Increase Your Yield Use Seeds With a Reputation Clover “TIGER†No. 1 Government Standard, specially selected from clean farms and reeleaned for seed stock. “LION†No. 1 Government Standard, worthy of your consideration. Timothy - “ERMINE†N0. 2, Purity No. 1, specially select- ed for purity and high germination. The market has no better value to offer. These Seeds are from the Steele. Briggs Seed Co., .wlriclr insures their quality. Call now. G. A. McDonald 8: Son “He Proï¬ts Most Who Scrch Best" Richmond iii-ll Annex For Sale on Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northe'ri Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. FOR FURTHER INFORMA'IION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE; J. T. LOCKS 8' C0, Richmond Hill l) Adelaide St. E." Toronto J A: C , , _ , _ , , W ‘ :‘Vft‘lml‘ik ’ Y???“ T. ' v? \canaï¬â€˜t \w AVING SECURED THE AGENCY for the Celebrated Empire Wall Paper Company, Toronto, we are prepared to show samples of paper nevcr'seen before and for less money than can he purchased anywhere in Toronto. These are the patent. self-trimmed papersâ€"no trimming to do which saves much timeâ€"and are edged to the 1000 part of an inch, which makes matching easy and will aid in people doing their own papering. See our samples. take the size of your room. and we will see you have no waste. Wall, ceiling and borders all to match. Ask to see our Sample Book, take it home and look them over, and all the family will be pleased to have said they helped to select this paper. . . . . . . Made in: Canada WALL P. G. Savage a Son Sole agents for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Fire. Lit‘e, Accident, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance (<erer M ' : savanna ’ PRING and the bright sunshinv-days are here. Do your floors and furniture show the radiance you desire? The O-Cedar Polish Iâ€" woodwork and furniture that glistening ï¬nish so pleasing and tasteful. Your investment in an O-Ccdar Polish Mop is permanent as it will last for years. Simply wash it in boiling water and soap suds, let stand in O‘Cedar Polish over night, it is then good as new. Fully guaranteed. Prices $1.25 and $1.50. One ofthe best things about O-Cedar Polish is the ease with which it produces a high; lasting lustre. Very little rubbing is necessary. This advantage appeals strongly to housewives as it saves their strength in applying. Ideal for polishing or dusting. A size for every need, from 25c to $1.25. We also have Liquid Veneerâ€"makes old things newâ€"in sizes at 25c, 500 and $1. Others have proven their worth. Call today and get yours. Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Norman Batty Phone 18 l. Mop and O-Cedar Polish will give your floors, ' [Railii :iy Board for redress. i if I mand from business firms for our , . , __, , , -. ‘ ,..,_.A Presbvterian Church l Stirai‘ay. April 23nd, the minister will preach at both St‘l'\ll'1‘$‘. iii the llltll'lllllL;‘ on "The I’rovidonco of God" in the l vi-iring oii “Silent Influencesâ€. The Young l’valo‘s Society Thurs- ‘ d iy. I lit) p.irr. "'I‘lio Lift- of Moses,"‘ l .‘.lr. Frank Atkinson. 'I‘lri- Young “'omi-ir‘s Mission Baird illlt‘l‘l I-‘ridav. lp.ui. at Miss Marjoriel .‘Iiilylt“.\'. i 'I'nosd-iy :i sociali-vi'ning was hold 1 in tho Church to gi\ e llii- iriorirlri‘is an opportunity to my goodlryi- to \Ii'._ illltl ,\lis. \\'. (i. Si'ott. Mr. Scott and his lumin have won many trii'ndsi dining llri-ir stay here. in tact. [hi-y sr'i-iri to li:r\i- \voii tlro ('\‘i('t‘lll and lrii-iidship of t‘\t‘l‘_\‘(lllt‘ who knowi illl'lil. Kind things \Vt-ri- said by Ili. l’i-ntland on holmlt’ of the Session and ‘ by Mr. Durham and Mr. Matt. on Iro-I half of the .\I nudging Hoard. The, l Ricmioxr) HILL. ONT., Arim. 19. 1917 l See Production Adv. istyle, for 2 to I yrs, ear-h Title: women's r-lroir proscirlod .\Ir-si Scott with a cut glass lri-rry howl and \\'ill Hrott with i! silvi-r thermometer ('dSt‘. Thu" 1 \\‘irrrri‘rr‘s Missioriai y Sol-ii-ty prosorrt- i'll Mrs. Srott with an addri-ss and :1, life nit-inhoisliip. The Scott family oiii- and all :iii- the kind who spri-ail (‘llt‘l'l‘ and ('iurr'zigi‘ in tho Inuit-ls of‘ tin-ii. :ind stir-rigilri‘n our faith in both, man and (ind. ‘ __~-¢’ Asking for 2 Cent Rare l l At the last meeting of lllt‘ Kingi Township (‘voiiiit'il the following re-i solution was passi'dzâ€" l MeUaIrvâ€"Karike-A\\'liereas in view,‘ of the fact that [hero is a Law upon the Statutes of Ontario compellingr all , lili-(‘tric Railways to ('.'