a I S d r I The t‘lLlZI‘llw‘ of Aurora llll lied out en The Batu†cry Of Peace Ella “or e Bree e s In lN‘s‘r’ H'lilrlziv til‘fi'lllililtl lii “WliTiIlHi‘ Una?" thy maunwillilyninï¬lihp wax out to the liist. meeting Inf 'l'he B’Lrtahon ISMâ€? I“th LHHIlnnllsIt ‘IiI “ lu'lia lloi'se Breeder's Aï¬smaation, oii ill-“smugglw {It}; ,éxlll'xllgghiï¬pd Friday t-i’eniilg lll Elia Fort-Hens llall. NIH!» ‘ I - ' ‘ ' ' "‘ The u-esideiit, Mr. Jim. Jackson. the Battalion haVe lh~l:l‘l ordered Iowa. “IIII: i“ g1â€, (.hIm, "ml “pi.me 11].. “Niel. Seas In Week hem'e, ill); etile 1;]:1' {P in}; liy u shun :irltlie~s<, after which he Climtm" "mfl‘m‘b', ll “llkgvt T 6“" called (in Mr. J. U. Steukley to explain ’ "mg M’" N“ ,1“ “MK ’0â€.' ’I '2’ “I'm- sntiie matters of importance. lt seems , , _ ,, . to, gin-o a fine address in “hich was My. SHICley hIIS lately been III; a (IIIIII I I l THE STAN DARE BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you I a guarantee of absolute security and EST’D 1372 interest at current rate. 259 ‘ A WW] N'lNP-‘m‘mlmn of humor“; l’te K. Lloyd ivho ietiirned from over- St’JH‘, li:i\ ing lit-en \\'lillivtlt‘ll in the llt'lir'liex‘ in Fran-'e. 'l‘ll†\miini: lit-in. win» is a son of Seneea Lloyd, was met th the hand. and officially Welcomedl th Mayor Baldwin. shown the eel-imism-las of [hlp Slllleillull. “mu-U“ I†(hwiphI when,“ H“. Suhrnm both in Britain ant (Jenna, an! the WIII I II I I _ I I I - . - . vs Heated moat. exhaihtiuly h) the t I C d great, need nt smvmg and siu‘lllg in all ‘ [II-w MIMI, (.IIIIImiSIiIIIIIIII IIIId III “II n a cmmuws at “uni.†l \\';ls’ able to giVe US the last Word in M'my “f 'h" {WWW-p“ thmwn n†[hp ‘ infoiniatioii ahoiit. it. Some aim-ml- . . . . 7 Guam“ “7â€? VHV """llsuc' '“Hl "Md" lllt‘lllS have been lll:l(lt' to the rules it "1â€!" 1h†"rm-v ,“f the "hips i†u)" laid down in like hiniklel. The llllWl fuwgci'n RIPIlHl'MlUI C: “V†“sf 1" l notahle is in l‘llli'. No. (i, of the outline Mn" "‘ wm“ .l" a w "Wm-V 0 a which Slillt‘a one-Lhiid of lhe St'l\l(ft' 1 guimgln lsm’my n unplntecwd by the I've for earl) fllllll‘tllllt‘t‘tl mare shall he X'lllsl :iV‘V. ' v V I.. - . .. I . ~ . [)Jltl h} lllQLllll) to ill! stallion (i\\llll - A feature 0f ihe entertainmentIlaot . I,†H“, Hid (If u“. 5vrvicc spam,†()f 1 - S d ‘ R 1C H M O N D I L L B R A N C H PVPlllng was the splendid pull‘ltillclmunse H“. Lin Sunk Bland} WWI. L E HAND Mana er and catchy niiisichy the pianist, Mr. up Mr HIIII hIIIIk LII “III (‘IIIIIII ThII . . , g I Daws‘m- 5‘ '1‘eull’w“fl'h†b‘u‘ml'm“ anieiitlmeiit, states that in case the -7_ - ~- " -‘.-': a mare does not prove to he in foal that , I I 7 , I one-third is llititl hat-k to the lllille‘ S‘OMI) mnl'IO-lmnlt’ rAiuctionVSa'e fl Tuesday. Apiil 10â€"le head of lli'st- would require soiiieatljlistiiienl iatthe class Work liorSeS. from 4 to H years sllggusliuns of farmer-5) before the LOW films 1“ 03"“. I , I Old. “’k‘lghlllg fl'uill 13‘)“ in 17(10 “18., “-(,l.k “vuuld l)lj\gl‘€i‘s “Hm-t Pth‘pipntlyI Bran and (ill lllt'St'lily. A pill~ ll). and “"4 grxg in. at. Maikhaiii. the Piohei~t_\".f'l‘. Hm It, Was cairiecl on motion that the . m 351mm)â€. swam" hm“ Jilly :}'d' 5.10th No ltll't't'(l \arations. No waste time. Hiissnlld. 5.14: at 2 o't-lm-k. 'l‘erins memheiship fee he $1 per mare. and l l - For Tiel'r‘ts and information a - 7 months. Prentice & Buyiiton. Ilsaonld that. fee not cover the I‘Xpt'llSPi‘ A i p (‘Uliiih Fiei'i'ainloglie. \Yi'iteSllll\\"$ A SOOd supply of Sohook, ’l‘oizinto. 