4 Tel. M. 3631 VOLXXXIX. LS PUBLISHED EVlfltlY T EIURSDAY MORNING AT THE LISERALIPRINIING 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1‘. F. McMAIâ€"ION EDITOR 8; PUBLISHER. W BUSINESS CARDS. Ethel E. Dover L. T. C. M. TEACHER OF Plan 0 and V’oico J. '1‘. SAIGEON’ Maple C- WALKINETON King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attendt-d to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited 0].. II. ~ B.â€"\RRISTER Somcmou NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge & Colbornc Sts. , TORONTO Naughton Block, Aurora, Thursdays Telephone Residence Main 3l7l5 \ Main 44.4 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 300 BERESFORD AVE.. WEST Tonox'ro Phone Junction 72. TWENTY~FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. M II. H. PRENTWE T. E. BQYNTCN 415 BillllOl St. Gorinlvy Toronto ‘P.O. Phone Belmont,13l7 . Ind. Pnone LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Eon COUNTY or YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialtv. Farms bought and sold on commission. All Sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Paironagc solicited. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. Calls byf‘phone or otherwise promptly responded to WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER, Soucrron, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofl'iccl, every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. lVoodtu-idqe, Saturday forenoon. Motley to Loan at Current Rates F. C. EGAN LICENSED AUG'I‘IONEER For the County of York. ) SATISFACTION GUARANTEEL. 1 LASKAY P. o, ONTARIO! l | 1705:: .7. gavidson PIANO TUNING" Phone or mail lllcssuges promptly ’ attended to. l’uoNr: llZl 'I‘l-IORNHII.L Organs Repaired. Emu-rt. Work- W anton, Grover & Fleld Barristers, Solictors, &c NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. | Frank Danton. K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Macdouald Ilarry D. Anger. â€"â€"==â€"-=â€"â€"______ A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. 18 KING STREET \VEST.‘ M WRIGHT BROS. Undel'takcrs it EInhalmers. RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILI AND UNIONVILLE Adarge stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places W AND STEAM FI’I‘TER North Yonge Street [ RICHMOND HILL ‘ l Residence address Ofï¬ce (. “hemp \ ustm-ia Square , Easter Term Opens April ll) 5 S. SHEPHERD PAINTER PAPERUANGER Gunmen. ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT, PHONE 1834 m.- Dr. C. LEI-Verne Pattison ’ Hon. Graduate DentalSurgeons.Toronto, will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friday. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofl‘ict- located in Standard Bank Build. _ ing. Oï¬ice hours £l.30a.m. to 5 p.m- LENNOX & MORGAN Barristel s and solicitors. Money to Loan on and anuchattel moi‘tgngesn. . owest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren'oved to the old post ofï¬ce one door \nst of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket omceu’l'hree doors south of be postoll‘n-e HERBERT LENNUX A ll 1")Tl1 â€"-â€"_....._____________ i J’. K. RICEW'en l 8: Son G V MORGAN Nallg‘lacozl Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of York. Peel and Simcoe Phone 67 \Veston D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE To 1 n g, ()nt. Phone No. 23. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC >Oommissioner. Conveyancer ,etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Riohmono. Iâ€"lill J EDWARD FRANCIS- NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONYEY AN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and insurance ' THORNBELL B. H. LASHER PRACTIOA L PLUMBER l Phone No. 72 m '1‘. G. L E 0 Pa LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patron:th and influence respectfully solicited P. 0. address (iormley, ll. ll. 2 -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_______ J. EARLE NEW/TON PIANIST Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Uhoirmaslci St. Puul‘s Presbyterian Chlnch. Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept it limited numbei of pupils at his Homo-studio, Richmond Hill VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. (ASSUCltlili r~f the Royal (‘ollnge of Music, London, England) will resume his clasws at Richun'uid Hill on \Vt-ducsdziy, Septt-mlmr 13th Fol trim) and Paitn'uldrs appr "' Albany Avenue, 'l‘oronlo .4. highgr ulo \voi k. 'l'hwrr is .