Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1917, p. 5

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Get Hatching Eggs _'l‘hat Produce Layers Saturday. April 21â€"Fumituro etc.. at Langsluif. the pl-upmty lwlnnging tn the estate 01" £1191;va Ruhex't Drul'y. Sale at 1.30 p.u). Terms Cash. J. H. Prentice, Auct. The smnkH‘ given hv the CJrling Club in Robinsmi’s Hall \Vednesduy evening of last woek netted $62.50 :ifLe-r paying expenses. This amuuut will lie supplemented hv the club sn that every mun now at. the fnmt {rum this village and district will receiVe 2l0 cigarettes. In the plogressive Euchre gaunus the first, plize was won by Mr. G. Vundmhurgh, and the Con- s ilntiun piize by Mr. F. Graham. The club glently appreciates the services of Mrs. \Vigmm‘e whn furnished the lunch at cnst. and Wishes tu thank Mr. Robinson fur “10 free us? Hf the hall. and all who so gvnerally assisted. The Red ('i-o-‘s Auxiliary wish to ex- pmss their thanks and appreciation for a (lunziliun of eighteen (lullin's from th * Ozik Ridge-S School Board and R .vanyers. lbis amount living 01 c h Llf of the plUCl‘U-SIS (If the ccntteit N‘- c -ntly hvld in 04k Ridgi-s School. pcucmwls were dividvd hetwcin Animal and Richmond Hill. )HATTERLY-â€"Apl-il 8th. at, his late I-osidvncv. E'g‘iu Mills. \V:IHL‘1'(,‘/hélt~ lt-rly, in his 631d ymr. Funeml fl-nm uhnvo address to Thm-nhill Cemetery, Tuesday. April 10th. at. 23 p.111. [er Strceis. has membms nf Ric them Munduy : understand the lodges have In- Candidut". tings of 15 eggs L. R. Guild’s famous bred-on lay Plymouth Rocks. ' Pen No. l is composed of the daughters of hen No. 73, record 103 eggs in 109 consecutive days; and were sired by a male whose dam laid 264 eggs in one year. Pen No. 10 is com- posed of pullots from Pen No.1, 1915. They are lal‘ge,well bar- red and have grand egg type. Eggs from our pen,ot‘ these two famous pens c0mhined,will proâ€" duoe layers that will satisfy you in every particular. Call today for prices on set- and 271;: Qt Black (jut Peanut hu Shin-riffs 5m lnde, 10' «:2 doz. furr 50.; Atkinson & The Thurnhlll anch of the \V(-- men‘s Institute “'1” meet (It the home of Mrs. R. Thompsm rm 'l‘hursuay, Apt-“19m. Papas will he giwn by Miss Cluhine and Mrs. limdumn. Hints un gmdumng to he givvn in :mswex [0 10“ call. The \V A.F. & A‘ Our pens are made up from Pen No. 1 anckPen N0. 10 of Brunchquf Lhe United Furmers’ Un- npemrju- Assnuintiun will he held at Hutel Richmnud this (Thursday) even- ing at, 8 o‘clock. Mr. and MN “'n(:(lst.m:k SI) furnn-r‘s home In: nml ’l'uvsduj Tollt’gv. visited village Mrs. Patchettnf Port ( yesterday \Vlll) Mrs. T. I and Miss Irene McMahon. UL'IIPI in the Mrs. : Hf ht RICH .wmxr) HILL. ONT‘ H Lettm [0 gm; Mr. Fm urd Bunk for u .fi-w Th I): 'umntn Mr igh The Rustic Inn Richmond Hill, Ontario LLm matting of 011- Richmond Hill n- of corn just arrived at Lhk 0Y0 Jillo \V. 'I‘rrnch. Plinc School, has been sler \ucmiun at UHUILPI', Deputy l’ustmus ll, Hf Uunwn. spent a few hr village Mnudny, with his 51st .. J. Uumphe“ and Miss Cwul A Smoker for Smokes and Mm. G. Elmore Renumn muk spenL u few (In/\‘r‘ 51‘ 3 home how. Mr. “Amman Tuesday to resume Walk in AUCTION SALES Ernest Hammond of Fergus n-erSunduy with friends In Lhe :) cutsup lurgosize huttle 2: Qunku- pulfrd rice. pkg. 170. at Shoe Pulish 15c. lmllle butler. snmll tumblers, 10c. scotch Ina-1nd “range mmnm uz. jar 25c.: Clutlws pins. .' ic.; gm-d ca 1Ling figs lb. 10c (ll 01-59213 addressed envelupes at oral Office, ll) cents :1 duzen‘. thus nddressvd are not so apt mk McDonald of the L stuff. Clmthnm. was days at Easter Lime. Red Croés Notes {gm-d c‘ bwitzm Mustm- nf ASH.