Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1917, p. 1

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RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Tel. M. 3631 A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada, Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Melchnnld Harry D. Anger Dentgnt A Grqver &A Field PIANO TUNING Office), every Thursday fore‘noun.” 7 Maple, Thursday afternoon, Woudbridge, Saturday fm-enoon. Money to Loan at Current. Rate BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings, Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oflice (‘ Liberal’ Office), every Thursduv forenoun. Calls by phone or otherwise prompth respunded to Undortakors JOHNB. CAMPBELL, J. H. PRENI‘IGE 415 Bvlllilll SI. Torvntn RC5. Phone Belumnb 1347 1nd. Phone LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR COUNTY 0p YORK AND ()XTARIO Special attention given to sales at every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold an commission. All sales at- tended to (in shortest notice, and con- illcted by the most approved methods. BARRISTER SOLICITOR CNUTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. N Yx-nge &; Colborne SLs. TORONTO Nnugbton Block, Aurora, Thursdays Telephone Residence Main 3176 Main 44.4 2.00 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt; attention. J. E1. N - Eaénerqn. ..M%9Naug‘hton Maple King Licensed Auctioneers furtheUmmtynf York. Snlesntrendud to un shortest notice, and at reasonable thS. Patronage Snlicited Phone 01' um” me attended to. I’iano and ‘Voice Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST.‘ ASKAY P. 0 it i‘ - FLWM o N. J- T. SAIGEON Manage solicited For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEFI. 361101 E. ngvep L. T. C. M. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Ellornhil]. Sofia f7. @avidson BURSDAY iVlORNING LICENSED AUCTION EER JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER (é 451 per annum, in advance.] AT THE ERAUPRIN‘TING 8c PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. {THORNHILL Organs Repaired. Expert. Work VOL. XXXIX Bar’risters. Snlictnrs WRIGHT BROS BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM COOK 5" L'S PUBLISHED EVERY EDITOR TEACHER OF & [‘mbalmers. PUBLISHER aughton Lges promptly PHONE 1431 C. WALKINGTON T. E. BOYNTON ONTARIO Gnrmley WM will Hill Teacher of Piano-Playing at the Tumntn Conservntury of Music Organist, and Choirmuster St. Pm Organist and Chuirmnster St. Paul's Presbyterian Chmch, Toronto Cnnductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a limited number nf pupils at his Homo-studio. Richmond Hill Residence address VicLOl'in Square Yonge and (llmrles Sts.. Tvrr well known thrnughnut, (Luna high-grade work. Thvro is :1 mous demand for mu- gnu prepare now and b9 rem choice positions in the Full large catalogue will interes \Vrite for nue tn-dav. This is time tried and truly tested CCMMYSSIONER. CONVEYAN"ER 1 Real Estate and Insurance Richmond Hill 4%: Son Licensed Auctioneers fnr T(' the Counties nt Yul-k, Peel a Phone 67 \Veston CROVVNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Stundzud Bunk Build. ing. Office hours 9.30:1.m. to 5 p.m~ King, ()nt, Phone No. 23. Hm). Graduate Royal Cnlk DPIILJI Surgeons. Tm-(mlu, will Richmond Hill @va Tut)er VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Mr. David Dick Slater Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison Easter Term Opens April 10 J”. If. NICE] “'en Assnciate of the Music, Loud l resume his C]: l on \Vednesdn THORNHILL Commissioner, Cnnvoyancer ,etc Insurance. and Real Estxtc Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ]. EARLE N EWTON PIANIST GREENHOUSP CUT FL()\VERS F RICHMONJ‘) "BELL. FLO\VERIN( AT J. H. DUNLOP LICENSED AUG’I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Putx'nnage and influence respectfully solicited Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT PHONE 1834 L A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC PRACTICAL PLU IBER AND S'I‘EAM.’ I“ TTER term RICHMOND EDWARD FRANCIS ELLIOTT OFFICE AND RESIDENCE izlte of the Royal Cullogo of usic, London, England) mw his Classes at, Richmnnd \Vednesduy, September- 13th E‘HII‘S and Pill'tlcuhll‘s apply Albany Avenue, Toronto ELLIOTT S. SHEPHERD Numb Yonge Street . PINKERTON. V.S. NOTARY PUBLIC PAINTER PAPERHANGER GRAINER, ETC . LASHER Phone . M. In Essentials, Unity; in PLANTS AND LX’OI‘Q WE Ffidew P. 0. address Gunnley, R. R. 2 PRINUI PAI OR EASTER hchoxD HILI Full. Oul' [tart-st you. This School rendv I“. “'ill'be at Tuesday and *I-nntu nudu. ’m-(mtn and and Simcoe college or me .du ‘l)( 1[( HILL. ETC 41 12 interesting and practical. It will he a study of legumes and their culture. Th<x nrigin of peas, beans. \Vhen to plant peas. lwuns, varieties of lmth. Preparation of sail and fertilizers. How to m‘ercume diseases and inse-ct pests. Comp prmpuied to discuss the subject and make the meeting helpful. Victoria Hall, Tuesday, April 3rd,;lt 8 p.m. Don't {urge-t that the [he I’lnl'ticultlu'al Suciet friends are invited to “U Saturday. Mnréh 31st. will Ieuvu Thnrnhill swi the regular :1L1.45 p.“ who can takeadvnntnge Invitation (If Sir Henry I more than pleased with display of flowers and phi The next Higular met Horticultural Society pl interesting and practical. study of legumes and t The crigin of peas hmn At. :1 moelin'g of the Sucietv nn VVeansduy week the advisability (1 sprayer was diSClissed. : tee was uppuinted to matter and repm-t at ne- Mr. Ingram of Tnmnt in the intcrosl/s of tho I etahle Culnpnign. and g; talk along the line of V dening. Hestutedthat from keeping; up hen- f0: parks are [)9in get] (-vm-yhmlv could in their was given u vu f his address ONT... THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1917 Parliament Buildings On request the Department of J valuable literature, free of charge, 31' tions for preparing soil, planting, cul of a Vegetable garden, indicating s best varieties and their arrangemex be sent free to any address“ Address letters to “Vegetabk Department of Agriculture Buildings. Toronto of “legumle : rigin of peas peas. lwnns, Nothing should be overlooked in this *5 war. The Depaerent earnestly invites ev increase production by growing Vegetable smallest plot of ground, when properly Cl duces a surprising amount of vegetables. not essential. The Ontario Department of AgriCL every possible assistance by allording‘in poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin to keep hens (address below). ECG and poultry prices, the like of wh or never been experienced, certainly anyone’s while to start keeping hen you have fresh eggs at the most trifling c< time you have the splendid satisfaction ( you are doing something towards helping and the Allies achieve victory this year. Keep E'gem Ehig y Oniario Horticulmral Society 1 repm-t at next, meetmg. u-un of'l‘nrnnm was present rests of the Provincial Veg- 'puign. and gave el. practical the \ine of Vegetable Gur- 1e_st:1ted that England is far [ng up her food supply, that. wing- plmved nn. zmd he ur- Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity To City, Town and Village Dwellers Increased productia the high cost of liv urgently needed sur It saves money 0th at high prices, am effort is needed for : THOR Society prmnfi'ses t 1nd gave el. practical ' of Vegetable Gur- ;I that England is far er foud supply, that. owed up, and he ur- pmduce what Llwy ‘dr-ns. Mr. Ingram f [hunks at the closv NHILI 65 Department 0 H. Hearst, Minister cfi ‘ he mom! iety with evemng of t purchasin 1nd R commit look into thw xt'meoting. ,0 was preset) for OI‘OT H‘tiCllltlll Lucrmse nd saves w more v gamble garden every home” llH’il ofC the like of which have seldom need, certainly make it worth '1: keeping hens. By doing so most trifling cost. At the same be nt spent tor eggs ar : the labor of oil ital war work. 11 he t it Can: pent A large fluck r f wild grmre was notic- ed flying nnrth on Saturday. ThPlthUil'Uf the Methodist Chum-h has received an invitation l0 sing at anniversary services in Brudfmd early in May. Ln the branch in Mnntrua (lay evening a large m frivnds in the Village ten farewell pal ty which was Masonic Hall. I‘hn pwmi in a pleasant. manner and rapidly. Mr. Harper wishes of all for prospm‘it tare. MI- in th their Ill( The time and the r took place on Weé Liful new home ( Schel], when theil Minnie Clara, was to Mr. Howard Tu Mr. and Mrs. J. H‘ Ilill Ava. Torunn “ISO” "HHIV 1t Quito :1 ‘ the PM Hide In me Agricu Xgriculture will g ing‘information ab( Lllctin which tells h quiet but very Thus. Stand ':1nd '1 food only r r st Friday «waning. prior m ring intu their new‘hmne. was spent wry plvnsuntly arty broke up M, n lulu hour. ‘3. G. HurvaWIm has served ndnrd Bunk how :13 Lr’dgor- d Telleers been transferred nch in Mnntrcul. 