Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Mar 1917, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL. (‘).\'T...\i.\iu'1129, 1917 " l Easter Cards in good variety at The Liberal ()iiiCe. Don't burnt to turn out to Fire Meeting next Monday evening. â€"~ i Mr. T. F. )lt5:\iiilltiil who has hreii ‘ confined to his he.l for the past few days. hopes soon to he around icraiii. .‘ The \V. U. T. 1'. “ill mer at the Parsmtage next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. In addition to the husiness to he transacted there will he a pio- gramme dealing with the “Evils oi the VVot Uanteenzind its attending vii-es to the Boys at the Front". Evriy woman whether a inrinher or not. who is ililriesiril in the welfare of our Soldier Boys is int ited to he present A Progressive Elllilli‘t' and Smoker. iii aid of the Boys at the Front, will he held in Rohinson’s ilali. Richmond Hill, on \Vcdnesday evening. April 4. under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Curling Club. Suitahle prizi s will he offered and iefieshments sri~ ved. 'l‘icketsâ€"â€"at 5tlcâ€"ean he proclier from any memherot’ the Uiuh, or at N. J. Glass’ store. oa-â€"â€"~â€" Dr. Zieiinski Dead Dr. Zielinski was a well knoer figure in Edg Jiey, Vaughan. fifty years ago. He in company with his lll'iilllPi‘. tired of the iron rule of the Kaiser. “Folded their tents :-!~: the Arahs. and silently stole away." He came from what was then known as l’rusisian Poland. and bore no loving ai'Tection for the ruling power. ilelost. no time in iieroiiiing a British suhject. and was a truly loyal citizen. proud of his adopted country and the iihei ties he enjoyed. After his father‘s death the Dr. tried to secure Some portion of the large, es- tate left. to tiie family. l‘ut. without avail. He then went to Berlin and secured a personal interview with the Kaiser. the grandfather of the present ruler. He treated the Dr. very kindly. listened to his statements. yet :iliso- luter refused to allow a dollar to go to Canada. In a cordial manner lie invited him to come and settle on his estate. and resume his former alleg- iance. The Dr. saw through the trap and addressing the Kaiser said "No. your Majesty. never. I am a suhject of Queen Victoria and you dare not harm me. hot- the dav I yesume. my allegiance to you, instead of gaining my estate off goes my head." The Kaiser smiled a. grim sardonic smile and the interview closed. Dr. Zieliuski was a well qualified physician of the “Eclectic” school and met. much persecution at one time at the hands of his “Allop:ithic" iiiedicai hretliren. Through the efforts of the late Clarke \Vailace. M.P.. he secured ofl‘icini recngnition and enjoyed a. large practice. Ahout 47 years ago he mar- ried Mrs. Susnrnah Schmidt, a sister of J ihn Snider of Edgeley: she died manv ylars ago. Though origin- ally :t Roman Cathoiie, in this country he attended the Lutheran Church. .or. CANADA FOR CANADIANS AND -CANADIANS FOR THE EMPIRE! Capture and Destruction of New York City by the “Common En- emy” points a terrible warning to the people of Canada in The Battle Cry of Peace An imaginative, but not by any means impossible catastrophe in which the enemy shells the great American metropolis into ruins, lands its soldiers and repeats the awful story of hapless Belgium. A serious, dignified, terrible and timely picture. Richmond Hill, ch., April 4 Sghomberg. Thurs, April 5 at 8 p. in. sharp. ADMISSION :â€"-.