v.1. . A {IA Richmond Hill Annex C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill lightest or heav- It will sew the iest materials won’t break. menc; can be run backward, thread without adjust- fof flousecleaning, and Save Time Built of selected golden oakâ€"ï¬nely ï¬nishedâ€"it is a beautiful piece of furniture, as well as a necessary article for the home. More than two million in use. Ask the woman who owns one. “Different Styles for Different People.†The machine illustrated above is only one of the many artistic designs. We are quoting extra low prices on these guaranteed machines. Now is the time to buy. Call and see them and get an illustrated and descriptlve booklem Don’t lose this opportunity. ‘ Pork and Beans. Canned Soups, Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and Bvans; Canned Fruits. Meats and Fish; Selfâ€"rising Pancake Flour and others. Then there are Shredded \Vheat Biseuits, Grape Nuts. Corn Flakes, Rice Flakes, Puffed Wheat and Krumhles, ready to serve in a minute. And those hurried meals during the strenuous season can be pre- pared in a very few minutes. The following will suggest the way: Old Dutch Cleanser. a pkg Star Ammonia. 3 pkgs. fur Gillett's Lye. 2 tins for . . Peal-line. :1 pkg. . . . . . 5c Lux. a pkg . . . . . . . . . . Housecleaning is a trying task, but many of your duties can be lightened considerably by the use of the following:â€" Fire. Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance WALL PAPERS Lighten the Labor: in Canada Made Norman Batty Sewing Problems are Easy for the Woman Who Has 3 “WHITE†Machine FOR FK Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmpnt and Clarence Avenues. Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Call nowâ€"they’ll save you time and labor For Sale on Easy Terms URTHER IX‘IFOR‘AIPJTIQN \VRITE OR SEE 3 J. T. LOCKE & CC., G. A. McDonald 8: Son "He Proï¬ts Moat Who Serves Best†1 1 for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper never seen before and for less money than can be purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self~trimmed papers-«n0 trimming to do which saves much Limeâ€"â€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room, and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book. take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped L0 select this paper. . . . . . . . 5c, AVING SECURED THE AGENCY Ban-Ami, a cake . . . Brooms . . . . . . . . 40c to Snap. a tin . . . . . . . . . . Snap. a cake . . . . . . 5c to qullid Veneer. a bottle 25c. 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto sewing need. machine for every easy-running tension is auto ï¬ne goods as the matic. The ideal Will not packer Phone 18 .60 Rev. \V. F. \Vilsnn. 111)., late pns~ tor of Elm St. Methodist Church. Toi- ontn. and a former superintendent, of Richman Hill circuit. dled on Tues- day, ;foe1- ‘4 short iilness. To fair minded men the whole affair must look like a farce. South Africa was given home~rule, and the conquered people are to-day ï¬ghting side by side with our men in the great war. Home-rule has been a success wherever tried. But because Protestants and Catholics fought each other more than a hundred years ago the vendetta is handed down from generation to generation, and the Ulsteran continue to say “Ireland must not be entrusted with the task of making her own laws.†Everv~ body admits that Ireland has a grievance. Remove the grievance and then see if Irishmen are le s loyal than other men. The Christian Guardian in a sen- sible article on The Irish Question says: “And it does seem like strange irony that Britain should compliment Russia upon the Securing of greater self government while at the same time it denies this boon to the Irishâ€. The Nationlists of Ireland have a real grievance, and nothing but deep- seated prejudice on the part of certain Ulstermen deprives Ireland from the natural task of making her own local laws as we do in Canada. England has long been in favor of such a measure, in fact home-rule passed Parliament nearly three years ago, and has been suspended because the U'Istermen have declared that they are ready to take up arms and rise in rebellion the day that home rule goes into force. [RICHMOND HILL. 0N1. APRIL 5. 