Tums Minus Breadsmï¬'a. Toronto. March 13.â€"â€".\lanitoba Ville“ â€"â€"New N. 1 Northern. 52.05% I“)- ‘~ (10.. §z.(n2 : No. 3, (10.. 51.962: N0- "455'1. track Buy ports. all rail delivered hi8 No. l. 32.06. Montreal from _, ï¬laVIanitobzk (pasâ€"#50. 24 (2.111.. 1 - 7 c; No.0 . .. .mTc: .. feed. 73 to 74¢; No. 1 food. 71;. m use. nominal. all rail delivered en route Clan. points only. ,1 American cornâ€"â€"l\'0. yellow. Sluil. subject to embargo. _ .. Ontario oats-No. 2 white. 6a t0 .010» nommfll; N0. 3 white, 64 to 66c. nomi- nal. according: to fmlnhts outside. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 Winter. pernt‘ar‘ lot. $1.84 to $1.86; No. 3, do.. $1.51. to 81.84. according to Heights outside. Peas â€" No. 2. $2.50. according heights outside. Barleyâ€"Melting. $1.22 to $1.24. . Buckwheatâ€"$1.28. nominal. according ‘0 Heights outside. . Ryeâ€"~No. 2. $1.11 to $1.43. according to freights outside. Manitoba flourâ€"First bags. $9.70: second paten 9.20; strong bakers“, 330. Toronto. Ontario flourâ€"“'lnter. according sample. $7.65. In bugs. track Toronto. prompt shipment; $7.25 bulk seaboard. ex ort grade. llifeedâ€"â€"Car lots. delivered Montreal freighliï¬. bags includedâ€"Bran, per ton. 88: shorts, per ton. $42; good feed our. per bag. $2.70 to 82.80. anâ€"~l‘ixtru. No. 2. 'per ton, $12 to $12.50; mixed, per ton. $9 to 811, track Toronto. Straw~â€"Cor lots. per ton, $5.50 to $9. truck Toronto. r) u to patents, in jute ts. in jute bags, in jute bugs. to _â€" Country Produceâ€"Wholesale. Butter~Fresh dairy. chgice. 37 to 39c; creamery prints, 43 to 40c: solids. 42 to 43¢. Eggsâ€"‘Ncwâ€"lald. in cartons. 45 to 46c; out of cartons. 12 to 43c. Dressed poultryâ€"Chickens, 23 to 26c; fowl, 20 to 220; (luck? 22 to 25c; squabs. per doz.. $4.00 to 4.60; turkeys. 28 to Me; geese. 18 to 200. Live poultryâ€"Fowl, 1b., 18 to 22c; chickens. 111., 18 to 22c. Cheeseâ€"«New. large. 21"; to 260: twins. 20 to 261:2; triplets, 26 to 2611c; old. iar 0, 2'1ch twins. 2?! to 28c. oneyâ€"White clover. EQ-lb. tins, 14 to 1&0: 5-lb. tins. 135 to 140; 10â€"11).. 13 to Bic: 00â€"11).. 12! to 130; buckwheat. 60- gb tins. 9 to tile. Comb honeyâ€"vextra no and heavy weight. per (103.. $2.775; telect. $2.00 to $2.70; No. 2. $2 to $2.5. Beansâ€"Imported, hand-picked. per bush. $6.26; Canadian. hand-picked. per Hush“ $7.00; Canadian primes. $0.50 to 7.00; Limas. per 11)., 121 to 13c. Potatoesâ€"{mtnrim per bag. $3.50: New Brunswick Delawares.’ W'l‘ burr. 34.25: Albertina. per bag, $3.70, Provisionsâ€"Wholesale. Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, medium, 26 to 27c; (10., heavy. 23 to 24c; cooked. 37 to 80.: rolls. 21 to 22c: breakfast bacon. %7 to 290; bucks. plain, 30 to 81c; bone< ess. 33 to 34c. Lardâ€"Pure. lard, tierces. 2?. to 2350: tubs. 22k to 22k; pulls, 22a to Zoic: compound. 17: to 171C. Cured meats-me clear bacon. 18 to lSï¬c per lb: clear bellies, 18 to 18$ '. Montreal Markets. Montreal. \Mar. 13.-â€"Corn American No. 2 yellow: $1.30 to $1.35. Outs-â€" 77 to 780; No. anadian Western. No. 2. ed. 75 to 700. , 75 to 766; extra No. 1 1’9 ai‘leyâ€"---Maiting. $1.35. Flourâ€"Alani- toba Spring wheat patents. ï¬rsts. $9.80: econds. $9.30; strong: bakers‘. $9.10; inter atents. choice, $9.25; straight llers, 8.50 to $8.80: (10.. bags. $4.10 to £125. Rolled outsâ€"Bbls. $7.00 to $7.15; 0.. hugs. 90 lbs. $3.35 to $3.46. Branâ€" 36.00 to $36.00. Shorts. $39.00 to $40.00. iddilngs. $41.00 to $42.00. Mouliiieâ€" $45.00 to $50.00. Hayâ€"No. 2. per ton. ar lots, $13.50 to $14.00. Cheeseâ€"â€" inest westerns. 26k to 27¢; Orns. 25k to 260. Butterâ€"Choleest cremnery, 431 to 440: seconds. 