“ COI‘IIGI‘ «o-â€" DIED )l‘ner Yunge & Glance» in vital the ufiicers a nd -huwnd Lolgc. [1) visit evening. April 23, \Ve muslms uf the nnrthern )en asks-d to initiate :1 ion at ‘lces on set- Start early. ipn) of Prescott spending part. his old home APRII the Stand- dit spout McMahm) in the ulu-l hmm 1917 llu llI'b‘ p‘r'ted. He was Imm- than })IP;IN‘(L and his brother. Henry, known thz-uughnut the ngricnltuml wmld as ahreeder of pure-bred Sllnzk, \Vva: “I was present. at, my hmlhvu‘s snlu. and was way much pleased thh the way yuu conducth it.” ' (ion! lumen. let me gar. you BETTER PRICES. MORE MONEY fur ymn~ S?n(:k :nL Auction. I CAN DO 11‘. Bunk Sum [Judi one whn excels, one who has «(Inuppvd himself by closer study, more gulwlnll, exmnsivp and special trawlingâ€"mm who is n teacher. I'ecngnizod as“un ex: part and an authority." That man is THE MAN who C: 11 get the BEST Many farmers engage an :umtinnvel' because he "knows the people." Other faxmers, like big business concerns. engage the man because of his ability and record. Certainly there are many good um:- timieel's, but. as in other-lines, thme is one wlm excels, one who has eqluppvd himself by clvser study, mnre gulwlnll, exlensive and special twiningâ€"mm who is n teacher. mongnizpd as‘mn 9x. Mulk m parking 11‘ oullnr lmtlnns. 51‘ few instam-n-s. w light l't'fH'ShlnPIII at \‘Pry small cost n t I r:u:ti\' §hnp"fl \' (1mm: which c7; popular 11 Spring is lwl-v, and Patrons of the Canadian Nol-Lhurn Rnilu‘ny will find I'G‘NPWPd plmsm-ein the Umnpnrl nmnt- Lihmu-y-Ohservulion cars on all Its Transconlilwntul trains. which not only allow the Pussengvl'loguln the full bone-fit of Ihe \vomlmful scene! y along the route, but ulm to take advantage of the many new Comfort fPuunes which have created SO much fav:.1-.ll)lc comment :unong cross 'l'he Svnim' High Schoul Enh-nnve} “"1’39 K (:omnwncoson June 12th and (minimum h'"“"’ to Junk- let. Modal Entrance :md 130R Smnur Public Schnul cnnnnvncvs the: . hr“ Same day and ends thv day before. a 1” CHIN“ The Lawn School Exam. fur En-r 5mm“ " trance intn Nu rmul School and Facul- (“lit ‘1“ UPS of Ediu-utinn cnmnwnces Jum- 14th MFIJIY 0 and clusps Lhe 20th of June. ‘ 5 Thv Exam. furEnglish-Frem'h Model 1 OP ] Entrance Commences June 15!!) and E AL (:luses Junu 25m. 1 u :n -4 tn 20th, and the Middle 5 trance iutn Nvl'mnl will «on June 19H) until HI? 29111. The Svnim' High Schuul (:ommencvson June 12th nut to Junt- let. Mndt‘l Ent Svniur Public Schnul cnmn same day and ends [hp dle Auction Services The annual Upper Schrml Scllrml En- tmace Examination inn) [Wu-llllim (If Education will cuntimw from June Tlh tn 29th. and the Middle Sulluhl Eur trance into Nul'nml will continue from land. sitlmtz lv nf Th Dnughu Anwrirm cunntl-y cunva 27H The“: was :1 \‘m-v l unthis the first prnclh hm lho officers are l;‘.