Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Apr 1917, p. 3

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waist and ankles. There are many ways of accomplishing this puffiness over the hips. One is by the clever Dress of Pongee Showing the New Silhouette True to its name, the new silhou- ette is in the outline of a barrel, bulg- ing at the hips and drawn in at the There will be two fashionable sil- houettes this spring. The slim sil- houette, with its straight, clinging lines will continue to be first in favor, as "it has been all through the Winter, but the new barre] skirt will give woâ€" men a chance to indulge in the bouf- fant effect, which will, doubtless, be welcomed by those who have complain- ed of being tired of the eternal straight line. .â€" “There’s :1 Reason " cereal drink, pure and nourishing and absolutely free from any harmful in- gredient. Quit both tea and coffee, and for a pleasant, healthâ€" ful table beverage. useâ€"â€" JoymE If it’s caffeineâ€"the drug in tea and coffeeâ€"~that’s causing shaky nerves, the remedy is perfectly plain~ POSTUM You Can Do Your Bit in the trenches, in the home, in the office, in the factory, in the store, when the body is nourished with foods that build healthy muscle without overtaxing the di- gestive organs, Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains the greatest amount of body- building nutriment at lowest cost. It strengthens the muscles of the stomach and intestines by making them do their normal work in a natural way. A better- balanced ration than meat or eggs, more easily digested and costs much less. Ready- cooked and ready - to - eat. For breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada. 'OStU 1T1 an There ’ostum Styles for 5 a big' army of 15ers who are en- etter health and since joining the Steady Those Nerves! delicious Spring ‘ Tin soldiersâ€"whole divisions of themâ€"presently caught the visitor’s eye as he wandered among the streets of booths which filled a huge section of the building. Grenadiers, artillerymen, infantry, army service. engineers, and army medical corps painted in the bright colors of their own regimental full dress stood among cannon and howitzers, past which squadrons of Lifeguardsmen and Hussars charged with supreme disregard for machine guns. Toys to delight the heart of the [most fastidious child abounded in this section. One dealer exhibited a rockingâ€"horse whose front legs workâ€" ed like a pendulum, causing the ani- mal to progress in stately manner about a nursery as each seeâ€"saw of the back rocléers lifted the forelegs free. gWhat rafts of wooden animals, what Earray of dolls, whose china heads. Leather Goods, Toys, Chinaware, Now Made in United Kingdom. Leipiig, Germany, has lest its fam- ous fair. Bustling British traders have grabbed it holus bolus and estab- lished it in London town, sails 'a Canâ€" adian in England. Germany had al- most a monopoly of the leather trade before the war. But you should see the splendid display of leather goods, . urses, handbags, picture frames, writing pads, toilet and jewel-cases they are turning out in English fac- tories these days dressed and in suede effectsâ€"not a shoddy article in the show. . The daintiest Viennese pigskin jewelcase could not vie with those which British workers are now mak- mg. aln Bright’s Disease is the most advanc- ed stage of kidney disease. It can be avoided if the earlier stages of kidney trouble are remedied by the useK of Dodd’s ,Kidney Pills. “The doctors said I cohld not live and if I did I would never be able to do \anything again, as I had chronic Bright’s Disease. But thank God I am doing my own wgrk once again, by the use pf Dodd's Kidney Pills.” Uxbridge, Ont, Apr. 2nd. (Special) â€"Mr. R. J. Thompson, living near here, had fourteen convulsions in one afternoon. The doctors did not think he could live. To-day,he is well and strong. He says Dodd’s Kidney Pills did it. But let him tell his own story: . “I am delighted with Dodd’ys Kidney Pills," Mr. Thompson states. “Iliave only t’aken eleven boxes and I feel like myself again. “I was taken ill very suddenly. I ate my dinner and Went to take a man home}: I just got about. three-quarters of a mile when I was taken with a con- vulsion fit. I had fourteen that, after- noon and the third ’day I had nine more. ands or : s of yore me with a 1g ambitf Mr. R. J. Thompson, of Uxbridge, Tells the Story of His Terrib‘le Trouble and Almost