-\duits 25c â€"Ciiiidreii 15c Get Hatching Eggs That Produce Layers Our pens are made up from I’cn No. 1 and Port No. 10 of L. R. Gurid's famous bred-0t lay Plymouth Rocks. Peri No. 1 is composed of the daughters of hen No. 73, record 103 eggs in 10‘.) consecutive days; and were sired by a male whose dam laid 264 eggs in one year. Pen No. 10 is com- posed of pullers from Pen No.1, 1915. They are iarge,well bar- red and have grand egg type. Eggs from our pcn,0f these two famous pens cornhined,\vili pro- duce layers that will satisfy you in every particular. Call today for prices on set- tings of‘ 15 eggs. Start early. I The Rustic inn Richmond Hill. Ontario visiting with Mrs. ()smund “Wight. Miss liene Mr'Malion. lit"t‘tlliipilllil(] ,. lhy her iiieiul, Miss l‘lva illitz t'i l‘oitl t‘redit spent tin-\verk-rird with Mr. ‘ and M rs. '1‘. i“. MnM thou. \Ve regret to learn of the Mrs. “illwood which Mood iv evening. The death of oreuri ed on funeral takes ‘plrtrc this (Thursday ) rifit‘i'iitu‘ii to the Aurora (‘eriretaryx Further particu- lars will he given next week. ’ Joliii ll. i‘iinlrp has returned after a ten day ahsenre attending the interâ€" national Flower Show at. New Yolk ‘ where he “as one of the judges, and the {use Festival at Philadelphia “here he was an exhibitor, again winning honorstakingr two first pr-iZeS fer It‘lst's out of three entries. He also visited the A. N. i’irrsoii greenhouses at. (.‘iomweii. (,‘vonnu \viieie his new seedling rose. Mrs Henry \Vinnett, will he dissririiuatrd next year, and rc- p his the Lew H d rose winningr favor Will! all who have seen it. A few j. hiooms were exhihited at, Philadelphia, ‘ not for competition. 7 777777 an- fi Elia HorseaBrecders' Club The lint-se-hreeders in the vicinity of Elia held their organization meeting Iin Elia Forester’s llall. \Vednesday. Mair-ii 8 pm. A good representa- tion of the district was present. The meetingr opened by Jno. Jackson heing elected chairman and Geo. Jackson. secretary protein. Although ‘l motion at. Elia Farmers” Ciuh meeting.r that a liorse-hreeders’ ciuh he forun-d. it was deemed well to have it. brought. hefoie the meeting as a large area of land was represented. After consider-aide discussion it Was carried unanimously that an organiz- ation known as "Elia Horse-Breeders Uinh" he for-tried and the hreed of horses taken up he Ciydesdales. The election of officers was then held with the following results: Piesâ€"Jim. M. Jackson. Vice-Presâ€"Roht. \V’atson. Sec.â€"Trr-as.â€"Earl Jackson. Auditorsâ€"Chas. H. Snider, Alfred String. . Directorsâ€" Harold Boake, Frank Baggs, Russel Rumhle, Carl James. Many of the rules of the federal scheme were thrashed out, such as, “The (lluiv shailgnaraniee a certain riuiu')er of mares.’ all fees shall he collected by the Cluh and one-third of the fees for each guaranteed niare shall he paid to the Club at the end of the season.” The nieiiihersliip fee, was not settled detinitely. It. was held hy several that one-third of the service fees minus itJ"C of that third plus the membership fee was quite a risk in ease a mare did not. prove to he in foal. However it was agreed by all that 403;, was quite a rehaleand it is in that unity that success depends. In order to have the matter settled in a satisfactory manner. a mass meet- ing is heingeonvened Friday. Mai-ch 30, at 8 p in. in Elia Hall. All farmers interested will he welcomed, and especiiliy delegates from existing farmers” organizations. The directors h:i\e heen eiecred fiom