( a, still heltvr shmving in};r to Lake up hnnd w inf: 1m HM Th9 annu-r Hill Bde W Inst Mrmdn E”th 7111’ mus h. till “ll ry trawllexs magazine a 1h L Auction. I CAN DO 11‘. w :n the office 0f Dr. J. H. «m. lslwrinlize in Farm and (‘d Shitk Sales. Th! lblw and [In. (I fun-11‘ d Rum“; 'Sliuvl' the instrument lH‘I'S. While vshmpnls m [h estate at S 'd inlu :1 cu nded AIIH‘I ms <15 of :1 Real Travei Comfort kin; ,(ms Ym k puppr rvpnns that, Mrs. Jung'sth of NHL City, furmvr- rnhill. who is presidvnt of the .5 Hf lhv British Empire mt hu< (.IY'med hm- $100,000 Electric lighting and s'tart- ' ing sys tem. Selective sliding gear transmission, 3 speeds forward and reverse. Staunch frame. New front and rear spring brackets. srons. New accelerator foot rest. Oil indicator light equip- ment. ' Ample road clearance. Cantilever Springs. Improved Upholstery. Mohair top. N on-skid tires on wheels. rear THE CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED OSHAVJA, - - ONTARIO WESTERN SERVICE AND L‘.‘‘rm: BRANCH: REGINA. SASK. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Valve-imbead motor. New front spring suspen- “Riga A Generous Offer Hm Him ikt-Iy [u g up fut t w The Band School Exams. uH'med hm- $100,0UO at Stcny Brook tn hp :1 Cnnvulescnnt hospital hnmican “fibers. The of :1 mnnur hunsv (If 13 w- CUHngi‘S uf ll mums nnds (:unsisL of 21 HCI'PS l. and 18301-09 0f Wond- H] m1 ho 1d \\' I til d work are " llundny b‘lan mrlv Hg 01'th R in [he Bax nf urtirles the fmget or over- the trip such as news. etc.. are a tasty tons, and [v be ohluined test And ling desks libm l'V Hunu 2TH e of the king for Ietcnlfo S. Sims (’d Bennett nd attendance \led a: ‘. wuulv H's snh'. With the: Lhe season. forward to SUNS wish- r-e cmdially _v night at md ntfi fusinr-ss [ken ichmond 1d Room mrenu must )ys with llel-s‘ the of YONG E STREET SHGE REPAIRING OR SALE~Sever+ll hundred bus. uf O.A.U.Nn.72 (mts‘. grown from registeth seed. Price $1.10 per bus. Apply I).& F. Rumble, hnx 63. Rich mtmd Hill. Phone 1849 Maple ex- change. 35 8 HITE \VYANDOTTES. 256-egg strain: eggs $1 per 15. Flt-nest ()asely, R.R.Nu.1. Unionvillv. Out. 44 ACRE FARM FOR SALEâ€" Lot 18. (30m. 2, Marklmm. Gum) brick house. first-class nut build- ings. “‘91.! dxninPd and fenced; plenty of good water, fruit Knees of all kinds, tlw pm‘nrwl‘ty of Mrs. John Hurt. Rmh- lmmd Hill P. O. 35ml. fAN‘l‘ElLâ€"Smavt girl for yrs-new] \\I housework, highest \Vugws p1id, gum] h'nnw. l(‘f(‘l‘PnI:z-'\‘ requhw-‘I. An- piy 87 Alvxunrhn Blvd. Stop 19. Ablrnpnfitun (731'. 37-4 OR SALEâ€"Solid l‘n ick house, with electric light and fixtures and llmdm'l) cmweuiencos. Large Int 5% 22!! foot, hum-h St. Richmond Hi”. A hmgnin. N. McKenzie. 39-£,f. $10 per ton. Applv Jnhllr Durham, Cl'uigmm-v. Bond LuL "KP. Mu. dwsignvd cht Pl 0P BI’GGY. nearly new, {85518 Also two light one-lmrse Wncznns “ill sell cheap. Leonard Clelwnt phone 319 Maple. Tlr) .' 130R RENTâ€"At Richmond Hi” brick seven roamed house, ‘ in crllar, hard and soft waten fur stable and fuva hmtso. i: acre of suuue and rum hmlso. 1; acre of land il'uit trees. House in best of repair-s apply me-r 843 Shaw SL. Torontn. M \V “:31? Bring your [mats and sh um, and I will guarantee faction. it‘ll- lm‘ a m1 is p111 hilt-(I $1 put Hill. DiCNEY {.{ngt rrpa i [i ng The underswned has taken the h shup formerly (rcuupied by F. A. F1~unk1in,inthe lh nhivnN , , , .......... , Inlthmum. innluding pnurm. «1min P. otc.. will 5w l-vceired by thr- lm rsignvd up tn Saturday. April H msund specifications may ht“ sem y Lime :lL my residence: .1. A acne. phune 40. Richmond Hill. 4( lugh‘m ‘Iph‘. 