40 to 42¢. Eggsâ€""Fresh, 3 to Ho. Potatoesâ€"Per ban. cur lots. $3.00 to $3.50. ï¬nest cast- Winnjpea‘ Grain. Vll'innipeg, Mar. illâ€"Cash prices: “heat-~No. 1 Northern. $1.87}: No. Northern. $1.8â€; No, 3 Northern. $1.783 No. 4, 31.67%: No. 5, $1.483; No. 6. $1162; good. $1.00. Oatsâ€"No. 2 C.\’\'.. 62k: N0. C.W., 60c; extra No. 1 feed. 60c; No. 1_feed. 591C; No. 2 feed. 5811c. Barleyâ€" 1~0_ 3, $1.04; No. 4, we; rejected. 84c: feed, Me. Flaxâ€"No. 1 NW.C.. $2.631; Nu. 2 (3.120., 32.60:}. _ 2 3 United States Mark etc Minneapolis, Mar. 13.â€"â€"Whedl---Mav, (188;; July, $1.51; cashâ€"No. 1 hard 2.07.1 to 12.09;; No. 1 Northern, 51.961 to $2.031l.’ No. 2. do. $11r4§ to $2.02é. COI‘n~-~No. 3 yellow. $1.031I to $1.05i. Oatsâ€"~â€"No. 3 white. 57 to 59c. Flour-â€" unchanged. Branâ€"«$33 to $34. “Bullithï¬ Mar. 1‘13.»~-\Vln-utâ€"No. . ti : o. 1 orthern, $1.9“; '\' do, $1.39,: to 51.914; May, $1.091»: ‘ 0‘ 2' July. $1.813 utilie‘d, saw; May. $2.01: . hard, _ i... asked; LillSPHlâ€"TO arrive .1111}: $3.92. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March 13.~Choim steers, $10.75 to $11.25; (n 510 50: huh-ling: cattle, choice $10.25 to $10.50: (10.. good. $11.00 to $10.10; (10.. medium. $9.50 to $9.75: (10.. common. 58 to $8.90; blll;('l‘.ei‘.\' bulls, choice. $9.75 to $10.25: (10., good bulls. $8.90 to $9.00: do. mediun. bulls . (I to $9.00: rough bulls, $5 in clioicu. 351.5U to $1 .. good, $8.85, 110.. medium. $710 $7.25: 7 in $8.50; choir-e feeders. so [1) $10; camer and i-uttcrs. $5.25 to $5.50; miller-rs. good to choice. SR5 to $110: (10.. cum. and mini. earl). $40 to $50: spring- ers, 37.0 to $110; light ewe-K. $10 to $10.75: shot-p, horny, $3.50 to $9.50: calm-s. good in choice. $12 to $13: lambs, choice, $14.25 to $1.:; do, medium 810 (H $12: hogs. fed and nurtured, .1575 to Sid: weighed 01! cars. $16.10: do. fob. $14.75 limlvy (10.. good, $10.10 $8.50 to stovlcers. to $14.90. Montreal. Mali 12~~(“hoice steers. $10.75: cowl. $3 in 310: choice worm and bulls, Sit; guml vans and l-ullx. $5 to $8.51); (uumcr.~‘ iniils. $5 to $11: x-zluncrs' bulls. $5; a». choice mil t‘vd. $12 to $l‘i, (rt it? to ‘5‘. shm- $9 to $10, lumps. .__ to $13. clw‘ . select hogs. (Ill lair.» $1330 tn $17- ..I sows, $12.1!“ AMPU’I‘Nl‘l‘Tll ARM k ‘\V \H l’l'T BACK AGAIN Anmging Operation on ported to be Successful. A dcspxtch from London suys : son of the Hon. .i. O'Grady, :1 member of Parliament. was wounded :-'(‘\'(‘i‘al months ago in France in such :ituuner, that his arm had to be amputated. Thev. surgeons cul oilp the arm, removed the‘; (10., . : butchers' cows, ‘ lo..‘ Soldier Re- E E E E E E E E E E E E E E g E E E E 30 H 30 U 26 K‘ to one hundred and the amount (if any) {p as the equivalent 0 of any chartered bank provisional receipts. of Canada, and both April instalment. prepared, without application. E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E El E E E E E E E E BRITISH London, March 11.---General Fred- erick Stanley Maude, in command of ithe British forces in Mesopotamia, ;telegraphed to-day the welcome news ‘ for the British of the occupation early lthis morning of the City of Bagdad, the chief Turkish city of Mesopotamia, i and formerly the capital of the empire [of the Caliphs. , No details of the capture have yet i~becia received, General Maude's story ‘, of the operations carrying events only 1up to Saturday morning, when the .British, after effecting a surprise. lcrossing of the Diala and bridging the Tigris, had driven the Turks back to iwithin three miles of Bagdad. It is -4, , evident, however, that the Turks have lbccn unable to ofl'er any serious re- sistcnce since the fall of Kut-el- Amara. They were said to be hastily >uinmoniiig reinforcements from other theatres of the war where Turks were shattered bone and then put lhc arm' engaged, but the distances to be cov- back again, setting the bone and sew- The arm has now ing the tendons. healed and is gaining strength. patienl can use. it. effectively. err-d were so great that. additional lï¬l‘t'es were unable to arrive in time only defect limi it is .