several sides- of the district. arid if any other neigh- hei hood wants a look-iii on the ground floor, opportunity will he given them at that meeting. the Cluh is in operation the area covered will include all or some parts of each of the friilowing»I)ovVnSview. Emery, Thistletown. \Voodhiidge. Edgeley, Maple, Concord. Thornhili and Elia. Booklets may he had hv writing ’The Live btock Commission- er. Ottawa, or from the secrrtary on the night of the meeting. Fariners all! Reineinher \illF date; Come out and boost. this end of York Co. satiric; lam titans on Tuesday. April It), and merges in to Summer Session from July 3rd. No forced varat'ons. No waste tiriie. (.‘r'iiiie. Freetlataiogue. \Vi-iteShaw's Schools, Toronto, 3937 Yonge Street. HEGHLANB LAKE iii-id ‘iie. _~\ VONDALE PONTIAC EtlllU l\i:\ Y if". i!“ SYiA'lA. the \vr i'ld’s licst record cow iioii .iiitl (lilliiitiidll R1“ in (lanada. a 33.31-lh son of the ills. lie is for sale. pi ices on either males or females. FARM A'i‘ S'ror 523, Yoxon ST. RADIAL R. W. E. Burnaby - Jefferson, Grit. "I Have Heard the Wort. Mis. C. H. Hardy of Port Hope, is' i l I i i r r r i r it is expected when . cord for illiilt‘i‘, -il ihs. Only one other ii-ih. hull thir herd oi" one liundied inr- _ great KiNt‘r Hi‘IUiN. hioiiier to the worlth reeoid cowswnraturr- WNW. Hr. vi yin-old 113 Si. .lr. .lrinior hard sire. KING Sitltils‘ lirother to AVONDALE i’UN'l‘iAtl 1': if this conihinatioii of hrr-rdii Tire Alumnae Association will meet at the High Si hool on Friday. Mulch 30. Papers will he given on the fol- lowing ltalian ar Lists : W Aiiissandl'o Botticelli, hy Mis. l).i\‘itlsoii; (iiiili~ :liitlu'pi, hy Miss irinra Nangiiton; and Leonardi ilci Vim-i, hy Mrs. \V. lluii- tan. .¢ BORN JOHNS »lri 'i‘lir'inliiil on Mairii Ztitli, ltlli, to Dr. and Mrs. t‘. 1’. Johns, a daughter. .M4o¢__ illED \Vi~:i.i.wooi)â€"On Monday. Nair-ii 2“. lili'i, at her home lliriimoird liiil, Lexie iieynon, daughter of the late John Beyiion of King. and helovid wife of Rev. N. \Veliwood, Rich- mond Hill. Funeral (private) 'i‘inirsday, 20th l inst... at 13 p.iii. leaving Richmond Hill hy private car. interment. in Aurora (leiiieteiy. ‘Vant A (Is. A ARMS \‘v’-A.\"l‘l£i)r.’)tiil Acres want- ‘ rd in hlock and required to he suitahle for growing vegetahies and small fruits. Box 7. Lint-val ()iiire. ‘UIiNii’S -Fii'stilass cooking tui- nips for sale. 754'. a hag delivered. John Tyndall. Richmond Hill. 37 2’. ‘Oit [MMEUlA'i‘E SALEâ€"A first- class Coluiiihus engine. it) horse power. mounted on li'tlt'ks, ample power for any Work on the farm. Just heen ovtvhauled. This engine must he disposed of at once; also a Firm y chopper good as new. Anyone wish- ing air engine of this kind must apply at once. Demonstration any time. L. Curtis. Richmond Hill. phone 51. V ANTED "Sinai-t, girl for general housework. highest. wages paid. good home. references required. Apâ€" ply 87 Alexandra Blvd, Stop it). Metropolitan Car. 37-4 4 on nxouAxonâ€"weiimnred uiiy property and cash for good pasture f‘ii‘lli. R. \V. E. Burnaby. Jefferson. 37-2 ' HITE wifANDOTTEs, 2.36-egg strain: eggs $1 per 15. Ernest Uasely, R.R.No.1, Uniomiile. Out. 44 OOD GIRL \VANTEDâ€"Appiy to Mrs. Frank Sims. ACRE FARM FOR SALEâ€" Lot 18, t‘on. 2. Markham. Good hr ick house. first-class out. huild- iiigs. well drained and fenced: plenty of good water. fruit trees of all kinds. the property of Mrs. John Hart, Rich. mond Hill 1’. 0. 