Aï¬nrge stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada. Exam-k Dentnn, K. (I. John Irwin Gruver . Arthur A. Mucdmmld Harry D. Anger Tel. M. 3631 Dentgnyuhï¬rqver &- .Field A- Emma. “Mawaughton P__IANO TUNING For the County ofri’Jr-lz.“ SATISFACTION GUARANTEE). LASKAY P, O, ONT! BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Tot-unto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Wuodlwidqe, Saturday fox-enoon. Mone Ric-luncnd Hill Calls by phone or otherwise prompth wspvrnded to“. Undm‘tnkers k Embalmors. mam. CAMPBELL, Patronage solicited Toruntn Rd. Phone Belmont 1347 1nd. Phone LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR- COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Schial attention given to sales 0t every duscription. Farms and farm stock sales a specialtv. Fax-ms bunght and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and Conâ€" ducted by the mnstapproved methods. 415 Balliol St. J. H. PRENTICE All mail orders will receive 51101;an attention. I 200 BERESF‘ORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Phone or mail we attended to. c, , , , BARRISTER. SOLICITOR NOTARY 621-2 Traders Bank Bldg. Yonge & Colhm'ne SL5. TORONTO Nuughton Bluck, Aurora, Thursdays Telephone Residence Main 3MB Main 44. 4 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VES'R Maple King _ Licensed Auctioneers for the Ummtynf York. Sales attended to on shortest, notice, and at reasnnuhle rates. Patronage suliuitled [31:11.0 J. T. SAIGEON ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. goï¬n I7. 9avidson J. IIUI‘I 1C LICENSED AUCTIONEER Organs'flopaiyed. Expoit Work Bar'risters. Snlictors. &c] VOL.XXXIX JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 161 per annum, in advance.] WRIGHT BROS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK TEACHER 0F ano and V7051 CONVEYANCING to Loan at Current; Rates mail messages promptly d to. PHONE 1421 )THORNHILL Nallg‘hton C- WAIKING TON T. E. BOYNTON M. I )(rvor ONTAR I O Gorullqy If you cannot possibly get out to Sunday School the Sunday School people, who do all their work without getting any money for it, have another idea. CI: The Sunday School people wish you to come along with them to help to study the Bibi». BuLh the Teacher and theSuperintendent will be pleased to see you. SO A B 0 stands fur Adnlr Rihln what a Bible Glass is fur. A stands for ADULT. I am writing to gz‘mvnâ€"ups WhUdO not, go to Sunday Scbonl. Most sensihle pimple iegret,l that they did not have u. better chance i to get an educatiun when they Were l young. They had in leave sulmnl tun early. Very well; l)91(:‘ is a schnul you mav g0 tn. Itinoets every Sunday. The Teacher is the living spirit. of Gad. and [hf-re is none to comp;er with Him. But, He has an able zissismlit I who is a. man like yourself and he will l help smnewlmt. l C stands for CLASS: We have been talking about lift‘; and so we must reummlwx' that no man livoch unto himself. You will have to take ac- truut of the. OTHER MAN if you. an: really to live. And if you wish to proï¬t greatly by the study of lhe Bibleyuu muststudy it alone, meditate upon it, think it oval and mer, to be sure; and you must, also hear the OTHER. MAN’S ideas about it.â€"â€"l)ecmise it» is intended to teach you to live with him, and him to live with you. In fact you had better study your lesson well at, homenml than go {081m- day School and hear what Lhe CLASS has to say. Religion is :L Suclul thing and you will get something to the point if you go the CLASS. You see whut a Bible Glass is for. My friend, if you wish to “make good" in the lwst sense. read the Bible and read it again and think about, it a great deal and letlt sink into your heart. In is God's book, and it has so much life in it that nothing can kill it. And if vou will give it a chance it will make you live well and it, will make you live for ever. it, has words of eternal life. l’eople loved it in those old daysâ€" wlmb there was of itâ€"â€"becnuse it help- ed them Lu live, and have something to show for having lived: “He shall he like a tree planted by the livers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his