 8 also Early Emeka Potatoes for sale. lot. 28. con. 2. Vaughan. B. Glass, Elgin Mills. 35-2 F lot 18, Gun. 5. Vaughan. plowingulldnm‘. R. I). MncN tun, Phone 15.37. Maple. Ur. Uuwic N. J. Glass A. E. Glass J. Monkmun S. McNulr P. McOax-ter F. E. Sims J. Tyndall ACRE FARM FOR SALEâ€"- Lut. 18. (km. 2. Markham. Grind l): ick house, firsbclass out, [mild- ings. \vvll dxainpd and fenced: plenty of good water, fruit, trees of all kinds, ofugnod water, fruit trees of all kindé, the prnpm'ty of Mrs. John Hurt. Ruth- moml Hill P. 0. 35-t.f. ["X nin pigs for sulv, Int 1 2nd Con. Markham. R. Stop} Gm-mley. phone Richmond Hill ‘OR SALEâ€"100 Bushels N0. 21 Seed Halley, at $1.40. A. E. “'illizuus. Maple. 34 2 D per Luelwl Irffersnn. TEED 0ATSâ€"â€"O. A. C. :IUUT ROOM HOUSE on Rich- _, mund SLtox-vnt. Apply Amos \Vx-ight, Richmond Hill. 3-1 2 UTUHER SHOP llizuus. Maple. 34 2 ARM TOVRENTâ€" 98 acres. rear Write J. C. STECKLEY UTOâ€"KNITTER HOSIERY fm YORKSHIRE “Vain; Ads. HER SHOP ToRe-nt. Apply \V. Allison. Richumud Hill. 35 SSE SEED are also ce stating variety ade to put; them in District Representative Newmarket. Ont. Curling Club News C01. LONG has um Choir Concert JIIEJIIEI he certainly is qualified r. If you would have POTATOES ol’fice stating \Vhite smv “'th Snlv, Int 15, rear R. Stephenson, d from Burnaby. ill!!! lined their THE 32$ 3 'n” rh- $1 FAIRBANK W. FREELAND Wanted -- Baars Kennvl and Poultry Meat Pun-\‘e-v Consignments. anmview Stutiun 52% Best market price given ,x: or Le We Can Supply Groceries an, not for servic Gr. ' CONCRETE HOUSE Atkinson & Switzer Quick Puddings, Extxm ts Prepared Icings, Cereals Jelly Powders, Prunes Dates, Cooking Figs Lima Beans, Rlce Tapioca, Etc. Striped Flannelette Ginghams and Percales Bleached and Grey Cottons Hosiery and Underwear Corsets, and VVaists for Children Notions, Ribbons, Laces Wall Paper‘s, VVlndow Shade-v. and other lines of GENERAL DRY GOULLS Plume VVESTUN STORE ULOSES A'l‘ SIX PM MONDAY AND \VEDNESUAY :Appiication 30 (S n nun “cunning llltu uni "pining" in H '('l inn lhl‘m‘ [hill emf. [MIMIâ€"Th?“ {Slh Jay ADJ, RIVKNELL. D unpuny tn [In its ne‘XL 3%: Q intn fill‘l‘l‘ H ‘mpnny Ewing; ()nlm'in 1915 ANN “(mining plimlii B.” rin tn the K .\' ELL. MACDONELL 86 (40R DON Pariiamem will he In:de hy the n- and Orilliu Railway 19 Onmriu LPgislatm'e =sinn furnn Act, bring- nn Act resppming the 1 U .ipivr R3 Statutes . and stfl‘slilnting the 2 into force" for the " in the sixth line of licitul'sfm‘ Company y nf January 1917

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