Sole agen ;% Fire. Life, Accidel IV†r V‘%â€' :r Richmam Hm Annex; When stock raisers are questioned about condition powders, the thought strikes them that it is largely made of dope. ROYAL PURPLE SPECIFIC is not composed of drugs, but is manufactured, pure and simple, from roots, herbs, minerals and barks which, when mixed in the right proportions, make an ideal conditioner. It helps digest the food and can be fed any day in the year with good results. Look well to your stockâ€"it pays. Norman Batty That’s rim very reason you should look to your poultry and keep them in the best laying condition. If a hen does not receive the right kind of food it can't lay eggs. ROYAL PURPLE SPE- CIFIC contains just what hens need to produce eggs. Experienced poultrymen ï¬nd it proï¬table to use. Why not you ? Start now. C. A. SKEELE Richmani Hill Make Your Hens Lay Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Giass and Automobile Insurance in Canada WALL PAPERS Made RlCflMOND HILL HARDWARE C0 Dr. Hess Stock Tonic and Poultry Panacea also on hand. Call now for full information. And How About the Stock We too, after due consideration, have adopted a. SEALâ€"BEARING OUR NAME AND MOTTOâ€"chat will close everv parcel going over our countérs. Now in order to beneï¬t by this new larvice, we must surely see that every parcel contains full value. as to quantity and qualitv, before closed by OUR SEAL. Two guaranteesâ€"Ours and the Manufacturer' Call today and test our values. Have you ever considered what a. trade-mark means to a manufacturer ? Could any company succeed by selling goods that are inferior to the qualities they advertise? You say no! And you are right! The trade-mark is the housewife's safeguardâ€"informing her of the brands that contain good quality. FOR FURTHER ‘NFORMA'IION \VRITE OR SEE Eggs Are Now at a Premium P: G. Savage & Sim Trackage Lots on Canadian' Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmnnt and Clarence Avenues. Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Quality and the§§_al For Sale on Easy Terms "He Proï¬ts Most Who Serve: Best" AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere -in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . '. . McDonald & Son J. T. LOCKE & 929., IO Adelaide St. E. Toronto Phone 18 Pleasant features (if the evening wexe the presentation «if :I. omnfortuhlp arm chain- In Mr. vamn, by Mr. Allen, on behalf ()f the Snciety; n )beautiful bouquet and :1 gold piece to the pinnist, M] s. O. L. \Vrighr, by Mrs, Phipps, on behalf of the Society; and a hearty voteof (hanks. moved and seermded hy Messrs Unnpm'und Greenp, to Mr. Allen fur his untirinsz effnrts in connection with the work of the Chum! Society. l‘i’e-eleSS to say the rpcipients I'Pplied in suitable th-ms. Dainty refreshuwnts were served “L the clnse. nn 'I‘stdny. April 10. and merges in tn Summer Sesxiun I'rum July 3nd Nu forced var-n! nns. Nu waste tiuw (Rune. FreeCuth-gmn \VrileSl);m": (Rune. Free Catalogue. \Vrile Shu Sclmnls. Toruntn. 3937 Ynnge Sm 353mg ‘Farm mans Tho chun- wns tak who has been p1 mganizuliun 0f I he! ed a wax-m \Vvlcom friends, and gave “'01 k for the past, y: were givon hv Rev Dr. Lungslzlfl', T. uthors, :11] l't‘fPY‘l‘in \Vul'k which is hvin the Chm-u] Sncivly ship of Mr. J. E. was rend from Re expressing rvgn-t ll dutivs in the Lent was rend frum Rev. Mr. Hnughlnn expressing rvgrut that, owing to other dutivs in H)? Lenten season he was unuhlt‘ Lu hv present. The speachps www- interspm'wd w1tl1 vocal solos luv Mites C. Imwss, Miss Helmlmy. Mrs. Van VVm‘l: :l duet by the Mlssvs Swims-r. and I'P‘Jd- ings hy Mim M. Boyle and Mrs. Allen. Sp! thL Hl( \ Hisinp, .l’.â€Pm-rill and L. McNair had .lssaultvd \V. S. Rumble at 1h" close of the u'weting. The case was ilPill'd before Police Magistrate T. H. Brun- tou. About, twenty witness‘s were hmud. Much of the evidence was rm - flicking. and both sides claimed that theiruppnnents struck the ï¬rst hluw. Aftvr sibling ahuut four hours. the magistrate dismissed lhu vase. In doing-st) he pointed nut that the principals in the ,case. men of gnud standing in thv community. had nut dune themselrvsjusticu Healsn exâ€" pressed a limp? that in future the rate payers \vuuld settle their dii‘feiences as neighbors and friends. ‘If| Were exrlmng The chulge w Hisfnp, J. For RICBMQND HILL. ONT.,1\Lâ€"_\RJH15. 