JOHN FISHER & GO. LGmsdwn Bldg.. 6 Adelaide E.. Tux-onto Farms and Ununuv Humus For Sale Western Canada needs Thousands of Men for Spring Seeding CANADIAN NORTEE Chairman. Enginum'lo R. \V. PHILLI PS. SE’I'I'Ptaly, 57 Adelaide Street, East. Tm March 23rd. 1917, PUBLEC NOTICE T. FOSTER Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat, Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sale Also I ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taKen for Red Clay Pressed Brick We have the 1).L. 86 W. Scranton Hard Coal and Kennel Coal "N one better“ Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ‘KES‘DENCB. RICHMOND HILL Pruneï¬ies Wanied W. HEWiSON Sand, Gravel. Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale: Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Dwelling house with one to three acres land convenient to el- ecbnc car line. For Tickets and Information ap- ply to J. Galbraith,station‘ agent, or write R. L. Fairbairn, Gener- al Passenger Agent, 58 King St. _Fifty 210193 with or without buxldings wanted, on m- cluse to Yonge Street. E, Toronto Puhiic Attentiun Steady employment Low fares in effect. T. COUSINS good wa ges Engineer to Board. E. A. J ARIES. 1nd 6 Manager Maple 383 Willowdale Buiiders’ Suppï¬g €01; ll. Nicholls REAL ESTATE 1*‘(') E{ lugs. One half-391?. with lwmly new frame huuse, eight, moms, furnace, etc., larger unthuild- iugs, good orchard. num- chm-ch and school. on the 4th (:unce sion uf Markham. An improved three~acre lot, on Mill Street, Rivhmnnd Hill. zIL a x-ezlsnnnblu ï¬guw. Sunn- lu-nutifnl lmilding lots on Richmond and \Vl'igilt, sls‘. \Vurth the money Solid [nick house on Uhnu-h street, south. Ilnmeditte p05- sessinn. Alum-gain. 100 acre h'tm, hri' and uthol Sls huu nice sun Sen and A tidy little home on Rit mnnd St.. a short. distance 1'11 Ylmge. A nice spot fur pt sun with umdvrnte mezu 1i( Lime- Hard \Vall Flaste Fire Brick Plaster Boards Plaster Paris Mortar Colors Etc MONEY TO LOAN. AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE Overseas Envelopes “1L. ert hist m Richmond in Village. ] u~ly new 3, with 01‘ mchurd, ML. Lot 1‘ H. MCKENZIE, \YILLOWDAIJi, ONTARIO, W. ll] Itel on End house, ï¬rst-elm hri [\nnds duuhl rice easy. : house. hen :19. of land. mds neatly uuhle front,- und Centre ‘ossossion at Inn. Max-k new Inn-n ; untlmild Har, ‘hm’d 20 to 25 miles on a gallon of gaso- line is an every-day occurrence. 33 miles is frequently reported by Ford owners. Yearly repair expenses of less than one dollar are not unusual. The car is light in weight, and tires give more mileage on a Ford than on any other car. You can buy a Ford for yourself and one for your wife for the prxce nmu ns Ill Em ES Ford Mater Company of Canada, Limited, HE average man can easily afford a Ford car. It 15 the most inexpensive car to drive. ! ii; Also Flour and Service was held in the church or: Gnnd Friday fore in St, Stephen’s church In noun. The concert in nix] If t Library was fairly “TH-HUG“ -‘I gond prugruumw \Vns‘ gnu tulent. The pun-weds mm about $20. Thu Library is in pupulurity. Miss Queenie Ul'nssh'y vi spent, the week-cud at, M Suigeon’s. 0n \Vednvsdnv nf Inst w Dplln (Hudys \Vnde and Mr Edward Forhen 1- were Inn: lie ’1‘. M. anh at 5'. Cumin-x1: Tornnto. They were attend and Mrs. \V. (I. Mnnkumn. trip Ln Buï¬nlu, thyl'I-Illl'le whme thvv will reside. The F. on Mund %MQï¬mÂ¥ Thou. unnivex Auxilia Sunday plead†éd hy thechnix ed to $48.50. Mr. \‘isi t ed Mvsu-s ISUDS 1' {e ll‘V M pwm [h ree Uut: Tornntt unplu. B. MCLOH k “LU nde Yul-onto 0r Ansley hf ’1‘ Sunday mn vemng April 10. and nudges in- Sussiun fl‘lllll July 31d. mums. Nn waste time. Jutnlngue. \Vl‘iteShzlw’s mto, 393-7 Ynnge Shoot. bewcr Weeping ‘od attendance : ices of the \Vu Methodist Chul Rev. H. S. Lo‘ iul musm The wife} APLE Ovm TOO Fu.d Service S:ati(ns in Car Ill n Sm \ If the l H-nttended SI_ 1 \t Llu the Matlmdlst yfm'e-mmn and h m the after. ement r Pipe g Tile Feed Immmte is inert 119M M1 led by AH lth‘l ir hnme BEES 4: Mi Thom by Re 1 Maple Ins am 314) [hr render: mount- lt'the uh] ic and Mix m [SS tr) 12' WVIâ€"lOLESKLE AND RETAIL FLORIST RICHMOND HILL BRANCH L. E. HAND, EsT'D 1873 GREENHOUSES RICHMOND HILL Sumo Ava. three Only one 10“fo on Church St.. 80 ft. front, by 160 ft. deep, gravel road entrance to gru-ngv. Ornamental and fruit, trees. This is :1 rare choice to secure a beautiful place for a new home R( Plume of one car at $1000. You can run both Fords at about the same expense as for one larger, heavier car. (30 and take a lide 1n the 19:7 Inodel. Seeluuvcouï¬oruufleiti& And Myheh tooâ€"~Mream Hne eflbct,tapered hood, crown fonders, beauï¬ful ï¬nish. \ou need one for business, Your wife and Chfldren need one for [fleasure and health. ENHOUSES AN D OFF‘ICF its chuicelnts (m ChmchSt., Baker Ave. and Roseview hme discount for cash, or $1.00 per foot down anu to ï¬ve year agreement. rs tastefully arranged for Weddings, funerals, etc and Cal-nations eRichmond Hill, or nigth and Sundays Belmont You can always sell a “used†Ford good price. You have to accept a ‘efuction for a “used†larger car. LAWRENCE %E%%§ Ifloney Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 LAWRENCE. nigth and Sundays Belmont 989, City OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Ford, Ontario ROSELA‘V AVE. TORONTO THE RICH M 0ND H 1 LL. ONT. Manager