\u t'lll:l‘~ mous (leiuund for our gimlu-ilos. prepare now and In- rm.th (rlioico positions in ll)u Full. Yongo and (‘lrules Hts, ’l‘cronto. is well known throughout t illl'ltlil for for Our “ large catalogue will interest y: u. 5 \Vrite for one Ill-ll‘lV. This School ‘ is time tried and [l uly tested. ' \I'. J. ELLIOTT - - PRINCIPAL 44 12 loyal Collch ofl Reception Committee the perunlncnt committee which has been appointed to make arrangements to receive and welcome our soldiers on their retuin. met in the Council Chamber, with Reeve Pugslcy in the chair and Mr. Home as secretary. After a free discussion it was (lt!t:l(lt‘(l to ask the whole village to meet the returned soldier at the station on the day of his return and have him escort. cd to his home. Then at. as early a (lilit' as possible afterwards, to hold a public reception and present him With an illuminated address suitably framed ; On Monday evening the members of I and a medal, suitably engraved. The following sub-trommiltves Wore ap- pointed to make final nrrangcmrnts: Idcutiï¬catiouâ€"Rvove Pugsley. Di. Lillian O. Imugstall‘, Mrs. Shoat-down. Presentationallr. Hume, Mr. Pratt. Mrs. McMahon, Miss Switzer and Miss Trench. \Velcome l(illl.â€"Tll(‘ Reeve. Council and Clerk, to act as an executive, and the Village en masse. Eutertainunmt and Reception~-Mr. Hume, Mrs. Growllursi, Mr. J. E. I Newton. Mr. Hand. Mrs. l’ugsley, Mr. Monkman, Mr. Gen. 8. Sims. MiSs Switzer, Mr. E. Metcnlfe. Mis. Lynctt, Mr. Green. Mr. \Vm. lnncs. Fin:1nce~â€"l\lessrs. Hill, Hand, Nich‘ oils, (3. McDonald. .1. lunes. All these conuniltecs with power to I add to their number. The Villagers are also asked to decorate their homr-s wnh flags, bunt- ing etc. on the Soldiers return. For particulars of new \Vnr Loan N rcly. i. vegetables. produce for export. growing. sui table man. The Dcpsrtmcnt sup "9, advice in the fwd. of a vegetable garden indicating charge to any address. rite for Poultry Bulletin liens 311';- iucxpcnsivc to keep, and fresh eggs. turc, l’urli uncut Buildings, Toronto. Parliament Buildings 1. bottle lUc;1-ed see page 7. armies must have ample supplies of food, and effort Britain and her 5 Canada. is the grow source upon which they square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing Vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables ' I. It saves money that you would otherwise spend for lthh Birthday A large number of citizens. and many fl iends from Toronto and other plach called on Mrs. Susannah Max. well last, Saturday, and crngratulntcd the old lady on her 112th birthday. The part V from Toronto wns arranged by Mrs. J. Carter. and the guests were received by Mus. .\laxwell, who was assisted by her daughter. Miss Tillie Maxwell. and others. Many gifts wmc rccoivr-d by our estemm-(l citizen, in- eludingr a pulse fruit) the Toronto flionds; the table “as (lt'tunulml with ('llUl(‘l’ flowers, llllll a birthday cake bmo 112 pink and whilo candles. Alâ€" (er supper was SI‘I‘VI'tl. a sot-ial time was spent, and lwfort- separating prayer wuss (vl’l'orrd by Rev. S. R. Drake of London. {OHâ€" lllethodist Church A specially interesting setwicc will be held on Sunday on ping next, in connection with the unxeiling (if the Honor Roll of the mrmlms of the con- gregation who have enlisted in the Defence of the Empire. An address will In! given by Captain 8 Irtlett. of Toronto, and special music will be givmn. Sum iru at 7 o‘clock. Rev. .1. ll. Aikenhwul. Pastor. __._.-.-i (loud ll’ll silmon, a can 301'; Sun: llower brand. a can lit": trwsh srlr‘rled lobstor, a tin 33-: Cut†and gums. a tin 150: Diviv’s pork ylll‘l bonus. 2 tins for '231f;(llill'k'>‘ halo-(l l)l"ll)\‘ will) cliilla sauce, a tin 15c: Edwaldsherg table syrup. 2 lb 15¢; smviug machine oil (lot n‘ivvw‘, Hi l.) :1ntl251; a bottleâ€"Atkinson & Switzer. this year of supreme H; .n H "mm... m w. «emumv.umm. .~ Everyone with a few Welcome to Milton Wellwood r Yesterday was a day of rejoicing in .l'.‘ichmond Hill. when the citizens in l: rgc numbers turned out and met Pie. Milton \Vellwood, son of Rev. and Mrs. \Vrllwood, on his lettuu from across the t ceau wln re he was Wound- ed and suil'm ed the loss of a leg in the war. As the cur approached the Sta- tion the clllltli'vn of the Public School sang “The Maple I.o.-tl'.".'tn(l everybodv Was plwast-d to sew their young citizen again, looking bright though it little pain after his long: journvy. Reeve Pugslry, on behalf of llu‘ citizens. ex-_ Ivndrd a hearty \Vclcmnt', saying that '1 mm e appropriati- rent-pl ion would be held at a later date. The ieturned hem and the family were then driven to their home in a decorated car. The town was suitably arlaved with flags and mottoes in honor of the occasion. wooâ€"fl VICTORIA SQUARE .