Miraculous Cure. Had Fwi’ieega Fits In One Afterna draping of the material at the waist-l line somewhat after the fashion of the “peg-top” skirts that Were used some: years ago. This type of the barreli skirt is shown in the sketch, which ilâ€" lustrates a' dress of figured pongee‘ with sleeves and belt of plain pongee in natural color. The skirt narrows down to twa yards at the hem; for the narrow skirt, especially in this form, is to come in with the spring, fashion ‘a‘uthorities says. This silhouette has and looking at the whole silhouette from shoulder to ankles, and not mere- ly from the waist downward, the name is indeed most appropriate. Perhaps the most generally favored of all fabrics this spring will be satin. It is to be used for one piece dresses, for suits, and for separate coats. This material will also be in demand for evening gowns and afternoon dresses, and for these its popularity will be shared by charmeuse, which is very closely related to satin. The suits and dresses of satin will be decorated with braiding and embroidery, and much of the embroidery will carry out the Oriental colorings which are dis- tinctly in vogue this season. These patterns may be obtained from your locol McCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Torâ€" also been named the “bowling-pin;” , SA WYER & LABt FIRSTBR01 283 Kifig brushes, hair 1 and even fine ,ists were amo In china, Er supreme in b0 very cheapest largely dealt i a strong comp Germany will England’s poti even here outd Quite likely your shirt or of compresse< acids. Germa mammoth indi Huns called tl England's die] a good comme ing this mate] uses. Brush l tons by the h ers, poker chip numerous good the colored iv01 onto, Ont. Dept. W ation and the ] BRITAIN’S NEW INDUSTRIES ut. Is Made Well and Strong By am Ieet are no lon 'e. Toy telegra; an electric buzze Dodd's Kidney Pills. 101.15 the ShO manuf‘ ter divisions of the visitor’s among the filled a huge Grenadiers, ierman ys, and And ish very suits rated and 7 out dis- lined from Tor- mammoth industry before 1914. The Huns called the material “Galilith.” England’s chemists have discovered a good commercial process of mak- ing this material. It has illimitable uses. Brush backs, chessmen, butâ€" tons by the hundred million, check- ers, poker chips are made from it, and numerous goocljvory imitations. Even the colored ivory~appearing ornament- ation and the pretty green jade-lookâ€" ing edging on jewel and ladies’ small dressing cases are generally nothing less than this substance. Lead pencils are another line of manufacture once in the hands of the Huns to a very large extent. Remem- The Russian‘ Minister of Agricul- ture has been given power to create on Crown lands reserve areas for the preâ€" servation and breeding of fur-bearing animals and of birds. mnard's Liniment Believes Neuralgla. “Which fact convinces me you can sell anything. Why not take up in- surance, or motors, or something with big money in it?” tures.” “You are wrongâ€"I sell my tures.” A frugal Scot, wishing‘ to light Up, alwayS goin' out between asked a number of fellow-passengers fill ’em- for a match. None of them having‘ “~ one, Sandy said resignedly: “Aweelfi‘ Granule“; ;§nd-e I’ll have to use yin 0’ ma ajn.” Fwne cnflam. IT is always safe to send Express Money Order. ] costs three cents. Oats should be treate [fore planting. To whom it may boneern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD’S LINIMENT myself as well as pre- scribed it in my practice where a lini. 111th was required and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, M.D. In the journey of life it is not al- ways the magnificent distances that count. The most wonderful road ever travelled lay straight and steep be- tween a manger and a near-by hill. ulnard’s Liniment for sale everywhere B. Hamilton-Gray,, Welling ton Baa-racks, Halifax, NS. H says further: "I can speak from personal ex perience, as I have used lam-Bull myself for cuts, burns and then matlsm, and believe there is; noth- ing to equal it." Zam-Buk, the great herbal balm is a boon to the men in the‘trenches â€"it ends pain and heals so quickly and instant application of Zam'Buk prevents all possibility of festering or blood-poisoning. Don't forget to put some Zam. Buk In your next parcel to the front. All druggists, or Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto: 500. box, 3 for $1.25. “Zam-Buk is a v to every soldier’s gark was made by Such are some