‘l’o incl‘ys hammedan imagination, shorter than ihe other arm. The {all of Bagdad, besides ending dï¬nnnnnnnnnn Payable at par at Ottawa, The instalments may be p April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under discount at the rate of four per cent. per annum. payments are to be made to a. chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. in run Mill‘ROPtlilS acorn ‘VVPKIl EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LADEIDJ DOMINION OF CANADA . Issue of $150,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing lst March, 1937 Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, 1st MARCH, lst SEPTEMBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ISSUE PRICE 96. A FULL HALF-YEAR’S INTEREST WILL BE PAID 0N lst SEPTEMBER, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. W Tan NIINISTER or FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above-named Bonds for Subscrip- tion at 96, payable as follows :~â€" 10 per cent on application; 16th April, 1917; 15th May, 1917; 15th June, 1917. The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited ï¬ft million dollars, exclusive of aid or by the surrender of bonds cash under the terms of the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. aid in full on the 16th day of All Failure to pay any Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount. subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a. chartered bank. Any branch in Cane a will receive subscriptions and issue This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the ofï¬ce of any Assistant. Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount. due on the ‘ Scrip certiï¬cates, non~negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when coupons, ' in accordance with the Delivery of scrip certiï¬cates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The issue will be exempt. from taxesï¬including any income taxâ€"imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of 31,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of 85,000. The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the ofï¬ce of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at. the ofï¬ce of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winni eg, Regina, Cal ary or Victoria, or at the Agency of the gunk of Montrea , New York City. / The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with cou ons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques an coupons, at the option of the holder, will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada. of any chartered bank or at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. ~ subject to the payment of twenty-ï¬ve cents for euch new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right. to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with con us will have the ri ht to convert into fully registere bonds of authoring denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Recognized bond and stock brokers having ofï¬ces and carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a. commis- sion of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that. no commission will be allowed in respect: of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 191:3, or in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent; debenture stock maturing lst October, be. allowed in respect of applications on forms which have not been printed by the King’s Printer. DEPARTMENT or