‘lr. Clarence Glover took a. load of young peova to the Richmond Hill nknting llink on Saturday night; where all enjoyed :l very pleasant lime. {rgaidlrss (if the biting stolm on the way home. [he plentiful supply I‘f robes enable-(l (Lem to forth it, 11nd alivv sang most heartily “\Ve are all jolly good l'rllowsâ€. On Monday. March 12th. a. number of ladiPs und gills assembled in the “Hall†to be inst: noted in the interest ing but mysterious art of cooking. by Miss Grey. The fee is small and the opportunity rurc. Girls! Come. Mr. Chas. Uollard, Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother illld sisters of- tbis plaice. Mrs. Alice Mt-Nair and Miss Agar, sisters of Mrs. J. Moitson, lel't Tues- day for the \Vrst, aftcra visit of three months among relatives and friends. :5, Saturday afternoon and Sunday Miss V. Jennings spent at home with her mother. \\'P l't‘U'l‘I't, BHVIlll'll ijs ill. l'e’t‘tfl i'l‘j.'. to my that Mr. Uhas. “1- wish him a speedy Uu‘iog to ill howltli, .‘Ir. Herb, ilo} nton u' is torrrtl to give up farm- 11;: for a yinr at [was-t. and had his ‘lhlt‘ on Mood rj: M tr. 13: b. He intends to mow shor ly, into the house lately recupird by Mr. T. GIOVP. «.W McMillenâ€"Jnues 0n .‘iidt'll 7th the marriage (If Laur‘ elta Maud, third daughter of Mr. Charles Jones, (lllll Donald McMillen. youngi-st son of Mr. and 3115. Duncan Mcllillrn.wassplenmizs-d at, the moose. .laplr. by Rev. S. ll. limbiusou. The bride was .lllt‘lltlrtl by her cousin. Miss Oliu- ll. ,lums‘, illlli the groom was ~up;‘oi twl by the brother of the bride. Ur. Sidney U. Join-s. After :1 light lunch the happy couple lvl't. amid «howors of go'ul uishvs and confetti, for it trip south. ,H‘ Officers Elected . The nnnual meetingot’ \V. A., St. 2. It helps to lower the “High cost of living." 3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of 4. Growing your own \‘cgctablcs saves labor of others whose cliort is needed for other Vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Socictics to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growiuw facturers, labor unions, lodges, invited to actively encourage home gardening. Lct the slogan for 1917 be, “A vegetable garden for every home.†Organizations are rcqucstcd to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable In. cascs where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakers, the Department of Agriculture Will, 0; manuâ€" school boards, ctc., are on request, send a The demand for speakers will be great. The numbcr of available experts being limited, the Dcpartmcut urgently rrqut-sts tlliit arrangements lormcctings be made at oncc; iilocul spcsmrs cannot be secured, scud applications promptly. ,0 :15 the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizcs for best vcgctzetvlc It is prepared to assistin any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on Vacant lots. It will do so by Sending speakers, or by supplying cxpcrt gurdt us. To any outintcrcstcd, the Dcpurlmcnt of Agriculture will antl literature giving instructions about implt-mcuts ll:€c<‘lliz_\' and methods of preparing; the ground and cultivating: the crop. A pl:ut suitable crops; to grow. best varieties and their nrruugcmcut in the garden, v.ill be sent lrcc of you will be hit:th rcpaid in “'ritc for free bullctiu which Itlls how to kt-t-p hens. Address letters to “Vegetable Campaign," Department ‘ v ricul~ A .in Ontario -nepartment of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture cronte l 221) Yonge St. â€"â€"-â€"â€"______._..._______ i, Newmarket Granite Works Mary's Church of England, was held at the home of Rev. R. Haughton, Tuesday, March 13th. and the follow- ing t-flirers elected for year 19I7-l8:â€" l’rt-s. â€".\Irs. Haughton. Viewl’re:.â€"--)lis. \V. Pugsley. Secretnry~dliss Ber ha Palmer. 'l‘reasurer_)lrs. L. E. Hand. Donn-Sec. «Ali-s. Palmer and Mrs. Oliver. SJDI. Jr. Branch~Mrs \V. Duncan. llabirs’ Bram:hâ€"-Mts. Tuck. St. Patrick post cards at The Liberal Office. Mrs. F. Echlin (iradualr- 'l‘oronto (,‘ollvge of Music in Kisocnown'rizx Mi'su: (‘lasscs in Ilir-hmond Hill and Thornhill All iut'oltnntion l'urnlsllud llliï¬llll'lkt‘lu‘ ’l‘llOllNHILL Wavm‘ rawâ€"mvmmm llll'. 'Fl'llilk Converse 'l‘i'i H liiill (7)1" 'l‘lll‘l VIOLIN \Vl'l lll i':iâ€l|illllll(l lllll Ull 'l‘liiti>ll.l}s ill-Il‘l' Soplelillu'l' l. llllli Smith l..- \.l.lv 4‘~\‘ Nor dn‘iuu'r Building Toronto G. W. LUESBY Dealer and importer of Foreign am Domestic Grannies and Marbles uildiz: Stone cut to order I .9. Box Residence 436 Phone 183