01g SALEâ€"Seed 0m Lfirne Block In (.t' w”; k ENDERS f: IV] anmm; Illt/ .' Id lmih xl hnnn OP BUGG DOD GIRL \VANTED IH'I‘I‘] \VAVERLEY Se pninlud, in f H. Richards SHEEP AND LAMBS Apply to .Inhn Hill . Ilirhnu'md Hill. M rs VVant Ads. M FOR SA LI L. WADE by H) ‘dnesduy fort-I lb The Liberal nr hunts and shoes to I will guarantee satis- FUR SALEâ€"1’ hf 8.0. \Vhito fine Anshuli pared to do first-class in one DP )L'NG ‘x' saln Hurry Ownel ulurs. Hill ink Sims d or feed. Also hurses. 21300 lbs Also an Olive} u-new. ILB. N Y, Inhlwr lire. m in first class under. hill, in LOANâ€"On firs ‘11) property. ' Liuhnmnd Hill. with: An L Lon 'm-onu )lls‘ lh Btu-n, plum! RICHMOND HILL PIGS. fiv (Illt‘S mgstuff Richnmnd mum. Am lot lct. cnmpnsil culnplcte sot tiring yle, Richmnnd 40 2 ()I‘fi A limited num Leghm n egg: um insh'uctrd ry lwsL f-ums md AH‘AH‘H {he 30, c phum .4 [ho HEGHLAND LAKE FARMS Apply to 40 «L April II 41) ‘I‘ (Turn .“L’Nnh'. Au lll) rinCe (1min “I l mm t- Apply mu. 30 Hill J‘.) \\ l\' mi: HI 1!) x-iu 41) t FOUR NENETY Ill (ll N. J. Glass " Lorne Block g 9699699960ooeoooeoo9009690099oceooooooooeoooooooo¢c¢o “WMNWOWOwwmwé. g :E%i(slnnond Iii“ li‘urnishing‘ Store 3; SM: our Spring: SL4 Ck of Mars, Shiris 21ml Ticsuflim :M‘h‘c Hum um? \Vlllld’s I‘m lhs. Junit ln-ukhm- l0 “1’ is fur S. prices (:1) e [inn and Ueumdi in Canada. ()111' :13331-1!) sun (If Hvrd Ril‘t‘, AVONDALE MAY EUHU SYLVIA. the The new Lung ISmml Shirts for grounds, in black, blue and helio French Cuff styles from $1.00 to "'w m ‘17 p. 51 IO H. ur Spring: 3m ck ulues excellent. -new ideas, ne i511 and America 1ew Lung: Bran man Pies in the newest Spring pat will find FD Hysun just right rIhe Place for Satisfaction Dealing in all lines of Merchandise v‘," u. gnu \IL ’10 SYLVIA. the \x-nld’s best record cmv fur milk produc- alludiull Recmd for Imam. 41 “N. Only one (vther 4l-lb. bull ()m- hvrd nt' nne hundme incIudes nezuly fifty daughters of MI] nf the grvnt KING SEGIS. lumhel- Ln the sires of three :md cowsâ€"umluro 50.133. Hr. 4-yr.-0]d 46.84. Jr. Lyn-01d 40.32 :1- held sin-u KING SICUIS PONTIAC: CANADA, :1 half AVONDA LE PONTIAC ECHO. out of ix 30 lbs. Segis cow. «It». If this cmuhimltinn uf hl'veding interests you, write for ilher' Illilll'S or femulm. FARM AT STOP {)5 Yuma ST. Run“ llv . Burnaby E Jefferson, Ont. Indie-3’ Summer queninn V or Short SlceVr. Atkinson & Switzer \Vulnen's fin.“ white cotton Underwear. I mems and Shirts all nicely trimmed withl md In :111 things suilul :1 good selectiun. CONCRETE Hi‘PUSE Tuke( ilnzl' m Mith Suit 1ints,in white Ike Twls PERCY C. HILI ream-s 36 inches wid & M PLE Agency for House of Hobbez-Ein STORE ULOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY W colors «31 Hand ‘ranned Fish â€"FÂ¥;U'din mm Fish and Uvumw “unrivaâ€" ’ud-lmzs in narrow stx ip< PONTIAC EUH O (nude! ’ hnv hulk 1nd all 501 a, from SIC SOLD LOCALLY BY n will find UK (Alleut 01d. Snappy )llll \Vuite Repp HIE Spring; fine Kim ll] 1nd dark colors. $595 Lh Xll ests and Drawers, n 1nd checks. Tiesâ€"the styles right and [HI RA 1)] A [ Pique, Dr“ and materials mndered : 1nd in . etc. apesâ€"in l\'OI had»; at 500 and Japan Sifted t1 ado age). a. son of 1nd Unmet ace (\1‘ on light ‘ double the best

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