of the many things to be seen at the third annual fair of British‘industries, held under the au- spices of the Board of, Trade. her the Faber pencils? English mak- ers are fashioning as good a pencil as ever the Hun turned out. England is consuming all the present output, while China takes the culls; One dealer told me he was full up with or- ders for the next four months. very cheapest. In the met largely dealt in grades, Ger a strong competitor, but fro: Germany will henceforth be England’s potteries are dete even here outdo her. brushes, hair brushes, clothes brushes, and even fine paint brushes for artâ€" ists were among the displays. , _ In china, England has always been supreme in both the very best and the on waste your time painting Wfifi SAWYERS, 80X MAKERS & LABURERS WANTED FIRSTBROOK BROS IRSTBROOK BROS, Limited 283 King Street East, Toronto ‘nes, hair brush even fine pain MONEY ORDERS Good Salesman put some Zam‘ Parcel to the ts, or Zam-Buk box, 3 for $1.23 was ’a1uable addition kit.” This re- Lieut.-Col. A. C. 12.0.11, Welling- ISSUE 14â€"‘17 y beszt and the medium and Germany was from this line 1 be debarred. determined to 'or smut be a Dominion ‘ive dollars pic- pic Formerly Patent Office Examiner. Estab. 1877 99 ST. JAMES SIX. MONTREAL Branches: Ottawa and Washington mABc Cook’s ’ Butlerâ€"Madame, come and she want she will keep her mo1 Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandrufl'l Mrs, Nurox (to friend)â€"~Yes, the clerk at the store suggested my get- ting; a pair of opry glasses for Jake, but I said that I didn’t want my man “U V w just Eye Comfort .. At Your Dru 'gist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eya Eaivein'l‘u esZSc.Forflookuilhefycfrccask Druggists or Murfie Eye Remedy Co..Chlcago 3” Eyes inflamed' by expo- ; sure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, Iust Eve Comfort. .. At ’ Keep house plants as close to the glass as possible, so they will have all available light, and turn them around frequently to prevent their growing to one side. Do not let plants suffer for water or moisture, the sun drys out the soil in’ the pots quickly at this season. Overhead watering or syringing will be beneficial. On pleasant days admit fresh air freely, avoiding cold di-aughts striking the plants. r‘ . ‘ If msects annear thev must. he Iwnr plants [many to ge< Water seedlings been started in the them too warm, ax to make them stocl out so they will that is tall and Spil as soon as they a into shallow boxes plant sufficient roo W3 atir down by Puts a Stop to all 5mm Strengthens ) A Delicate Stomaeh’ with If CARE OF HOUSE PLANTS. EUREKA HARNESS OIL is a scientific pre- paratiun. Taking No Chances THE IMPERIAL 011 COMPANY, Limited Branches Throughout Canada Simple Rude 08% fit. Patent Protection' ’ Free IS a pure mineral therefore cannot n rancid. ICS not (is: :5 appear they must be kept praying with insecticides. will he h [it Granulated Eyelids, Tour. the Lew cook has ‘5 to know where mis 3'. SONS SPOEN MEDICAL 00 Chemists and Bacterioloa’lsw. Gonhen CURES THE SiGé 41111111 the acts to ific-ial diges 1ble nursery shing If harmle litles tr digesth if t nfu] J) 11 place among the trusted family remediesinthousandsofmedi- cine closets. Confidence in it is based on the uniform effectiveness with which it banishes the pains of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, lumbugo, sore stiff muscles, bruises, Sprains and strains. Cleaner and easier to use than mussy plasters or ointments. It penetrates and relieves quickly without rubbing. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.0 . Sloan's Liniment is assigned its ducal SK W F YD obsorbi Havé a Bottle Handy! ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETG. iniernal and external. cured thh< out min by our home ‘reatment. ertg us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical C0. IJmlted. Colllnzwood. Ont, f(' H price Spadi j Offices for sale in 'gnod Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses Full Information on application to “'llsnn Publishing Com- pany. 73 West AID-MM? Sty-9M. Toronto. RUFIT~MAKING NEWS LED JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario penditures tion to pop Minard'a Linimem Cures Burns nwsvnpnna you 3”, Avé r1 MISCELLANEOUS for ivered. Dcscrf tions and‘Boo NE“ Hy ‘ads the world it >oor relief in nu H k 5‘ M free. W ant n propo SECO ujspe: MU Eto‘ a!

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