3530f. OR SALEâ€"several hundred hits. of 0.A.U.No.72 oats. giown from registered seed. Price $1.10 per hus. Apply D.& F. Rumble, box 68, Rich- mond Hill. Phone 1849 Maple ex- change. 35 8 .4 SUPPORT HOME LAUNDRY The undersigned wishes to say that if the citizens want a Laundry in Richmond Hill, they should not give their work to outsiders who pay no rent or taxes here. I can- not stay here if 1 do not get your support. ‘ 36 i SHOE gamma. The undersigned has taken the. shop forriierly occupied hy F. A. Franklin, in the Lorine Block and is prepared to do first-class repairing. C. I. HINAS Bring your hunts and sli'ies to tire. and 1 will faction. L. WADE Yt:.\'i - E S'ru isic'r guarantee satis- Finns (under lease). a son of tor milk pi-odne. iniles nearly iiiiy doigiiters of xii-es of three 1 )'i‘.~old 10.32 i’ON i‘iAtl (‘ANA DA half Wilt). out, of a lit) lhs. Sugis cow. ig interests you, write for ,n Iiieriiroxn 11ii.i. ! ' gramme“ mm: mm 1L1mr CONCRETE HOUSE White Voille VJaists with embroidered fronts. collars, long sleeves, $ \Vaists, lugs collar, or turn back i1i ii i Stripe Voiiic (T 1'3 ., .23 Middys Plain white in coat style, pookct, 2:}.- in. bel . buttoned front, $1.50. J9Cl< 'l‘ar hliddy with blue collar, $1.50. Silk and Lisle Gloves White Lisle Gloves, 2 dome fastcncrs, 403, 600. Black and white Pure Silk bl: was. domes, :1 pr. 85c. 0 4.. Print Dresses v made, kimona style, buttoned down front with belt attached, in light stripes and ducks, each 80c. We Have - a good selection of \Vall i’spers, Window Shades in green and cream, and curtain rods. Atkinson & Switzer STORE CLOSES AT SIX PM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY MOWOOOWQQOQOQW” Riclnnond Hill ETIn-nishing' Store See our Spring stock of liars, S iiirts and Tiesâ€"the styles right and the values excellent. Hats â€"~ncw ideas, new colors and all sorts of shapesâ€"in the best English and American 1 i‘.lil(ls, from Si 00 to $2.00. The new Lang Brand Shirts foi‘ Spring: fine ina'eriais on light » grounds, in black, blue and hello stripes: Laundercd or double French Cuff styles from $1.00 to $2.00. \Men’s Ties in the newest.- Spring pittcr‘its uni all shades, at 50c and 25c. . N. J. Glass Agency for House (i ilohhci'lin Lorne Block : E § 3 § i i d’s Best AUCTEONEERS and COL. LONG is one of them. iii.ik it a .siii‘c't'ss," writes \V. 11. one of Canada‘s leading hreedevs ion is worth a great deal. This Auction Business is now a serene Ifi'oui it) to 2.3 per cent. MOiilC than In re sales. and has. according to the \VORLD i'i‘S GREATEST Aift‘ to get yoli MORE MONEY than the $200 t ) $107,") MORE from your sale, t'r‘ .‘LL DR. J. 1i. SANDEltbtiN $-0FF11'E â€"« lIe is qualified to step into any sale ring and Brycr’, a year ago. and importers of Ciydesdalcs, thus his opin- Mr. Bryce was known as. .e. and as COL LONG has ohtaiued ders and farmers expected from their .-\ti-'ti'nn-er-s’ Journal ’l‘ith 'i‘ilF.:\'i‘i.\'i-l." he certainly is nualilied average auctioneer. hook with us. [ Sanderson & Long, Auctioneers “ GIVEN TO THE it' you would have FORE) GAE-.2. PRICES 1 F33 1917 Chassis - . Runabout . Touring Car . l“. O. R. Ford, Ontario These prices are p()siil\‘0l_\‘ guaranteed against any reducâ€" tiou before August 1, 1917, but there is no guarantee against an advance in price at any time. A. M. DAVISON and UNIONYILLIC G. Ricrruoxn HILL dealer for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yongc Street. LUCA L 1'?Fi‘iliiSENTA’i‘IVE

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