FINANCE, OTTAWA, March 12th, 1017. E ®®@@®@®@@EQE@@@@®E@@®®®®®@®&@@@@@@®@@®@@@@®E®EE llSli Anon 011 in him FlERCE GERMAN runner British Enter City Early Sunday Morningâ€"Victory Comes After Severe Fighting. .German hopes of Near l'lzzstern do- minion, based on a Berlin-Bagdad railâ€" vway. will rcverberate throughout that ,l‘v’lohammedan empires, and it: is be- jlic’verl will more than rehabilitate Bri-i tiah prestige in the Far East, «lama 'aged by the earlier loss of Kut-elâ€" ‘. Amara. , Further news must be awaited lie-l fore. it is known whether General. ,lelzde made important captures of, gTur :sh troops 0“ guns. either before, {or at Bagdad. i Apparently the occupation was cfâ€" Ifected without resistance and with :only slight 1055914, liven if the Turks .succecded in cxtricating all their iforces. the loss of Bagdml is 2:. grave 'blow to them. Bagdad him been the ibase for all Turkish operations in .Pcrsiu. Up to within a few (lays the ‘Turks occupied about 30.000 square miles of Persian territory, but with ‘tho Russians pressing them closely ,fi'om Kirmans‘nah, as well as fmm‘ :thc direction of Erzerum, indications', The? to save the ancient city, which, after point to a speedy junction of the Briâ€"7 The Mecca, cecupies ï¬rst place in the Mo- ; is‘n and Russian forces, which would isoon compel the Turkish evacuatirm of 1Persiun territory. have resumtd suddenly their advancel ‘iugc oi' Irler. and all the neighboring' best oxidence that the Gremans want- ‘ into British hands and many prisoners. 'rcgarclenl by some as the k( y in ____________________________.___..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL CLOSE ON OR‘BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH. 1917. l l I 1919. No commission will ‘» Bitter Battle Along Three-Mile Frontâ€"Village of Irles Taken and 300 Prisoners. London. March 11.â€"â€"British trOOpSIlosses were slight, Whe iwere on the southern on thc Ancre and have won 3. mil-1 ’2 I ~ " s. ' m n .1 ll u.t mac 9 ox er the Ger 3 s ‘town' Attacking" on a three-mile front, the} Britiali have stormed the large vil- Irles struggles ,house almost on the .stream, its last on the ridge that runs Petit. det’eucew. 'l‘hix‘ new ï¬ghting on the Ancl‘e was forced by Sir Douglas Haig. It was: no part of the. German retirement to give up Irles at this time. The ‘ points to the east in a m 911 to hold the village and wanted to liolzl it badly is the fact that ï¬fteen machine guns and four mortars felljmaphine gun nest as build on the strengthened ware taken. by tranche ‘man retirement stopped the outskirts lIrles, the Germans still holding; up the north- ern bank of the upper Ancre, its ï¬rst edge of that As the British advance-.1 themselves opposed by German strong the west in trench labyrinth.q the embankment of the ruined Albert- Arras railroad. Irles itself was such a the Somme-Ancre Ger- British of the n the brow of a nearly to Acniet-le- they found ined mill, to along Germans front, and en- 5 In furl it is biped here that the ‘ tanglements of the old German fourth taking: of lrlex may menu the ï¬rstjline and by a fortiï¬ed cemetery at its uracil in the new German line pro-inci'thâ€"eastern corner. tectim: Bapaume. lrles is very close' to the strong†Loupzirt wood positionh 33- , the pauinc from the west. The troops that s‘crmezl the town and its adjacent fortiï¬cations in‘ Germans were ste All these obstacles wei- however, in ï¬erce lighting 0 overcome, in which' adily forced hack, and to-night the British are only a mile west of Lou‘part wood and same distance south of Achietâ€"le-Petit. the foggy weather had an uphill task, yet : It is less than two miles to the Achiet- the War Cilia-e announces that their le-Grand railroad junction from Irles.