1917 Misses N. and E. Barker The postponed ’nmen’s lnstitnt: mm of NW. To lm-nmm. EVPI'V ‘ng CANABEAN WRTHERN and fallowimr Spring Millinery Openi'g at Thomhill on March 22nd, 23rd, 24th You are invited to attend the A very p10: nt in [hr- ning by (I :ietyund :1 A chair w '|'IHIHH. to l)“ pl rts'st, imp Inwling would“; THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN WESTERN CANADA am? the PACIFHC COAST Fitterson School Case pleasant and social time was [ho Masonic Hull Thursday )y the Richmnnd Hill Ulmml nd a nllmlwr of invited guests. ‘1- was taken by Mr. Phipps ; been president since the inn anheSncit‘ty. Hevxtend- m \Vvlcome to the ussvmblvd 1nd gave an OIIHinP 0f the- ;ho past, yvar. Short speech“ m1 hv Rev. J. R. Aikenhuud, zslzlfl', T. F. McMahon and I] referring tn the excellan irh is hving :u-I-mnplished by Satul-d ’nt 1 01-31 Women's Institute Social Evening pmwd [nu-ling of the stiInM-S will lw hvld at the '9. Tnpper. next. Tumdny Evm'y member is request- '('sem. as lummess of the ,m'tnm‘o i910 1301)“? lwfme anners take the 3.15 ftel fPrI-ing tn the l is living :u-I-nmpli ncivly undvl' UN 7. E. Newton. mum and Station y whe l scho n trus W!) hat sod tho ('uso. In Itcd nut that, tht‘ case. men of gnod Immunity. had nnL .1 3‘5 and Mrs. Allen. (1? the evening ry angry 1: led to use was heard do '1‘. H. Brun- witnessrs weze 'ide-ncv was (20),- n anothm (:1 disle (1 [(3 hi. . McNuix McNuir Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains A Ivttm- Hugh! on {(1 other Hall was (was NY. the The usual motions were passed, and the sc the following gentlemen elected as Directors W. F. Cowan, Mr. “’ellington Francis, K.C.. ll Cowan. Mr. H. Langlois, Mr. T. H. McMillan, B T. H. Wood. At 21 subsequent meeting of the was re-elected President. and Mr. Wellington F Toronto, February 28th, 1917. All informatioï¬ and explanations required ,have all transactions of the Bank which'have come undel opinion, been within the powers of the Bank. Toronto, February 13th, 1§i7 In addition to the examina chief office and certain of the by me at another time during books of the Bank. . --._, v a. true and correct View of Hie state of 1 best of my information, the explanations books of the Bank. I have compared the above Balance Sheet with the b001- at the chief office of The Standard Bank of Canada. and wi returns received from its branches. and after checking the c ing the securities at the chief office and certain of the princi; January alst, 1917, I certify that in my opinion suph Rnlnnnc .W. F. COVVAN. Other current Loans and discounts in Ca: interest) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liabilities of customers under Letters of C Real Estate other than Bank Premises Overdue debts, estimated loss provided for Bank Premises. at not more than cost, less- Other Assets not included in the foregoing Call and' srid€£"(°nc3‘tmé§(§eeding tï¬i'r't'y '(ia9g5'iaang i_n Canada on bonds, debentures and stocks . . .uw u.â€- uuuau, LUA and colonial bubllé SEE-mules other than C dian.....- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Railway and other bonds, debentures and st not ‘egqeeding market value . . . . . . . . . . A . . . n Deposit with the Minister for the purpose Circulation Fund . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ~ . Notes of other Banks . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheques on other Banks - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . i Balances due by Banks and Banking C01 dents elsewhere than in Canada Dominion and Provincial Government S< not exceeding market value . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Municipal Securities and British Current coin held by the Bank Dominion Notes held . . . . . . . . Deposit in the Central Gold R: Notes of the Bank in Deposits bearing inter owed to date) . Deposits not hearing During the year Bra Coalhurst. New Dayton, macher, Ont. The Bran The usual inspection and the staff have faith The Net Profits, after making provision for bad and hate of interest on unmatured bills under discount, excl agement, etc., amount to $580,230.10, being at the rate of age paid-up capital of the Bank for the year. This amom balance forward from last year and the sum of $333,242 new stock issued: during the year, makes the sum of $ This has been appropriated as follows:â€" 7 Four quarterly dividends at the rate of 13% per annum Contributed to Officers’ Pension Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . Contributed to Patriotic and kindred objects. . . . . . . . War Tax on Bank Note Circulation to 3lst December, 1: Transferred to Reserve Fund from Premium on New Stc Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried: forward .. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Standard Bank of Canada, was held at the Head Office of the Bank, 15 King Street West, Toronto, on Wednesday, the 28th February, 1917, at 12 o’clock noon. A large number of shareholders was present. On motion. the President, Mr. W, I“. Cowan, took the chair. and Mr. E. A'. Bog, Chief Inspector, who acted as Secretary of the meeting, read the report: Your Directors, in presenting to the Shareholders the Forty-second An- nual Report of the affairs of the Bank for the year ending Klst January, 1917, have pleasure in stating that the funds have been well employed dur- ing the past twelve months and. a satisfactory increase is shown in all de- partments The Simian! afCanada No. 10 due to due to in Car u ALL! L\ U 1'. President. AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SHARE uayton, and Travers, Alberta; Richlea, ‘he Branch at Goodwater, Sask. was cl 1spection of the Head Office and Branch we faithfully and efficiently discharged WW FARES the examination me ntral Gold Reserï¬ké ar Branches of the ayton, and Travers . Branch at Good“ Securities and Bfin'is'I-a,‘ f'o-r‘e‘ en elected as Directors for the ensuing year: Mr. ellington Francis, K.C., Mr. W. F. Allen, Mr. F. W. tis, Mr. T. H. McMillan, Mr. G P. Scholfield, and Mr. bsequent meeting of the Directors. Mr. W.-~F. Cowan nt. and Mr. Wellington Francis, K.C., Viceâ€"President. 28th, 1917. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, GENERAL STATEMENT int circulation est (includ Loss Account carrie G. T. CLARKSON. F.C.A., of Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth, Toronto n1n tion mentioned. the cash and securities at principal branches were checked and veri pl‘lnCIpal branches were checked and verified the year, and found to be in accord with the LIABILITIES n Cu. lnkin Febru ntures and stocks mGing Correspon- ce and certain of the: princiï¬Ã©igr’égche in my opinion such Balance Sheet exh :ate of the Bank's affair§ according to man“..- ~:__h . 'ed ASSETS .....$1,5 in Canada (less rebate interest orrespondents eisewhe Bank have been opened af Alberta; Richlea, Sash: given to me, and as Show; Securities redit as 191 amounts written off GEORGE P. SCHOLFIEILH - General Llanagen i SHAREHOLDERS. a forward ,have been given to me, and under my notice have, in my eign ma- ljutingers appointed or bad and doubtful debts, re- count, exchange, cost of man- ‘he rate of 18.90% on the aver- This amount together with the of $333,242.14 for premium on 2 sum of $975,119.13. 1C AND Der contra. . $34,818 11,473 the books and accounts 4 angi with the certified 1.656.956 371,937 the cash and verify- principa) branches on :apmce Sheet exhibits 574,349 {ed U} W. F, 69,623.07 94,376 50,000.00 10.240.00 38,656 General Man'ager. )1 843.1 has been x ix- duties. COWAN. President $59.850,274.99 510.762.524.47 $ 4,546,513.00 11.626,139.63 $5,892,084.87 58,645.84 19,507.15 172,799.89 1,229,935.38 88,637.76 22.388.664.17) Ferd . .$898,899.61 .. 20,000.00 .. 38,900.00 .. 30,483.75 . 333,242.14 . 153,593.63 3.333 4.333 l BqueTt, and Schu- reported $97 Canada. 292 106 639 386,475 58.645 274.99 564.57 399.61 598.51 119.13 made 75.55 45.84 42.14 42.14 93.63 the the the