seusnn: his leaf also shall not withex; and whatsoever he doeth shall shill pl: spey". The Bible is the supreme hunk of all time. \Vhen it was much smaller than it. is today the Psalmist, who was H. [mm of God. delighted in it. Yul] “my read (If this in the ï¬rst Psalm: “His delight is in the law of Lnl'd". Sn it-is plain that even when the Bihle had In) New Testament. and when the P$‘lllll$ which people love to read nmv-H-duys were not in it, it was a joy to those whn studied it and they never tired of reading it and thinking about. it. It is just/ the same yet,“ Those who read itmnst like it best: “and in his law doth he meditate day and nighL". People loved it in those old daysâ€" wlmt there was of itâ€"â€"hecnuse it help- ed them Lulire. and have crmmHn-m lSS. \tht do thesv If B stands fru' BIBLE. fore u very great 1‘ ought to be put ï¬rst. By L11 \tht d MN THRGUGH TICKETS TOALLPOENTS ,N WESTERN CANADA and the PACIFEC CGAST To obtain the lowest {are and the most convenient routing Station Agem, or write R. L. Fairbairn. General } VlA CANADIAN NORTHERN RICHMOND HILL. ONT do the-so letters stand for? :fnr BIBLE. and B is, there- erv great: batter; perhaps it be put ï¬rst, thus: 8. A. G. D . B. C. and H. D. stands for Adult Bible Inhn nhn J. Ferguson, B.A. nium‘ill‘o. In Essentialc, Unity; in Electric Lighted and Comfortabiy Equipped Trains writing Sunday Iegl'et, 'chnnce RESTDE HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Momlav night Mr. Fm-hpar nf Maple made a humness call at Mr. Nlchnlls, leaving his horse and hnggyin the side emu-anon. untisd. Thn horse hacked out, and started northward (In the nanow Sidexulk. The hm‘se (lashed between balcony pnsts and maple ‘trevs, 1953 than six feet apart, and never left the pavement until it reach- ed Skee-le’s gmcex-y whvre it was caught by \V. Cmnisky and T. Allisnn, and retmned [0 its owner, without a scratch to animal 01* VL'thle. the H. D. mc lulu “ring you mm (103% touch with the eternal \vm-d. wf God. which liveth and nlï¬dt-th fnl'L‘Vé‘l‘. if you shnuld join the A. B. G. If you can- nnt do that than jmn the H. 1). Some of your friends will be :lruund to 36-9, you about Itnn Sunday, May 20. Think about it. pmy ulmut it. and maybe it will seem to ynu right and \Vl‘ise and gond to join the A. B. U. or Do you nut think it would In thing and add a new interest- 1 life and bring you into (-Insnr with the eternal wm-d. wf God. liveth and nlï¬dt-th fnl'L‘Vé‘l‘. shnuld join the A. B. (7, If w te R. L. Fairbairn, Generai Passenger Dept 68 King St. E., Toronto SUN LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA They none (57 Life is Uncertain Particulars as to rates (Phone or write) Protect your family 1)) taking out a policy i: ENCE. RICHMOND HILLI A Sidewalk Horse Dist Non-Essentials, Liberty; in ...THURSDAY, APRIL ‘26. 1917 AI. T15 the H. D. Yuu may hr :4! Y 501100! too by Home Depart,- Sclmnl. Some school building be invullds m- uway. or some- S etc. a fine your touch The [“ill'l'll’lâ€˜ï¬ uf [his \‘it-inily llk'ld a meeting on Humid-my m‘vning la<L at the '17PInpm'zuutu Ilnusv, Mapln. [u cruisidel- organizing a Fax-mots Clul“. Mr. Thus. Kel‘frr. swx-vlary nf [he Edgelvy branch uf the U. F. 0. Was selected as chairman fur (luv. meeting. Mr. Mnrrisnn nf Tnmntu. secretary of tho United Farmers ut' Ontario. was present and gave a \‘t‘l'Y intern-sting address showing plainly tn the large nnnilwr [)3‘(’St’HL [he nPcesw'ly nt‘ organization among the agriculllu-ists from the View pnints cmnmerically and politically. and how the farmers of tn-day areawakening up and realize the situation which mum-ants them. At the close of the meeting a Farmer's Club was organizle to he knmvn as the Maple branch nf Llw United Farm- crs of Ontario. Mr. \V. T. Cook was elected secrctmv. Mathewson, Frances Jnhnsma.l va, Jvmn Luhnmn. Munâ€. Uuu A. I’ximerâ€"Bmt. Muthewsmx. niolyn Burk. Irle Jm‘ws. Dell Howard Muth-Wsnn, .‘vlunay D: Lluyd Annis, Jessie Mchn, Marâ€"Lin, Min-my MnHoy. E. M. Mc‘nhmn is» Tm. Sr. I.