0n Tnes~ nnm HM? ( )St. At the same rf knowing that Britain, Canada hut very pretty wedding o_n Wednesday ap the beau- '& Onlario. JackSOnâ€"Schell 101113 of Mr. and Mrs. G‘ n their youngest daughter a, was united in marriage u'd Taylor Jackson. son of ;. J. H. Jackson. 157 Brim- 1t ryoue etc MAPLE export “’hOS‘ 1' of guests as: Mr. and Mrs fififi 'ear W1 Toronto 1 )Wi‘l‘ 'rand passe-d K's-13 I'pm- bus the hex spm‘ity in the fu ‘. and Mrs. Philip (waning. prior to their new ‘hnnw. u may plvusuntly .- np M, :l lulu hour. minwhn has served 1k horr- :IS Lr’dgor- IS been transferred ntrvul. 0n Tnes~ ze numhm- of his 9 fendprvd him :1 h was hold in the Pruning was spent rand pusse-d very 'p91- has the best spprity in the fu- expressing for you an many kind \Ve_ feel from our] you our hr you have t of mu- cnn feel you in a factor to During y learned 1h ready to as promote Lb In the L; Mrs. Game 21 place of Inmnhprs. 11 the ut sembled ;. Philip P.O. BOX Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Mr. Richmnnd Hill All inform)ch RESIDENCE Mun PUB-LEE} Dealer and importer of Foreign an 1 Domestic Granite; and Marbles uildin: Stone cu, to order All ut TE \V i H Tth sd and pmsperi your new hv anv, (19:: uppurlunity thx'se chairs l't missed fmul [hes \Ve feel great memhpl 436 ing your cunlpuniunshlp are limited, we. as lwighhms and friends have chosen this evening as :1. suitable vccusinn for meeting: with you, and PXpl’PSSlllg (:ur high respect and esteem fur you and our appreciation of your many kintllynntl neighborly acts. \Ve, feel we cummt let you depart from our midst Without extending to you mu hem-tiest thanks for the part yuu have taken in many of the benefits of mu- culnmunity, and fur which we fool you in nu small degree have been a factor In their sugcess. During your sojurn with us We have. learned that you have always been ixc fl'l di: it]! ()I‘ ldunls ‘hu t9] FOSTER icisllé M mums. sheds u Sll’3h high H. {mm said MLS Mrs Mr: J. H. B \VMIEPI nnces haw-v mm'al frum Ih Us! that II)“ In lll \V. PHILLIPS. E 37 Adelaide Street :11231d, 1917. Address ll( )SE (m yum Illlxllxsh Hm! [I] 1m $111 .\l Iiz IN the )lllt KIN rank Converse Smith hum OF Tch VIOLIN T. Mun-t \V. Con FR C(Illpl e in Richmond Hill on Iys after September 1. 1916 Irsnu made '1.” himst in TEMPERANCEVILLE In I Illil H assist in anything that would the welfare uf the church. Ludivs‘ Axd and \V.M.S. you, son, have mum-d fur ynurself If respect in the beans (If the , and yuu will be greatly l‘UI Cr-uplund. ynun. Supt 311‘s. none] I, Uarson: l‘it'l]dS,-Ar‘. your time of resi- ‘ our midst. is drawing to a d our nppm‘lunitivs uf enjoy- - CUHlpillliUnShlp are limited, neighbors and friends have iuv [Single copies, 3 cts. )1 Ind rin m n hv 'll‘l»! RGAI s. an h \\';1 v nks ‘QHL lil l‘dvimt‘l' Building se S(l( m :1}! (My u mind wit 5llll‘(-\’i”(‘ in lht' fut If nf t.h:- c ud '17“ng nf 1‘ TEN Mvsu nd 1nd Thm'nhill n fun-mshvd Kln m- uminlzul “illumt :1 I) m not that circum- Iglxt, :llmllt your mnmlnity, but: We if hvnllh. ('1 mfort ucunmpuuy you to Echlin Residenc 3 Phone 183 THORNHILL x'k Highway iii-Y Una pub- II. II fine of would they I] upon the ‘Hr [he juris- L (11' upon {KNEE lllL'liUllS A. J A.“ ES. we ("L (my S. S. ('2), glut 24th, ‘c if these. ’ trees on jun-(l. see h the wish friends f0: tuna :mnnmnitv Idir's’ Aid. Music in Tbi‘ontc No. 38 l per- Ionto vply on .Lu'snn. se rved. 3 with all dis- 9 this aCCPpt xegard mg u-d

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