1917 A Complete change in the method of getting voters on the lists for provincial elections is embodied in the government‘s bill to include women voters and soldiers who are away from their homes. In the counties of the province :1 board, consisting of two judges, a sheriff, a clerk of the County Court and the Crown Attorney, will be responsible for the appointmentof enumerators for each township to put on the names of 2111 voters. Every woman of legal age who is a British subject or who becomes such, will be entitled to vote. IRELAND STILL UNSETTLED NEW REGISTRATION SCHEME HIWIHHIH! a E ï¬gggï¬aiï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬m 53%? " YONG E STREET The constant aim toward the greater service is the wag McLaughlin builders prove their appreciation of Canadds endorsement. Send for new Catalogue “A†showing complete line to VMcLaugiiiin builders have won ioday’s meiispuied leader- ship on a Big Ideaâ€"a right principle, rightly applied, the fémous McLaughlin Valve-in-Head Motor. But McLaughiin science, skill and building hones‘g, is ever ready to make that “better†automobile whenever it can be built. THIS appropriate phrase more than a stirring by perï¬imtance. The McLsï¬Ã©hiin Se FOR SALE BY ,e McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO, LimitecE, mmmmmnn Km Series include (3 and 4 qylinder cars in Tourin , Roadster and Sudan types, rangmg m pace from $895. to $235 . ' the Burde and and oxpressing c membersâ€"Capt ‘ Dr. Godfrey. Treasurer, Thus. Gxiï¬iths, \Vvstun. There was :1 large attendance, and there was much enthusiasm. The lotiring president. Ald. Sam Ryding. n: repurtod in The “'mid, ex- pressed disupprmul in the \vav the Government is permitting munitions jobs tn go to the United States instead of giving tin-m tn Canadian cnntmcb ors. He also expx'esxed the Opinion that it \vztstilnc the Government xeally did something about getting x-oct'tnts. A reSnItninn funnng Conscription Was m rv-wd: :tlm n n-sululmn endm‘sing ‘the Btu-(1m; mu] Hearst, GuvH‘IHHPIILS and expressing conï¬dence in the sit ting membersâ€"Capt. Tom \anletce and Capt. \Vullm'n’, M.P.. Dr. Godfrey. M.P.l’., were satisï¬ed Lu leave the m:le of rm-ruiting in the hands of the Government. but, were. willing tn vote conseriptinn if the Government, intrudde such a measm-v. Dr. Gmlfmy declared tho time was not opportune fur a general election. and stated that the Lihemls only hope of winning was to corral all the Austro- Genmm vote in the \Vest, and to get a solid Qm-hcc. D. HILL & GO. Epwnrth League Monday night at, the usual hom- under the management of the Literary and Social Committee. Mrs. Mylks \vxll give u paper “The Art of Making “Others†Happyâ€, also recitatious. Good musical prommn. Come and lwlp mer the League :1 SUCCESS. \1 WEI]! $91 g®9®§§®§®§®§©9©®®®§9€©®© % Qï¬ li’s Dangerous i0 €er 8; West York Conservatives ©@®®®Q9QQ9®@Q$Q§®§Q@Q§ OSHAWA. ONTARIO. imnnmu with cheap, unreliable drugs. \Ve don’t keep that kind, are pure,.refreshing and re] for Winter‘s Wind and St] will appreciate the difference backed by more than a quarter of a century’s experience, is behind every ounce of drugs we sell. MM Our Coiiet Creams and Powders is more than a working motto sloganâ€"it is a promise bad-23c Sloan’s mug Store mnvm NEWER? Olll‘ Reputanon iiï¬lfllillliili iiiflï¬ï¬‚iï¬iilï¬ 'Any whn wisï¬ In "(Land thv- Concert from Richmond Hi1] and points along the line mnv avail themes-lum- of the Special Cm- learing Tul'nlllO after the conceit. mm All :u-I':mgvmvntsare complete for til ‘ hip: (,l mrrel t at St. Paul’s Prvshy- tel'ian (‘hm-rh rm Good Friday Even- ing in “hich tlu" Ym-k Chm-M Snrwipty wnll purtivipau- along with the Choir and Qumth hf the Church ussisted by n iplo'lzdid String Quartetto and Mix“ Marguerite BI-vlv. Elur-utionist. Thr-re is (-u-ry indication that :1 very large :uniiwnve will he on hand in hunt the cn’mluined clmirs: :md umny fl ionds of the (,‘hnml Snailth in this Vicinity :u'e‘ gnil g «ann specially for the con- cert. A sectiun is lwing reserved fora numlwr nf rvtnrnml snldiers frmn The Sprulina Military Hospital. . RICH M ON D HILI Findlay. Mr. Findlay was a man of unusual gifts, a philanthropic genius. Since mining to this locality he has planned. m-gnn’izvd and set nude-r way a great new institnliun lhe lwneï¬t of which the {mm-e mm It‘ll. Frnm his mind and hum-t mm» tlw idea: which resulted in t-st:llull~liing this new method of dealing with the unfnrlun- ate. Already great wsnlts have shown thenmwlrps in l‘E‘hanlltilth manhood, :m :u-hivvemcnt beyond all price. The deepest syinputh v of the congre- g-Ilion is fe-lt im- st_ Findlay and the children. Easter Cards in good vmietv Liberal Of’ï¬x-rn Presbyterian Church Sunday, AprilBLh, Easter Sermons and Easter Music by the choir. The Young Peoples†Society Thurs- day. 7.30 p.m.. "The Life of David." Thoxnhill congregation this week feels immeasurably poorer in the loss of another of her eldexs, Rev. “7. B. Findlay. Mr. Findlay was :1 man of unusual gifts, a philanthropic genius. Since vowing to this locality he has reliable. Use them Summer’s Sunâ€"you Our Community Chorus in Toronto at, The