3937 Yonge Street. l‘URITy AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. aluztient-ers. of the Secretary. the club would make ply to J (l:ilbi':iirli,station agent, up the (lelieiency. or write R L. l<‘airbairn, Gener- Me-«is. larl James and Charles l857 l9l7 I? O R * ‘ .Siiiiler Were appointed a commit we to I _ In I I I - x v- IV V SA '4 b‘ linleiwiew Mr. David Howard in make ‘11 I)“Sâ€â€œngcl “hum? "6 km" br' Wheat, BUCkWheauta ’ i A tidy little home on Ricli- t'l‘I'I'râ€Il~’:I{'lItI’I“lj‘1Eigigs“y‘iggiij’gaIII 15., Toronto, Cracked Corn XTY lEARS ‘ .. . '. . '. lo '.. .r i“,;,i * _' . iiniSIngebILn‘ii 21%;:Léirfï¬aiï¬iiaafl “,I SIIIIIIIII “III “III IIICIIIIIIIIIV IIIII IIIIIIII Americanmgoglats 0f Pngl‘CSS 3H5! Success sun with nmdemte “IIIIIHSI Elle. Ipm. htllll or services rt‘llt t'l~L‘l .~ _I I r I ( I Seven mums. good cellar. hard “I†“'d‘ CADTADIAN N OR EHERN I \I Cit) ll XVI)er sale “70 hmâ€) i‘sti‘l'li‘ll‘ d †I“Sting "'1" ‘ “ ' “ ‘ ‘ iitntinii foi fair and squaie dealing and soft Water. Price easy. Nearly new hrick house. hen house, with ore zit-re of land. nice oichard, grounds neallY “Hug Hmditiuns by “ï¬lming mâ€. laid out. Lot has double, front- ' of ihe entire stock of Orde;011t63 (Ha-y :“gh‘gtmdv "his L) l ~ () ('llS (Illll’l'S «'l A Canada†Poigrand cement) and are now pieparetl to meet ex- 0 y A )u o age on Riehniond and Centre i ' S15-: “1 VlllMâ€"‘W- PUSSVSSI‘HI “C i The Toronto and York lligliwav Bressed Brick PRICES. Don't delay planting "nu" I I (Vil'lllllll\\l(|ll herehy iiol “V the plih- I . ' A . . . .> . e . . ,, -. w“ "HIPS U†and (JUHI Mark 1 “II IIIIIII IIIIIIV IIIIII IIIIIIIE III II “III_ IIf We 112Ler the J) L. 86 W. fiiiitIiius and plant.» Ins thue 1.» halo, lll'l k house. new barn, l I “HI. $1“, L“ 93mm,†shun“ Hwy SL1 antou Hard Coal nothing pays better. Send for our- andIutner first-class oiitlaiild- ' lieioiigingvio LAI‘IlER ISl’lE,I\]l?§ & di.p|;,y u hm m. Sign "pm. [he {Hid Kennel Coal illustrated circulars of hardy var. “'52? hIIâ€. IIeIIII with IIIIIIIIV :gIE)II\I;IIII‘:H\,{V)IIII:IIII‘\II[3123:]: ":'I~I[I\"IrI"‘ iInad< oi litighIwayBnndIer the jiiii<- “None better Order DOV] ieties which you ean older direct _‘ ‘ " W I '. I f- I " ‘~ ‘I :3" ' i-ii-n I't’ mri. (r iiion , _ I- .,_ ;I18\IV Irraim- llllilITP.It'lgl)L “Indus. puhln-aiu1IHHi at. I)t)1\IIl\ [(V)1\IHY()U§1:‘II ‘fII:IIIIiI> IIrIIIIIg Nth" « SIInlI‘ll SIIL 5 ALL AT REASONA BLE FRICEH l and Er t thf) hem of are nIt 3 corn. I::;n.ice.gI rat» (rifle-Iain! )::ll(llâ€" 111:3?“szlfInl‘llLIlQ Illiln I): lllle)i1\. (il‘ilng't‘l \'.. (l. 17. ‘37 S. Sufi). F, ; “l'f‘l‘m- I ‘“ PHU‘b “‘11 ’9 hm“ “I II t" .' ' . en' ‘ ' 1 , . 4. iii ,I_i. Put or I. ) l I' I “ .‘ ‘4 , III-“t I ‘i _ i t ll. is \«ulI church and school. on the lib more ill'8i~(‘l:i>$ heavy draught hoiSes {Jilin} [$31.31[filling ï¬niujf Hth E {h n L†. l concession of i‘ltllkll-‘Illl. ’ that lia\e IlIlet-n in their limihei' eamp. ml, “Unplwd h, [WWI m. “1.95. (m '3 W8 ‘ E I I I I I , ) I I An improved three-acu- li.t, nearSiidhiiry. all winter. All in good H,†hiol)\\'nv :lll\'\\‘:l\.‘ injured see ‘ TH“ ( HAth BROFHEhB (0' en Mil-l Strum, Richmond Hill. ;\\'olking (-oi ditinn. ranging from 4 to RISIU’I" (“I'ng 'HI 1;: V ' ' ' " “F (’XTM‘I“ LIMITED at a IUJISUllilllll' figure, ,rs’ yrs. old, and Weighing from 1500 llw. N. 'I' I I I17 I II II. I I I - NURSERYMEN Sonn- lieaiitil'ul liuilding lots up. This atford: pt’tiple in ngpd of" III‘I‘Y. "MI: I'CI";I'II“““I’I".