â€"â€"L:Iel Lzuner, \Vm Gladys Chapman. Ruth F1 Junes, GIHCB Mnnrgmnmy. Sun, Ruth Bullock, Vialn B} once Line, Azaln Fiu'he Sr. P an'mun liumhln, School report fur Maul). Names in order of merit. Jr. [Inâ€"Gilbert Mathewwn, Rupert Jackson, Gordon Line, Lester Pilsm1. Joyce Annis. Dun-is Lin». \Vinnie Mc- Donald, Aberdeen ()uumhell, John Beck, Orland Dmvnwy, erliv Bock. Verna Line. Ruth Rmhinsun‘ Knlhievn McMahon. nosdny nflr‘l‘nmm. All “the “flicst were x'u-clvctvd fm the ensuing your. The funeral (If the late Laura Fisher daughter of the late Dzn'id Fiaher 0f Concmd took place hero from Toronto on Tuesday. mediate Iolutivus. After th breakfast the bride and gum 9d fur their [mum in \VesL H The \Vumen's Misginnzn'; hold itsnnnuul meeting for Ll of ofï¬cers, alt. the Parsonage nosdny :lflm‘nmm. All Lh On “'t'dm‘st‘luy Hf Inst Wt‘e‘k Miss Etta A Richnnlvm “'il‘fnnll'l‘il‘d Ln Mr. K. E. Cnllins of \Vrst “Iâ€. The can-muny was pmfm'uxr‘d by Rev. 8. \V. [)qu ill-[ho prcsmu-u nf {hp im- Club HS ent that, A meeting of the Richmond Hill Tennis Club wille held in the High Srhool on Tuesday. May lst. at 8 p.m. All members ale urgenth requested to beprnsent.nlso;1ll who wish to join dr't' asked to be present that, evening, as lGHHJS will be drawn for tho tom nu- nmntnnd anyone wishing to play in same, must, have their membership tickets by that, date. Grounds have hevn secured and games will COXIHIIPNCC sholtlv. An invitation is also extend- ed to all people who wish to join the n. apply to Chas. Reld, 11H“)! l‘illlk’l'â€" Prunm Hz all things, Charity.†enin Tennis Notice rarm I. TS Mc‘inunie, Tmclwl MAPLE hm: ‘utl-ice M :13. Mch «hon. m wish Mcmhez “my. 1w inln Byam Fierhellvr. Club , Muplv. [n zu'mms Clul“. [m-y nf the ' F. 0. wws :lm meeting. the n‘y Societ! the denim {9 last \Ved Hill In the High st. at 8 {MIL requested to wish to join mt evening, 'the tounm- : to play in 7()lll Johnson, ,V, Arthur Irene Pil- \Lll SIMS nvney jwen Jones Eddy 01:11-- Juhn im- ld i ng p1 rt- \llfll‘ NE mn Hill ' Graduate Tnmntn Unllvge of Music in KINDERGARTEN MUSIC Music, Lundnn, En; will resume his classes a ‘ (Assur‘lnfe of [he Bowl! 1 "Hill on \Vcdnesday. Sep For terms and Pal'tlcul 25 Albany Avenue, '_ PO. Box Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Mr. Frank Converse Smith man'me OF THE VIOLIN RESIDENCE PIANIST 'l‘eaclwl (If Piano-Playing at, the Toluntn Conservatory of Music Organist and Choirmzister St. Paul‘s l’wshyteriuu Chluch, Toronto Cunductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a. limited number of pupils at his HnmeAsgudio, Richmond Hill “"ill he in Richmond Hill on Thursdays after September I. 1916 Addregs Nurdvimm- Building 20 lege St. Tm‘on! COMM] SSIONER. CONVE Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone out to order VOICE PRODUCTION AND SOLO SINGING Phone No. 23 CROWNS A'Nn BRIDc Oï¬ice Inmatod in Stal ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9 Hon. Gr: Dental Sm Richmond 4:36 Dr. C. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyancer ,6 Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Llcenses. Richmond Hill All infmumtk r: ull‘t‘t‘l’, HILL .'I r iohmona iâ€"iin L101? Mrs. F. H. Echlin . H. PINKERTON. V.S aluNEH. CONVEYAN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Box 23 . PHONE 1834 PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER m nond Hill' every Tuesday, and Fridav. NS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Inflated in Standard Bank Build. Ofï¬ce hours 930:1.m. to 5 p.m- EARLP; N E (J‘rmdnnte Royal Cnllege ISurgmms.anunln. will b( unln OFFICE AND RESIDENCE . David Dick Slater A. R. C. M. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC King. ()ut Nul'th Yonge IE. EIOIC‘Ven 39;: Son (In NSED AUCTIONEER THE COUNTY or YORK (Human and influence especlfully solicited m' [Single copies, 3 cts of [he , Lund‘ his cln dnesda‘ vs nt Ymrk, I: Phnnv (37 \V( PAINTER PA PERHANGER GRAINER, ETC. . LASHER Phone No H'( La Verne Pattison Hess Hill SHEPHERD lSSPS at 5'. Same S l" mu] Thm'nhill m furnished MAPLE, ONT 43703 Residence Phone 183 THORNHILL Street P. 0.:1fldress x'mley. R.R. 2 \VTON r Toronto and >9] and Slmcoe ancer ,etc ,‘hllogc of and) Richmond amhm‘ 13th rs apply manta H) Tn‘b'ronu N0. 4 (be at 44: 12