|I'I y passengers at tho rato of Two (‘rrits pirr mile. and \Vht-ri-as the Stilroirrlwrg and Aurora Eli-etri: Railway are now charging Three (Ii-tits per mile, he it Resolved that this Council request the tininage-l merit. of the said Company to regulati- tho fares for carrying passengers in , i-orrfoririity with the Statutes of Out- .‘llIir hy MaV I3th. 1917- Further he it; Resolvi-d should the said Railway thriiiprriiy not ('lilllIlIV With the Hinâ€" luti-s liy May 15th that this (louiicil will iirrrriediati-lyappeal to the Ontario It Pays to Get the Best ELLIOTT Maw/M \ l i Yoiige and (‘harles Sis, Toronto. i should not be compared with a great many I'llslllt‘SS collogcs of this counâ€" try. It oerupii-s a far higher level and does far hotter work. This is one reason for the enormous do- gradualcs. Many business colleges apply to us for teachers. Right now is an excellent time to enter. Open all year. Catalogue free; w. J. ELLIOTT â€" . PRINCIPAL Don‘t forget, that the High School Alumnae .»\.ssoi:iation invite you ‘to ~their I’i'ogitssivi- I‘Iucliri‘ in Rohin- son's Ilzill on \Vi-(lnosday evening. April 23. :rt H Ult‘llrt'k sharp. 'I‘n‘ki‘ls fill rents. I’rocwds to assist in tho .irrainli-inint-o of two lit-ils in tho Dut'li- less ofthurrraught‘s(‘anadian Iit‘tl (floss Hospital at L‘livedeii. on page ti. (‘lrildri'n‘s print aprons, kinrorni light print aprons. with or without l‘rllr. two styles. with 35m lawn It‘ll aprons with trill oi "J in. tllllllt Itli'l_\'. t‘zU'll 23v: whiti- \‘4‘t‘l'\lli'l\t'l‘. \Vltlt‘. forunderwear,:1 yd. Z‘li'; lri»_\"s \rirsiiy Cups, (l'ItII' Illrlt‘k‘ Iiï¬i‘; uri- hli-rri'lrt-d Il'tlll towels si/o I‘Jv'iti iii _ ', . w ' H i. - ‘-p“"l ‘\'I’l)Si ouch liar: clrrldr-vn .s t‘l‘lSt'l \\'.rists.i-oiil~ ("t (“MIMI ldm 55â€] (n h I O \t ed. In ices 35C. 2%: and SW: men‘s lioavv The Lilwm} 0mm". 1.†mm" A mil?â€- LIIi'V ijiltlorr socks \\'lllLl‘ iii-ids and I [mums [hug mmwsw‘l “w “M I†“it ' ' to go astray. .r. - w: ill. â€"~~ 7 -oc»â€"â€"~' loos. a pair Itilf.<wr\ll\vlll\l‘ll i\' ï¬win-r. L l l l l I ’. one A L,» » ii" 3 essences i0 CW 5% with cheap, nnrelia'dc drugs. don’t keep that kind <32 V~ . Oar Reputation s y hacked liv iirore than a quarter ot' a century's rxperrerrce. is 'H,‘llll’l<l every ounce of drugs, we sell. a / ~«* . ~- Gar corset creams and Powders A) are pure, rctroshrng and reliable. Lsc them \I for Winter's Wind and Summer's Sunâ€"you will appreciate the difference. In N, Sloan’s Drug $IOT€ s _ -‘ ~ Smut in Grain Decreases Yield M -4 In ISJIS we had one of the worst. outlrreaks of Slllnt in the I’ro\ IllCl‘. history of (111‘ The liss has Iri'er'i cstiriiirtud :it 8‘5J0thtltltl. A grout irrriiiy liar-irrois treated their seed grain in lillti and it is just as necessary in IQIT TREAT TOUR SEED FOR SMIIT m.“â€" The method usually adopted is as follows :â€")Iix one pint of formalin with It) gallons of water, or :3 talrli'spoonfnls to I pail of \Viltl'l'. l’laee tlrcgr'aiii to he treated in a heap on (‘ll'i'lll canvass or floor. Sprinkle the formalin sivliilioiiovvrthe grain, their shovel. Hopi-at this until every grain is \_ moistened lry the solution: lIIt‘Il rover-tho pilo with \l'lt'ls'lng and leave for â€"_â€" 3 or 4 hours. At the (‘Il(I of this time sprt'ail the grain rut thinly to dry: sliovclliirg,r it ()\'('1‘ three or four times will hasten tho drying. One pint of formalin in solution is sufficient, to sprinkle thirty ort'oily lrirslielsoftriain, smalls-r amounts in proportion. Ititlllt‘I‘Sltlg the grain in El Ilrlg is some- times practised and is ((prrilly eli'oidii-o. Those requiring further information apply to U. S'I‘EIYKIJ‘IY I)isti ii-t Representative Newriiarket SIR \VM. HEARST .l. Minister of Agr icultiiic Toronto l "â€"" 7’1... , . .. ._.__. ‘ kg ; I -, ,‘V lint hlfluuumli The Mc'Ls-r" FUR 5A LE BY ’1me appropriate phrase more th by performance. McLaughlin builders have won today’s undisputed leader- ship on a Big Ideaâ€"a right principle, rightly applied, the tenuous McLaughlin Valv But McLaughlin science, skill and building honesty, is ever ready to make that “better†automobile can he built. The constant aim toward the greater service is the way McLaughlin builders prove their appreciation of Canada’s endorsement. I Send for new Catalogue “A†showing complete line to 0 (The McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR CO, Limited, vhlin Series include and “I cylinder car's Sedan types, ranging in price from $895. to $2350. YONG E ST R EET \ so" aur- ~- is more than a working motto, sloganâ€"it is a promise hack: an n siirrin 0‘ D -in-Heaci Motor. whenever it OSHAWA. ONTARIO. -.§: MODEL D-4S SMCiAL. 6 CYLINDER. a PASSENGER Touniflc CAR. in Touring, Roadster and D. HILL & CO. RICHMOND HILL r Standard '- Clan" ’ l' “'i i‘l' ' r l