‘.": COLBORNEI I I I IONTARIU mi Riehinond and \Vright sis. good work horses an ideal opportunity Tl?†[nil I'll} I “‘1‘ IL" I .“I"I'I":i‘l g i 9911 \Voi th the money as they are an exeeptionally good let I “N ’_“T.'l . Ilia]? ll lnmm.‘lmf( l m ‘ Si‘lid hiiv k house on (‘hiiii-h and must he sold “lllltlllt iesei ve. “I†1 firingdlsl“ ‘1 “mt '1 I)“- l ~â€"w WW" * "*A* *' "W‘â€" strm-t. suiii h. linmediite pt‘s- HUI-we m, View m, up. 5m "'1 “'m "‘1‘ (MH' I seSsinn. A 'MI’HHin- V - v r T th'i‘rn F 3 Hum ‘ N “ ‘ r1nd. Gm 91 I I I bale tricoiiiiiiencwitllt elock shai . - ' ‘ ' 4- I ~ ‘ A ~ -‘»- ' n y 1 a MOB E1 10 LOAN' Terms - Hi\' llliill[li\“ Cl't‘tlli on ‘Iil- (hail-“mm Engim‘w I“ Humid VVV e Z . n v o I )lltfl‘t‘tl joint notes. 5 wt cent. all w- K' _\V‘ PHll’LlPS‘ SW“. "‘3" " ‘ ' " 7 1 d B k {‘1- â€"’-$.- N l Y'llOllh ivd fm. CIIShI III HI FRIENTICEI ASCII - Si Adelaide Street East, Toronto. I I I II II 1 e REAL ESTATE l 41-) 1, “III S, \V T I I “I III .H i 1‘“â€" .qu .I; ALL BRA1\(. HISS OF Tlle IRADE II I I t "l ‘ A - “W†“- A «m l â€"‘ I“ - h ' STRICTLY ATTENDED To The Maple band, hraveland Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale: ‘HVW ‘ Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5, G and 8 in. SHOEING LAME AND INTERPERING Culvert tile 12. 15, 1821iit120 inch HORSES A SPECIALT '; (30 inches in length.) Also Cement. Brick. Sand and “Riv 1 will 1’ v the load PATxONAGE Sorlt'iTED ;‘ b e h I Iï¬ t or in car lots. I AM) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TI COCSINSI l l flS-tf. Free. and Manager Maple WUDDWARD... miter- Boris RICHMOND HILL Fat or Lean, not for service Best market price given â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€" SANDERSON. v. s. ..§§§§R駣 mum-F 57 ' ,mmuunl â€"- 2' % ., IIIMIII IIVIJTQIXKIW :[MK_ . a»; ""9 LOW FARES mi, To ALL pOiNTg [N «0mm . ,- . mr. ‘ V . WESTERN CANADA and the PAC“2 lC C0 ST “WW PW K" VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY Consignments.‘Dmvnm iew Station ALVVAYS/ 0N HAND. I i. 'l‘. Electric Lighted and Comfortably Equipped Trains To obtain the lowest {are and 111: most convenient routing apply to (Lhaq. Reid, Station Agen‘, or write R. L Fairbairn, General Passenger Dept. 68 King St. 13., Toronto ‘_ VEA crNtoiiN NGRTHEW Lime liardeVall Plaster Cement Fire Brick Plaster Boards Sewer Pipe Plaster Paris Mortar Colors \Veeping Tile Lttc. _EW~ Also Flour and Feed SWillowdale Builders" Supply Co’g l ]. 6: G. H. MCKENZIE, 'WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO 'w. HEWlSON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. {l-JS‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL f. o. b. OSHAW'A STANDARD EQUIPMENT Valve-in-head motor. Ney front spring suspen. Lox .,,_ V , . 7 _. ,‘ w. . . . 510115. A. J. H URI 13] Elfctnc l‘ghhng and ‘tm' New accelerator foot rest. mg system. Oil indicator light equip- ,, ,7 ,, Selective sliding gear ment transmission, 3 speed, Ample road clearance. NOTARY PUBLIC forward and reverse. Cantilever Springs. II II II II_ I I“; Staunch frame, IumIVed Uphd‘tery' CONVEYANCING N f I d I Mohair top. ,7, ,i , , ,.,_ itazï¬zg an rear sprlng Noni-lskild tires on rear “ICE†IIII . w ees. MARRIAGE LICENSES SOLD LOCALLY BY PERCY C. HILL THE CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED OSHAWA. - - ONTARIO WESTERN SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTING BRANCH: REGINA. SASK. R iclnn 011d Hill